E252: How to Use Journaling, Meditation, and Mindfulness to Feel Empowered


E252: How to Use Journaling, Meditation, and Mindfulness to Feel Empowered with Katie Woodruff

Katie Woodruff is a transformational coach, host of the podcast Abundantly Aware and Journaling Tour Guide. She aims to create awareness around the benefits of journaling, meditation and mindfulness for entrepreneurs everywhere so that they can create the life that's wholy their own…

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Valerie LaVigne: Welcome back to the Women's Empowerment Podcast. To thank you so much for joining us today. I'm excited to welcome Katie to the podcast. Katie, thank you so much for being here.

Katie Woodruff: Thank you so much for having me. 

VL: I'm stoked that you're here because we are actually doing a bit of a podcast swap, so it's really fun to talk to other podcast hosts because you know, you kind of get it.

KW: Oh Yeah.

VL: we can jump, jump into things. You got the good mic, like we're just ready to rock and roll. Also matching mics. I, yeah, I was gonna say also, thank you for telling me that I was using my mic wrong for the last four years. I have switched it over. Am I doing it right? 

KW: Yes, Yes.

VL: Okay, perfect. I like to hear it. Amazing. So why don't we just kick things off with telling us a little bit about your background and how you became a transformational coach and podcast host.

[01:12] Get to Know Katie

KW: Alright,  we can start from May of 2021. I was extremely stressed out to the point where I created this, it manifested into a health concern.

I developed a migraine and that migraine lasted it was like, It wasn't like your typical migraine. I get the orbs and I also got a full half body numbness, like the whole left side of my body was numb from the middle of my face to the tip of my toes. And it would happen like every few hours for a few minutes at a time.

And based on that, I was told it's your stress manifesting as a migraine and you need to just de-stress. That is when I found journaling. I started with, if your listeners have heard of, I'm sure they have maybe in passing the artist's way. And I started with that book and it was just a complete overhaul of how I was.

BOOK: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Reacting to things my stress levels, what I was bringing into my life. And I started journaling and, you know, my migraines happened for a month and then they stopped and I haven't had a migraine since then. So for the last two years I haven't had a migraine. May 24th of this year will be two years straight that I have journaled for.

So I guess you could say that is where it all started. That is where I decided that I needed to tell people about this amazing thing called journaling and that it doesn't have to be like in the artist's way. She speaks about Your morning pages, like three consecutive morning pages, and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be three pages.

Not everybody has time for that. And so that's really what I bring to the table as a transformational coach. And podcasting fell into my lap and I love podcasting. I think that spreading your voice is very important, and my podcast is called Abundantly Aware, and the basis of that is, You know, I think that we all need to become aware and awareness is the first step to making change and making transformation.

And so I became aware of my stress through my migraine. Yes, that sucks. But I became aware of my stress and thus developed my journaling practice. And I just think that there are so many other things that people could be aware about to create a life that's holy and completely theirs. So that is me, and that's what I'm about.

VL: Oh my goodness. I love that story and I think there are so many really important key points that I, I wanna highlight one of them being that you. Took to this really holistic approach to your wellness, because I think a lot of people just live with the migraine. They, oh, I have migraines, and they identify as that, and then that's just part of who they are.

But you didn't, and I really want to applaud you for that because that's brave and that's very confident of you to to, you know, take your own health into your own hands. And I, I really admire that in people. The other thing that you mentioned was that, you know, even though. You were having migraines and you were journaling.

It was all to do with stress. And so as I mentioned, you take this kind of holistic approach to your health and you take it into your own hands and you find this really incredible tool and you make it a habit, which obviously you know, I'm all about. Absolutely. So yeah, so that just, I mean, I love all of it.

I love how you. How, I mean, I'm sorry that you had to go through the migraines, but how incredible is it to say that you don't experience that and you haven't experienced that since? Two years ago. Amazing. That's so amazing. Yeah. I, I actually don't know if I've talked about that book before, so I am gonna look it up and I'm gonna link it into the show notes.

