E247: Empowering the Intersection Between Personal Branding and Self-Care with Christine Lieu


E247: Empowering the Intersection Between Personal Branding and Self-Care with Christine Lieu

Christine Lieu is the expert behind CL Designs and the Brand Party Podcast. She's a graphic designer who's traded in climbing the corporate ladder for climbing mountains around the world. Christine helps purpose-driven businesses create cohesive branding, web design, and social content to drive your impact and sales. As featured in Top 10 Canada Design, the Brand Party Podcast delivers fun, honest, to-the-point advice that you can implement RIGHT AWAY in your entrepreneurial journey…

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Valerie LaVigne: Welcome back to the Women's Empowerment Podcast. Please join me in welcoming Christine to the show. Christine, thank you so much for coming here today. I'm so excited to be chatting with you. 

Christine Lieu: Thank you so much, Valerie, for having me. I'm so excited to dive in too. 

[00:55] Get to Know Christine

VL: Since you're a new guest of the show, I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do, and who you serve. 

CL: Thank you so much again for having me and for all the listeners tuning in as well. I'm excited to hopefully learn more about each other throughout this process and as well, I am the founder of CL Designs, where I help purpose driven businesses and nonprofits with cohesive branding, website design.

Marketing collateral to really help you increase your impact in your sales. And then also, just like Valerie here, I also have a podcast called Brand Party. So if you're looking for free, fun, honest, and actionable tips that you can implement right away in your entrepreneurial journey, then definitely come celebrate over there too.

VL: I love that. And you have such fun, like I really see your branding through everything that you do. You have such a fun brand. It's so bright, it's so colorful. I love how you talk about your email list is the after party, like just so creative and so clever and I love that about you. I love that's what you bring to everything you do.

Is this brightness, even, you're wearing this beautiful top right now. Is it a, is it a blazer? Is it a shirt? What are we wearing? 

CL: Yeah, it's kind of like a blazer jacket situation, but it was just like a fun thrift find the other weekend. So I was like, we're here to welcome some spring energy.

[02:13] Intersection Between Personal Branding/Design and Wellness/Self-Care

VL: I'm so glad. You really embody your brand and you really embody the messages that you share.  I just really wanted to, to highlight that about you and really when it comes to design and personal branding and, putting yourself out there as not only a business owner, but I think a lot of people don't realize that.

They are a brand, even if you're not a CEO or an entrepreneur. I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about how you think personal branding or design really intersects with wellness and self-care?

CL: I truly believe that that creativity that bridges the gap between those two elements are really at the forefront.

But it also comes from taking care of yourself ultimately, because with so much content and creativity constantly coming out there, it's. Really burning a lot of folks out, including myself, and I am not the first one to admit that I'm sure as well. And so if you're feeling that way, like you're really not alone in so many ways.

And so I like to preface with that also, but I. By being able to tap into your vision and your purpose and your intentions, um, especially on like the personal side of your values ultimately, and then being able to translate that into your wellness practices, your life ultimately, and then into your business.

You just show up in such a different way. I feel like as well, you really take up that space and that ownership of how you want to be able to show up in the world for not only yourself, but for other people that you're serving equally as much. And so I know that if you're a business owner out there, you do wanna help people and you're creating change and making a difference in the world.

And that's a lot to bear. As well. So being able to come back to that wellness piece and those purpose and intentions that you, that are so important to you, that's really gonna hold all the pieces together. Ultimately.

VL: Oh my goodness. You said so many great things and I feel like as you were describing this sense of self and self-care and  this ideal  Feeling that we wanna connect to and that we wanna embody.

And my first question is, where do we start?  How do we know what we want? How do we get into that loaded question? How do we get, how do we connect to those core values? How do we figure out what that beginning point is?

[04:30] Connecting to Core Values

CL: It's so funny because it's often the simplest. Sounding of questions that are the most deepest and sometimes scariest as well to kind of admit and to dive into.

And so I always say I run a brand party challenge a few times a year, and that's where we uncover and community together to identify like core values, color palettes, and mood boards as well, to really bring that vision to life from a more executional level. But, From that sense too, I think it's always important to come back to humanizing brands, especially because that's what really connects people as well, like that relatability and to really have those characteristics and intentions in mind very clearly.

And having that clear direction will help you in so many ways to save time and reclaim a lot of capacity in your day to day ultimately too. And so for me, it always comes back to asking clients, especially of how. If your brand was your best friend, for example, how would you describe them? So it really helps humanize it, but it also comes back to maybe you have like three to five characteristics that you wanna really embody.

