E115: Mastering Your To Do List


E115: Mastering Your To Do List

Some of my best methods and practices for productivity PLUS the new techniques I’m using to elevate and upgrade my to do lists!

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[00:38] List Makers Gonna List

  • Do you make to do lists?

  • How do you feel about them, love them? Stress about them? Somewhere in between?

  • My journey with making the most of my to do list and how I became a “master to do-er” 😂

[1:57] The MOST important thing that had to change for me to tap into my energy and productivity.

  • STOP stressing about the list and use that energy to get sh*t done!

[3:39] Starting with a Brain Dump at the beginning of each week

  • Write it all down, get it out of your head

Next: Eliminate + Automate + Delegate

  • Look at what is always on the list, or what has been on the list for a while, can we eliminate, automate, or delegate any of these tasks.

  • Usually when something is on our list for a while it’s because we’re procrastinating - if it’s not getting done by you then it’s probably not going to get done so scratch it off!

[6:13] Organizing the List

  • I like to organize the list based on when the tasks need to get done.

  • Organizing the list by days of the week and it helps me stay on track with my goals and tasks

[7:19] Time Blocking

  • Get to know how long it takes you to do a task

  • You can track how much time you spend on your tasks and activities to learn more about how long all of these things take you

  • Over time you will start to know what works best for you, this gets easier

  • MAKING the time in your schedule by Time Blocking

[9:30] The 3-5 System

  • Sticking with having 3-5 things on your to do list at a time

  • Being more realistic with your time by prioritizing 3-5 things

  • This boosts productivity, and is more sustainable

  • You can even have 1 thing on your list if it is one BIG thing

NEW METHOD… BUT FIRST…. HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE MY NEW WEBSITE!!!!????? Let me know what you think on instagram @vallavignelife I’d love to hear your feedback and connect with you more 💗

[13:20] Supporting Your To Do List with Self Care

  • Sprinkle in self care that helps support and compliment your energy because it will help you get more done


  • I swap “eating my frog” with Self-Care

  • FACT CHECK: “Mark Twain famously said that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you. Your frog is your worst task, and you should do it first thing in the morning.”

  • Brian Tracy’s BOOK: Eat That Frog

  • Write a list of self care items and schedule them into your week/day

[21:11] In addition to the to-do list I am also create a List of Wins/Achievements

  • What are you proud of?

  • What wins did you have this week?

  • What did you achieve?

[22:32] Challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone more

  • Personal intention is to do this weekly, and I’m tracking it monthly

  • I’m prioritizing the tasks that help me get out of my comfort zone so that I can grow!

How are you leaping, growing, and getting shit done? Share with me on instagram!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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