E153: Syncing Your Self-Care with the Moon Cycle


E153: Syncing Your Self-Care with the Moon Cycle

Amplify and elevate your self-care routines into powerful rituals using the energy of the eight phases of the moon cycle…

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[1:44] What is Self Care

  • Self-care comes in many different forms. In some of the earlier episodes of the podcast I talk about simple, and not so simple self-care practices:

E16: Ten Simple Self-Care Practices

E17: Ten Not-so-SImple Self-Care Practices

  • Today we’ll be talking about our different wellness routines and regimens, the simple self-care and I’ll sprinkle in some of the not so simple self-care also. 

  • At its very core, self-care is whatever fills our cups. It elevates our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirit. When our cup or our energy is full, we are able to pour into others. Ideally we can aim to fill our cups so much that we are overflowing our elevated energy onto others.

  • This allows us to remain full while we give, and it allows us to give more

  • Since each and every one of us is wildly unique, I will offer a variety of self-care ideas and rituals throughout the episode. These could be practices you already have, or perhaps ones you’d like to try. You can also listen for where you’d like to include some of your very own unique routines into the lunar phases - more on this very soon!

  • Before we get into the details, I’d like to invite you to follow me on instagram and connect with me more there. You can find me @vallavignelife Share your self-care practices with me in the DMs or comments, I would love to get to know you more.

[6:15] The Lunar Phases

  • If you’re already in the instagram community, or if you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you might already know that as practical and logistical as I am I LOVE astrology and following the lunar phases, pulling oracle cards, and the Woo life! I am here for the woo!

  • Which is why today I am combing some practical routines, with one of nature's most powerful cycles: the moon phases

  • The moon or lunar cycle is about 28-30 days and contains 8 phases: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, the last quarter moon, and waning crescent moon.

  • These 8 phases can be most obviously tracked by the shape of the moon that you see (on a clear night) The day after this podcast is released is a New Moon sometimes called Dark Moon and it is when you don’t see the moon in the sky at all! 

  • Not only does the moon affect how we see it, but it’s also affecting how we feel. The moon has a magnetic pull on the Earth which changes the tides. The human body is made up of more than 75% water, which means we’re being magnetically pulled too!

  • For each of the lunar phases I will explain what this phase typically means, examples of self-care best suited for this phase, and also a few ways you can elevate or amplify this to make it more of a ritual.

[11:54] New Moon

The new moon, as I mentioned, is when the sky is dark and we won’t see the moon. Think of this as a blank slate for us to create a vision for our lives (or at least for the next 28-30 days). This is a very quiet, gentle part of the moon phase and is excellent for planting the seeds of our dreams, connecting to our intuition and inner wisdom, and starting something new.

Now is the time to journal your goals and intentions. These can be one, six, or twelve month intentions and goals. 

This is also a really great time to rest and spend some time alone. The moon’s energy is mirroring for us to slow down, hide like the hermit and take much care. Avoid extra tasks and overwhelm. Prioritize rest and time alone or at home. 

To elevate your intention setting journaling ritual, write down everything intention, goal, or manifestation in your journal. Then, go through each item on your list and envision you having it NOW. Embody the feelings of what this would be like if this intention were happening to you in the present, or had already happened to you and feel it in your entire body and being. Bring this manifestation into the present moment using your visualization and follow it with gratitude. Say, feel, or experience yourself being grateful for that goal coming into fruition for you.

[15:04] Waxing Crescent

This part of the moon phase is when you start to see the shape of the moon appearing in a crescent or sliver. Almost like the moon is peeking out from behind the darkness. As the light of the moon grows, imagine your confidence also starting to shine.

The self-care practices you want to emphasise in this phase are confidence boosting rituals. These will help set your intentions into motion. Write down a positive affirmation about yourself and your intention together. 

For example, if your intention is to attract money into your life, your affirmation could be: “I am abundant” or “I am a money magnet” You can write this down several times in your journal, or make a cute wallpaper for your phone so you see it every day. Write it on a sticky note or two or three and place them around your house or in your car, or on your desk where you will be reminded of the affirmation. 

To elevate this ritual take note of times where your intention is coming to light in small ways, using the example you might find a dime on the ground, or maybe a stranger picked up your tab at the starbucks drive through. 

Some other ways to boost confidence are to wear your favourite clothes, do your hair or make up if that makes you feel good, and surround yourself with people who lift you up, not pull you down.

[17:29] First Quarter

This moon phase is when the moon looks like the shape of the letter D. As the moon shines more light, you want to keep taking more action. Energy is building and we need to be here for it. Taking action is the only way we’re going to get the results we want when it comes to our goals and intentions.

