E95: 5 Ways to Deepen Your Full Moon Ritual


E95: 5 Ways to Deepen Your Full Moon Ritual

Hello and welcome back to the women’s empowerment podcast. Today we welcome another full moon, which is the September Full Corn Moon! In today’s episode I will be sharing the significance of this moon phase, and how to deepen your full moon ritual. I’ll also touch on some of the things we should avoid doing during the full moon time...

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[00:57] Whether you have a full moon practice, you’re looking to mix things up, or you’ve never heard of a full moon ritual before, this episode is for you! I’ll keep the information clear, simple, and with a few options to deepen your practice if you choose.

Although the full moon is highly recognized and significant, it is really the whole cycle of the moon that is most relevant and important. 

[1:21] Starting with the NEW MOON, sometimes known as the DARK MOON: a time of new beginnings and to set intentions of what you wish to manifest for the full moon

Next is the CRESCENT MOON: which is the lunar light and energy building, known as waxing. The energy is forward moving and attracting. 

The energy grows through the FIRST QUARTER MOON and the GIBBOUS MOON. 

Then the FULL MOON arrives. It is a time for us to GROUND, NOURISH, & RELEASE. It’s a great time for charging, healing, and developing intuition.

After the full moon, the waning phase begins and the moon appears to decrease. This is the time to reflect on what we have built during the waxing phase as well as let go of anything that no longer serves us, anything that doesn’t feel good. 

This is during the GIBBOUS and THIRD QUARTER MOON where we can tie up our loose ends, and release anything holding us back.

[2:36] The full moon is a very magical, and beautiful time, but there are some things we do NOT want to be doing during this phase!

This is not the time to start something new. Your full moon is more of a time to rest, reflect, and release. Use the new moon phase (in about 2 weeks) to start your new project. For now, feel free to journal your ideas and come back to them around the new moon.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I understand the grit and hustle that goes into your passion and business. I know people who say they traded their 9-5 for a 24/7, but during the full moon we must give ourselves permission to rest. Slow down, disconnect, take a break. Do what you can to unwind. Even if it’s just for today.

The full moon is a time to celebrate your wins! In the past two weeks: What have you achieved? What have you built? How have you grown? Use the magnified energy of this moon phase to celebrate instead of stress!

Speaking of stress… the full moon can be a very heavy and emotional time. Intense emotions can sometimes lead to quick reactions, and now is not the time to be making any big or life-altering decisions. Keep coming back to rest and healing. Feel the feels and make your bigger decisions in a couple of days.

Now that we know what not to do during the full moon, let’s take a look at what we CAN DO! I will share five full moon rituals and some of the ways you can deepen them. These rituals can be done separately, or all together. You can pick and choose which ones you’d like to do. Intuitively decide which ritual is best for you and your full moon practice.

[4:47] The first is a MEDITATION RITUAL

Meditating during the full moon is an incredible way to harness the lunar energy and tap into the moon’s luminous power. 

  1. Find a comfortable seat where the light of the moon is visible. Take seven deep breaths.

  2. Close your eyes and visualise the moonlight filling the room you’re in, and covering your body.

  3. Bring your awareness to your breathing and think about the intentions you set during the new moon. If you didn’t set any, or you can’t remember, that’s okay. Set an intention now of how you want to feel for the next two weeks. 

  4. Visualise the glittery white moonlight washing over your body, purifying your mind, and enveloping your spirit. Feels it’s cleansing light wash away any feelings that aren’t serving your intention.

  5. Sit in your meditation practice for as long as you wish, repeating the practice a few hours before or after the full moon. 

  6. When you are ready to end your practice, take seven deep breaths holding your hands at your heartspace. Gently bring your attention back to your seat, and the room that you are in and open your eyes.

Ways to deepen your full moon meditation ritual

#1 Meditate under the direct moonlight to intensify the practice and tap into the moon’s energy 

#2 Use essential oils for breath-work 

LEMONGRASS “The Oil of Cleansing”

THYME “The Oil of Releasing & Forgiving”

FRANKINCENSE “The Oil of Truth” 

CYPRESS “The Oil of Motion & Flow”

[12:00] The second full moon ritual is a WRITING RITUAL

Writing is a powerful tool for releasing what we no longer need. You can do this ritual in a special moon cycle journal, or using a loose piece of paper. First, place your hands over your journal or paper and take seven deep breaths repeating your intention between each inhalation and exhalation. 

