E152: IG Habits to Create Quality Connection & Content


E152: IG Habits to Create Quality Connection & Content with Steph Rigby

Learn to create quality connections online and quality content with Steph Rigby of @yourcontentbestie from Instagram…

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[1:21] Valerie LaVigne: I am very excited to welcome our newest guest to the show. Steph Rigby. Steph is an Instagram content mentor who empowers to create authentic content and helps them focus on using Instagram to grow their business. She has over 10 years of corporate sales and marketing experience. But the nine to five life just wasn't for her. She started her online business after constantly waking up feeling tired, unhappy and longing to do more with her life and just tried to climb the corporate ladder. Three months later, she went full time in her business and never looked back. Now she mentors online creatives and creating content that stops their dream client’s scroll. Welcome to the show!

Stephanie Rigby: Thanks for having me here.

VL: Yeah, it's really great to have you here. I know this is something that you and I have been talking about very long, trying to get together to do an episode for the show. And honestly, I totally believe in like signs and how timing is really important. I feel like this is the perfect time for us to connect. You've got some great new offerings going on. You have some amazing content and and tips to share. So yeah, I'm really excited to have you on the show finally, and I hope we can just dive right in. How does that sound? That's amazing. So you teach Instagram in a nutshell.

SR: Yeah. 

VL: And what I love about what you do is you do it in such a fun way that really is true to you and true to who you are. So I love that you can see your personality shine through with your content and honestly as someone who really encourages and promotes and teaches Instagram and can be and using it for your community, I see that a lot of people are missing the mark with the connection. I always say like Instagram is a form of social media, but people forget the social part of it. So how do you create community on instagram?

SR: Yeah, I totally agree. A lot of people miss the mark on using it as a social platform and offense to be so full a lot of people I feel like I'm just creating content and not so this is something I'm super passionate about and have always focused on and help my clients focus on as well. building connections doesn't have to be hard at all. It's really just by not like my people, finding people that can relate to you that you can relate to and just connecting with them. And I think the one thing that a lot of people are afraid of is coming off sleazy, or spammy when to try to create those connections. And, you know, I think the pandemic also hasn't helped build like a lot of social anxiety. So like I think people get a lot of social anxiety when it comes to creating those connections or sending messages to people on Instagram. Now we've all been deleted from face connections, so want to make more connections online. However, we still feel that social anxiety of like, oh my god, like they're gonna think that they're gonna think that and we don't really just like push past those thoughts and push past those barriers and just build those connections as people so I think it's something that's missed with people and if you're not connecting with people on Instagram, your content alone is not enough to convert people, attract people and even just make money in general because let's be honest, a lot of us use Instagram to make money if you're not in business and you're using it, you know, for voyeurism or, you know, for the, you know, the purpose of just looking at other content that's different, but when it comes to making impact, whether he, you know, make a free impact or a paid impact on people. At the end of the day, you're not actually trying to connect with people you're trying to impact then so much get lost. 

[5:30] VL: Yeah, that's a really good point, because I know people call it like posting. So if you just post something that is creating content and you're not engaging with comments, you're leaving potential clients and customers in the desk, potential paychecks if you really want to look at it this way. And something that I really discovered in the last year specifically is how important community is and because of all the changes and the shapes and all the lockdowns and things we've been going through I've really taken to social media, specifically Instagram to create these relationships and even you and I we've known each other for over a year now we've never met in real life yet we've had Yeah, we've had conversations and zoom calls outside of Instagram but we met through like minded people, and let's say it's day one for us on Instagram, or maybe not day one, but we're we're ready to try something different. We've been doing the content. And now what do we do?

