E65: Surviving Your Saturn Return


E65: Surviving Your Saturn Return

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” - Sun Tzu

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[00:22] It's my Birthday tomorrow!! 

What I look forward to as I get older and wise

[1:05] Astrology & “Saturn Return” 

Saturn makes a full orbit every 27-30 years 

Birth Chart Calculator 

Saturn Return Calculator

[2:38] Saturn's “Dreams of Youth” by LiveAbout.com:

“Saturn brings with it the pressure of time, and often the first awareness of your own mortality. You take stock of what it would take to achieve those big dreams, and often a sense of dread at ever getting there. But happily, it’s a time when things like discipline, focus, and clear-sight come in to give you a kind of pragmatic hope. You’ll figure out what’s still possible, and make the changes necessary to get on track…. it’s a crossroads period when life-altering decisions are made.”

[3:22] Lauren's thoughts:

“Saturn return is SERIOUS… it's about growing up, responsibility and getting real. Super transitional, lots of changes. But also brings what your discipline of goals and experiences have created to this point. Saturn return is stepping into the threshold of adulthood”

Blog posts by Lauren:
Embrace Your Magic
Tea Ritual

[4:04] The Teacher Saturn

It's “Time to Grow Up!”
Tough love lessons
Evaluating your life so far 

[5:13] Big changes are happening! 

Saturn Return lasts about 2-3 years
Don't resist the changes

[6:06] The Second Saturn Return 

Around the age of 58
Themes: Retirement, and “no longer trying to prove myself”

[6:58] Saturn Return = Harvest Time

What seeds have been planted?
What are we sowing and reaping?

[7:43] Deep Intensity 

Clarity, perspective and strength

[8:35] BOOK: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need: 

“Saturn is called the Celestial Taskmaster, for it teaches us the lessons we must learn in life. In the grand plan of the universe, Saturn does not give us more than we can handle. Under Saturn’s influence we achieve by overcoming obstacles and hardship. Sometimes the effort itself is what builds character. In the end, what we learn under Saturn’s influence we keep for the rest of our lives.”

Major Themes of Saturn Return

[9:47] Relationships

Emily Trinkaus from tarot.com“Saturn Return is a period that requires solitude and introspection, many people experience being single — or temporarily separated from their partner — during their Saturn Return. In some cases, it can feel like you have so much going on in your own life that you have no time or energy for a partnership. If you find yourself in this situation, commit to being your own best partner for the time being. Trust that the energy you invest in your individual growth and development will necessarily result in a more satisfying future partnership.”

[11:00] Work/Career 

Basic Survival Tools

[12:30] Taking Time Alone

[12:45] Practice Patience

[3:08] Learn What YOU Like

[13:35] Take Responsibility

[13:50] Take Back Your Power

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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