After your intention has been set begin to put pen to paper and write down anything and everything you want to release from your life. You can do this in a list form, or write all over the page, or one word in a big letter size.

Ways to deepen your full moon writing ritual

#1 I recommend writing 1-2, maybe 3 words maximum on the paper or page. Sometimes when we’re trying to release too much, we feel overwhelmed and fearful. Remember that there will be another full moon in one month’s time and we can let go of anything else then.

#2 Destroy your paper. Burn it, drown it, rip it up into tiny little pieces and throw it in the trash! As you’re destroying your paper say aloud: “I release you! You are free and I am free, thank you for your time with me!”

[13:43] The third full moon ritual is a MOON BATH RITUAL

As I mentioned before the moon is very much connected to our emotions, and also the water element. Connecting with this lunar energy is one of my favourite full moon rituals, and it’s also very simple. 

Collect your favourite crystals, candles, bath salts, and essential oils (my favourite for this one is dōTERRA’s Balance Blend). Draw this healing bath on or around the full moon, placing the salts and essential oils inside the bath. Use the candles and crystals around the tub. 

While you're in the bath say your full moon intention aloud. Allow yourself to relax in the water feeling yourself submerging in the water and energy of the full moon.

Ways to deepen your full moon bath ritual

#1 Use moon water. To collect moon water you will need a glass jar with a lid and filtered water. Place the filtered water in a jar and seal it with a lid. Then leave the jar in the full moonlight overnight to “charge.” The next day you can drink the moon water, or add some or all of it to a bath following the night of the full moon into the waning phase. Remember this part of the lunar cycle is all about releasing, letting go, and tying up loose ends. Your bath ritual can continue for several days after the full moon.

#2 Take a dip in an outdoor pool, lake, or ocean. Bathing in the light of the moon that directly hits the water you’re in.

[16:04] The fourth full moon ritual is a FULL MOON CIRCLE or CEREMONY

Whenever I think of celebrating I also think of sharing with like minded friends! Why not amplify the full moon energy with a group of people who want to share the experience. 

Earlier this year my friend Candice and I hosted some virtual gatherings for the full moon and it was a really wonderful way to charge and release with others. 

You can make the circle or ceremony as simple or as creative as you wish! The key pieces to include are: intention setting, active listening to everyone in the circle, and a way for everyone to release together. This could be through writing and ripping up your journaling ritual. It could be through movement like yoga or dance, or perhaps music and sound. 

Perhaps everyone lights a candle at the beginning of the ceremony and puts the candle out together after the ceremony. 

Ways to deepen your full moon circle

#1 Pull Tarot or Oracle Cards. If you like to pull cards, why not bring a special deck to the ceremony? Set an intention with the group and allow each person to pull a card. Depending on the intention the card can signify what they must focus on, a special message for this time, or perhaps something the person can release. Have everyone take a photo of their card and journal about what the card means to them before returning it to the deck.

#2 Charge crystals, cards, keepsakes, or special trinkets. Create a physical circle with your group and lay a sacred circle blanket or cloth down in the middle, creating an altar. Have everyone add their special belongings to the center of the circle so that they can charge and absorb the energy of the full moon and the group during the ceremony.

[18:22] The fifth and final full moon ritual I will share to day is a MOON WISHES MANIFESTATION RITUAL

A popular theme during the full moon is manifesting. This helps to anchor your intention and bring your new moon desires to fruition. You will need paper, writing utensils, box or a jar, candles and a lighter or matches.

Begin by lighting a candle, bringing your awareness to the flame. Focus your mind on the flame and take seven deep breaths allowing any distracting thoughts to float away. Then bring your attention to your full moon intentions. Think about what you would like to release, and what you would like to attract into your life.

Write on your paper the things you would like to manifest or attract into your life over the next two-four weeks. These are your full moon wishes. Place your wishes someplace meaningful, like a beautiful box or a decorated jar. Set the jar or box outside in the moonlight. You can also set the box or jar on a windowsill. Blow out your candle.

