E123: Healthy Habits for Spring


E123: Healthy Habits for Spring

Check out these 12 healthy habits to start incorporating this spring season! Choose your favourites, or elevate current habits…

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[3:00] 1. Drink Warm Lemon Water

There are many benefits to drinking warm lemon water in the morning. Waking up and drinking water in the morning is one of the ways I love to start the day, and so do our bodies. It promotes hydration, especially after sleeping overnight with no water. 

While drinking water on its own will improve digestion, adding the juice of half a lemon can also give your body a detox boost and lemon is a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C in lemons has been shown to reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin aging, and sun damage. We’ll talk more about skin later on.

[5:04] 2. Eat More Leafy Greens

As the seasons change, so will the foods we eat. It’s time to stop eating the same foods you were in the winter, and start eating colourful salads!

I live in Ontario Canada and here’s what’s in season for March + April: Apples, Rhubarb, Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Mushrooms, Red + Yellow Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Rutabaga, Squash, Sweet Potatoes

Fresh, Springy Salads with Seasonal Produce

Greens supplements:

Pineapple Mango

Peach Flavour

[7:45] 3. Be in Nature/Outside

As the weather warms up I feel more inclined to get outside and enjoy the season. That’s not to say we haven’t made time outside in the summer, but I personally prefer the warmer weather. The last few weeks it’s actually been quite beautiful where we live and we’ve been making the most of the sunshine! 

You already know that there are heaps of benefits to being outside and out in nature. I can tell you right now that just from being outside more in the last couple weeks I’ve noticed a huge change in my mood, my weekly screen time report shows a significant decrease in the hours I’ve been spending on my phone or computer, and I’ve also been sleeping a lot better. Plus being outside is a great opportunity for us to PLAY! Which is the next healthy habit for spring...

[8:48] 4. Play

Run through the flowers, jump in the puddles, colour the sidewalks with chalk - we actually did this recently and it was a lot of fun! Play is really a habit I advocate for all year round, and honestly it’s so good for your mind, body and soul! Here are some of the benefits of play:


  • Keeps you feeling young and energetic

  • Relieves stress

  • Helps improve your relationship and connection to others

  • Develops and improves your social skills - at every age

  • Stimulates the mind and boosts creativity

  • Can also support healing emotional wounds

  • Improves brain function

[10:00] 5. Sweat Out Toxins

You’re getting outside more, you’re playing more, why not take things up a notch and SWEAT more too! Our sweat glands help our skin filter out toxins from the body. This has many benefits including boosting our immune system, regulating our body temperature, and eliminating toxins. Plus what’s a great way to start sweating? By moving your body!

[10:56] 6. Love Your Skin

There are a few ways we can love our skin, and this is the sixth healthy habit for spring! One of my most favourite habits is Dry Skin Brushing.

To do this you will need a natural bristle brush, I prefer one with a long handle so that I can reach behind by back easier.

Handle free one that is perfect for travelling.

When dry skin brushing you want to use the natural bristles to gently, and firmly brush the skin in long strokes toward the heart, going over each area 7-10 times. Start at the soles of the feet and work your way up. At the belly, brush in a clockwise motion, and avoid the face. Do this before showering. 

Following your shower, love your skin by moisturizing your body and face with your favourite skincare products. I love doTERRA’s Verage Skincare Collection and their Moisturizing Body Mist

[13:54] 7. Breathe the Fresh Spring Air

Since you’re spending more time outside, why not take a few extra breaths of that fresh spring air. Can we all agree that breathing deep, full breaths of fresh air is very beneficial for our health, wellness, and immune system. Let’s take a deep breath together right now. First, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you’re exhaling push out ALL the air you possibly can until there is no more left. Then take a bigger, fuller breath in through the nose, and fully release through the mouth.

[15:20] 8. Mindful Reset /Slow Down

Spring is a great time for detoxing from slow winters, but it’s also a great time to reset and refresh! Get in the habit of taking a mindful moment to enjoy deep breaths, reset your energy and slow down; take some time to stop and smell the flowers!

Season change and so do our own moods, cycles, and activities. It’s important to be mindful through changes and work through the flow - for some it will be easier than for others.

[16:50] 9. Practice Gratitude

A great way to slow down and really enjoy life is to practice gratitude.

E69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

[19:08] 10. Better Quality Sleep

E117: Evening Transitions for Better Sleep

[20:55] 11. Spring Cleaning

Home, relationships, negative thoughts/limiting beliefs

  • Declutter

  • Deep clean your fridge

  • Donate unworn clothes/home items

[22:27] 12. Gardening & Planting Seeds

Plant seedlings, get a house plant, connect with nature!

So maybe you don’t have the green thumb, no problem! Plant a different kind of seed: “plant” intentions. Remember there is lots of renewal energy in spring, lots of excitement to stat new projects

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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