I'll also link your podcast there too. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, of course. You know, we gotta, sharing is caring. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. A couple questions come up for me. So obviously the show's called the Women's Empowerment Podcast, and I know you help women and you help people through meditation and through journaling, through mindfulness and that awareness in these practices.

[05:23] How Journalling, Meditation, and Mindfulness Empowers Women

So how do you feel that, how do you feel these practices, journaling, meditation, mindfulness, how do they empower women? 

KW:  Hmm, that's a good question. I think that they. Ultimately empower you to discover a different way of living and to discover a way of living that works for you. Because I feel like society and others around us kind of put us into a box and tell us what we need to do.

And I'm not about that. And I think that you can, you know, witness yourself on the pages of. Your journal and really truly dig deep into who you are, how you wanna show up, what kind of life you want to live. And I think that in and of itself empowers women to have the life that they want instead of one that someone else has created for them, be it their family members or society, or even a spouse.


VL: Oh, I love that answer because truthfully, I am not big with journaling. I do see the power in it. Okay. I do see the appeal for sure. I mean, like, I'm gonna show you right now, I have a journal right here on my desk. I have a five minute journal right here. Okay. You can see it. I love mys and yeah. You know, and I, I did start journaling and using that journal, and I like the idea of the prompts.

But it's not sticking for me. So I'm noticing that like I kind of fall in and out of journaling practices and I try all these different modalities, the five minute journal, the morning pages, it doesn't always work for me. And I, I like that what you said earlier was, The book encourages you to do the three consecutive pages, but not everybody has time for that.

[07:05] Tips for Incorporating Journaling as a Healthy Habit

So I'm wondering if you have any tips you can share about how to incorporate this type of healthy habit, whether it's the journaling or the meditation and mindfulness, you know, the practices that you like to teach. How can we add these into our daily routine and some of the, you know, obstacles or.

Limiting beliefs, we'll call them. I'm thinking of our, we're too busy, we don't like journaling. What are some ways we can start to incorporate these incredible practices? 'cause they really are, 

KW: Hmm, okay. So what I first do is I, like, I set sort of boundaries around it. So one of my boundaries is like I take away the pressure.

So I completely release the pressure of having to journal for a certain amount of time or having to journal a certain amount of pages. So because that pressure is alleviated off of me, if. One day a week, I actually go into an office. So I don't have as much time to journal. And if I had kept that pressure on myself to have to journal, have to make this massive transformation throughout my journaling practice, I don't think I would journal on those days.

So because I alleviate that stress and that pressure I just journal for like a half a page usually, or a paragraph, and I'm just like, I'm not looking forward to this, but it is what it is. You know, there's, there's an end to this. It's okay, I'm going to enjoy my book on the bus and I'm going to be able to just watch as the cars drive by me as we're driving down the road.

And I just get to sort of meditate in that moment without any. That's usually what I do in, in, on the bus is either I do journal if I don't have time beforehand or I read a book. And it's been really helpful and really nice to acknowledge that. So there's even more to even just setting your first boundary.

There's so releasing the pressure. Making it a habit. I have it stack. So I think you've probably spoken to your listeners about atomic habits. So I have it stack. So what I stack, how I stack my journaling is I always have breakfast 'cause I'm just a breakfast person. So ultimately I'm always gonna have breakfast.

So I stack my journaling on top of my breakfast. So I always journal with. My breakfast beside me. So it just sort of, I don't even have to think about the journaling aspect 'cause I'm already eating and writing and it's sort of makes it easy. And I think that's another part of it, is making it as simple as possible.

And I, journaling doesn't make sense in your mornings. I'm actually finding recently that I'm gravitating more to my journal in the evenings all of a sudden, I dunno. And I'm journaling like four pages before I go to bed. And like you also have to, that goes hand in hand with something else is listening to yourself and when it feels right, and if journaling doesn't feel right to you, find something else where you can release.