[7:12] SR: We're a little bit nervous to show up in our authentic way because, you know, there's going to be the fears always like imposter syndrome. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I a question, or it's going to be what if they don't like me or what if they don't? Like what I'm, what I'm sharing personally and the other question again, a lot of you right now, but these are common limiting beliefs. The other question that I get a lot is, well, I want to keep my personal life personal. So how do we sprinkle in some of our personality without, you know, giving it all away and maybe bringing in family members or people who don't want to be seen on social media? How do we find the balance? Yeah, so those are some really great questions and you know, very common things that I find my customers are dealing with, or people that are having to meet or advice that aren't customers yet are dealing with and I think the biggest thing is knowing what people could potentially have a common view. So I think really knowing what your own interests are and what your own hobbies are, and what your own tendencies are, and being able to speak about that and make that known to people. I again, it's all about relatability right? So at the end of the day, you want people to be able to relate to you you want to be able to share information that's motivating and inspiring. And you want to be able to just build a genuine connection. So I always think of it like if I were face to face with somebody, which is maybe a new concept these days, but if I were face to face with somebody, or even like on a zoom call, what are some of the things that I would say or let them know that ice and those are some really good places to start? And simply the best way to just start is to just comment on people's content. And I think that is something or reply to their stories and it's something that seems obvious but not everybody does right away and people hold back because they fear that judgment or they think they're going to say something stupid or you know so at the end of the day I think that you have to really work on the mindset to behind your behind those thoughts and that impossible. Every time you do something or go to do something and you hear those like negative thoughts and you have to really make that verbiage in your head and you have to come up with stories for yourself. So that's one thing. The other thing to the point about what to share about your personal life, pick a couple friends that you're comfortable with that aren't too personal, right so like maybe it's something like your day to day like you could talk about your morning routine your evening routine, you could talk about you know, your kids or your pets or like I share my cat all the time that people love it like it's just so funny. Like I'll get people going to my profile from my story on like a random photo or video of a cat. And they're like, Okay, well I guess would be interested in learning more about me or they wanted to see what other content or maybe they thought I had tons of cat photos, a profile or something like that. So there's always something that people are going to be intrigued by. Can't always know what that is. So I think if you're afraid to show little things that are personal or sorry if you're free to show personal things you need to find a couple of little things that you're comfortable with sharing first, if you like to maybe make a smoothie every day. So just sharing things like that that are really relatable are really good place to start.

[9:50] VL: Absolutely. And I love that you use the word relatable because it's so connections with people and what I do my own Instagram trainings I was talking about that know like and trust factor. We've heard it over and over and over again. But the rule still applies. People need to get to know you and are going to find reasons to like you and then once they know you and like you they're absolutely going to start trusting you more and that could lead to a sale before it will be to a referral which leads to a sale. So it's really just about doing it right like putting yourself out there in some way shape or form and I love that you mentioned morning and evening routines because you know how I am all about those healthy habits for sure. So that's again, like for my own example, that's something that I share I talk about either whatever kind of whatever habit I'm working on at the time and for a while it was walking every day and so I would post a story of either 15 Second seconds of calm or look at this bird I saw on my walk today. Or like look at the sunshine. It's such a beautiful day, or it's raining rain or shine you're going for your walk like those are four examples of different stories that I posted on different days and that's four days where the quote unquote content but it's that relatable a little bit more personal content. I don't teach people how to walk. I don't tell people the weather. I don't talk about I'm not like a bird person.

Quite the opposite of a bird person. However, yeah, I have like trauma with birds. Anyway. That's for a different podcast.

However, what I am doing is I'm showing people one how to show up everyday for your habits, which is what I do, I'm happy to coach and to I'm encouraging people hey, look, I'm doing the work. I'm doing what I say that you should do or you need to find us results right and so, you know, this was consistency. Like I wish I was showing people like hey, look, I did this many 1000 steps today or you know what, I didn't reach my goal today, but that's okay. And I screenshotted my apps I track my steps and this was a huge connector to a lot of people. I had other people going on walks taking similar stories and tagging me that I'm saying was inspired to go for a walk by at @vallavignelife (instagram.com/vallavignelife) today.

