E02: Hormone Essentials


E02: Hormone Essentials

I recently participated in an incredible online education series called the Essential Oils Hormone Summit. I learned so many wonderful things and I wanted to share my biggest takeaways with you!

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The Essential Oil Hormone Summit was lead by the talented and beautiful Dr. Mariza Snyder. She brought in some of the top wellness experts and interviewed them on how to create hormone balance with essential oil rituals, recipes, and powerful lifestyle recommendations.

Here's more info about Dr. Mariza and where you can find her!

  • Functional Practitioner and author of six books

  • Newest book: The Essential Oils Hormones Solution which will be available in early 2019

  • Visit her website here

  • Check out her podcast Essentially You

Over 25 of dōTERRA's leaders and wellness experts were interviewed and I wish I could share ALL my notes with you, but instead I will share some of the golden nuggets from this summit and the simple actions you can take TODAY to create more balance in your hormones.

#1 The Foundation of Health is Nutrition 

  • Food is information for your body, and you want to be sending your body the right information

  • Supplementing your nutrition is important in making sure you're getting everything you need each day

  • The Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) was mentioned numerous times. This is one of dōTERRA's most ordered product and I take these supplements daily. You can order them here.

  • Drinking lots of water is also important. Most people are chronically dehydrated which can lead to feeling stiff or achy in the joints. You might also have a mental fog, constipation, chapped lips, dry skin, and more when you're not drinking enough water.

TIP: Fill your glass bottle or jar with high quality water and add a drop of Tangerine essential oilLemon essential oil, or Grapefruit essential oil for extra limonene to help clear out your system. Buy your high limonene oils here.

#2 Self Care is Necessary

  • Self care doesn't mean taking weekly bubble baths (although I aim to soak in the tub 2x/week!), or getting a massage, or doing some retail therapy.

  • Self care means creating AND living your dream life every day. It means creating a life you don't need a vacation or escape from.

  • Self care means putting yourself first. You cannot serve others when your cup is empty.

  • Self care means saying “no” so you can make room for “YES!”

  • Self care means feeling good – all the time

TAKE ACTION: Spend a couple minutes in quiet mediation thinking about what you would like your dream life, or day to look like. Then, write out your “perfect” or “dream day.” How does it start and end? Go into detail throughout the day. Once you're done, look back at your “prefect day” and choose one thing you can start implementing in your daily life. Even if it is something similar to what you put on your paper. Display this somewhere where you will see it every day!

#3 Reduce Your Toxic Load

  • A lot of household products and skincare or makeup products have loads of toxins, chemicals, and other harmful components that are affecting our health and hormones. 

  • Consider switching out these products. I always recommend that once you’ve finished a product to find a new, cleaner alternative. And quite honestly, I’ve been making a lot of my own cleaning products since learning more about essential oils. dōterra.com has an excellent DIY section. 

  • dōTERRA also has an On Guard cleaning line which is super simple and wonderful for switching over laundry detergent, stain remover, and hand soap in your home. My favourite is the On Guard mist and I carry this with me everywhere and I especially love it after the gym or the gas station when I know I’ve touched things that many other people have touched.

6 Simple Daily Detox Habits

  1. Drink lots of water

  2. Dry brush before showering

  3. Sweat! (sauna, workouts, etc.)

  4. Drink a Green Juice! Try celery juice to reduce inflammation

  5. Spend time in nature (detox from “noise” and technology)

  6. Use your essential oils

#4 Energetic & Emotional Alignments

Liver-Hormone Connection

  • Anger is the emotion associated with the liver and the gallbladder.

  • Love your liver! It's helping to detox everything that is going into or on your body, it has a big job and it needs your help sometimes

  • Pay attention to certain behavioural and emotional signs that your liver needs you: headaches, dizziness, repressed anger, frustration, resentment, irritability, etc.

  • Try dōTERRA's Detoxing Blend: Zendocrine diluted on the belly or mixed with your epsom salts for extra support

Gut-Hormone Connection 

  • You might have heard of the gut being your second brain before, but did you know that the spleen and gut are associated with the emotions of worry and nervousness? This includes anxiety. Read more from this article by Health Harvard

  • Gut health and digestion is SO IMPORTANT. A holistic approach to a basic reset protocol is dōTERRA’s 30-Day Cleanse and Restore Kit. It covers 5 main systems all in 30-days. Remember you can keep it simple and start with 1 of the 5 until it becomes a habit and once you start to feel better incorporate another.

  1. Lifelong Vitality Pack: taking daily supplements for foundational support and health

  2. Drinking Citrus Oils: cleansing/detoxing digestive system, supporting emotions, and so much more

  3. ZenGest/DigestZen: the essential oil form, or the capsules. Taking a drop of EO after every meal as a gentle cleanser for your digestive system

  4. Terrazyme: another incredible supplement and digestive enzyme. This can also be taken after meals 

  5. PB Assist: dōTERRA’s powerful probiotic to support the growth of healthy bacteria and strong gut health.

This is such a huge topic, and it needs an episode of it’s own. I’m planning on inviting someone special on the show to talk all about this goodness!

#5 Keep It Simple

Healthy can be simple. Start implementing one thing you learned from today, like drinking more water or switching out toxic chemicals from your makeup collection or skincare.

Follow your passion and your pleasure. Check in and ask what your heart wants!

TAKE ACTION: Know your priorities; what is important to you, what's in alignment with your dream life or dream day? Invest in accountability; maybe a friend, or a coach, or join a like-minded group; tell your social media network what you're up to. Have a plan; create a plan that your accountability buddy helps you keep! 

Essential Oils for Reducing Cortisol & Blood Pressure: Bergamot, Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, Serenity, Peace, Whisper

Oils for Your Liver: Zendocrine, Geranium, Frankincense

Self-Care Oils: AromaTouch technique, Citrus oils, Balance

Detox Oils: Zendocrine, Lemon, Smart & Sassy/Slim & Sassy, Oregano, Cilantro, On Guard, Citrus Bliss, Lemongrass, ZenGest/DigsstZen, Frankincense, Myrrh, Terrazyme (supplement)

Oils for Anxiety & Calming: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Melissa, Frankincense, Bergamot, Neroli, Wild Orange, Tangerine, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Rose, Jasmine, Cedarwood, Serenity, Balance, Peace, Citrus Bliss

Oils for Craving Control: Smart & Sassy (metabolic blend); a drop in water or in a veggie cap, Peppermint, grapefruit, lime, and spearmint and great to diffuse

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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