Where you can work through it. I also like to talk to myself out loud, so recording yourself on voice notes. If you wanna keep the information, if you just wanna like brain dump essentially out into the universe, give it up to someone else, speak it out loud before you go to bed, or, you know, speak it out loud in, in the corner where nobody can see you and just be like, I don't, you know to work through it.

So there are different ways that you can use the process of journaling to work for you. 

VL: Yeah, those are great tips. I especially love the first one about setting boundaries because it's so true. We think that things have to be a certain way, but if we, and I mean maybe it's not even a boundary, but it's permission.

It's permission to do it your way. Then having that boundary for, obviously you're, for yourself. Yeah, habit stacking is huge. I mean, you're, you already have a routine in place, so you might as well just add into it or add onto it. I love that. And I think for me, like, I'm gonna use myself as an example 'cause of course I'm here with you, but for me, I find like I.

I struggle with the free writing versus if I have a prompt mm-hmm. That I can sit with and respond to. So could you possibly share some prompts with us or maybe where we could find the best journal prompts? 

[11:17] Best Resources for Journaling Prompts 

KW: Okay. Many, many areas. So if you like affirmation cards for instance, they are a fantastic way to just pull one and journal on the topic that comes up for you when you pull the card.

You can also do it with tarot if you wish, because each of the cards do symbolize something different. So that's usually what I do as well, because certain cards mean transformation. Certain cards like. The death card, for instance, which is my favorite card. It is a transformation. It's the dying of something else.

So something else can come up and if you do get that card, you can journal on that specific topic. And you can always come back to topics too. So you can always go back to the old pages within your book and go back to the, the topic on death, on the death card that you possibly pull because. Sometimes we don't have time.

Like it comes back to that. You can always come back to the topic. So I like to use cards personally as well, like in the mornings if I don't, if I'm struggling with free writing, 'cause I don't usually journal as much when I am free writing. It's way better when I have a journal prompt. Most of my journal prompts just come from my mind.

But the internet is a fantastic place to look, just like. Ooh. Even keeping a list of journal prompts that you want in your notes app or the equivalent on Android. And just keeping a list of prompts that you can go back to whenever you want. Another way that I find journal prompts is through books, so even fantasy books sometimes.

Something happens to the character and you're like, what if that happened to me? And I don't know, maybe I'm the only one that thinks this way, but I'm like, what if that happened to me? And then, you know, I journal about it. Depending on the, the novel that I'm reading. I don't read as many nonfiction books as I used to.

And that's just what feels good to me. But I am reading a Nonfic nonfiction book at the, at this time and it is coming up with a lot of journal prompts for me, so they are a little bit easier. But yeah, I think those three things, the internet AI is also a great way as well. Now. I found that it comes up with some really great prompts if you have an area that you specifically want to examine.

But if you, if you're not sure what you wanna journal on that day, I think like pulling a card is your best bet. 

[13:31] Pulling an Oracle Card for the Episode

VL: Oof. I love pulling cards. Can I pull a card right now? I'm like, I have cards. Yes. Can I? Okay. Gimme one second. I'm gonna grab that right behind me.

I've never pulled a card on my podcast before. Well, not for like a guest episode. This is exciting. Yay. Okay, let's let's make this, this episode card. It's the deck is called Wisdom of the Oracle, and it's one of my favorites. I used to hate it because it just told me all the things I didn't wanna hear, but were definitely true.

Wisdom of the Oracle cards

All the things I was avoiding. Ah, it sounds about right. Yeah. I actually do have a card practice. You can hear me shoveling. I, I don't do it every day, but I, you know, I do take to the card, so I like this. I like this idea. Okay. I'm shuffling. Oh, something just, I was gonna say, say when, but we got a little card here and I'll share it with you.