I get goose bumps messages or get those mentiones.

someone's inspired by me sometimes taking action because of me and that's what that's what this whole my whole thing is all about as I want you to be inspired to take action. So again, like it doesn't have to be you know, my doctor visit you had today. It could be something a little bit more surface right that we can slowly start to uncover these different parts of us. I love watching those little cat pictures and videos that you shared stories so it's so fun and then it's not like I had a cat. My brother has a cat I love his cat. we can talk about that.

A little bit of an icebreaker for people.

But circling back a little bit to habits do you have any suggestions or habits and use like Instagram habits for example to create more quality connection and I want to like highlight the word quality.

[13:14] SR: Yeah, yeah, quality connection. Is everything and you don't want to force the connection or only be trying to connect with someone to hope that they're gonna buy something from you. So you really have to have the intention of being friends with people so I think one habit is get rid of that like I'm going to sell to them mindset and like really just things like how can I befriend this person? And how can I really just start to gain, you know, relationship with this person on a platonic level? Let's just call it instead of you know, looking at it like, Okay, if they start to like get to know me and trust me, then also they can pitch them on my services. And that's like, it's a really negative motive, like not a negative motive with a very specific motive. And I think that if you leave without high expectation, you're always going to be disappointed, and it's not going to go the way you wanted it to the new frustrated and you're going to back off from that connection and it's just it's not going to seem genuine and those are mistakes that I personally when I first started I mean, because every everyone made it seem like it was so easy to just hop in the DMS send people a couple messages, ask them about their business and that they were just gonna open up and reveal everything to you and that's just not how it works. So I think you know, a specific habits that I really worked on was my mindset and then you know, it relates to Instagram very much because you need to have a very positive mindset and not let things bother you because there's so much facades on Instagram or so many facades on Instagram of people like making tons of money and making it look so easy but they don't show kind of like the hardships that they've gone through or the struggles behind it. And they they only talked about the successful deals, they don't talk about the failed DMS You know how people have rejected them or you know, big objections that people have given them or how people have never replied to them. So I think working on your mindset every day is the habit that helps you you know, do better on Instagram and build more genuine connections when you're not like having such high expectations that you're also not going to allow yourself to feel like crap when somebody doesn't respond to you or doesn't go as quickly as you wanted to. And, you know, just really focusing on how to rewrite the stories in your head on like imposter syndrome and that sort of thing. So that's what happened.

Fine, cool messages, so make sure that you reply to messages fairly on time. So I usually give 24 hours sometimes 48 hours on weekends when I like as a timeframe to reply to people because I've actually lost connections with people that I that I had, like, I was warming up a connection and I was you know actually becoming friends with them and then I didn't reply for a couple days and it sours that connection and a little bit and so that's a that's a habit that I've started to for myself it's like trying to flag the specific people that I'm you know, creating a new relationship with and make sure that I get back to them as quickly as I can and just keep that feeling going because it would be the equivalent of like, you know, seeing somebody face to face in person talking to them and then they get lost in their phone for 20 minutes or however long you were having a conversation for they're unavailable but they're right in front of you for like you know, a certain amount of time and then that gives you like a sour taste or just it turns you off, you know, so another habit is just consistently replying to messages.

And then another habit is to make sure that you're just showing up consistently with your content as well. So you want to make sure that you're consistently creating content that helps solidify those connections, right. So showing up in your story regularly, you know, sharing the kind of repeating some of those things that you feel like people really like about your stories. So like if they enjoy seeing your cat, making sure you're sharing your cat more often and making sure that you're sharing those things that really resonate with people as consistently and often as possible.

And then I think, you know, with that again, it's really about the mindset and working on Okay, what else can I show people like how, you know, much more brave Am I now to share these things or how much more comfortable Am I now to share, you know, a deeper side of my personal life and, you know, really verify that connection with people. So those are a couple habits for building connections on instagram.

[17:28] VL: Those are awesome. I think they're so important. Mindset is one of those things that are a little bit especially with what's happening now and being online more and kind of missing out on that human connection is that we only see the highlight reel of Instagram. For most people, most accounts are just saying, Hey, look at me look at my success. And when you go on Instagram and you see success, success, success story. You know that can be very disheartening, especially as a business owner especially as an entrepreneur and you think everyone else ish together and I definitely don't. And you know what, at the end of the day, I feel like you and I both know that this isn't true, but it is something that I need to remind enough often like I will get in that I'm in like a dry spell. Post right now. This doesn't happen very quickly because the ideas are endless and I know what you're talking about.

