E86: 3 Keys to Creating Space to Attract More Abundance


E86: 3 Keys to Creating Space to Attract More Abundance

Today we will be zoning in on wealth and mindset, and I will be teaching you the three keys to creating space to attract more abundance into your life!...

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[2:08] It’s a single lesson in the course, but it is so important. And what I’ll be teaching you today, can be implemented IMMEDIATELY after learning it!

Attracting more abundance into our lives, can be filled under “manifesting.” Whenever we’re attracting, or desiring, or calling something into our lives we are signing a contract with the Universe telling it what we want. Focusing on our desire and being able to bring it into our lives is called The Law of Attraction. This is one of many Universal Laws. 

[2:55] Another very important Universal Law is the Law of Vacuum. The Law of Vacuum says that all material forces of the Universe dislike the vacuum and hurry to fill each of the openings, holes, voids, space, etc. This Law states that space allows movement, and that when all space is filled, the unity prevents further movement and growth.

So basically, once the space is filled, it can create a block. This can be good and bad; it depends where you are at in your life, and where you want to go! We can talk about this a little bit later on in the episode!

This law works by clearing out unnecessary or negative thoughts, things, and elements of one’s lifestyle, one can create the space, atmosphere, time and opportunities to grow, move, restore, and build on a more stable foundation.

The essential meaning being: OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW! We are making room for what we desire, and letting go of what no longer serves us to create that space!

A super important side note: The Law of Vacuum creates the space for only the highest good and only the best, with the least amount of energy.

Yes my friend, you heard me, this law is EFFORTLESS! Well… sort of. In a previous podcast episode we learned about the Power of Intention. 

Episode 66: Elevate Your Life By Living with Intention 


[4:35] Living with intention is powerful, and more importantly: PURPOSEFUL!

It pretty much circles back to the Law of Attraction: what we focus on expands. This works for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you’re focusing on abundance, more abundance will come. But if you’re focusing on debt, more debt will come.

Now if you are very intentional and combine the Law of Attraction WITH the Law of Vacuum, you could very well amplify your desire and it could also come a lot quicker and easier to you.

For example, you desire abundance in your work. You focus on the abundance you currently have: amazing paying customers + flexible schedule to do your hobbies. You ALSO begin to create space in your calendar for new customers, or you create a new on-boarding sequence for your new customers so that it’s easier to integrate them into your business. This supports and serves your people while also freeing up some of your time to focus on A) all your new customers as well as B) keeping time open for your beloved hobbies! WIN-WIN!

This is how you leverage the universal laws and attract more of what you desire into your life (or like in the example, into your business)!

Alright, it SOUNDS AMAZING! And now you wanna know how to make it work for you! I am very excited to tell you that it’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is create the time, space, and atmosphere so that the next, OR BETTER opportunity (or desire) can come into your life.

[6:25] I promise, I’m going to get to the three keys to creating space, but right before I do, I wanted to tell you a little story about an incredible opportunity that I recently attracted into my life.

Along with being a health and wealth coach, I am also a pilates instructor. I have been teaching for several years now and over the last seven years of teaching I have developed some very strong and incredible relationships with my students and colleagues. I have a loyal following of clients, and I’ve also worked for several different studios, learning so much from everyone I’ve met, and everywhere I’ve worked.

During the pandemic, and in lock-down I was no longer working at studios, but created my own virtual studio where I taught mat classes. It was a very interesting time for many if not all of us, and for me it was a great gift and opportunity to get clarity on what I wanted for my career moving forward.

I absolutely LOVE teaching classes, but the schedule that I had was not sustainable for the long term future, so I was interested in a change.

During quarantine a very loyal client and friend approached me about opening a brand new studio. This friend wanted to invest in me to run my own space! They’re intentions were heart-centred, but after weeks and weeks of considering the offer, I realized that their intentions were not aligned with my own. And I graciously declined the offer. I knew it was the right thing to do for me because after saying, “Thank you so much, but no thank you.” I felt a weight lift from my shoulders and my body felt physically more open and peaceful. Yes, a little voice in my head said I was a fool for not doing it, but in my heart I knew it was not the right next step.

The very same day I declined the offer, a different friend and loyal client came to me with an offer of their own: inheriting a studio that I used to work at, to become a co-owner and new face of the studio. I’ll keep the details and logistics out of the story for time purposes, but basically, I was offered an even better opportunity after letting go of the first offer.

But here’s what’s even more incredible! The first offer was a HUGE GIFT! It was:

  • CONFIRMATION that I was ready to uplevel in my career and it was

  • Time to get CLARITY on what I truly wanted moving forward

I accepted the second offer and am very excited to announce that I will be the new co-owner of a beautiful boutique studio in Burlington, Ontario!


[9:22] Now let’s get into the 3 keys to creating space, so that we can attract more abundance into our lives!!!

KEY #1  T I M E

Raise your hand if you’ve ever used the excuse “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time” when it comes to your wealth goals.

I’m raising my hand. Totally guilty of this, and it’s probably the most common excuse I hear for why people don’t have the abundance they desire!

But the truth is, we make time for the things that matter. No excuses. Oh, you don’t have time to start a side hustle but you scroll instagram and tiktok for 2 hours a night before bed? 


Oh, you don’t have time to meal prep, but you re-watched a full season of New Girl on Sunday? 


