BONUS: Empowering Our Feminine Energy


BONUS: Empowering Our Feminine Energy with Karly TyGr

Welcome Karly TyGr! A budding entrepreneur who is passionate about empowering all working women by teaching them how to collaborate and support one another...

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[2:08] Karly, welcome to the Women’s Empowerment Podcast, I am so grateful you’re here today! Karly and I met at the Toronto Business Babes Fall Conference last year, and since then have become great friends and supporters of each other’s businesses and entrepreneur endeavours.

The Toronto Business Babes conference was a pivotal event for a lot of women, Karly, tell us about how this event became an important part of your life and where you are today.

Most people will say it was “just a conference” but to Karly it was genuinely a life-changing moment. Karly had just been let go from her job at a Toronto Nightclub. She thought this would be a pivotal moment that would get her back into alignment with the school she went to, for Fashion Merchandising. What she did learn was more about herself than the industry. It was a tough time and she felt very low and in a depressed episode at that time.

A woman named Kim who was a speaker at the event, reached out to Karly via instagram and encouraged her to go to the event and even gave her a free ticket! 

Karly met a lot of amazing women and felt that this event was the kick in the ass she needed to get her shit together.

Guest Episodes from the ladies Karly mentioned:

Jesse: Master Your Social Media Marketing

Lauren: Building Your Dream Business, Events, & Life

Transitions & Transformation

[7:40] Take us back to before the conference, when you used to work in a more male-dominated industry. What were some of the challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them

It's hard for Karly to talk about because it comes across like “you're shitting all over men,” and that's not what she's, doing. However there are ways that in a male dominated industry there are certain ways that men are really great at business, that with women it goes against a lot of what we're raised to do and believe.

Karly has been learning a lot more abut masculine and feminine energy lately, and you can also think of it as outer and inner energy. And we all have the masculine and feminine energy within us. Masculine/outer; Feminine/inner. Communication was the biggest struggle for Karly in the male dominated industry. Karly felt that there was a lack of communication and that was something that effected her because she wouldn't communicate to her managers and assume that they would figure it out. But she knew that this was ridiculous and we can't expect people to read our minds.

BOOK: How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith. The book highlights 12 different habits that women have that prevent women from reaching their goals.

Competition is healthy, but a permanent competitive mind can be detrimental to success, and we lose the feminine power of community.

Working in this industry brought out the worst in her, feeling like she needed to “fight for a seat at the table.” She believes that until we learn to embrace both energies within us, it will be constantly butting heads in the industry. 

Episode #67: Communicating with Power

[13:29] As women, how can we embrace our feminine energy?

First and foremost, understanding the science of energy, and how we all have both energies. Also understanding that our emotions are something we have to embrace. Switch up the wording if it resonated better with you.

Figure out what makes us feel like we want to fight against other women, because this is what's holding us back from embracing our feminine power. A lot of us were told growing up that “Women can't be friends, or women are catty.”

[17:41] Women + Community: What advice would you give for women seeking stronger female friendships and relationships?

Start with: Breaking Down Your Own Internal Beliefs

You've got to be willing to admit your own faults, and break down your judgements of others. Notice who you are judging or dismissing. What is it about that person that you are judgmental about? Which beliefs can you separate from the ones that serve you and the ones that don't?

Episode 44: This Judgement Detox will Blow Your Mind

[23:50] Both you and I are advocates for morning routines, take us behind the scenes and walk us through your morning routine.

Karly's morning routine (total time 2-2.5 hours):

Wake up around 5:30am/6:00am and get active right away
Yoga + proper breathing
Brain games
Gratitude + journalling (TIP! Think of something that is frustrating you in your life and reframe it to why you're grateful for it)
Oracle card pulls
Reading a non-fiction book

[27:40] That’s a pretty solid morning routine! Can you share how you created it, what is that process like?

Started with morning smoothies: it was easy and fun!
Next added in gratitude
Then the physical activity came in, and eventually everything started stacking in

BOOK: Atomic Habits by James Clear

[30:14] Why do you believe having a morning routine so important?

So important, especially for women, pouring into themselves before their families. Starting your day with positivity and gratitude sets the intention for your day.

Karly's Podcast: If Only She Smiled

[31:53] This year you launched your Podcast, If Only She Smiled. Can you describe it to those of us who haven’t heard of your podcast yet?

A podcast that explore's women in history that you may not have heard of. Bringing their stories and their voices up is very important to Karly.

[33:33] Where did the idea for this show come from, tell us about the journey how you created this project.

