E91: These 3 Mistakes are Holding Us Back from our Creativity


E91: These 3 Mistakes are Holding Us Back from our Creativity

There have been a lot of ups and downs creating and maintaining the show, but I receive some incredible messages and emails about how the podcast has inspired the listeners and positively impacted people, and I have to say it is what keeps me creating this show. Thank you so much for listening, for reaching out to me through the site, and for connecting. I am incredibly grateful for each of you…

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[1:07] My intention for today’s episode is to inspire and uplift your creative muscles! Lately I’ve been noticing my own creativity and inspiration move through extreme waves. I feel a burst of energy and ideas one week, and then it feels as if everything deflates or disappears the next week.

I reached out to friends and colleagues for solutions and support and was quickly reminded that this is part of the creative process, and that we’re all experiencing these waves in our lives and in our businesses.

As I was journaling about my experience I found this piece I wrote almost three years ago:

“There are days where I feel as though I was born to create. This feeling is a combination of thought and movement, mind and body. It feels as if my physical form is being taken over by a creative spirit. Or an inspired energy is being downloaded into my mind, and everything I think that I know, all my fears and doubts, all of that surrenders to this burst of creativity and I flow with it.

When I let go of my need to control I become a vessel for creativity. I feel no panic or pain, and I feel no resistance. I am moved and molded into any and every form until the thing that wants to be crafted is created. But there are times when my need for control gets in the way of creativity.

It’s almost as though I want to create something so desperately that I no longer become a clear channel for this creative spirit.” 

Reading this calmed me. I know that I am a creative being, we all are, in our own unique ways. All we have to do is slow down and step back, and return to our innate power, rather than try to control the experience.

In my own experiences and teachings I have noticed three mistakes we often make that block our creativity. Today I am sharing those three mistakes, as well as creative solutions to avoid and overcome them. Cuz you know me, I’m all about solutions!

[3:38] Mistake Number One: COMPARING

With more and more people online and creating content, it’s so much easier to fall into the comparison trap! Instagram is the highlight reel people! Even I need to be reminded of this sometimes.

As a business owner and content creator, I know how much effort goes into curating the instagram feed, and showing up in stories, responding to dms and emails. Producing a weekly podcast, serving current customers, finding new customers, and putting together a really beautiful website and everything else that goes along with it!

It’s a lot of work, and most people only see the flashy frontend of a business. They don’t see the blood, the sweat, and the tears of the backend hustle, grind, and grit.

Comparing the backend of your business, or life to someone’s front end of their business, is exhausting and a waste of time and energy. It is hurtful to your spirit and it’s the number one mistake we make when it comes to channeling our creativity.

Here’s the creative solution:
The next time you find yourself comparing your programs, instagram page, work, or even your life to someone else's' – don’t.

You can’t compare your behind the scenes to someone else’s produced work. Know that their finished product took time, effort, money, coaches, discipline, failures, mistakes, and so much more to get them where they are today, we just don’t see that part of their business (or life) all the time.

Focus on where you are at in YOUR journey, and the inspired action steps you can take to move forward.

Another creative solution for avoiding this trap is to create BEFORE you consume. Avoid podcasts, social media, even reading before you start creating your program, instagram post, podcast episode, etc. Your creative channel is open and coming from you, not your mind trying to keep up with everything it just absorbed after 30 minutes of reading or scrolling.

You can also create after a movement practice. Yoga, working out, dance breaks are all really great ways to move stale energy in your body and get the creative juices flowing!


[5:58] The second mistake we make that blocks our creativity is: COMPETING

My dad used to tell me, “There are no original ideas. The only difference between the people with the same ideas, is one person will follow through with that idea, and the other person won’t. You can choose which person you want to be.”

Elizabeth Gilbert shares an experience in her book, Big Magic, about an idea she had for a book that she put aside and months later another author/friend of hers came out with an almost identical novel to her idea. She describes it as a creative idea that left her body and went into the other person’s because the idea wasn’t being born from Elizabeth so it decided to move to someone else.

Trying to compete with another person holds us back from taking action. We’re so busy worrying about another coach, another business owner and all the things they are doing and offering, that we aren’t creating our own offers. We start to show up desperate and anxious, that we completely forget about our core values!

Honour those ideas by creating an inspiring action plan and then take action.

A creative solution to stop competition is:

When you feel the need to compete with someone else in your industry – don’t. It doesn’t matter how similar your ideas are, you are not the same people and you both have different strengths and styles.

Remember that you are unique in your own way. You might have a similar idea or offer, but the way you share it and serve your clients is special because it’s coming from YOU!

I am a yoga and pilates teacher. Do you know how many yoga and pilates teachers there are in the Greater Toronto Area?!? A LOT! I don’t waste any time competing with them because I’m focused on my own style and showing up as MYSELF, and not trying to be or keep up with anyone else.

Creative solution number two: let go of judgment and hold up a mirror. In episode 44 I talk about a judgement detox that I use and teach. It’s all about releasing the negative thoughts or comments about someone and instead seeing them as a mirror to ourselves.

Now when I see a similar wellness leader in the industry showing up in a really big and powerful way; making waves; taking leaps; doing really awesome work, I applaud them. Because what I see in them, is also what I see in myself. I see their grit, I see their perseverance, I see their passion. I also see my own grit, perseverance, and passion.

E44: This Judgement Detox will Blow Your Mind

I actually have three creative solutions for this mistake. The third is: invite your competition to collaborate with you. A lot of my friends work in the same or similar industry as I do. They have their own stories (possibly similar) ideas, and a skill set that might be different from mine. Instead of competing with them, I invite them to collaborate with me. This way we can work together to help more people with their lifestyle and health goals.

Always always always remember that there is someone out there waiting for YOU. They are waiting for your message, your story, your voice. They want your energy, wisdom, and your taking on an idea. What are YOU waiting for?

[10:27] The third mistake we make that holds us back from our creativity is: COMPLAINING

I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t do this. YIKES! And out of all three mistakes, I see this one the most. Complaining can feel sooooo easy, but if we spent as much time creating as we did complaining, or worrying, or overthinking, we would have a lot less to complain about.

Complaining is exhausting; it’s a major waste of your creative energy.

So let’s cut straight to the creative solutions instead of complaining about how bad complaining is…

The next time you catch yourself complaining about something – stop!

Bring yourself back to why you started working on your projects. Come back to your core values. Centre yourself on what is important to you. Make a list of everything you are grateful for in your life right now. There are so many other things we can do than complain. I’ve actually created a list of empowering questions we can ask ourselves and I’ve included it as today’s freebie! Get your list of empowering questions with the yellow button below.

Another solution, or possibly it’s a tool for measuring how often we complain is something I learned back in high school. Put a stretchy band or bracelet on your wrist – something you can take off and put on easily. Start with the bang on your right wrist. Each time you catch yourself complaining, move the bracelet from the right wrist to the left. If you complain again, move the bracelet back to the right wrist, and so on.

Doing this helps bring awareness to how often you complain and eventually you’ll get in the habit of thinking before you complain out loud. You will also notice when, what, and with whom you complain.

[13:41] Now, when you find yourself searching for creativity, notice which of the three big mistakes you are making. Consider the solutions I outlined, and choose the best one for you! Remember to take action on your plan. Even if the plan is to incorporate more self care into your daily routine!

Remember to grab your list of empowering questions and take your time as you journal your responses!


Download the FREE List of Empowering Questions

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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