E22: Upgrade Your Health with Natural Solutions Part 2: Rest & Stress Management


E22: Upgrade Your Health with Natural Solutions Part 2: Rest & Stress Management

Part Two of Four
Discover how you can upgrade your Rest & Stress Management with Natural Solutions…

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Upgrade Your Health with Natural Solutions Series PART ONE: Nutrition & Exercise

[4:15] Aromatherapy

  • Uses

  • Essential Aromatics Collection

  • How I use dōTERRA's Aromatherapy Oils

[23:00] Emotional Well-Being

  • Different Oils have Different Benefits

  • How Essential Oils Support Healthy Emotions

  • Not all Essential Oils Are Created Equal

[32:20] Stress Management

  • Three Ways to Use Essential Oils for Emotional & Mental Health

    • Aromatically

    • Topically

    • Internally

[37:03] Sleep

  • Importance of Sleep

  • Sleep & Essential Oils

[38:40] Relaxing Bath Blends

[39:08] Meditation


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Val LaVigne Life - Rest & Stress Management
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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