Karly has always been obsessed with woman in history. She used to read these books called, “The Royal Diaries” that were teen books meant to be written by young women in history in the point of view of them and their diary. Her love and curiosity grew and lead to more conversations about empowering women in history. Karly felt the need to want to talk to people about woman in history in a new way.

The If Only She Smiled Podcast launched March 9th 2020

[37:05] How did you go from overwhelmed by ideas to the end result?

It doesn't matter if you're an entrepreneur or not, this is something everyone struggles with. It comes down to quieting the busy mind and getting clarity. Karly recommends brain dumps, or mind maps, and write out everything out. Write out anything that is in your head, list them out and clear out the noise from your head.

Also turning off notifications, or putting your phone away, it's a huge distraction.

[40:45] For anyone listening who struggles with finding clarity, or is feeling overwhelmed by all their ideas, what tips do you have for creating clarity, and which idea do we choose?

Learning to limit yourself is huge. If you're someone who is a huge creative, you want to go for an idea that is an actionable and achievable. It also has to be something you love doing, forever – even if you're not actually doing it forever.

[48:28] The podcast is still in its early stages, what can we expect for the show moving forward?

Karly is re-working the format. It's been Karly speaking about empowered woman in history, and will be evolving into mindset work and helping women in the workforce; entrepreneur or not.

Mindset will be a main focus, and the show will also have a segment about which woman in history Karly thinks she relates to.

Growth & Empowerment 

[50:48] Another part of our brands and businesses we have in common is Empowering Women. I love how you share Collaboration Over Competition. What are 2 ways we can start embodying this in our lives or in our businesses as women?

Step One: Identify your own judgements and get them out of the way; You'll always be looking for competition or conflict if you don't get you own shit out of the way.

Step Two: Open clear communication. Conversation doesn't have to be confrontation, sometimes uncomfortable conversations come up, and we have to give and accept the feedback. Bring women up. Help other women. Don't be a by-stander.

Embrace the feminine energy of empathy. It's good to care about others and involve and include others.

[55:35] Your podcast spotlights empowered women in history, and there is so much we can learn from them. Can you name one woman you talk about on your show, something they did or are known for and the main reason they inspire you?

Hedy Lamarr: Was an actress who never went to school. A famous Hollywood director and an inventor, Howard Hughes, created the world's fastest airplane at the time. And Hedy Lamarr helped him do that by combining the body of the fastest fish, with the wings of the fastest bird, mimicking that shape and showing it to him. But we don't learn about that.

Zenobia: Ruled Syria at the time and was a total badass.

“The Great” show on Amazon Prime about Catherine the Great

[58:50] Is there anything else you’d love to share about your brand or your mission?

Karly wants to bridge the gap between women who work. The collaborative mindset is so important, even if you're not an entrepreneur. Starting with pouring into your self and providing a seat at the table for other women.

Listener Questions

[1:00:00] From Erika: What is your favourite smoothie recipe?

Oat milk, or almond milk
Splash of tropical juice
Mixed frozen fruit bag (fave: dragon fruit + mango)
Chia seeds
Ashwagandha oil
Frozen Bananas, no ice.

[1:01:49] From Kim: How do you navigate competitive female friendships/alliances?

Communication. Navigating means that you have to do work on your own, you can't put the blame on someone else right away. Learning to do this is important. Not being able to communicate, or when someone can't communicate back, then re-evaluate the friendship.

Set boundaries. Be clear about what you need or don't need in that moment or in that relationship.

[1:03:08] From Rachel: What books would you recommend for someone who is just getting into mindset that isn’t too advanced?

BOOK: Let That Shit Go by Nina Purewal and Kate Petriw

BOOK: The Sleep Revolution by Ariana Huffington

BOOK: Atomic Habits by James Clear

[1:05:20] Where can we find you, follow you, how can we support your business?

Instagram | @karly.tygr + @ifonlyshesmiled

TikTok | @karly.tygr

Podcast | If Only She Smiled (Apple Podcasts)

Rapid Fire

[1:06:25] What are you currently reading, or what’s your favourite book?

BOOK: Let That Shit Go by Nina Purewal and Kate Petriw

FAVE BOOK: The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

[1:06:55] What do you love most about being a woman?

My emotions, and having space to be able to feel them, also my vagina.

[1:07:28] What does empowerment mean to you?

When you're empowered, you're lifting other people up.

[1:07:53] What are you currently working toward?

Stability is a big thing for me.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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