But it just isn't resonating. It doesn't feel authentic. Like I'll have a list of ideas and I just think I don't want to post about this. This doesn't feel right for me today. I don't want to most of the day see all these other business owners who are posting these incredible content ideas and I think wow, like that's so perfect.

And it's easy to get caught in the negativity. It's easy to get caught up in the mindset, the imposter syndrome and the lack and the the all the things so definitely working on mindset. Is there something or are there certain tools that you use to support you with your mindset?

SR: Yeah, so I use Insight Timer. I love it because it's just you can you can literally put in any keyword of what you're feeling whether it's anxiety, fear, doubt, shame, anything and you'll always find something that will help you get over that and I really love their affirmations audios like I think those are really great and I've actually been wanting to make a real with some of the affirmations audios. But one of the things I actually created in a course I put out last year with a list of Instagram success affirmations. And so I often repeat those to myself or have similar affirmations about my own success on Instagram or for example. You know, the biggest thing that I think gets people down about content on their stories is when people don't reply to their stickers or their polls or those sorts of things. And personally, it happens to everyone it's happened to me I've put in a lot of work I have a very engaged audience, but sometimes people just don't reply. And you know, I think we have this whole mindset behind that of like, well that's that that's really bad. Like if people don't respond to you, that's bad like and and we have to rewrite how we look that like we're so critical of those things that are out of our control. And so I think it's really like looking at what's in my control what can i What can I not control and how much energy or emotion like going to put towards what I can't control you know? What I mean? And so, those are the things that I think are really important in terms of like, the mindset aspect, other tools, I just, you know, journal, sometimes they journal things out, have a pep talk with somebody else, you know, those are some other like resources or tools you can tap into, and then even those like pages on Instagram that are all about like success in mindset, well, not necessarily but like mindset and positivity. Those are effective driven towards success with that call deleted the same time, but I really think that like following those accounts and getting that inspiration really helps.

[21:04] VL: Yeah, absolutely. I think those are amazing I love and type timer as well. And I think what you said about following specific accounts I think it goes the same way with you can unfollow specific accounts that are not letting you know when you can always follow them later.

Yeah, the thing too, like even though I teach Instagram and I use Instagram for a lot of my business, I remind people at the end of the day is just Instagram. It's not worth stressing over. It's not you know, getting wound up or overwhelmed in any way. So yes, the mindset is so important. And I love what you're saying to like, really responding to people in the DMS in the comments. You know, these are little habits that we can take time every day. I find and we mentioned this before, like don't leave people hanging in the comments or in the DMS. Yeah, I think 24 hours to 48 hours is a great Clarcor if you can get in there and if you can't go back and really return us thoughtful DM I say this all the time. If you're if your DM or your comment isn't thoughtful, like do more than just respond with a sticker or an emoji or, you know, like, I can't tell you how many times I want to punch my phone when someone replies with heart emoji heart emoji heart emoji. Yeah, I can't, I can't like I so and you'll see this if you go to my Instagram feed, you'll see in comments that I never reply with just emojis. And when players do comment, my replies are like, thanks so much for showing up or keep bringing the love like I always reply with words. And what I've noticed is it took a little while for whether it was stories agement stickers, for you know, the call to action was drop a comment below in the comments, whatever those call to actions were in terms of building the engagement. It took a little while but because I was consistent with it, which was one of your attempts, because I was consistent with it. I've been getting a lot more engagement, and it's growing now. Actually, even though it was a really slow start and I'm not going to go like go on two strikes and say, Hey, I saw that a bunch of people saved my leader post for fire you commenting on it. I asked you a question. Yeah. I literally in in stories, and then people will actually go back. We'll tap on my posts and they'll be like, hey, I'll be the first to comment. It's happened before and again like you can't be embarrassed by the little things, especially with stuff. they go away in 24 hours.