It's called, it says a leg up. It's really cute. Has this polar bear baby. Polar bear with its mama. See that? Okay. So what I actually like to do is, even before reading the card, I look at the Oracle card, and I don't know if you do this with your, your affirmation cards, but I just really look at the picture and I kinda take to, how does it make me feel when I look at it?

So maybe I'll share that with you again. Here. Do you, can you see it okay? Yeah. Does anything come to mind? Maybe that's better. 

KW: And it says a leg up. Yeah. Mm.  I think. For me, that sort of brings up like the assistance of others maybe connection with others because the baby is like trying to climb up onto the mama.

I think that's what I would, I would take from it, but 

VL: I like that. So the essential meaning says receiving help, delegating authority, interdependence. So good, right? Mm-hmm. The Oracle's message, you come to a point where you are going. Where, oops. You come to a point where going it alone is no longer optimal for you.

Life has a way of presenting you with the perfect people to align with who can give you a leg up during this next phase of your journey. Help comes to you in all areas of your life. Where you need a boost. The trick is to accept that aid and freely accept that aid so freely given when you embrace interdependence, allowing teamwork and independence to commingle, miracles happen now is such a time.

I love that. So there aren't like, obviously specific questions in this card deck specifically. Right. Even as, you know, as you're talking and as you're giving me these ideas, I'm looking at this card and I'm thinking, okay, what is maybe like two, two or three words that I feel looking at this card, or what are two or three things that come to mind?

So just like what you said, you know, right. Ask like receiving help or getting help, and now it's like, okay, this is a time where that's happening. So, and you know, please Add on to what I'm gonna say here, but mm-hmm. Some questions that come to mind after reading that Oracle's message are. Where in my life am I seeking help?

Where in my life am I not asking for help or not accepting the help and maybe who could help me get a leg up in this area of my life? Those are the ones that come to mind. Do you have any? 

KW: Yeah, definitely. Any, yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I, I think I would start with those two or like where in my life do I see help, but I'm not taking the help?

VL: Mm-hmm.

KW: Or. Where am my life? Am I already currently, I think you, I think you led with that question like, where am my life? Am I currently taking help and can I, can I sit in that for a little while and appreciate and be grateful for the help that I already do have? Mm-hmm. Be it from your family members or you know, someone you pay or loved ones.

So yeah, I think I would sit with that and ask myself, where can I be grateful? Appreciate the help that I already have in the midst of the help that I are like, that I do need to seek out. 

VL: Mm-hmm. I love that I think

KW:and how can I, and you can also look at it, . You can also look at it as a full circle and be like, where in the past have I not asked for help, but I needed help?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. And how can I parent myself through the fact that I never asked for help, even though I needed help and it made it even harder for me. How can I change that in the future for myself and actually ask for help when I know that I need it? 

VL: Ooh, love that. I feel like you need to have a journal deck, a journal prompt deck or something.

KW: Yeah, I have, I have TBD. I have been thinking about that. 

VL: Okay, good. I like that. We're going to start manifesting that more. Mm-hmm. So we've talked so much about how this has really impacted you and how it can impact, you know, anyone who practices these things, especially with this journaling.

I love this new prompt. I'm excited to, to play with my cards like the, throughout the week. Yay. So my next question is, how do you think these practices help women overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns and. In terms of, you know, the mindset blocks that we're experiencing, are there any strategies for achieving this?

[18:34] Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Negative Thought Patterns

KW: I mean, that's a deep, deep question. I think that if I go back to my own personal experience this journaling practice has specifically helped me a lot with imposter syndrome because there was a point in time where I thought about this. Podcast. I had a podcast before this, but it wasn't really fully like before the one I have right now.

But it wasn't fully, I wasn't fully immersing myself as myself. I wasn't showing up authentically. I didn't feel, and so I had to put that to the wayside because I also even named it based on what I thought other people would like, not based on what made sense, you know, for how I wanted to show up and who I wanted to be and who I wanted this brand and this business to be.

