E134: Balancing the Masculine & Feminine Energies in Life & Business


E134: Balancing the Masculine & Feminine Energies in Life & Business

Live your life, and run your business in flow when you learn to activate, engage, and balance your masculine & feminine energy…

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[2:42] Alright! Today we are talking about two energies: Masculine and Feminine. In tantra they are known as SHIVA & SHAKTI (respectively).  Both masculine and feminine energies exist within men and women. These energies will vary based on the person, and the important piece is to activate both parts and create a balance between them. One is not better or lesser than the other, there is no right or wrong. The goal we’re focusing on today is balance.

My intention for this episode is to help you understand which of the two energies you’ve been activating and how you can create a flow of these complimenting parts of you. Engaging and balancing both sides can support our businesses, relationships, and overall health and well-being including emotional and mental health.

If you’ve listened to the show before you probably already know that I’m all about ACTION! I like to say, action is where the magic happens; through action we achieve results. However, action can be taken with either the masculine or feminine energy.

[4:06] In Alisa Vitti’s book Woman Code she shares with us what these two energies “look like in action” and I’m going to read them and share them with you here.

Taken from the book Woman Code by Alisa Vitti:

Masculine Energy:

  • Tenaciously pursuing what you want

  • Deciding when/where/how a project grows

  • Focusing on the end result, less on process

  • Focusing on one thing at a time

  • Relying on only yourself and your individual achievements

  • Setting boundaries around emotions and body in order to accomplish goals

  • Relating through camaraderie, entertainment, and problem solving

Feminine Energy:

  • Magnetically attracting what you want

  • Holding the space for projects to develop at their natural pace

  • Enjoying the process of creation independent of the end result

  • Seeing the big picture; multitasking on many aspects of life

  • Working with others; effortlessly creating community 

  • Connecting to emotional and physical life as a catalyst for change and development

  • Relating to others by listening, sharing, and nurturing

Imbalance of the Shiva and Shakti energy can take a toll on our physical bodies, and our businesses. Here are some signs of imbalance.

Overly masculine energy looks and feels like: burnout, overworking, adrenal fatigue, stress, disconnection from our body and emotions, and lack of rest/trouble falling asleep.

Overly feminine energy looks and feels like: many incomplete projects, perfectionism, overly emotional, lack of direction and focus, not grounded, avoiding details or certain tasks, and lack of energy and motivation.

[7:12] TAKE ACTION: What is your masculine/feminine balance? Go through your day and ask yourself which energies you are engaging and activating when it comes to. I’ll give you seven areas of the day, and some examples of the energies in these parts of the day, and you keep score of which energy you take on for this part of your day.

1: Your morning routine and how you wake up: (masculine) you’re awake and thinking about the day ahead, you’ve got your to do list mapped out and your schedule blocked off, you’re ready to check the boxes.

(feminine) you wake up and check in with your body to connect with how it’s feeling. Self care is a large part of your routine and you might do a mediation, a skincare ritual, or enjoy your time in a warm shower. As the morning continues, you also continue to check in with yourself.

2: The bulk of your day, and work: (masculine) one task at a time, you’re checking off the to-do list and you’re not stopping until it’s done. Always pushing to finish the work.

(feminine) you know that things will always come together and intuitively choose the task that you want to work on. Work is prioritized by the tasks that have the most impact and value.

3: Your social engagements: (masculine) other people don’t need to know how you’re feeling or what’s going on with you, this is something you can problem solve on your own.

(feminine) You’re open to sharing with friends about how you’re feeling and are comfortable with hearing the input and support from them.

4: Meals: planning, prepping, eating: (masculine) you’re sticking to your diet plan, even when it’s not serving you, sometimes you forget to eat because you’re busy working on tasks.

(feminine) your day is planned in advance and you’ve made sure there is time for meals, as well as food available for when you need it. You observe when your body is hungry and nourish it.

5: Exercise: (masculine) you know your fitness goal for the month and your workout gets you there. No matter what, you always push through.

(feminine) You choose your work out based on how you’re feeling that day. You always do your best, and what your body is capable of.

6: Time spent with your romantic partner: (masculine) you want to talk about what you’ve accomplished that day, and lounge in front of the TV, or scrolling through social media.

(feminihne) you want to talk about how you’re feeling, and make time to connect through cooking together, eating together, going for a walk, or downtime before bed.

7: Your evening routine: (masculine) the end of the day involves organizing the house, cleaning up the kitchen, and finishing the laundry. You’re ready for your next day’s to-do list.

(feminine) You look for ways to connect with your partner, pets, or kids and prefer soothing self care like bubble baths, gua sha, or reading to end the day. 

[11:12] When you’ve revealed your score, remember that the goal is balance. The first time I did this exercise I noticed that my weekends, when I wasn’t committed to working a set schedule, were very faminine, and my weekdays were more masculine. The balance might not have been during the whole day, but I stepped back and saw it as a weekly score and recognized that I wanted to create more balance during the week as a whole so I brought in more feminie energy into my weekdays.

There will be seasons in your life where more masculine energy is needed, for example, when you're in launch mode of your offering. The same goes for feminine seasons: during content creation as an example. The really wonderful part of all of this is that YOU get to decide what balance means to you! 

Through the (feminine) habit of checking in with our bodies, and ourselves, we’ll start to notice whether or not our shiva and shakti are in balance. To make sure we check in, we can use the (masculine) habit of scheduling in this time into our calendars, and adding it in as part of our to-do list and make sure it gets done.

[12:45] Now it’s your turn to put this into play for yourself. Take a look at your scorecard, and notice where you can incorporate more balance. Perhaps you switch up your evening routine with some journaling and reading instead of folding the laundry. 

Maybe you want to try a structured morning to get you moving and starting the day. Eventually you’ll find the best balance for yourself, and what works for you and your energy!

Share your practices with me on instagram @vallavignelife


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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