SR: Yeah I love that. you do that though.

VL: Sometimes it's so simple. Just tell people what you want them to do. Right? I know this is marketing one on one, one on one. Tell people what you want them to do tell people how you want them to use your product, wasn't it? I think it was head and shoulders who said lather rinse repeat with they have doubled their shampoo sales. Because all they said on the bottle. Another rinse repeat never need to wash your hair two times. Yeah.

​​This is marketing - anyway, I just got so funny but there's definitely a way to do it where like, tap back to screenshot and that's value to you. And then of course the sprinkler, Cool Cat videos and categories and things like that.

Okay, there's one more piece that I want to talk to you a little bit more about and that's creating content. So I feel like create content creation has its own blocks. That can be I don't know what to post Oh, my gosh, how many times have you heard I don't know what to post. or, you know, my posts aren't converting or, you know, how do I know what's working? i? How many questions do you get a day about this?

[25:24] SR: Yeah, so maybe we can kind of maybe break through a couple of those. Mindset blocks and share some of those happens for content creation. Yeah, so I think the biggest one is doing like the research like that is like the hugest thing and like you could do that on your story. You could do that via a Google form and incentivize people to Starbucks or Amazon gift card or a local gift cards and support local or whatever your new agendas. You can just interview people in your network. You can you know, send messages to people that you started to build connections with and actually, you know, make them feel like they're helping you when you put it when you keep owning.

It makes them want to help break so I think that's how you have to frame things instead of like, I want information from you so that I can sell to you, you have to kind of put it out there like I want you to help me so that I can help you and kind of put that back on them in that kind of way because you know, so the one thing is like, we are always trying to build an engaged audience. So when it comes to content, want to know what your specific target audience wants to know. So you can ask them directly or you can go to a site called like questions ninja or answer the public and things like that where you can literally just put in a keyword and it will give you all the most frequently asked questions on the internet of that specific topic. And so you can like utilize those in your content. And it's really easy to just create carousel posts and things like that, that answer those questions for people or explain how to do things. You know, myth busting is a really big one. I see a lot of people doing so.

Yeah, so finding out what people want to know is really big. And then the other thing is like habit that you need to do is have that planning and scheduling habit, you know, really locked down so you need to find you know, at least two hours in your week where you can sit and create the content. And I think you know, when you're overwhelmed and you find it hard to necessarily post consistently, you need to be very reasonable with yourself and only, you know, post a few days a week and not try to force yourself to like go too crazy and like do it too much and so I think being kind to yourself has a lot to do with that because we always feel like these big shoulds and I was just on the phone with somebody before before this and I was talking to them and they're like I should do this. I should do that. And I said stop saying should you want to do it. If he wants to do it, get excited about doing it instead of telling us what you should do because then it becomes a necessary evil and then feel like you have this negative connotation behind that thing that you feel you should do. But then when we tell ourselves, we should do things, how often do we procrastinate on those things, right? Like whenever you feel like you should do something you almost never do that you take forever to do it. So I think that is that is a huge thing that you have to kind of level with with yourself and go like okay, what can I actually do? What can I either afford to do timewise you know, have a task to do ahead mentally to do all these things and just try to make things as simple for yourself as possible. So Instagrams actually given us a gift with this whole new like video content thing, right? Because videos actually easier to create you and I were just chatting about this. It's way easier to create video content than it is to actually write a huge caption and gather all the hashtags for it and you know, make the graphics and all of that I think video content and there's a reason why it's been so big on tic toc YouTube is like video content is just a lot quicker to make and all it really requires at the end if you want to do if you just edit it, you know what I mean? So I think you just need to find like what is easy for you to do what is quicker for you to do and then focus on doing those things. So if you're somebody that can max out your stories all the time and create tons of stories. That's cool. I mean, it's you don't have to post on your team every single day or you know, you don't ever really have to post in your feed if you do have an engaged audience via your stories but he is somewhere where it's just the general profiles. Learn more about it is important to show up on your feet at least once or twice a week at the bare minimum but so I think just like the reasoning with yourself and just like finding what actually works for you is really important. Um, so yeah, so those are some of the things I would say. And then also when it comes to like, you know, creating connections through your content, you want to make sure that you're putting that information out there that people want to know. And you know, it could just be telling a story so like having a mix of like personal content, educational content, and promotional content is also really, really helpful. And so just starting to share more about yourself and create a variety of content is what's going to diversify your feed and your content but then also set you apart from your competition because nobody is you. So that's why you have to show who you are otherwise people are just going to group you with everybody else in your niche or in your field. So yeah, I think I think those are kind of like my top three or four.

