E118: Emotions & Essential Oils


E118: Emotions & Essential Oils

Learn how essential oils are powerful healers, where and how to use them, plus the best oils to support your emotions and healing…

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[00:32] Essential Oils as Powerful Emotional Healers

Learn how I use essential oils every day on instagram @vallavignelife

I only trust dōTERRA’s CPTG Essential Oils Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade

From sourcing to distilling, to bottling and packaging, and all the way to delivering the bottle to your doorstep.

[4:35] My journey into essential oils

dōTERRA’s AromaTherapy Collection

💗 Passion “inspiring blend”

🧡 Motivate “encouraging blend”

💛 Cheer “uplifting blend”

💚 Forgive “renewing blend”

💙 Peace “reassuring blend”

💜 Console “comforting blend”

[9:18] 5 Stages of Healing

  1. EOs assist in healing the physical body: some oils are 40-60 times more potent than herbs. As we know herbs, and oils, have been part of health and healing for centuries. They have been known to assist the body in purifying organs, glands, and balancing body functions.

  2. EOs assist in healing the heart: oils enter the emotional realm and help us vibrate at a higher frequency. This can also mean bringing up past emotional pain that we might have suppressed in the past. So it’s important to move through a cycle of receiving the emotion and releasing it. This can be a process, especially if we’ve kept things down for a while. Now listen. Oils aren’t doing the (sometimes hard) work for us. They support us in doing the work openly and honestly.

    E49: Raising Your Vibration with Essential Oils

  3. EOs assist in releasing limiting beliefs: these are the deeply rooted beliefs found in our subconscious. They are usually not true. They hold us back, and they are almost alway unhelpful. Essential oils bring awareness to our emotional patterns. Then it helps us release them and replace them with positive beliefs.

    E81: 5 Tips for Positive Self Talk

  4. EOs assist increase spiritual awareness and connection: On this podcast we talk a lot about personal development and we also get into a lot of spirituality. In a previous episode I also shared that the way I like to interpret a lot of the woo-work and information is that it’s an extension and a type of personal development. A lot of personal development is very spiritual and can be tough work.

  5. EOs assist inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.

[15:40] Locations of Application


- for sadness + grief 

- when applied here, oils quickly enter lungs + heart

- experience sensation of chest openings + feeling lighter

Suggested Oils: Rose, Siberian Fir, Cheer Blend, Console Blend


- similar to elbow creases

- easy + accessible location to apply oils 

- runs to chest and heart

Suggested Oils: Wild Orange, Green Mandarin, Peace Blend, Lavender


- for instant change to emotional state 

- roll up + down, both sides

- oils will quickly circulate throughout the body

Suggested Oils: Motivate Blend, Magnolia, Lemongrass


- for mental clarity 

- quick way for oils to get to the brain

Suggested Oils: Tangerine, Douglas Fir, Basil. Copaiba, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense (head tension)


- for coping with heartache + disappointment 

- on sternum

Suggested Oils: Rose, Neroli, Forgive Blend, Console Blend, Peace Blend


- for protection + boundaries 

- for increase in immune system function

Suggest Oils: On Guard blend, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Motivate Blend, Passion Blend


- for self-confidence + self worth

- many serotonin receptors here that contribute to feelings of happiness + self esteem

Suggested Oils: Green Mandarin, Copaiba, Cinnamon. DigestZen/XenGest

Dilute your essential oils with a Carrier oil, my favourite: Fractionated Coconut Oil


- for calmness and grounding 

- popular for applying oils

Suggested Oils: Balance Blend, Peace Blend, Forgive Blend


- sends aromatic compounds to the brain and shifts our entire chemistry

Any and all oils can be inhaled from the bottle for from the hands (1-2 drops on the palms)

[22:50] Using Essential Oils for your Own Practice

What is your body craving? We tend to gravitate to the oils that we need

Shop oils at wholesale price HERE!

Shopping with this link connects you to me so that I can help you with your essential oil journey. Have questions? Message me on instagram @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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