So especially if you are an entrepreneur, you might have a lot of overlap that is very specific to you as a solopreneur, for example. Or if you have a larger team really thinking about the culture that you wanna cultivate ultimately as well. And what are some of those characteristics that you want people to perceive?

Because it's this double-sided coin, I feel like sometimes where. Yes, it is about what you offer and what you do and how you're serving people, but also equally, maybe, sometimes even more, that it's about who you're actually serving and really getting into the nitty gritty of who they are ultimately, so that it actually reflects and is resonating with those people.

VL: Oh my goodness. So again, so much. 

It's so true.  I love what you said about describing your business as your best friend, and I feel like this is where a lot of people get stuck, is they're describing their business as themselves. And not to say that even for myself, I. Am the face of my business and my podcast.

However, it's not just about me. And so it's, it makes more sense. Like right away I was like, oh, yes, it makes way more sense for me , to describe my business as my best friend and not as myself. 'cause even though I am in my business a lot, and you see me in my business, and like I said, I'm the face of the podcast, the business, it's.

Not me, it's my business. Right. And so then, oh my goodness, I'm just having this aha moment here. You've really taken me through a loop. But what's cool about that is , it's a little tiny reframe of the question and it's already inspired so many other different things for me and for my brand.

And then I love that you're asking the right questions and you're getting into the creativity and the dreamscape of it, whereas , you don't actually have to have anything tangible right here and now, but what's the idea behind it? Where's the soul? Telling you to go or what's the bigger picture vision?

[07:29] Questions, Journal Prompts, Tools to Help Us Understand Our Big-Picture Branding

VL: And then you have the tools and you have the expertise to take people there, but what are some other kind of questions or maybe journal prompts or something that can really help us understand that bigger vision for our branding? 

CL: Yeah. By having these prompts, like you're saying too, it really gives you that space to just have grace for yourself and.

Some permission and perspective as well, right? And so that's a lot of the beauty behind that. You as a human first is very multifaceted. It's very multi-passionate, I'm sure as well. And so it's okay if your brand involves with you. That's like a really beautiful thing to take it on a journey. And that as you grow, your clients will evolve with you equally as much as well.

And so, As you've just said so beautifully Valerie, like it doesn't have to be that set in zone thing that you get bored of five, 10 years down the road and have to stick with it. Like you get to choose at the end of the day. So for me, I'm such a big fan of brain dumping a lot of things as well because there's just so much clutter that goes on in our head and sometimes.

Just even translating that onto paper is so powerful in so many ways to be able to relinquish a lot of that control and to try to make sense of things that might feel illogical at the time as well. And. Sometimes just sitting with yourself and then asking yourself, what is it that you really want? Or what is it that is in your dream day or dream life?

I think being able to reflect on what is that more lifestyle business versus your traditional way of thinking may be something that you may not be used to, but I found have been really incredibly helpful in a lot of ways, especially when society's telling you to be like a money making machine all the time, and having that as your main.

Driver of decisions, which doesn't always feel good. Of course we need to pay our bills, so I acknowledge that. But it's important to come back to what do you really want in life and why are you doing it? So I think two key questions. It was really, why are you doing it in the first place? Because if you're not growing or you're not, Enjoying it ultimately, then why are you doing it?

And then the second piece really looking at what is that dream life or business that you want to create regardless of judgment from yourself, from others, from, you know, wherever that might be coming from ultimately too. Hmm.

VL: So good. And I love that you said take some time to reflect on it because.

Sometimes the answer just doesn't pop into your head right away. And even though some prompts are sparking that inspiration instantly, others you might need to take time with. Because I think you're right. I think there's a lot of pressure to be a machine and to be always moving, always working. And when we come back to the human part of it, we come back to.

The innate nature of humans and the world. There are seasons, there are cycles to things, and it's, we're not always in bloom. And we can think of the seasons as that same sort of cyclical pattern. And you know, the flowers are not always blooming. There's that time for rest. There's that time for rejuvenation.

There's that time for decomposing and letting go of what. Isn't serving anymore. Isn't working anymore, and making space for that new. So I love that you keep coming back to that. Now, part of me is thinking, what if someone doesn't feel creative? You know, they have, they have parts of the vision. They might have a few key key words or maybe key points, but they have no background in design.

They have no idea how to make it “look good”. What would you say to them or how do you support them through that? 

[11:08] How Christine Supports her Client’s Branding Vision

CL: There's probably three key pieces that I would come back to when you're feeling this way. So one of them is acknowledging what type of creativity block you might be experiencing.

