E69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me


E69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

It wasn't my first attempt at a gratitude journal, but it was the first time I stuck with it! Here's what you need to know to start, and stick-with your own gratitude practice...

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[1:18] My Gratitude Practice: a short story

[3:00] Benefits of a Gratitude Journal 

Improves positive mindset
Builds focus on what really matters
Develops self-awareness
Lowers stress
Increases a sense of calmness
Gives support on tough days
Personal/sacred alone time + judgement-free
Evidence of personal growth
Deepens connection with others
Improves overall health and wellness

[6:15] Choosing the right method/approach for YOU

[6:44] For the Tech-Savvy 

I simply use the notes section on my phone! 

9 Gratitude Apps

[7:54] A Physical Journal/Book 

I have these three:

The Five Minute Journal

52 Lists of Happiness

Press Pause 

These also come recommended:

Start Where You Are

Gratitude: A Journal

There's also your OG option: 

A Blank Journal

The FREE Gratitude Practice Print Out is available with the yellow button on the side!

Maintaining a Gratitude Practice

Valerie's 4 Keys to Keeping Up with a Gratitude Journal

[9:25] #1. Keep it Simple

[10:16] #2. Get Specific 

Examples from my gratitude journal:

– Sunday Brunch with the family; connecting about our weeks over really yummy bacon and pancakes

– Grateful for my Boo; he's always encouraging me to go after my big dreams and motivates me when I'm feeling down 

– Game Night with friends; laughing so much my cheeks hurt, learning new games, quality time with my people

[10:54] #3. Tap into Feelings 


[11:31] #4. Don't Stress 

Schedule it into your calendar/planner  

[12:30] Ideas & Prompts for Kickstarting a Gratitude Practice

Who in my life am I especially grateful for and why?
What quality do I appreciate about my partner?
What positive quality do I admire about myself? 

What inspired me today?
What is one thing I appreciate about my health?
What is something I am better at today than I was yesterday?

What obstacle have I overcome that I am grateful for about myself?
What do I appreciate about my childhood?
What is something I'm glad I learned this week? 

A material object I love, and what I love about it:
A piece of clothing I appreciate:
Something I appreciate about my body:

[13:30] Remember to Celebrate!

Claim your FREE Gratitude Practice Print Out with the Yellow Button


Download the FREE Dream Gratitude Practice Printout

Val LaVigne Life - Gratitude Practice Printout
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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