E70: Q&A: Solo Female Travel


E70: Q&A: Solo Female Travel

I've done a lot of travelling, and most of it has been on my own. Here's what I've learned as a solo female traveller, plus some advice, sprinkled in from a few of the other solo female travellers I've met along the way...

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Episode #07: Mastering Transitions

[1:27] #1 Solo Travel Safety 101 

  1. Buy travel insurance

  2. Do some research

  3. Blend in [as best you can]

  4. Trust your gut

  5. Don't keep all your cash in one place

  6. Talk to the locals

  7. Social media is your friend

  8. Protect your valuables

  9. Some things are better left unsaid

  10. Enjoy your trip!

BONUS TIP: Book a tour or a retreat for your first solo adventure. Here is all the info for the Transformational Wellness Retreat I'm hosting in Panama this August.

Episode #52: Choosing the Right Wellness Retreat for You

[7:54] #2 How do I Plan/Prepare for the Trip? 

Pick the destination with intention

  • Recommended destinations for Solo Female Travel

Research in advance 

Let family & friends know you'll be okay 

Face your fears 

Tips for the planes, trains and automobiles 

Go out and meet yourself!

[13:15] #3 What Should I Pack for a Solo Trip? 

[14:42] #4 Where do I stay when I Travel Solo? 

[16:43] #5 How do you Meet People When You're Travelling by Yourself?

It’s important to be aware of yourself and your surroundings and feel safe, but don’t let it close you or avoiding getting to know new places/ people because that’s the best part (in my opinion) of solo traveling!
Don’t let the alone time scare you. Sooner or later you’ll find yourself alone. Maybe just for a day or two. remind yourself it’s temporary and learn how you can enjoy it

Hadass, Israel

Hmm key advice for solo female traveller is to make conversations with other travellers and locals (cashiers, servers, baristas, etc.) to get travel tips on the city you’re in!

Vivan, Hong Kong

[18:13] #6 Who Takes Your Pictures when You Travel Solo?

[18:56] #7 Where are the Best Destinations for Solo Female Travellers? 

Here's where I've been and recommend: 

  • Canada

  • USA

  • UK

  • Europe

  • Mexico

  • Belize

  • Guatemala

  • Nicaragua

  • Costa Rica

Other travellers have recommended: 

[19:31] #8 What if Something Goes Wrong?

[20:55] #9 Why Should I Travel Solo?

PLAN: try and plan ahead of time where you are going/ how long you will be there/types of activities/how much everything will cost (plans can change, but it will eliminate so much stress if you have a rough idea beforehand). Join Facebook groups for backpackers/travellers for your area (the best piece of advice I think). This is a great way to find out good things to do/not do and meet fellow travellers. If you are somewhat high maintenance (this gal lol) plan to stay put somewhere for a week during your travels so you can slow down and take it easy (I didn’t do this and I burnt out). Find a good essential list of things to bring (water bottle, minimum amount of clothes, etc.). Only have 1 backpack - try and avoid having something else to carry. I did and I regretted it.

Megan, Canada

Praemonitus, praemunitus`` - forewarned is forearmed. In other words, crack a fucking book. A little bit of knowledge goes a long way. The whole world (not just India, Thailand, Colombia, Mexico - insert alternative destination here) can be a dangerous place for a woman and knowing which places, areas, nightclubs to avoid will help keep you safe. The world can also be a dangerous place for humans. Learn what to eat and what not to eat, where to drink the water and when to get your jabs before you go. A lot of people leave the house with nothing but a passport and a plane ticket believing they can rely on their instincts. You can and you should trust your instincts BUT you are likely going somewhere completely new - new culture, new traditions, new people, new food, new cocktails (Mekong whiskey and Redbull buckets at a Full Moon Party anyone??). I personally believe that finding yourself is a myth - my travels have allowed me to meet myself unhindered by societal pressures or conformity or buildings that get in the way of sunsets. However if you are in unchartered territory, so are your instincts - which means that neither of you will likely have a clue what the fuck is going in half the time. This is part of the fun of travelling. Embrace it. Live it. Love it. But maybe bookmark a blog post or two or splash out on a Rough Guide or whatever before you get on that plane. Do you need a visa? Do you need to cover your head? Should you eat that? Not only could it literally keep you alive in a pinch - it will also allow you to give yourself permission to be daring along the way. Jump off that cliff, attend that festival, go to that party, meditate with that guru. And then tell the world about it. You could be the thing that gives the next woman permission to get out there and live her best life - which is really the greatest gift of all.

Michelle, Englan

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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