And then the second one is to be able to allow room to play. And then also the third piece being. To be solutions or discipline oriented as well. Of course, it's not so sexy to hear necessarily, but it's the tough love, I guess, in me to be able to share that and having experienced these things as well on the other side of it.

And so coming back to the first piece of having some clarity around what type of creative block you might be experiencing, really looking at. Is it a mental block that you might be having? Is it a mindset thing that you need to reframe as you've talked about too, because it makes such a difference to be able to.

Have that positivity around. It's not always a daily thing that happens when you wake up. So it's like, how can you have these supportive things, even in micro doses to be able to support that. So even if it's like affirmation cards or like affirmations that you say in the morning to really set the tone for your day, I find really helpful.

And also a second piece around maybe it's like an emotional creative block that you're experiencing. So, As you're mentioning too, with different cycles and seasons in your life, your business, it's, it's hard sometimes and that's okay. So be able to decompose for a little bit if you need to, and re-pot that soil and so that you are able to grow and bloom from these experiences as well.

And to just ultimately feel the feels that that's what you're experiencing and to maybe find a friend if you need support in that way to be able to vent or to just hold space for you is really. Nice. And then also thinking about if there is some sort of perhaps just other things that are holding you back from really.

Cultivating these creative things because I truly believe everybody's creative in their own way. It doesn't necessarily need to be traditionally like through arts or design in that way. Of course, I come from that world, but even if you try a new recipe in your day-to-day or you end up like making a really fun craft for your kids' you know bake sale or something like that.

Like those are all valid and still creative as well. So know that you have those in you already. And it's just like enhancing these skillsets as well. And so coming back to that second piece of really having room to play, That will really help foster that creativity and that innate skillset whenever you do need to tap back into it.

So it's a lot easier to come back to as well. And there's so many tools out there that you can play around with nowadays that help make things easier, whether you're trying to create things for a launch last minute. So we've all been there. Then, you know, Canva's a great school at least in your back pocket.

So having things in your toolkit, I like to say is really helpful so that you have those no fail resources when it does come down to crunch time. And then the third piece being to having discipline to be able to. Tap into that creativity equally as much because some days are just hard or you know, you wake up to 4:00 AM fire alarms and stuff like that, and you still have to show up in the world and to get things done, especially when clients rely on you and are funding the lifestyle that you do have.

And so I acknowledge that piece too, and really coming back to. Having structure in place has been really helpful for me in terms of time blocking things as well. So really allocating focus, dedicated time to get things done. And if you happen to really enjoy it and be on a roll, then hey, you can continue from here, but at least you have that focus time to get things done.

Even if it's like that 25 to 30 minute pomodoro technique in there to really make sure that you're getting the most out of it to just get things going. 'cause I feel like that's where the sticky bit usually happens.

VL: Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean, all three of those points are so important, and I actually talk a lot about these on the podcast and when I'm working with women through their healthy habits, it's not about doing the habits on the days that you feel yucky or gloomy or you feel unmotivated.

It's having those habits already in place so that when it is a rainy, gross day and you don't feel like going to the gym, you know you already have that. Habit built in you, or it's starting to take shape in, in your neural pathways for you to just do it no matter rain, shine, happy, sad, however you're feeling.

And then I love that you're saying that we can do that through different tools with creativity and you know, play can be a habit as well. And incorporating different ways to play and what that looks like or feels like for you. I know some things that come to mind to really help me. Step away from,  the monkey mind or just feeling overwhelmed and not having a focus is to take some time to either go for a walk or do a puzzle or read a fiction book.

And that really helps me separate myself from the moment. And then I can go back to that time block time or I can go back to the drawing board or whatever it is. And I think a lot of people would, would recognize a moment like this when. A lot of people say, oh, I get my best ideas in the shower. And oftentimes that's because you've turned off that mind of trying to be creative, of trying to do the work, of trying to solve the problem.

And sometimes we need to slow that down, get quiet, and by doing something so. Monotonous or so simple like taking a shower, all of a sudden you have this idea, but it's because you were able to step away from it. And so I love that you said that because really it's not like, oh, I have to be creative once a day, once a year.

It's okay. How can I support my creativity? How can I support my business myself, my health, whatever it is, through little routines, little habits, little actions that really bring us to where we wanna go. Love that. Mm-hmm. 

[17:12] Atomic Habits: Habit Stacking

CL: Mm-hmm. Ooh. Yeah. I love the habit stacking that you're talking about as well. I was reading parts of Atomic Habit also, and so they have such great resources in there too.