[30:14] VL:  love all of those. And I think you're right. I feel like you don't have to post everyday events for dang sure. I know a lot of people who have very engaged stories and they sometimes post once a month on the feed, and that's guys, but they're also showing up on Instagram Live, which we didn't talk a little bit about today but that's okay. They're showing up in other ways as well that's not necessarily a grid post or a carousel.

You're saying it's, it's a, it's a video, or maybe they're like me and they have a podcast, or they're like it when you're gonna be a guest on different shows and you can promote those things for stories or for DMS and whatnot. But then there's also a little bit of excitement, like when we do post. It's amazing because they're posting quality versus quantity. I think there's such a pressure when you're looking at all the people who are doing such a great job and you see these amazing dynamic feeds with videos and carousels and reels and iG TVs and you're like that so we need, like, I don't, I can't even think about that 10 times a week.

hoping it was so much fun to me. And I love astrology and obviously I love talking about habits. So I just bought two things that I love together. People found it incredibly relatable people were sharing it and posting it and saving it and all these things. So I can't even tell you how many replies I've gotten, how much feedback I've gotten. And, you know, is it realistic for me to post a reel that takes me two hours every time every day? No, maybe not. But no, but but the thing is, is I can keep referring people to that reel, we can repurpose content in other ways. This is a connection for people who have messaged me to say, oh my god, you totally got my sign right? I love astrology too. I'm a lot a lot. Now I'm getting to know this person like, Oh, they're a Sagittarius. Well, that's interesting. Maybe I could do more. For all the Sagittarius isn't my feet are coming up like oh, is it Sagittarius? Susan? Yeah, definitely. So so this is feedback. And this these are insights as and I know that you teach more about like actual Instagram insights, but even just the feedback alone is an incredible tool and insight for people who are using Instagram for their business to create more of that content and more added value.

Oh my goodness, so many good things today. I'm really glad we talked about mindset that actually surprised me a little bit. I didn't think it was going to come up but I love these organic conversations because that's exactly what we needed to talk about today. so perfect. Yeah, yeah. Are there any other either habits or tips you want to share today about quality connection or content creation at all?

