BONUS! Supporting Your Monthly Hormones


BONUS! Supporting Your Monthly Hormones with Heather Robb

As women, we are innately connected to nature! However, we often act against the natural seasons of our hormonal cycle. Join Holistic Nutritionist, Heather Robb, and I as we uncover simple ways to support our cycle and give our body what it needs...

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[1:20] An Introduction to Heather!

Holistic Nutritionist who loves helping women with their hormones, getting rid of toxins, and finding out the root cause for why this is happening 

7 years ago: Heather started a really stressful job, lost her period for 2 years, and began her journey into studying health with her own healing and support and then wanted to help other women with their hormones 

[3:53] Helping Women with their Hormones 

Meeting women where they are

Discovering the root cause

Educating people about factors affecting hormones and health (eating, exercise, toxins, chemicals, stress, etc.) 

[5:50] Thinking of our Life + Health as a Puzzle 

Different pieces of health + lifestyle coming together cohesively

Starting where you are and working to complete your puzzle

[6:56] Common Daily Toxins 

The air in our house is 2-5x more polluted than the outside!!

Scented candles
Air fresheners
Environmental Pollution
Chemical Cleaning Products
Synthetic Skincare Products

Follow Heather on Instagram! @TheHolCollective 

Heather started using essential oils so she could make her own cleaning products. They were natural, safer, and cheaper than the common cleaners you can buy at the store. 

Making simple swaps, over time, so that it's less overwhelming.

[11:45] Let's Talk Hormones & PMS! 

PMS = Premenstrual Syndrome
Cluster of symptoms that we get before menstruating
75% of women experience PMS, but this doesn't make it normal 

Common vs Normal
Headaches, cramps, fatigue, sugar cravings are COMMON

It's NORMAL for our hormones to change and shift, but we aren't shifting changing with them

[15:02] Intuitively Connecting with Our Bodies

Balancing our hormones by doing what we know we need to do
Give ourselves permission to rest and do the things we need to do

[15:40] The Four Phases of our Monthly Cycle

The phases are like dominos, making one shift in a part of the cycle, will affect the following phase; Keep stacking good habits and healthy choices

When you start to track your cycle it can be incredibly empowering for your own health and wellbeing


BOOK: Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler 

Walks you through all the phases and helps you to understand, what's happening and what your body is supposed to be doing during these phases. 

Intuitive, hibernating, slowing down, quiet, relaxing, resting; hormones and energy are at the lowest.

Exercise: stretching & yoga


Hormones (estrogen) is starting to increase, to prepare us for ovulation. You'll start to feel more energized. 

Blossoming; starting to bring ideas forward


Hormones, energy, and body temperature is increasing 

Usually in a better mood, more social

Phase 4: LUTEAL ~ FALL 

Preparing for hibernation, hormones dipping so energy is lowering; here comes PMS! You might feel like you're experiencing a little “crash” 

Knowing yourself, knowing your period is coming and plan for this change of “season”

[22:50] Women's Connection to Nature 

Moon Phases


[23:50] Supporting our Hormones in each of the Seasons/Phases 

Phase 1: Menstrual 

Give your body the rest it needs
Go to bed earlier
Take a few things off your calendar; lighten the workload
Adjusting workouts to a lesser intensity

Phase 2: Follicular 

Avoid any that is going to give us synthetic estrogens (diet, unnatural products)
Eating organic does well for your hormones

Environmental Working Group:
Clean 15 Eating List
Dirty Dozen List

The liver is the main organ in the hormones

Phase 3: Ovulation 

Sugar (chocolate) cravings come in

Supplementing magnesium: Your body needs magnesium to detox the estrogen, and if we use up all the magnesium when we're heading into our menstrual phase, we'll experience painful period cramps + PMS symptoms 

* dōTERRA's Lifelong Vitality Pack

* Magnesium is the number 1 deficiency in North America (Heather Recommends: CanPrev Magnesium supplement)

* Vitamin D is also considered a hormone vitamin
APP: D Minder

Phase 4: Luteal 

Magnesium can also be supplemented in Luteal and/or Menstrual phases

You can also soak in magnesium for 15-20 minutes (1-2 cups of magnesium)
Baking soda in the bath will help detox

Amazon Steal!!! Wooden Bath Tub Tray

[33:33] Other ways to Support our Hormones 

Diet: avoiding cooking with inflammatory oils (i.e.vegetable) 
Swap with coconut oil, avocado oil, organic butter

Get more omegas-3 in your diet to help with cramps also! Please make sure supplements are tested for heavy metals.
NutraSea Liquid Omega Supplement

[38:08] Where do we Start with all this New Information?

Everyone will start at different points in their life and with their lifestyle. Choose one area to focus on and stack healthy habits one at a time.

ex. Food & Nutrition: eliminating heavy carbohydrates, sugars, and cooking with better oils, eating out less, drinking more water etc. 

ex. Reducing Synthetic Exposure: swapping household products + skincare, scented candles, air fresheners, etc.

Be compassionate with yourself as you make these little shifts and changes in your life 

Adding in the “good stuff” so that you don't have time/room for the “bad stuff” 

Ultimately we know where we need to start, it just feels heavy and overwhelming to start. We want it to feel easy.

[43:56] Forget Perfection 

Your life and healthy is your unique puzzle!

Keep coming back to your goals, even if you stop for a short amount of time, just start back up again!

[46:46] Connect with Heather Online! 

INSTAGRAM: @theholcollective 
PODCAST: The Hol Collective Podcast Spotify & iTunes & Google

[48:42] Rapid Fire Questions 

What is your Favourite Book? What are you Currently Reading? 

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
Earth is Hiring by Peta Kelly
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Take Control of Your Life by Mel Robbins

What do You Love Most about Being a Woman? 

So much! How we're so ONE with nature
Powerful, but without being forceful
We're superheroes 

What does Empowerment Mean to You? 

Understanding my body and being my own Health Advocate; helping myself through my health issues; knowing that I know my body best

What are you excited about!? What are you Currently Working Toward? 

Personally: Getting married in June and Buying a house!

Professionally: Launching my Hormonal Balance Program, details TBD

[53:46] Final Notes & Remarks about Self Healing 

It's easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, and feel very restricted around the health, but we really need to let a lot go. You're doing your best, keep enjoying your life, and celebrate your small wins along the way! 


Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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