BOOK: Atomic Habits https://amzn.to/3DVYBDX 

And as you're mentioning, just be able to switch off quote unquote again too is so powerful because even if I have this actually scheduled into my Google calendar every day, like after five o'clock, I really don't wanna work.  So every day at 5:00 PM in my Google calendar has this labeled time block essentially that says, let's get this party started.

And so it's just this really nice, again, micro action and reminder to myself to. It's time to play and to be able to shut off work ultimately. And so I was working with another coach before too, and we were talking about some wellness habits of like, well, maybe it's also having this visual cue for yourself or action of like lighting a candle when you're ready to switch off work and like really transition that time into this is time for you or whatever that looks like for your evening to get into that routine and structure of things.

But at least, you have that. Reminder for yourself and yeah, that other kind of switch and transition to be able to make it a lot easier as well.

VL: Great point. I love that we talk a lot about mindful transitions and being able to switch from one topic to the next, or one activity to the next, or one conversation, one email, whatever it is to the next.

And if we're just go, go, go all the time and we're task switching all the time, or even today, you're my second of three interviews, you know, it's a different vibe. Every time I sit down at the computer, I don't just switch from one person to the next interview to the next. I step away from the room. I collect myself.

I have a snack, whatever. Drink some water. Come back, start fresh. Here we go. We're, it's a new, it's a new person. It's a new topic. It's a new conversation. Let me bring my A game to this person, and I love that you're saying this with. The end of day two because boundaries are huge. And it also goes back to those seasons, those cycles, you know, we can have that cycle in a day.

We don't have to be on all the time working all the time pushing for creativity all the time. We can take that moment. I love that you said light that candle. I think I might try that today. Love that.

CL: I think just as you say too, it's one of those things that as you become your own boss, that nobody quite prepares you to be able to advocate for yourself and to put in those boundaries.

Like you say, there's no guidebook. Or how to, a manual in place that you get when you start your business. And so that looks different for everybody and it may look different in each of those seasons too, as you say. So it just comes back to priorities as well. And what's really, again, the what, what's important to you, what those values are, because those are gonna help you make those bigger business decisions too.

VL: Yeah. It's all coming back to the, those core values that you, you outlined at the beginning too, and understanding like why you're doing what you're doing. Because really that's gonna be the driving force moving forward. That's gonna be what's helping you grow and stay motivated and keep the momentum up, I think, too.

So without those priorities, without those boundaries, we start to burn out and we feel overwhelmed, which actually is. A question I was thinking of too is, and we kind of touched on these a little bit, but is there anything else that we can maybe share or talk about in regards to when we're building this brand, when we're building our business or a career?

How do we do this in a way while we're still trying to maintain some sort of balance and wellness in our personal lives? And I, like I said, I know we've talked a little bit about this, but is there anything else you can think of?

[20:49] Maintaining Balance in Life While Building a Personal Brand

CL: It comes back to, for me, in terms of coming back to. Those seasonalities I think are really important.

Of course you may have to have like a good data to look from perhaps as well, like enough time to see what that looks like in your business. And of course, like we've come out optimistically of a pandemic as well, that it may look very different ultimately and it will evolve as well. But it gives you some insights of logical things that you can look back on of what practically has happened in your business or what type of people.

That you wanna be serving also in these different seasons. And so I think for me, it's being able to look at your mindset as well, that like you're really worthy of all the things that you dream of ultimately. And it's like still scary to say from time to time, but it's. The more energy that you pour into it.

And coming back to like the flowering analogy that we keep coming back to too, about being able to pour and fertilize the things that actually are important to you. Those are the things that are gonna bloom ultimately too. So don't feel like you have to. Do the things that X, Y, Z person is doing just because it looks quote unquote successful or that, oh they might have a shiny six figure business, for example, if that's what you aspire to, but they're like running themselves to the ground and then they might end up.

Totally calling it quits in like less than three months, you know? And so it's again, coming back to what's important to you. If like, for me, it's very important to have a lifestyle business and to really spend my time doing what I love with who I love most at the end of the day that I. For me the last few years I've taken a whole month off in the summer and looking at seasonalities.

I've taken all of August off typically with my partner who's from Europe. And so we've gone to spend time with his family and community over there as well and be able for me to have that space and time to reset and play and come back to what's important and. It was something that I have never done in my life a few years back.

