E14: Sunday Night Routine


E14: Sunday Night Routine

Creating and implementing a solid Sunday Night routine to kickstart your week and thrive in your life and business…

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The 3-5 System

  • Choose 3-5 tasks to do each day: 1-3 if they are larger tasks, 4-5 if they are smaller tasks

  • Remember: What gets scheduled, gets done!

  • Prioritize your daily tasks with emojis/symbols or number them from 1-5 (1 is the most important, 5 is the least)

  • Work on only ONE task at a time

Your Ideal Week Template

  • Create a template for what your “Ideal” or “Perfect” Week would look like in your calendar

  • ELIMINATE or DELEGATE all the things you dread doing, or aren't making time for (we make time for what is important to us)

  • As you plan out each week, see where you can incorporate pieces of your Ideal Week and begin to transform your schedule over time

  • Start being INTENTIONAL with your time!

Your Non-Negotiables & Your Creativity Cave

  • Self-Care and the things that really need to get done for you to be the best version of you

  • Maybe this is a power-hour in the morning: spending 60 minutes moving your body, reading, meditating, drinking coffee while you journal, eating a healthy breakfast, being out in nature, listening to a podcast, or a combination of a few different things.

  • Put those in your schedule FIRST and keep them on your schedule!

  • Your “Creativity Cave” is the time and space dedicated to things like content creation, and brainstorming new projects. It's time that is protected and uninterrupted

Top 3 Takeaways

  1. Be INTENTIONAL with your time/schedule

  2. Be PRESENT in each task/priority

  3. CREATE a week, and a life you're obsessed with!


Share with me! What are your favourite productivity practices? Do you have a Sunday night routine to help you kick off the week!? Send me a DM on Instagram!

IMAGE: My “Ideal Week” It's pretty full, but it works for my life right now 🙂 I have a very close schedule to this almost every week!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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