E66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention


E66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention

Like a surfer riding the ocean waves. The surfer doesn’t control the wave, but they master the art of riding the wave. We too must master the art of our emotions and our intentions in life...

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[00:49] Living with Intention

[2:00] Navigating through life's currents, waves, and storms 

The power to choose

Free will

The greater reward = inner freedom + self-mastery 

Adjusting our expectations

Assessing the situations 

[4:18] Being Present

Cultivating a mindfulness practice
Mindfulness is the path to being present

Benefits of a consistent/regular mindfulness practice: 

  • Improving our ability to make better decisions; responding rationally and confidently

  • Helps us live a more conscious and intentional life

  • Supports us in establishing healthy relationships and maintaining them, since we’re able to give people our full/undivided attention

[6:22] Activities that Support Mindfulness 


Personal Development Books
BOOK: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 



Slowing Down; Breathing 

Living with Less; Simplifying
Episode #61: I Didn't Buy Clothes for a Year

[9:25] Self Study 

It's a from of self care
Embrace your uniqueness
Learn what's most important to you

[10:55] Your Purpose as a Journey

Your goals are the destinations along the way
Stay out of the comparison game

Episode #42: Redefine Success in Life & Business
Episode #46: Unapologetically Write Your Own List

[11:48] Giving Your Life Meaning & Purpose

Download the journalling questions using the yellow button! 


Download the FREE Self-Discovery Journalling Questions

Val LaVigne Life - Self Discovery Journal Questions
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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