If you had asked me, then I would've thought that you were insane. But having experienced it now for a few years, and I don't see it ending anytime soon in that structure that I. It's actually really refueled me in so many ways creatively emotionally and ultimately better for myself and my business as your biggest investment.

Because if you're taking care of yourself and putting in these like wellness structures as you teach your clients too, that it's just gonna make you a better person to be around, to be able to work with and to be able to attract and like manifest all the things that you actually do want.

VL: I love that so much. I love that you do that. I feel like I wanna restructure my entire schedule. 

CL: Well, you can now as you batch all these episodes. Right?

VL: I know this is so cool because I was, I was sharing with Christine right before we hit record, was that I have really been looking so much further ahead and how I.

What, what I, the goals I want to create or what lifestyle I wanna generate. It's really simplicity. So I'm actually doing less to get more out of my life and my time and my energy and all these things. And so one of the things that I'm doing Yep. Is batching podcast episodes and. You've touched on this a little bit, but what I've noticed, and as you said, oh, you wanna take the whole month of August off, I love that for you.

I love that. For me, I wanna do it. Yes. What we think of is knowing that, knowing that, okay, my goal is to have all of August off. Here it is, we're blocking it out in the calendar, so we've time blocked August off. We're not incorporating any. Interviews, nothing, no calls, whatever it is. Whatever it is you provide and you how you serve.

And then you really have to structure the rest of the year and become more disciplined in, okay, where is my focus and energy gonna go so that I can feel stress free in August and not be scrambling when we come back in September. Right? So, Do you have any tips for someone who is trying to create that dream calendar?

Maybe it's, we'll focus a little bit more on the time off piece of it, but any tips for that self-discipline when it comes to that? 

[25:02] Permission to Rest

CL: Yes. Somebody I came across this on Instagram the other day, I think, and it just really resonated with me that rest isn't rest. If you feel guilty about it. It's like such a powerful piece.

And so it's something that I try to remind myself is so much comes back to intention as well. And so I like to have a visual cue again, just to have those daily reminders of what you're working towards. So if it is taking the time off in August as an example that you aspire to, like I have My wallpaper on my desktop, like whether it's my desktop computer or my laptop computer it's all the like, Three to four goals, like both personal and business-wise that I want for the year.

Again, I'm not necessarily new you near New Year, new you sort of person. Like you can bring this up in whichever day that feels good to you and you can evolve it as well. But again, it's coming back to having these visual cues of what's your priority that you're aspiring to. Just as these micro reminders, because that's gonna help dictate the way that you like, speak to yourself from a mindset perspective and having that abundance that it's going to happen for you and not tap into too much of that scarcity because that energy just flows in so many different areas of your life once you are in it.

And then also that it's gonna show up in different ways that you actually take action in your business. If you really want to take that time off in August, like you are going to batch your episodes ahead of time, you are going to like set yourself up for success by time, blocking it off and like having these healthy boundaries in place to be able to.

Make sure that you're stacked up and prepared like ahead of time. But also, again, like we talk about transition today in this episode about how do you come back from even maybe that time off has been something that I've been really mindful of as well, of making sure that you have space to ease back into it and not go full on machine mode again, because that's where you're gonna crash and burn from all of that wonderful time that you have had to recharge, that it just, you basically have put it in the garbage can.

If you were to just. Come back full throttle. Right? So be kind to yourself to yourself with kindness and know that you're still a money magnet ultimately. 

[27:13] Transitioning Through Seasons

VL: Oh, that's so good. And actually, it really reminded me of something I also heard recently, and it was about the changing of seasons. What a fun theme that we've hit today.

And they were saying that, When the season changes, I think a lot of people expect, okay, it's spring or it's summer, or it's autumn, it's winter, whatever it is. It's like, okay, this is the first official day of spring, and I know for Christina and I, for the first official day of spring, there was still snow on the ground, and so it doesn't really feel like spring.

And so there's this really beautiful transition time from spring to winter, spring to summer, summer to fall, et cetera. As we're, you know, thawing out or as we're starting to bloom, like when summer hits. The buds are not just popping on the tree the day that summer hits, right? It's this gradual kind of flow and transition.

And so I love that you said when you're coming back from that one month or that weekend or that time off, you're not just throwing yourself into it, it's also about creating the systems around the return of that and how can you ease into, you know, whatever the mode you're in, summer mode, winter mode, whatever it is in your business.

VL: Yeah. I love that. And it's really about thinking ahead and having that discipline and having those boundaries. Like, like you said, all the things, they all support each other. They all. Work together. From the creativity to how you show up as a brand, as a person, as a leader, a member of your community, even it's, it's all tied into your self-care and everything we've talked about.

