E113 Staying Motivated with Your Healthy Habits


E113 Staying Motivated with Your Healthy Habits

Learn about the methods and tools I use as a Healthy Habits Coach, uses to stay consistent with all kinds of habit goals to elevate health, wealth, and lifestyle…

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[1:16] Question: How do we stay motivated with our healthy habits?

Habit forming takes time, it’s dependent on the person (and the habit!)

[2:00] Investigate past success

What has worked for you before?

Want to increase your habit by 95%? Hire a Coach! 

Interested in working with me? Check out my Make a Habit Mentorship Program HERE

Do you like tracking your habit? Get the free Habit Tracker today! (see the side column for the download)

[4:45] Habit Stacking

This is a great way to create new habits, use this method to build on your current habits in routine.

Every morning I make coffee. I wanted to create more mindfulness so I created a “Morning Coffee Ritual” that helps me be more mindful, present, and sets an intention for how I want to feel for the day. 

We all have habits already, what habits do you currently have, and how did they form? How are you staying consistent with it? Can you incorporate your new habit with an existing habit?

[7:48] Habit Triggers

These help us simplify and support our habit more.

How can you set yourself up for success with your habit; how can you make DOING your habit easier?

Simplify: more often than not creating a new habit is more complicated than it needs to be. Notice if you’re creating a really big overreaching habit in the beginning. It’s important to start small so that we can work our way to the bigger goals.

Remember that habits form over time, we want to be successful right away, in the beginning. Set realistic and easy habits right away.

Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do, after the mood you set it in has left.

Supporting your habit: Think about what you will need to do your habit every day. Prep for your habit by collecting the things you need and getting them ready or putting them into the places where you’re going to use them.

Morning coffee habit with new journaling exercises? Put you journal and coffee mug with the coffee maker - and a pen!

Daily workout habit? Grab your equipment + clothes and have them ready for you when you’re doing your workout.

[13:18] Apps + Supportive tools

Meditation: Insight Timer

Favourite Meditation Teacher: Sarah Blondin

Water: Hidrate App + Hidrate Bottle

Language learning: Duolingo

Apple Health App 

Essential oils I use before working:

dōTERRA’s ADAPTIV “Calming Blend”

dōTERRA’s Balance “Grounding Blend”

dōTERRA’s Motivate “Motivating Blend’

dōTERRA’s Passion “Inspiring Blend”

[14:55] Celebrating + Milestones

The apps I use have fun “badges, stickers, trophies” for when I am consistent with using the app and doing my daily habits

Celebrate day one! Day seven, Day thirty, and more! Celebrate every day. Write out these dates in your planner/calendar.

There are so many ways to celebrate: prize, sticker, gift, party, bottle of champagne, gourmet donut, shopping spree, cash money!

My Make a Habit Mentorship client, Aashima, is working out 3 times per week, and after one month she wants to buy a new workout outfit!

The prize is motivating you, and the prize CAN ALSO motivate you to keep going - assuming it supports your habit.

[19:12] What happens when we “fall off the horse” with our habits?

Short answer: If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.

Episode 111: Create Habits Based on Your Core Values with Deanne Frances

#1 Come back to Your Intention: Why did you start the habit in the first place? How do you want to feel? When you reconnect to the feelings of WHY you started, you’ll be motivated to get back on track.

#2 Start Small: Set a super small goal you KNOW you can achieve, like one workout this week. Then build to two the next week, and three after that. This is helping you build your confidence.

MOMENTUM Roller Blend Recipe 

12 drops Eucalyptus
5 drops Douglas Fir
5 drops Marjoram
3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Cypress
1 drop Arborvitae
3 drops Lime
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Add to a 10 ml roller bottle + top with Fractionated Coconut Oil

#3 Celebrate Milestones: Since habits are formed over time, it’s helpful to set up points to celebrate the success. Get excited about your habit again and put notes in your planner/calendar of how you will celebrate when you reach your milestone.

#4 Re-Evaluate Your Habit: Perhaps your intention is in the right place, but the habit isn’t working for you. Or maybe it’s the time of day; the complexity of your habit; or something else! Looks that the reasons why it’s not getting done, and how you can get back on track with your habit and success.

[26:20] #5 Invest in a Coach: Having a coach to hold you accountable increases your chance of success by 95%! In my Make a Habit Mentorship Program we get clear on your goal, and I help you form your new habit in our four weeks together.

Next steps: 

Download the FREE Habit Tracker Guide

Check out my Make a Habit Mentorship Program here to see if it’s right for you


Download the FREE Habit Tracker Guide

Val LaVigne Life - Habit Tracker Guide
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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