E08: Starting 2019 in Alignment
E08: Starting 2019 in Alignment
In 2017 I created a comprehensive and customizable step-by-step blueprint that takes you from good to great! My Str8 A Formula includes eight major parts to achieving your goals, using specific tools to help you overcome blocks and limiting beliefs. This year, I've UPDATED IT! And just in time for 2019...
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Step One: AIM
Decide what's meaningful to you
Get clear on the vision you'd like to create for yourself
Be specific with what you want
Where intention goes, energy flows
Goals can change, you can always come back to this phase
Think about your future self 12 months from now: describe your future self in detail
Step Two: ACTION
Ready to map out the inspired action strategy
Work with your creativity
Take action from a place of service
Consistent, committed, and capable
Magic happens when you're in action
Your action steps will be the bridge to get you from where you are today to where you want to be in 12 months
Don't worry too much about the how, focus on the WHY… why do you want what you want?
Bring awareness to your fears
It is possible to overcome internal obstacles and blocks
Dig deeper so you can up-level your life
The key is compassion
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
Give your inner critic a name, listen and learn the deeper meaning/intention behind the fears
Affirmation = a declaration of the truth
Affirm YOUR truth, YOUR intention
Courage + Self-Love = Healing
Be brave and stretch out of your comfort zone
Keep coming back to your “why” the reason behind your desires
Step Five: AMAZING
Tap into the vibration of gratitude to attract more of what you're grateful for
Gratitude = high vibe energy
High vibes = alignment with your purpose
Speed up the process of manifestation
You get more of what you are grateful for
Create your own gratitude practice, this could be a journal, or meditation, what does your gratitude practice look like?
Finding your unique rhythm
Optimizing “time” so you can work efficiently and effectively
Creating habits to help you reach your vision
Be flexible and compassionate when developing new habits or skills
Create space, release excuses!
What is your “one thing?” the one thing you can do every day to help you reach your goal?
Increase the probability of achieving your goal
Choose your Success Buddy
Observation, feedback, reflection
Accountability/success tips
My accountability meeting method
Celebrate your success!
Look how far you've come
Gratitude and celebrations go hand-in-hand
Raise the bar a little higher for your next vision/goal
Purchase the Str8 A Formula
Podcast Host
Valerie LaVigne
Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!