I mean, wow, this has been such a lovely conversation. Before we get into the final round of the episode, I was wondering if there is anything that hasn't been said that you really want to share today?

[29:52] Wisdom from Christina

CL: I think whatever has been popping into your mind as you're listening to this episode, because I'm sure there's been little trickles that you've likely thought about before or maybe you've been inspired by Valerie and i's conversation today that I. Whatever that may be, whatever that picture that you've been painting in your brain, know that it's valid and that that dream life is totally possible for you.

So take like one micro action today, but knowing that what might feel small in this moment is actually one of the biggest steps that you can create and that this is just the beginning. So choose your own adventure.

VL: Thank you for this incredible conversation. Please let us know where people can find you, where people can follow you, and how we can support your business.

[30:35] Connect with Christine

CL: Well, thank you so much, first of all, for having me and for everybody tuning in. I'm really excited for you all to live your dream life as well. And if you want to continue celebrating, come over on Instagram @_cieu and at Brand Party Podcast. And then if you want to chat about bringing any of your vision projects to life as well, then you can come find me over at christineldesigns.com.

[30:57] Rapid Fire Round

VL: Okay. We have one more segment of the show. It's the rapid fire round. Are you ready?

CL: I’m so ready. Thank you.

VL: Amazing.Question number one is what are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book?

CL: Okay, so two prong thing. I'm currently reading the Way of the Tortoise and so this is a book that I picked up. During my time at in the UK for a conference actually, and it's just a good reminder of being able to slow down in your life and get really intentional. So I think very aligned with what we've talked about today, but I.

It's called the Way of the Tortoise by Matt Little, and then one of my favorite Holy Grail books that I always love coming back to. He's by a Canadian bipoc author, actually based from Toronto. His name is Neil Pcha, but his book, the Happiness Equation, is very much my go-to always that I refer to for other people.

The Way of the Tortoise: https://amzn.to/3sdFkLN

The Happiness Equation: https://amzn.to/45s4fJL 

But coming back to flipping the script on life about being happy first so that you create good work and ultimately have success. It's just a really beautiful journey, so I definitely recommend his book too.

VL: They sound awesome. Question number two is, what does empowerment mean to you?

CL: Empowerment is really being able to have that like inner confidence ultimately to know that whatever you dream and dream of, that you're able to honor it and to be able to have that show up in taking up space in the world.

VL: I love that answer. Question three is, what is your longest standing habit? 

CL: Longest standing habit. Oh, that's a good one. I think whether I recognized it or not, back then, it was really being able to celebrate life's moments and to have that gratitude. Because like we've said too, like I've been, I've like ran my business from like hospital waiting rooms and like having seasons of grief in my life, and it's just on those not so sunny days that you really come back to why you started in the first place and.

Being able to celebrate how far you've gotten and to like have space for conversations like this is like such an honor in itself. So being able to have those moments, I think you should like take a moment to pat yourself on the back like you're doing the most and that you're doing more than you know and making such a difference in people's lives that you don't even recognize also.

VL: Mm, that's so good. Okay, final question. What are you currently working towards? 

CL: I am working towards, I think, two sides of things. So on the personal side, very much honoring those boundaries or some like a daily practice that I'm always constantly trying to achieve. But I. Just allowing myself some grace ultimately when it doesn't happen.

And then also on the business side of things, I've introduced v I P design days for folks to be able to check everything off their design wishlist in one day together. And it's just one of the most fulfilling things that I've really been able to help my clients with throughout my business journey so far.

And. To be able to see how things have been on the back burner for them that they've always wanted to be able to do or to launch or to be able to aspire to have for themselves. But to be able to check it off in like less than a day together is just the most impactful thing in so many ways. So I'm excited for that to grow and to just help serve more people.

VL: Oh my gosh, that's so cool. I'm so excited for you. Again, thank you so much for being part of the show. I've loved this conversation. It really, I. Took us behind the scenes into your business and also how you're able to do what you do. And I think that's one of the things that doesn't get shared enough or doesn't get conversation airtime enough, is that there's so much more than a pretty picture or you know, the right color palette.

It's really. The intention behind what you're doing, it's the boundaries that you created. It's the lifestyle that you wanna do. Mm-hmm. So I just, I love what you're doing. I know that your community really values you, and I'm so grateful that you are part of this community and you've been able to share it with the listener today.

So thank you again, and I'm very excited to, to keep seeing how you grow.

CL: Thank you so much, Valerie

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Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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