E15: My Holistic Approach to Coping with Anxiety


E15: My Holistic Approach to Coping with Anxiety

A deep conversation of pain and purpose. My journey through struggling with anxiety to strengthening my connection to self...

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2:20 An introduction of what was.

5:45 My story, my journey.

My Holistic Methods to Coping with Anxiety

12:40 Yoga

  • Pranayama

  • Asanas

  • Meditation

19:30 Lifting Weights

  • Grounding Movement

  • Routine

  • A Moving Meditation

22:40 Nutrition

27:15 Essential Oils

  • My favourite oils for anxiety + depression

  • Grounding, woody/earthy Aromas

  • Citrus oils are uplifting

  • Quality oils are key

30:10 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

  • 5 Things you can See

  • 4 Things you can Touch

  • 3 Things you can Hear

  • 2 Things you can Smell

  • 1 Thing you can Taste

32:28 Gratitude Practice

  • Journal: 3-5 things I am grateful for each day

33:29 Quality Sleep

  • Gratitude practice before bed

  • Diffusing my favourite oils

34:40 Making My Bed Each Morning

  • Started on my trip

  • First thing you do when you wake up

  • Easiest thing to do

37:10 Time

  • Healing Time “all things heal in time”

  • Alone Time

38:30 Tears/Crying

  • “When you cry your heart is healing”

39:30 Nature

  • Earth

  • Air

  • Water

  • Sun

You are loved.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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