E67: Communicating with Power


E67: Communicating with Power

We need to stop "kneecapping" our sentences! Using speech modifiers to intentionally soften what we say...

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[00:28] Stop Playing “Small”

Stop hiding behind fear, self-doubt, and insecurities

[00:50] Undermining Speech Habits 

a.k.a. “Kneecapping Your Sentences”
Modifiers that intentionally soften what we say

[1:38] “But what if people call me a bitch or tell me I'm bossy?”

The Most Common Undermining Speech Modifiers

[2:51] #1: HEDGES 

“just,” “actually,” “kind of,” and “almost”

[4:34] #2: APOLOGIZING 

“sorry, but…,” “a little bit,” “a few minutes”


“I'm not an expert, but…”
“I know you've been thinking about this for longer than I have…”
“I could be wrong, but…”
“I'm just thinking off the top of my head…”
“Does that make sense?”


Uptalking in a sing-songy tone
No pause between speech, only continuous talking
Substituting a question for a statement

[10:07] BOOK: Playing Big by Tara Morh

“But there was one other factor causing us to undermine ourselves with our words: the “double-bling” – the well-documented phenomenon that women are perceived as competent or likeable, but not both.”

“…Women need to do more than our male counterparts to come across as both warm and competent. We likely need to be more deliberate about continuously conveying warmth even as we are demonstrating our competence.”

[10:44] A Shift in Feminine Energy

Changing the Undermining Speech Habits

[11:37] #1: START WITH ONE 

Choose one habit to work with at a time


Ask a friend to help you, or join you in your journey
Share laughs, stories, situations, and progress with each other

[12:16] #3: RECORD YOURSELF 

Playback your voice/speech to see where you need to improve

[12:53] #4: DO YOU BOO

Love yourself, you are wonderful, beautiful, valuable, and need to be seen and heard by the world!

[13:35] The Throat Chakra 

Free Throat Chakra Meditation!
Episode #58: Speak Your Truth with the Throat Chakra

[14:23] Shine Bright Email Checklist

Click the yellow button below to download your copy!
Use the checklist BEFORE you hit send so you can eliminate, adjust, and edit any undermining modifiers in your emails!


Download the FREE Pre-Send Email Checklist

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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