E75: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 3 of 3: Awaken


E75: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 3 of 3: Awaken

Wrapping up the final part of our Money Mindset Mini Series, AWAKEN, learn all about the power of your money habits, and how you can create healthy, happy money habits today...

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[2:25] RECAP:

Part One: Awareness & Part Two: Action

[3:22] Part Three: Awaken

[3:55] Habits 101 

Habits are small, seemingly insignificant behaviours compounded over time.
They're sneaky because more often than not you don't even realize something is a habit until you bring awareness to it!

[4:30] Example: 3 women, 3 Different Evening Routines

[6:45] Consider YOUR Current Routines 

Morning, evening, daytime, whatever routines come to mind for you
Flash forward 10 years. If you kept doing EXACTLY what you're doing right now for the next 10 years, where do you see yourself at that point?

Where do you WANT to be financially in 3, 5, and 10 years?
What do you have to start doing today to get there?

[8:25] That time I found a quarter on the ground

Pay attention to the little + powerful signs from the Universe 

Stay open + trust

[10:00] Wealth Habits

[10:11] #1. MINDSET 

Every 3-6 months write out your money story. Forgive any part of your money story that isn't serving you, and let it go! Rewrite your new money story, with your positive wealth thoughts and focus on them. 

TIP: If you've just started a new money mindset, do this practice monthly, or as often as you feel you need to. Practice this wealth habit more frequently – especially in the beginning – it can be very helpful and transformative in improving your money story. 

TIP: Have a special money mindset or abundance journal. You can write out your money mindset practice in it, and also journal all the ways that money or abundance has come to you: like when I found a quarter and when I received the emails from my pervious client + employer. 

[11:05] #2. SAVING

You can automate your savings through your bank. A savings account is always a winning money management strategy, and financial experts and advisors will always tell you to be saving. 

TIP: Know what you're saving for. Having an intention for your money is very important. You want to know what you're saving for, and make sure it's something meaningful to you. 

TIP: If saving is tough for you, keep coming back to WHY you're saving/what you're saving for. Visit your savings account and watch your money grow! It will help you get more excited about what you're saving for. It's like having a date with your money.

[11:45] #3. GRATITUDE 

Write out 3-5 things you're grateful for each day. Keep this running gratitude list in your abundance journal where you can read it often. Circulating, investing, and generating your money should be celebrated! Thank money for allowing you to afford all the things you have in your life. Look around you, abundance is everywhere! 

TIP: You don't have to just write about money in your gratitude journal. Write about everything and anything you're grateful for, and be specific. Why are you grateful for this person/place/thing/experience? 

TIP: Gratitude is a money magnifier! Being grateful attracts more of what you're grateful for; this helps magnify everything you love in your life! Because remember, what you focus on e x p a n d s !

[12:43] Your “om-work” for today: 

First: Sign up at valerielavignelife.com/webinar for my FREE Master Class: Girls Just Wanna Have Fund$ so you can go deeper into awakening abundance in your life and learn the 3 Keys to Manifesting More Money!

Then: Re-listen to the Money Mindset Mini Series and complete all the practices and methods I've shared in each episode.

Money Mindset Mini Series 

Episode #73 Part One: Awareness 

Episode #74 Part Two: Action

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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