E147: Life is Messy, and so Are Our Habits


E147: Life is Messy, and so Are Our Habits

A little episode, with a lot of love, from yours truly. Here’s what I do when life and my habits get hella messy…

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You're listening to the Women's Empowerment Podcast Episode 147 Oh my goodness, I cannot believe that I'm saying it's almost episode 150 Episode 147 I feel like I need to give myself a big pat on the back because my friends, we are growing this podcast so incredibly wonderfully organically and just really wholly and authentically and all the leads that I can think of right now.

This week's episode is a little bit different. I am doing this very off the cuff. And I'm going to be straight up honest with you guys that life has been really tough for me in the last little while.

I was emotional this morning so I'm not sure if I'm going to be emotional right now so I apologize if I sound a little nasally or my voice cracks up a bit, but I wasn't sure if I could record this podcast episode today because of how kind of sad, I've been feeling and how I'm just not okay, I've been, if I'm being completely honest, I've been feeling very heavy. My heart feels like it's breaking often.

And I don't want to explain it on the show, I don't want to talk about it here I don't want to get into it here that's not why I'm telling you this, I'm telling you this because I've built this show, and my brand on being authentic and being real and being honest and the whole reason why habits came to be part of our the main part of my coaching and as it is right now is because I have these small seemingly insignificant and I mean, seemingly, but they are incredibly significant small actions that I do daily. And I really feel them now more than ever before, of how important, how significant they really are. When I'm struggling. So, a couple of notes I guess you could say, one, when you are building new habits to be completely compassionate with yourself, and all the things that are happening in your life. it's not meant to be perfect every day it's meant to be a little bit messy and it's going to be. It's meant to be. However, you need it to be. However, it needs to be, but it will help you over time and I think the thing that really breaks my heart the most is when I see people or when I'm coaching with people and they think, you know, they avoid me because they didn't do the work that week or they are embarrassed to tell me that they didn't do whatever the habit every single day, or you know, they'll say something like well I didn't do my workout in this morning so it's a write off for the rest of the day and trust me, my hand is up right now, I have been there I have felt that in fact this morning I pushed my workout off for 90 minutes I kept moving into my calendar or Cal two and 15 minutes, okay 30 more minutes of emails, okay 15 more minutes of this okay 15 more minutes of that 90 minutes later I'm like, oh my god Valerie if you don't do your workout now when is it going to get done just go and do it.

And you know I really thought about doing that with the podcast episode today too and I thought okay well I can record this later. And you know what, my emotions weren't changing later was coming sooner and sooner so I just decided you know what, let's get on this now, let's do this right here, right now it's a little different, but that's okay because life is messy. Habits are messy.

And as much as I love to talk about so many positive things and I really like to flip the switch and really show you that there is a positive perspective there is a silver lining in literally everything.

And as much as I wholeheartedly and truly believe that. I have to have very tough goals and tough times and I feel like this one's a little bit tricky for me to get out of that being said I have definitely created a lot more boundaries and, and I've really stuck to myself care so that's another little tip or a little note that I want to talk about today is that, you know when the going gets tough. There's that saying when the going gets tough, the tough gets going and I used to really believe that, and really work at that I would say okay well this is tough but I'm tougher, this is hard but I'm harder I'm stronger I'm faster I'm whatever it needs to be to get through this and I wasn't really allowing myself to feel because feelings are meant to be felt emotions are meant to be felt. And what I started doing instead was I flipped the switch in a different way. And when I saw that things were going to be really busy in my schedule when I know that, you know times are tough right now and I really need that extra self care. That's what I'm doing I'm plugging in way more meantime I'm making sure that I am more strict with my boundaries around work and emails, and what I'm saying yes to. I am saying no before I even say yes or I'm saying, I will get back to you at the time that's convenient for me and if that time doesn't work for you then. I'm sorry but this is that it's a no. Right, so.

So because I know that this is a little bit of a tougher time I've actually scheduled some time away so yesterday I came back from a weekend trip with my boyfriend Craig, some of you will have met him through the podcast, not too, not too far back, but Craig and I went away for for the weekend we did a little road trip we've been doing one every year, and it kind of celebrates our, our relationship together it's our second year anniversary very exciting.