So I took myself through. A lot of journaling prompts to figure out like who I was, how I could show up as myself, what it was that was holding me back and discover that it was imposter syndrome. So I'm trying to think on how people, how women specifically can use this practice to really dig deep. And I think that it takes time and I think that it also like, I think again, first it comes with awareness and you can't really journal on something that you're not aware of.

So it kind of first starts with awareness and to become aware. It starts with being intentional about your life and looking at your life as a whole. And I. Seeing the places that you are blocked with, like your limiting beliefs? I think it does, it does start with, you know, being intentional and becoming aware and journaling about it.

So to use it to journal through limiting beliefs, like you have to be aware about it first. I don't know. I'm trying to think on how you can really, truly. Find a community, I suppose I would say. Yeah, I would say find a community that you relate to actually starting a journaling community. Shortly. It might be live when this is live, so definitely check me out in the end of this when I give you my shtick about where to find me.

But I think that like becoming aware of things. Easier in community. And I think that's also where I discovered that I did have a little bit of perfectionism, which goes along with imposter syndrome and yeah. Yeah. I love that. Say that question again. Say the question again.

VL: Sure. So if you can, we were talking about limiting beliefs and overcoming those limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns because you know, we all have them and we've all been there.

Mm-hmm. So what are some of the strategies or how do you think this practice can help? Overcome these limiting beliefs, and what strategies do you have for achieving that?

KW: So when you become aware of the issue that's coming up, go to your journal instead of letting it just like seep in. Because that's actually what I found helped me the most is when I was in my workday trying to show up, trying to be me, and I was like, oh, I just don't feel, it's just not, I'm not.

Being myself or, or I just don't feel like this is right or nobody's gonna like me. All of those things, there are more. Instead of just being like repeating it in my head, I got it out onto the page. I flicked it out there and I gave it to the pages and I said, you do what you want to do with this. And it was sort of like a breath of fresh air.

I can like breathe in and, ah, And be good with the feeling, giving it off to the journal, giving off to my pages. And it was a way of working through it. And of course, always remembering that the pages are there for you. Yeah. Pages are there for you. Your recording app is there for you. It's all there for you.

VL: I love that. Yeah. It makes me think of, you know, coming into that awareness and how you described it is like, You are not ignoring it. Yes, you're getting curious about it, and you're sitting with it, and you're holding space for it, and then you're able to work through it. Because if we just ignore feelings that come up, good things, bad things, whatever it is, if we're ignoring all that, they're gonna seep in and they're gonna.

Fester and that's not always a good thing, right? Yeah. And then there's that stress building up and then your body then telling you physically, Hey, I'm getting these really bad migraines 'cause ISH is not getting out. It's stuck. It's stuck all up in here. 

Part of what I really love about your story is that you've used journaling to create these new parts of your business in your life. So the podcast, for example, you said that your old podcast was not serving you, it was not authentically you, and so you used journaling to create this new show and. I find that so incredible and a lot of the times, kind of selfishly, I wanna ask this question because I love goal setting and I love helping people with goal setting.

So in terms of using that journal or other mindfulness practices, how can we use this technique to clarify our goals and the vision for our life and generate those goals into, you know, real life form, not just. Because this is why I'm asking this question. 'cause I find a lot of times people will say, write down your goals and they will come true.

And to be honest, I think that's BS. So Yep. How can we bring that vision into reality using journaling or using mindfulness? 

[23:56] Bringing Goals into Reality Using Journaling & Mindfulness 

KW: Hmm. Yeah. I, I concur. I think it's bullshit. I. I don't believe that just writing it down is the key to making it happen. I think that a lot of steps need to be taken, need to take place, and you need to do as well as, you know.

I think for me, I, I like to like meditate, visualize, and meditate. I actually have an episode on visualizing, meditating for the new year and which you can do at any point because essentially spring is a brand new year in the calendar 'cause where we've shed off winter and new things are growing.

