Book Report Style Podcast Episodes


E251: Why Am I Like This? The Science Behind Your Weirdest Thoughts and Habits

Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Maybe you’ve wondered more specific questions like:

Why does time pass so quickly?

Why do I hate doing absolutely nothing? 

Or why do I keep putting things off?

In the book “Why Am I Like This?” Author Dr. Jen Martin answers these questions and many more explaining The Science Behind Your Weirdest Thoughts and Habits…


When it comes to change, tiny is mighty. There are super small changes that change everything in our lives! These changes become habits, and those tiny habits can make or break our futures. Why? Because a lot of our habits happen automatically, or by default. This can lead to frustration, or feelings of going through the motions with no goals achieved or set. 

It can also lead to happiness, freedom, and success by your definition. The difference between these two outcomes? Is a life by default, versus a life by design…

E221: High Performance HAbits

Something I witness often as a Healthy Habit Mentor are people trying to up-level their skills, advance their careers, and improve their lives BUT they’re wasting energy on the wrong actions and they aren’t moving forward. 

What those of us who feel “STUCK” need is a reliable set of practices for awakening our greatest potential and abilities! Today I’m going to show you six powerful systems that create your high performance habits…

E212: Tiny Habits, Remarkable Results

When we see massive success, it’s easy to think that these results came from massive action. We feel pressure to make earth-shattering changes and improvements in our lives so that we can reach big goals. 

However by making tiny changes, we can make more meaningful, remarkable results. This is the power of atomic habits…

E199: Create LIMITLESS Habits

“You are part of a small group of individuals who not only want more for their lives but are also willing to do what it takes to get results. In other words, you are the hero of the story; you’ve answered the call to adventure. I believe the ultimate adventure we are all on is to reveal and realize our fullest potential and inspire others to do the same.” - Jim Kwik

E182: The Power of Passion and Perseverance are the Keys to Success

While many people would watch the olympics, or high-level sporting events, see hugely successful public speakers, or read about large industry leaders, and think they must be very “talented” or even very “lucky!” The truth of the matter is that luck, or their talent is not what got them to where they are today. It was actually their Grit; their passion and perseverance that are the true keys to their magnificent success.

E174: Book Report: The Four Tendencies

NEW! Book Reports: I'm getting back into the habit of reading again and I LOVE sharing some of the great takeaways and learnings with you.

This is a new segment for the show, so I would really appreciate your feedback or book suggestions!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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