In the morning, bring the wishes back inside and place them somewhere out of sight, but also somewhere you will remember to get them on the next full moon. Yes, I did say out of sight! Remember, the full moon is all about letting go! And the key to manifesting is to release your wishes and know that THEY ARE COMING! You don’t have to keep wishing, you now have to trust that your wishes – or something better – is on their way!

When the next full moon arrives, look at your moon wishes from the previous month. Did they come to fruition? Did something better come? What can you release this month to make room for your wishes?

Ways to deepen your full moon manifestation ritual

#1 Journal about the moment you receive your wish. Go into detail about what this manifestation looks like, sounds like, feels like, smells like, tastes like. Who are you with? Where are you? What emotions come up for you? Go into as much detail as you can and really embody the wish as if you already have it.

Talking about these rituals gets me so excited to celebrate today’s full moon! I’ve actually just thought of the perfect jar I want to use for my full moon wishes. I am surprised I haven’t already used this one before, but it popped into my head just now and I am excited to charge it tonight!

[21:20] At the beginning of this episode I mentioned that tonight’s moon is called the Full Corn Moon. But what does that even mean? Well there are different names and meanings of traditional full moons that correspond to each month. Let’s go through each of them briefly.

January – Wolf Moon: Gather with your wolf pack and hold precious energies close as resources may be scarce now. Take a look at what’s holding you back and make plans for how you can overcome personal challenges. Step into your wild self and howl at the full wolf moon!

February – Snow Moon: Time to hibernate and turn inward. Search within yourself to uncover your deepest wishes and dreams for the future seasons. Forgive and let go so that you can move forward with a love-filled heart.

March – Worm Moon: The final moon of winter, shifting energy into spring. Hold steady as the storm passes. Decide what you will leave behind as you enter into a new season. Look for the reminders of renewed life to motivate your forward motion. Feel deep gratitude for all that has brought you to the present moment.

April – Pink Moon: Charge your crystals, cards, and water, and restore balance in your life. This moon allows deep healing to begin as you release pent up emotions and negativity being stored in your body. Increase your positivity and healing by connecting to nature and gathering goodness.

May – Flower Moon: Abundance surrounds you as everything is now in bloom! The possibilities for your future are endless so keep your eyes and heart on your goals. While staying open to how they will manifest for you. Incorporate your favourite flowers or essential oils into your rituals this month. My favourite are aura baths! Sprinkle flower petals into your moon bath!

June – Strawberry Moon: The sweetness of summer is here! The longer days allow you to see everything more clearly, both the good and the bad. Stay accountable and take responsibility for mistakes. Incorporate sweetness into your rituals like fruits, warm tones, or treats. Cleanse and purify yourself of emotional clutter so that you can bloom as your best self!

July – Buck Moon: Embody the energy, strength and growth of the great deer. How have you grown this year? Celebrate your success under the full moon. Harness your heightened power, grabbing opportunities by the antlers and ride the momentum!

August – Sturgeon Moon: Reflection, learning, and wisdom. What have you learned from the journey up to this point? What wisdom will help you continue on this path of growth? Use the resources you’ve gained to prepare you for your future and the upcoming months.

September – Corn or Harvest Moon: Celebrate and reap the rewards of all your work! Connect to deep gratitude for the abundance in your life, remembering that you have everything you need right now.

October – Hunter’s Moon: Reflect on the summer months and build healthy habits for the long winter to come. Stock up on emotional and spiritual inspiration and positivity. It is time to work on your deep spiritual growth.

November – Beaver Moon: The season is shifting and it is time to reflect on your losses, both good and bad. Remember that the cycle of life includes death. Release and make room for a new birth. 

December – Cold Moon: This is the final moon of the year. It is a time of deep rest, resetting and major self care. Hibernate this full moon and know that this is a time to reflect on the last 12 months and a rebirth of new. Recharge and energize during this celebration. Good things are coming

Happy full moon! Have an incredible time celebrating and manifesting and letting go! 

Love and lunar light everyone!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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