E56: The Beginner's Guide to Manifesting


E56: The Beginner's Guide to Manifesting

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” - Albert Einstein

Five steps to getting exactly what you want!

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[00:31] What is Manifesting

[1:03] My Story: Manifesting My New SUV

[4:44] Clues & Signs from the Universe

[14:26] Step One: Observe Your Thoughts & Feelings 

  • Do I really want this deep down in my heart?

  • How will I benefit from having this?

  • When I think about having this, does it feel right?

  • How will having this be positive for me and others?

E46: Unapologetically Write Your Own List

[18:35] Step Two: Visualize What You Want… As if you Already Have It! 

  • What does it look like? Sound like? Taste like? Feel like? Smell like? 

  • What are your emotions and thoughts when you first receive it?

[21:24] Step Three: Clear Out the Blocks 

3 Common Blocks of Manifestation 

1. Limiting Mindset Beliefs 

Tips for Improving Manifesting Mindset: 

  • Practice mediation daily 

  • Keep a daily gratitude journal

2. Negative People

Tips for Improving Your Social Circle: 

  • Find groups with like-minded people to meet new friends

  • Listen to/watch empowering/positive podcasts, music, books, etc.

3. Inopportune Timing

[28:40] Step Four: Take INSPIRED Action

[31:22] Step Five a.k.a. Manifestation Booster: Appreciation 

[33:03] Desiree Mangandog's Manifestor's Blend
Place drops in a 5ml roller bottle. Top with FCO. Apply to the inside of the elbow creases, inside of forearms and back of neck. Apply twice daily for a month.

5 drops Cypress
3 drops Douglas Fir
3 drops Siberian Fir
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Myrrh
3 drops Geranium
3 drops Coriander
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Patchouli
1 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood
1 drop Ginger
2 drops Cedarwood


Download the FREE Habits to Amplify Your Manifestation

Val LaVigne Life - Manifesting Habits
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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