This is also where people tend to get the must stuck. Doing “the work” as I call it, or taking action, comes with its challenges. Obstacles may arise so self-care practices that involve mindfulness and personal development are great to build in this phase.

Think meditation, breath-work, yoga, any form of movement to shake out tension or resistance. This would also be a perfect time to revisit your favourite personal development books or podcasts to help motivate and inspire you to stay on track with your goals. Depending on your intention/goal you might have a book or poem that really resonates with you. 

For our abundance example some of my favourites are:

Think and Grow Rich

Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

The Science of Getting Rich

Elevate this ritual by including some forgiveness into your day as you are growing and evolving and you need all the compassion for the action you are taking and the work you are doing. It’s uncomfortable at times, but it means you are growing. It’s okay if you’re in the messy middle of it. Deep breaths.

[19:36] Waxing Gibbous

The waxing gibbous phase is when the moon is almost at its fullest. Almost. There is definitely more energy in this phase as the moon is brighter. 

In combination with physical self-care practices like working out, or dancing, or moving your body more - incorporate more of that physical self-love.  Consider acupuncture, massage, booking an osteo appointment, or a fascial stretch. If your physical body needs less attention, maybe you’ll prefer a delicious meal, or time out with friends. 

Elevate this ritual by turning off devices and distractions. Setting firm boundaries about when you will be replying to emails - definitely NOT during your massage!

[21:31] Full Moon

This is probably the most well-known phase of the moon cycle and when people feel the effects of the moon the most. The moon is its fullest and brightest and we are at the height of the lunar energy or the climax of the cycle. This is the time for a check-in. Think of it as the time where everything is illuminated and you can see all the pieces of the puzzle now, no secrets.

Use this time to stop and take note of all you’ve done thus far. Honour yourself for the action you’ve taken, the efforts you’ve made and how far you’ve come. A perfect ritual for this part of the lunar cycle is a moon bath. 

Elevate this ritual with a rose quartz crystal to open up the heart chakra, 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil for relaxation and calming, 2 cups of epsom salts for easing the tension in the body and mind, and 1 cup of baking soda for detoxing and letting go.

If you don’t have a bathtub, you can mix the ingredients in a bowl and pour it over your shoulders in the show and keep the crystal close by.

You might be noticing more of your intentions coming into fruition now, and perhaps you have not. Regardless of the outcome of your actions, release all limiting beliefs, expectations, or trying to figure out the “how” of it all happening. Instead, focus on celebrating the work you’ve done and the leaps you’ve made toward your goal.

[23:53] Waning Gibbous

While the moon is not technically full, it still has some energy and light left in it during this phase. Most people feel the effects of the full moon days later, and this is the waning gibbous moon.

It’s time to clear out the energy in your physical space. What is no longer serving you must go! Declutter your home or office. Donate clothing, clear out photos on your phone or documents in your Google Drive that you no longer need. Don’t be shy to let things go, they are of the past. The more you can let go, the lighter you will be, and the more space you are creating for (like our example abundance) to flow!

Elevate this ritual by physically opening windows and letting fresh air and sunlight into your space if possible. This helps get rid of stale energy. Clear out places maybe you hadn’t thought of like cleaning out your bag, wallet, or glove box of your car. Also - I’ll say it… toxic relationships or people. Tasks that have been on your to do list for far too long, and anything else that you no longer want in your life.

[25:15] Last Quarter

The moon begins to appear smaller and smaller in the sky. Your actions continue, however this is a wonderful time to shower yourself with gifts of gratitude.

What self-care practices would help you feel rewarded for your efforts? Buying yourself a small gift? Buying a new pair of shoes? Maybe getting your hair or nails done? Anything that celebrates and honours your hard work and effort that makes you feel great about yourself!

Elevate this routine by sharing the excitement with a friend OR writing a gratitude note to yourself with the details of how far you’ve come.

[26:03] Waning Crescent

This is the final phase of the lunar cycle, if you haven’t already detoxed your home or body, it’s time to get the massage, have another epsom salt bath and decompress. The energy of the moon is slowing down, as is it’s light.

This is a great time to reconnect to nature and practice self-care such as grounding (walking barefoot in the grass), going for a hike, swimming in the lake, or laying out in the sun. 

Elevate this ritual by incorporating nature into your daily self-care routines. For example: 

  • Drink your morning coffee while you water the plants in your home

  • Journal outside

  • Walk to your favourite lunch spot

  • Include more essential oils into your evening routine

  • While you’re shopping for healthy food for the week, pick up some fresh flowers

The moon cycle repeats again with the new moon.

Depending on when you’re listening to this episode you might not be in the new moon phase, and know that that is perfect alright! You can start at any point in the cycle. 

Let’s connect on instagram! @vallavignelife 


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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