E57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review


E57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review

Make next year even BETTER by completing one of the most important Business Rituals of the Year: your End of Year Review...

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[3:25] Part One: Create Sacred Space

[3:38] 1. Physical, Mental & Emotional Space

Clear the Space Diffuser Blend: 

3 drops Eucalyptus (oil of Wellness)
3 drops Grapefruit (oil of Honouring the Body)
2 drops Lemongrass (oil of Cleansing)
2 drops Lavender (oil of Communication & Calm)
2 drops Lemon (oil of Focus)
2 drops Rosemary (oil of Knowledge & Transition)

[7:13] 2. Set Your Intentions

[9:00] 3. Make it More Personal 

[9:48] Part Two: The Review

Elevate Your Energy with Essential Oils: place the following oils in a 5ml roller bottle and top with FCO (fractionated coconut oil). Use roller over low back and bottoms of feet: 

1 drop Basil (oil of Renewal)
2 drops Cardamom (oil of Objectivity)
5 drops Green Mandarin (oil of Pure Potential)

[10:40] 1. What was the Complete Collection of Work this Year?

[13:15] 2. How Did Each Part of my Collection of Work Perform this Year? 

Key questions to keep the data actionable: 

  • What were the most important things I made this year?

  • What products am I most proud of? How did these perform?

  • What were the most popular [episodes] I produced this year?

  • What do I enjoy making the most? How did these things perform?

  • Did any projects lead to new relationships, partnerships or opportunities?

  • What did I spend the most time making? Does that data reflect that this work was valuable and worthwhile?

[15:42] 3. More Data + Metrics: Revenue, Profit, Email Subscribers, etc. 

  • Total number of clients or customers

  • Annual revenue

  • Annual profit

  • Revenue growth rate, month-to-month

  • Total email subscribers

  • Email subscribers growth rate, month-to-month

Ask questions to help you process the data:

  • How many downloads did the podcast get this year? What was the monthly average? Were any months higher or lower than others? Why? Did monthly downloads grow throughout the year?

  • How much money did we make per month? Did the monthly revenue grow throughout the year? What is the average monthly revenue?

  • How many email subscribers did we get this year? Where did they come form? Were there specific pages on the site that performed best?

[18:50] 4. The Continuing Work

[19:55] 5. The Two Most Important Questions for Your End of Year Review 

  1. What went well?

  2. What didn't go well?

Other important questions to consider: 

  • Compare what we did this year vs what we intended to do. Did we overshoot our goals? How can we make better goals for next year?

  • Am I enjoying the work that I do?

  • Am I having fun running my business?

  • Am I finding personal fulfilment in serving my customers + clients?

  • Am I earning the money I need to sustain my lifestyle?

  • Am I working with an empowered team who make me and my business better?


[24:35] Part Three: The Plan

[25:05] 1. Setting Intentions 

Vision, Mission, Core Values

[26:25] 2. Your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA) 

Give meaningful + valuable content by answering the following questions about your ICA: 

  • Will this help them?

  • Is this this something they would understand as it is at this moment? What do they need to know before reading/seeing this?

  • Will they find this valuable?

[27:23] 3. Fast Forward Five Years 

Multiply the work we did this year by five, would we be satisfied with the outcome?

[32:48] 4. Your Next Year 

  1. What are the strategic priorities?

  2. How will we measure success for each of these priorities?

  3. What combination of projects and ongoing work will help us reach our goals?

Make Two Lists:

  1. Continuing Work List: what do we need to stop, keep, or start doing?

  2. Project List: Which projects make the most sense, are we capable of completing, and what needs to be completed before we take on a new project?

[39:35] 5. Choose a Starting Point 

Q1: January/February/March 

Write out the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for quarter one

[40:55] 6. Schedule Follow Up Reviews

Mini-reviews to keep you on track with your targets 

[42:15] Part Four: Closing the Ritual

[4:20] 1. Closing meditation/mindfulness practice

[44:00] 2. Come back to your Review after 24-48 hours away from it.

You've got this.


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Val LaVigne Life - Business Ritual Cheat Sheet
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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