So could be technically considered an a second new year, but I like to, so a mindfulness practice I do use is visualizing. And when I get deep down and, and I'm like, nothing is working. Everything sucks. Not where I wanna be. I remind myself and, and visualize if you can, 'cause I know some people can't.

The possibilities for you. And when it comes to goal setting for me, I am as open as I possibly can be to the possibilities for my future. I am a person that lives with anxiety, so sometimes it's a little bit difficult to look so far into the future to set those goals and so, Dreaming and just letting it flow is so much easier for me than being super concrete.

So when I do get to my pages and I'm like trying to set goals, I'm just like, what is the possibility? And go about all the possibilities that could possibly happen, like all the positive possibilities that could possibly happen. Not giving a timeline. I know it get goes against, it, goes against those smart goals.

Is it, it goes against smart goals completely. But forcing myself and pigeonholing myself into a timeframe sometimes creates a little bit more anxiety that doesn't need to happen. So I sort of just let myself dream and explore on the pages, the pos, the, the possibilities of. Anything could happen this year in regards to the certain areas of my life that I wanna focus on.

I, I mean, I do set goals. I do set goals. I'm trying to find a way that really works for me, to be honest. The best way that works for me. I have tried to set goals many times without, without luck or like, I always go towards them. I always work towards them, but they, I don't always, End up the result that I want.

So I turn to my pages and I remind myself that it's okay that you got somewhere. You did work towards it. Maybe you didn't fully fulfill it, but you did work towards it. 

VL: You know, I'm glad that you said that because I see this a lot in my mentorship with, with Healthy Habits. So your tool is journaling. My tool is habits, and sometimes mm-hmm.

The client is journaling and that's part of their habit. And one of the things that really holds people back is this, this, I don't know if it's fear or just stress or. This incompleteness, they feel, so they'll start the habit. They'll be really excited. They'll keep that motivation, you know, they're stacking it into their routine, but then something slips, something falls through the cracks, and they miss a day, and all of a sudden the world comes crashing down because they didn't get it done.

And the reason why I'm thinking of this is because you and I are both on Duolingo, the language learning app, and yeah, I, I love that Duolingo has these streak freezes. If you miss a day, so, I shared with Katie at the beginning, right before we recorded that. I had a really long day yesterday and this morning I thought, oh, I didn't do my French last night.

I did not do that. So I opened the app 'cause I was like, I can't even remember doing French. And sure enough I missed a day. And so I have an over 900 day streak of language learning through this app, which is like, Really amazing. Now, of course, if you look through the app, you'll scroll through the last two years or however many years it's been, and you'll see these little, these little they look like fire, but they're ice.

And it's called a streak freeze on Duolingo. Oh, so if you miss a day Oh yes. Yeah. If you miss a day, it freezes your streak, meaning, Hey, you didn't do this day. But that doesn't mean we're going to, you know, veto this whole. Effort that you've put in, because even though maybe it says 983 days and I've really only done 970 days, it doesn't let you fail for missing a day.

And I feel like that's so powerful in terms of any sort of, whether it's goal you're creating or habit you are. Working on, it's that like consistency doesn't have to mean every single day. And I'm saying it right now and I'm thinking maybe this is what I needed to hear because my ha, my journal habit isn't every single day.

However, you know, I come back to it when I want to. Just like my cards, just like the other practices I'm sure we have. So yeah, I'm glad that you shared honestly that yeah, you know, not all the goals have come to fruition and it reminds me. I have one more thing, which is, I don't know if I'm saying the quote right, but something along the lines of we overestimate what we can do in a year.

We underestimate what we can do in 10 years. Yes. And so I think, yeah, I think a lot of people who are either writing their their goals and in their journal, or they're making a vision board, or they're meditating and holding space for their goals, I think it's really important to remember that. You might have the goal, maybe the timeline is one full year, but it doesn't manifest into our reality until next the following year.

