E105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra


E105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra

Today’s episode is about Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This final crown area is different from the other areas in the body because it is actually above our physical body, just like a crown that sits on top of our heads…

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[00:27] Hi there welcome back to our final episode of the chakra series. Over the past year I have been sprinkling in chakra episodes into the show - in no particular order. However today is the last of the series, and it also happens to be the seventh, out of seven chakras, or main energy centres in the body. 

Today is all about our seventh chakra: The Crown. Before we go into more detail, let’s review the seven main energy centres in the body:

Chakra One: Is the root chakra located at the base of the spine/tailbone

Episode 64: Reclaim Your Roots with the First Chakra

Chakra Two: Is the sacral chakra, located at the reproductive organs, below the belly button

Episode 89: Sexuality & The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Three: Is the core or solar plexus chakra, located in the abdomen above the belly button 

Episode 79: Confidence & The Core Chakra

Chakra Four: is the heart chakra, at the centre of the chest

Chakra Five: is the throat chakra, located at the throat

Episode 58: Speak Your Truth with the Fifth Chakra

Chakra Six: Is called the third eye chakra located at the forehead, between the eyebrows

Episode 71: Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

And lastly, Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This final crown area is different from the other areas in the body because it is actually above our physical body, just like a crown that sits on top of our heads.

[2:24] Along with specific locations in our physical body, the chakras also coincide with emotional, mental, and spiritual themes. The seventh chakra is all about knowing and learning. The meaning or purpose of this chakra is understanding. In Sanskrit the name for the seventh chakra is Sahasrara [SAH-HA-SRA-AH] ]which translates to ”thousandfold”. This is because the symbol of this chakra is a lotus with 1000 petals. I told you this chakra was different from the others!

The chakras also have colours, issues, identity, demons, characteristics, and much more.

Themes around the seventh chakra have to do with consciousness, awareness, the witness, belief systems, universal identity, higher power, transcendence, divinity, information, meaning, and unity. This chakra is represented by the element Thought, and the colour violet, or sometimes white.

To be honest, I was really delaying the production and launch of this episode. I’ve always been very intimidated by the crown chakra. It’s so much less tangible than the other chakras and for me, I find it complicated to explain. 

[3:51] There is a chakra book that I always mention and refer to, it’s called Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It’s an incredible resource for the Chakras and I refer to it each time I create these episodes. It’s like a textbook of sorts!

As I was rereading the chapter on the crown chakra I was reminded of something very important. The crown is not intangible, but rather it IS VERY tangible and connected to the physical world just like the other energy centres.

I sometimes get caught up in the limiting belief that to be spiritual you must give up all your physical possessions and devote your life to spirit. However this is a common misinterpretation entirely! 

Spiritually and the material world go hand in hand. Spirituality is not about connecting to something so beyond us; it’s about connecting to a divine part of us. A part of us that already exists. A part of us we’ve always been able to access, but choose not to, or are taught not to bother with. 

There is a really beautiful description of this chakra in the book I want to share with you:

“The crown chakra is the thousand-petaled lotus. Most people think of the petals as reaching up into the heavens; actually, the lotus petals turn downward like a sunflower, dripping nectar into the crown and down through the chakras. In this way, the two ends of the spectrum are profoundly connected. How can a lotus bloom without roots in the earth? How can it reach heaven if its roots are not deep and wide?”

Meaning this chakra, like the whole rainbow bridge of chakras, is about CONNECTION. And the purpose of this energy centre is to connect to the divine. To do this we must be able to ground, so the key to creating consciousness, and divine connection is BALANCE.

[6:05] Think of any time you’ve sat down to meditate. We meditate for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s for relaxation, many times it’s for clarity, other times we wish to tap into creativity. Whatever our reason for meditation, we know that it is a spiritual practice. To start this practice we are typically seated. Rooted. Grounded down. We take stabilizing breaths. We become more present and balanced.

Are you picking up on all of this ROOT CHAKRA LANGUAGE? Once we are more grounded and relaxed, we are then able to TURN INWARD. INSIDE! Not outside, not up to heaven, not into a crystal ball. We are looking INSIDE OURSELVES; into a place we know, we just have to bring our awareness to this place.