Oh you’re too busy to put money into a savings fund, but you purchased a quarterly subscription box that sends you new beauty products every quarter?


Like I said, we MAKE time for what’s important to us.

Here’s how we do it: Schedule time in your calendar for your action step(s).

This could be a daily gratitude practice where you write out all the abundance you are thankful for. Or maybe it’s a 30 minute meeting with yourself to set up an automatic transfer of $25 a week into a savings account. It could be blocking out 1 hour everyday to work on your side hustle. You could also pop in a weekly visit with your money: check out your accounts, bills, tracking spending + savings.

Set alerts, notifications, or alarms to remind you when those meetings or events are so that you stay on track with your wealth goals.

This is a helpful quote from Tony Robbins: “If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.”


[11:34] KEY #2  S P A C E

Most of the time when you think about the Law of Vacuum you think about physical space, and this isn’t wrong. The Law of Vacuum is definitely about creating physical space, just as much as it’s about creating energetic space.

Let’s think about some ways we can create physical space for abundance to come into our lives. The best place to start is with your manifestation or your intention. What specific abundance do you wish to attract?

More paying customers
More money in for savings
A new car

Now, consider WHERE this abundance will go when you receive it. Do you have the capacity to take on new customers? Do you have an account set up yet for your savings to go? Is there a parking space, or room in your garage for your new car? Make the physical space for your manifestation! 

You’ll also want to look at what is currently taking up the space. What do you have in your schedule that is blocking new clients or customers from meeting with you? Where is your money going now, that it’s not going into a savings account? What do you currently have taking up space in your garage?

Physical objects hold an energetic charge. If this manifestation is TRULY what you desire, you might have to part with something else in order to make space for your abundance. It can also be a bit of a test from the Universe to see if you’re ready, and if you’re actually willing to make changes and elevate. 

A quote from an unknown author says, “Sometimes you have to let things go, so there’s room for better things to come into your life.”

You have to want what you don’t have more than the comfort of what you already have. It’s part of the risk and the growth when you’re moving out of your comfort zone. Because, we’re not supposed to be the person we were before our transformation, we’re evolving into a new version of ourselves, hopefully a better one.

[13:44] Speaking of elevating, evolving, and transformation!

Creating Space KEY #3 is  A T M O S P H E R E

Creating an environment for your abundance can be similar to upgrading your money identity.

It’s not so much about being comfortable, but rather about moving into the space where the magic happens by acting like you already have your desire. Meditate on and tap into the feelings of what it’s like to receive your abundance desire. Imagine and embody every emotion of signing up a new client or getting a new customer. What are you doing, thinking, feeling, or saying?

Envision reaching your savings goal: how do you feel? What thoughts and emotions are moving through you? How are you celebrating your achievement?

Picture yourself driving your brand new car! What does that feel like? What music are you playing? Or maybe you’re listening to the Women’s Empowerment Podcast! Where are you driving to? Are there other people in the car with you?

How does the future you live their abundant life? Answer that question for yourself and start living that lifestyle to the best of your ability today. By doing this you’re raising your energetic vibration to meet the version of you who has the abundance. 

When you’re visualizing, meditating, and acting the way the future you is acting, do it as if you already have or have had (present and past tense) your desire. This is a simple piece to manifesting that people often overlook or forget.

[15:49] As we’ve touched on briefly, there are two types of space we can create. Physical and Energetic.

Physical space is our outside world; external, the visible and physical objects in material form.

Energetic space is our internal world; the invisible: mental, emotional and spiritual; thoughts, feelings, connections, attitudes, and energetic atmosphere.

When you’re manifesting abundance, or anything for that matter, it’s important to make the physical and energetic space in order to attract your desire. Sometimes we create the physical space, but a mental block is holding us back. Or we create mindset shifts, but don’t have the physical capacity to take on more. 

[16:38] Which brings me back to something I said earlier today which was: once the space is filled, it can create a block. This can be good and bad; it depends where you are at in your life, and where you want to go! If you’re listening to this episode because you want to attract more abundance, which I’m assuming you are, then you’ve probably reached a point in your life where you’re feeling a bit stuck. Maybe not in all areas of life, but in your wealth and finances perhaps. This means you’ll be putting today's teachings into action after this episode and start creating the physical and energetic space to attract abundance. 

What happens when we reach our goal? We celebrate, we feel all the feelings and then guess what… You’ll want to set a NEW abundance goal to grow even more! Sure it might not be today or tomorrow, or next month, but eventually you’ll want to grow again, just like you are growing today.

So instead of looking at where you are now as bad or as a “stuck spot” shift your mindset to think of it as a stepping block, or a stepping stone. You got to where you are today based off of the choices and habits you’ve made and put into place in the past. 

[17:57] Now, use what you’ve learned to move forward. What’s working? What’s not working? Where can we create space? Where can we grow and improve? What are some possible next steps or building blocks we can take to up-level? 

Keep asking and answering these questions, and other questions like these to support you. And stay open to something better.Because something better might just be on it’s way, and you won’t want to miss it!

[18:31] Lastly, and before you go, I wanted to give you a gift of my own to help you create space for your abundance. It’s a free journaling exercise for realising your money fears. We all have them, and they’re usually what’s holding us back the most when it comes to manifesting more abundance.


Download the FREE Money Fears Journalling Prompts

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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