So we were able to unplug and be in nature and enjoy, and honestly, I felt so amazing to be away and to just unplug for that time. I'm also going to be doing something similar. This weekend coming up, I'm going to be spending time on a women's wellness retreat where I will also be unplugging or I will also be kind of relaxing and tuning in was with some like minded people and just kind of doing different things than what I would normally do. So, why am I telling you all this because it's part of building, and being adaptable and also connecting with ourselves because, why am I so keen on helping people build healthy habits, it's because I want to help you create the best version of you I want to help you create a life that you love, even on the days that it's really hard, and instead of me saying, I have to work out today I have to do a podcast today have to go teach today. I am saying, I get to do a podcast today I get to teach today I get to work out today. I think of all the things that I'm grateful for. I'm so grateful for my health, that I'm able to sweat it out in those workouts this morning, like I did today I'm so grateful that I get to share my voice, I get to feel heard and seen through this podcast I mean we have over 44,000 downloads. I can't like can you just believe that I mean I'm like trying to wrap my head around it and I just feel so grateful for this, and I remember that, you know, setting a little intention every single day, and showing up for my community. Every day, or at least every week, multiple times a week, I should say, and being able to, to say that over the last eight years I have had healthy habits that have helped me create the Pilates studio that I've always wanted the brick and mortar studio that I've been able to create any Yes. It's hard, and you see the highlights on Instagram and on social media, and yes I strive to make this podcast as positive as possible but Frank, it is frickin hard sometimes. And I think I shared this not last week but the week before how it's been tough. It's been really tough, and without these health healthy habits without these daily actions. I don't know where I would be, and I feel like. It breaks my heart to even think about where it would be without them, where I would be without this show without all of all of the things that I do every day, all the people that I get to be around every single day. So I hope this episode is more of a little quickie inspirational reminder to let you know that if you are feeling down or sad, or burdened or heartbroken that this too shall pass. I know we could roll her eyes how many times we heard that, but even those good times pass too. So, really, whether you are elated and overjoyed and extremely happy I want you to sit with that and just know that this too shall pass so drink in every second of this, and if you're feeling quite the opposite, as I was this morning I also want you to remember that this too shall pass and it's not going to be like this forever.

It's not, it's not going to be like this forever.

We're gonna do something with me right now I want you to place your hand on your heart and take a deep breath and feel that heartbeat is my friend, is your purpose, your heart is a muscle, within your body and its habit is to beat every single day, every second of the day it is to beat, beat that tiny little heartbeat is what is keeping you here and now and alive in this life.

In this moment, is what has connected you and I together your heart, your soul, you're listening to this podcast episode today for a reason, not just to hear me ramble on.

But to be reminded of your power, your purpose, your strength, your grace.

Breathe into your heart space and know that you are not alone.

Know that you are okay.

know that you have a purpose.

And even though, life gets hard, like, really hard sometimes.

You were meant to be here.

You are loved, and you are heard.

You are wanted.

Breathe into that space for as long as you possibly need.

And whatever little tiny habit, you can do today and every day, or most days. I want you to know that that little habit is not for nothing. It is not insignificant to wake up and just think how do I want to feel today.

It is not insignificant for you to place your hand on your heart, and breathe into that space every day.

It is not insignificant for you to drink water, or to go for a walk, or to say no, or to take time for yourself.

I want you to do all of those things as often as you need to.

I think in the next upcoming weeks we're going to talk more about some more tangible things kind of like what we're usually talking about.

Perhaps we'll talk about how our habits, and flow and grow and change just like we do.

My friends, if you're not already following me on social media, please find me at Val Levine life on Instagram, I would be so happy to connect with you on a more personal level over there.

I also want to let you know that I'm doing something called mock up, make a habit mentorship and it's a case study this month that takes you behind the scenes into the Make a habit mentorship program. If you listen to the show, you might have already heard of this program before.

For those of you who don't know the maker habit mentorship program is my one on one customized coaching program that I do. The information is at Valerie living life.com forward slash mentorship. However, if you just want a sneak peek at what it's all about. Definitely follow along on Instagram with us we're into Week Three now out of four. So even though we're wrapping up in the next couple of weeks. What I would like to invite you to do is check out the igtv videos, the posts surrounding that make a habit mentorship mock up program I'm also going to make a guide for it to be easier, accessible, or more accessible on Instagram for you but whether you are ready to take the leap and invest in your own self, in your own one on one coaching with me or whether you just need a little bit more softness and some reminders and gentle reminders.

Please visit my Instagram page, and feel free to reach out to me at any time.

I will be more than happy to, to chat with you. If you are new to the show, please know that the episodes are very different from today, however I'm sure I'm going to be popping in here. Once in a blue moon. Actually, today's a full moon now that I think about it of this recording I'm doing this on a, on a full moon, no wonder the emotions are high. That being said, take a look at some of the other episodes or have a listen to some of the other episodes.

I'm sending you so much love, and thank you for holding space for me today to speak. My heart and my truth.

Maybe some waterworks and other times, I am so grateful for each and every one of you listening, And I just have to say that this show really got me out of bed tomorrow, this morning. Oh, here, here we go, here come the crackles this show really was a huge part of getting me out of bed this morning so I appreciate each and every one of you who has downloaded the show, and has reached out to me whether that's on Instagram or via email to tell me how much this has affected your life and your well being.

It means so much to me

more than I could even express in words.

So… from my whole beating heart thank you so much. Thank you.


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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