As I’m preparing this episode it’s becoming more clear as to why I was avoiding it. I am someone, who from a very young age, has always been “different” from my family and friends. I used to see, hear, dream, know, and feel things that most people couldn’t explain. As a young girl this was quite troubling and I slowly quieted my voice to sharing what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling, because I was TOLD that these things weren’t real. 

The senses never really went away though. Instead they manifested into dreams. Very vivid, very real dreams. I still have wild dreams every-single-night. I’m not even exaggerating when I say I have the craziest dreams. Almost every day I wake up and say, “I had the craziest dream” and each night they seem to get more wild. I don’t even know if I have the time to talk about last night’s dream.

For a while I started to keep a dream journal and try to interpret my dreams. Then I started asking the Archangels to leave me alone because I would wake up feeling tired. I asked them to let me sleep and stop sending me messages in my dreams. It worked sometimes, but I usually forgot to do it before bed.

The point is, during these times I didn’t have the tools or the teachers to help me navigate things that were unfamiliar to my own community. Most people I told dismissed, disregarded, or thought I was weird for what I was telling them.

It made me feel very DISCONNECTED from others and it is the reason why I decided to DISCONNECT from those parts of myself; so that I could feel connected to the people around me. Over time I found my people. The ones I could share my crazy dreams with and they wouldn’t judge me for it.

I found them through my own personal and spiritual practice. The more I learned about myself, the more I realized yoga and mediation were very important parts of my journey. The more I meditated and practiced yoga, and the deeper my spiritual practice became, the clearer everything became for me. From relationships, to my life path, to what my gifts were, to what was holding me back.

Now I feel like I need to interrupt this for a moment and say: just because I became more clear, did not mean that things got easier… hell to the no! They almost get a little harder haha because you’re stepping into this consciousness that not everyone can relate to or understand. Not everyone is on the same journey as you and this is an important piece to remember.

Since we are all on our own journeys, we must be patient and loving with others who do not have the same awareness as we do. This can be a challenging part of the spiritual journey.

[10:52] Just like all the other energy centres in the body, there are signs of deficiency, and excess of this seventh chakra.

Signs of a deficient Crown Chakra include:

  • Spiritual cynicism

  • Learning difficulties

  • Rigid belief systems

  • Apathy

  • Excess in lower chakras: materialism, greed, domination of others

Sins of excess in the Crown Chakra include:

  • Over intellectual-ization

  • Spiritual addiction

  • Confusion

  • Dissociation from the body

The goal is to create balance in our chakras. A balanced Crown Chakra means:

  • Ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information

  • Intelligent, thoughtful, aware

  • Open-minded, able to question 

  • Spiritually connected

  • Wisdom and mystery, broad understanding

When you’re considering your own journey and experience, think about how you can best support your crown chakra. At this point in the episode, if you’re still listening, the chances are you’re not entirely cynical about the chakras, however you might feel excess in your lower chakras in the sense that you feel heavy, and maybe tired. 

Perhaps you relate more to the excess of the crown. Maybe you obsess over your spiritual practice, and you’re always trying to find a deeper meaning, or you’re always looking beyond; so much so you’ve lost the connection with your own body. Feeling less grounded.

What is so wonderful about our spiritual and life journeys is that we all learn and grow and understand in different ways. The key is to stay open to possibilities and opportunities. 

[15:29] It is not only the crown chakra that helps us understand ourselves, it is all the chakras that are our teachers. The learning, growth, and transformation happens when we heal each of the lotus flowers, when we create balance.

Here’s what I recommend. Start with taking a moment to disconnect from the outside world. Get off your technology and find a comfortable spot to close your eyes and breathe. Start with your breath. Even our breath will teach us what is happening in our body. 

Notice the tightness, pain, pressure, space, lightness, in the body. Which body part is asking for more attention, more love? Now which of the chakras does that body part connect with? Start there.

If you’re experiencing head tension, maybe it’s the crown chakra. All of the previous chakra episodes are there, as well as a Crown Chakra Meditation you can download for free HERE!

I can’t even believe I’m saying this but next week is DECEMBER 2020! The year of all years is coming to an end, I have some great podcast episodes coming up, I know you’ll love them!

ALSO my new Healthy Habits Workshops start next week! You can sign up for the upcoming healthy habit workshop at www.valerielavignelife.com/workshop

See you there!


Download the FREE Crown Chakra Meditation

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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