[33:57] SR: Yeah, so I kind of just wanted to piggyback off of what you were just saying where you were talking about something that people found super relatable so I think when people kind of go at their content like they're hoping it's gonna go viral and it's this like thing that people are always trying to achieve and I think again it's like what's the expectations are so high and there's so very specific and unrealistic in a sense as well that you need to do something that's fun for you that you enjoy because it's supposed to be sold supposed to be a way to connect with people. So instead of doing it to be popular or to go viral, viral you want to do it just to irrigate your crops for smoke test also entertain the people that you know are seeing your content, right. So I think creating things that are about the people that you're that are in your audience or that you're targeting is really important. So again, a zodiac sign is something any one can relate to you mostly people that that really only believe in it, obviously, but like that's so specific. So knowing that about your target audience is really important as well. So just asking people as many questions as you can in the comment section or in the DMS, when you actually get a conversation going with people. That information is going to help you then create content for those people, right. So like, one of my clients like she's a mom, so like, I'm not a mom, but I can create content like you know, tips for moms, like you know, tips for busy moms when it comes to creating content or how to, you know, creating busy routes or creating reels for busy moms or something like that or tips for creating reels for busy moms. Like I can make a very specific thing about that. Or I can make like, like a cat lady, like real you know what I mean? Like things that like cat moms do and like all the people in my audience that are cat mom, there are a lot of the things that catches me on that they'll resonate with that right to let people make them laugh and they'll love it and that sort of stuff. So I think just finding out what you have in common with people are connecting with is really important to the life and that your content. But first and foremost, I think having fun and you know when it comes to habits, I think like the biggest habit is just like scheduling time for yourself and being consistent because it'll be in the heart habit in itself formulate, but that's why you need to start small and start slow and start being consistent with that one thing and then you can take on those other things. So I think if there's anything on Instagram that we're going to start to be consistent with, I would say showing up is super important. So just showing up consistently in general and then consistently connecting with people and trying to do those, you know, eventually simultaneously at the same time kind of thing connecting and showing up and now those are the two really important habits. There's so many people that I interact with on a daily basis really, how many days for a really long time and I'm not here to clean anybody but that is the biggest piece so if you can't engage that like I think that that's super important as well. 

[37:04] VL: Wow, so much added value. very much for being on the show. This has been really fun. I feel like I've learned a lot of different things and I also feel like this was a really great group Joinder of you know you're not having to do things or you don't you don't have to tell yourself I should all the time you should listen to yourself saying you should you should have saying you should.

Yeah, well stuff people are going to want to know more. They're going to want to learn from me more I just know it so where can we find you? Where can we follow you and how can we support your business?

SR: Yeah, great question. So you can follow me at @yourcontentbestie on Instagram. It's the same on all social media platforms to find me on Pinterest and Facebook. Well, you can also go to my website www.yourcontentbestie.com I have lots of great free resources on there to help with Instagram and content creation.

And in general, one of the things that I'm super passionate about is helping people plan their content and show up authentically and consistently so I have a monthly membership that is dedicated to just that it has tons of really helpful resources from cats and frogs, stories and reels, ideas, post ideas, hashtag database, all of those great things. And then you also get two calls a month, one springs from content with me and a bunch of other women in business, and then one call to actually plan your content and actually get it all on the calendar and schedule so that you can save yourself time and stress. So yeah, that is what I want.

VL: Those are great suggestions. I love when when guests give a call to action like that, like you can support my business by literally just interacting and engaging with Instagram. Yeah, I think people realize how amazing it is to get a response on a question sticker in your stories.

Or DM me that yeah, like let's build a relationship together. I genuinely want to help you.


1. What are you currently reading? What’s your favourite book?

You are a Badass


You are a Badass at Making Money


2. What do you love most about being a woman?

Oh, okay, well, I love my sensuality and I just you know, really love like my body and the way that I feel and the way that I look so I don't know if this makes me feel super womanly in a sense, but it just makes me feel proud of who I am and that God or whoever created me helped create this lovely figure and lovely person that I am and I'm just such a you know, sensual person from you know how I listen to other people to like a friendly caress or a hug and I'm just very, you know, emotional and sensual. And so I think I, I really love that about myself and you know, happens to be a woman. 

3. What does empowerment mean to you?

Okay, so empowerment means a couple of things. So why was being able to say that's what a power is being able to get over a block or a hump that was stopping you from doing something and then evil actually removing any things that were any blockages or barricades that were in your way? And then I also think it means empowering other people, right? so whether that's giving people confidence, giving them tools, resources, anything like that, I think the power meant just means people are able to reach their goals or do something that's been really hard for them to do.

4. What are you currently working toward?

Oh, okay, well, I'm working towards where I'm a business. I recently just grew my team. So really happy about that. But I am working on increasing my income every month, every quarter and just scaling and growing in general and also my mindset. My mindset is like a huge thing as I talked about a lot and I really, really made some serious strides and how I speak to myself the stories I tell myself, and just in general like my positivity and my happiness, all because I focus on you know, having a more positive mindset for you and congratulations on some very exciting.


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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