And that's okay. And I, I, I like that you were honest with your goal setting and saying, yeah, you know, I'm still working it out. I'm still journaling through it. So that's fantastic. I think it's, I, again, I just applaud you. You do amazing things. 

KW: Thank you. I actually, I actually have had a masterclass and that's how I like on journaling on the intro to introduction to journaling, and I reminded everybody that it doesn't have to be every single day if that is not how you feel like you can show up to the pages.

You don't have to, just because I say that I've almost journaled every day for two years. I actually did miss one day and that's because I was traveling and I had completely forgot to do it. Now I did like address the pages the next day and journal for like four pages because I missed that one day.

Because I had so much to say because I of missing that day. But it. Reminded me that it's okay. And then I continued journaling every day after that. Like it didn't stop me. And funny you, you go into Duolingo. I haven't used one, I haven't had to use one of those freezes yet, but I'm not at 900 days.

I'm only at 291, but only, as I say, only I am at 291 days, which is of Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. So I love, I love that language. And I think it's so beautiful to be able to go back to it because going back to perfectionism, so many perfectionists have that little habit tracker and they miss a day and then it's all downhill from there and then they shame themselves and create this whole entire thing doesn't exist and hate on themselves for not accomplishing that goal, even though, you know, five out of seven days were complete and that is fantastic and wonderful.

I think that we need to realize that it doesn't have to be perfect in order to do it. Just like journaling. So if you only come to the pages when you really, really need it, like when you're really, really struggling with it, that's perfect. Or you only come to the pages in the seasons of your life where you have more time also.

VL: Perfect. All perfect. I love it. So good. You've shared so much incredible wisdom today. Thank you so much. Before we get into the last round of our show, is there anything that hasn't been said that you really wanna share? 

KW: Hmm. No. No. I think that, I think that it was. I think that what came up needed to come up.

I think that journaling is a very important practice that I hold near and dear to my heart. And I think that everybody should, nope, everybody can give it a try. If they want to give it a try, and I can help you along that journey. Really amazing if you need it.

[32:13] Connect with Katie

VL: Where can people find you, follow you, and be supported by you?

KW: So you can find me over on Instagram and YouTube @AundantlyAwarePodcast. You will, by the time this is up, you will be able to find me on abundantlyaware.com. And that's where you can find always that we can work together in community journaling with our pages and discovering new possibilities for our lives and becoming aware of.

The life that we never knew that we wanted to live. 

[32:46] Rapid Fire Round

VL: Oh, cool.  I'm gonna link to all of this information in the show notes page. So your episode will be available at valerielavignelife.com/Katie and Katie, are you ready for the rapid fire round? 

KW: Alright. Okay, I’m ready.

VL: Question number one, what are you currently reading or what is your favorite book? 

KW: Ooh, I'm currently reading this book. It's actually beside me. Funny enough. 'cause I'm gonna read after this, Radically Content. I'm really excited for it. I'm only like 40 pages in, but it's really good so far.

Radically Content: Being Satisfied in an Endlessly Dissatisfied World by Jamie Varon

So I'm excited about that.

VL: Awesome. I'm gonna link to that in the show notes too. Question two is, what does empowerment mean to you?

KW: Empowerment to me means being available for anything and everything that you wanna do. 

VL: Hmm. What is your longest standing habit?

KW: Journaling

VL: I Knew you were gonna say that, but you know, just in case maybe there's something else. And question, question number four, what are you currently working towards?

KW: Currently I am working towards launching a group journaling program.

So be on the lookout for that.

VL:  Katie, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. Thank you for all that you do. I feel inspired to try Medi or try meditating, try journaling, and yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you create and seeing how you continue to serve your audience and your community, and I'm so glad that you're part of this one.

So thank you again for all that you do and for being on the show. Wow. 

KW: Thank you so much for having me on. I really appreciate it. And yeah, I can't wait to hear this episode and I can't wait to hear more from you. And I really appreciate us doing this, you, this podcast swap.


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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