E98: 5 Ways to Nourish Your Relationship with Money


E98: 5 Ways to Nourish Your Relationship with Money

In this episode I will share five simple ways to start nourishing your relationship with money in the next 24-48 hours! Plus the list of past money, wealth, and abundance episodes from the show...

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[00:27] Hello there! Welcome back to the women’s empowerment podcast, I am your hostess Valerie LaVigne, and I am so very excited to be here with you today talking about MONEY! In this episode I am sharing FIVE ways to nourish your relationship with money, with the intention to encourage a new perspective, introduce some new tools, and inspire you to awaken abundance into your life. Let’s begin!

[00:53] The first way to nourish your relationship with money is to

Number one: Remember that Money is Energy 

I often hear people talking about money as if it is the goal. “I wish I had more money” or “I need to save more money” or “when I have money” But when we think about what follows phrases like these, we discover that there is a more specific goal, and it is money that gets us there. 

For example:
“I wish I had more money… to go on a longer vacation.”
“I need to save more money… to buy my dream home.”
“When I have money… I’m going to get out of debt.”

From these examples we can clearly understand that money isn’t the goal. Money is the energy, money is the tool that helps us reach our goals. This is a very simple mindset shift that we need to remind ourselves of.


Get clear on what really matters (what do you need more money for?) and outline your priorities. Where are you going to spend your energy? 


You like going out to eat, but you love travelling. Can you spend your energy (money) on groceries and make meals at home and use the money you saved to go on a longer vacation?

You want to upgrade your car lease, but you’d rather buy your first home. Can you compromise on a lower model and use the difference in your monthly payments toward your new mortgage or downpayment for a property. 

Do you one better: can you walk or take public transit?

Once you are clear on your goals, you can properly prioritize your energy and also find new ways to support your specific goals! Clarity is key!


[2:57] Number two: Solidify Healthy Money Habits

Your relationship with money is like your relationship with anyone else, it takes work and it needs attention. I’ve outlined four simple money habits to practice that help build a healthy relationship with money.


#1. Respect your bills:
Every side of a relationship deserves respect. When your bill arrives, don’t roll your eyes, ignore it, or start swearing at it. Money has ears, can you imagine if you reacted the same way to your partner when they came home? They would be heartbroken. 

Instead, greet your bills with appreciation, gratitude and love! You were able to buy some pretty great things using your credit card. It has helped and respected you, now it’s your turn to return the appreciation.


#2. Save your receipts
Having proper receipts will help you separate taxable and nontaxable income so that you can distinguish your actual deductions. Once you start saving your receipts, you’ll also want to implement habit number 3 and organize them…


#3. Have money dates
I have a money date every month. It’s the time I set aside to review my spending, saving, and income generation. I first started tracking my income and expenses when I started my business. But whether you have a business or not, I highly recommend tracking your expenses. The way I record mine I am able to see how much money I am spending on different areas of my business. You can create categories specific to you and your business or life.

One month I realized I was spending WAY too much money on coffee dates so the next month I decided to invest in a Nespresso machine and drink coffee at home. I love my coffee ritual and my nespresso machine.


#4. Visit your savings
Every so often check up on your savings account. – OH WAIT – I’m going to interrupt myself… if you don’t have a savings account, start a healthy money habit to put money into a savings account regularly. – Then once you have one, you can visit it. Watch how it grows! Feel yourself getting closer to your goals with your savings, and say nice things to it like: Thank you for being a safe space to hold my energy so that I can insert goals here [travel the world]. OR I’m so grateful for the money I am saving, as my appreciation grows, my savings account also grows.


Choose one of the four habits and start implementing it in the next 48 hours. Then block off time in your calendar each week to cultivate the habit.


[6:00] Nourishing your relationship with money number three: Wealth is a Mindset

If you want to be rich, you need to think differently. Wealthy people will tell you that the key to their success is having a “millionaire mindset.” Did you know that only 20% of millionaires inherited their wealth? The other 80% earned their money on their own.

One of the biggest obstacles of people living with debt or paycheque to paycheque is that they believe that this is their life. But it doesn’t have to be!


Get clear on what you want money for (refer to #1) THEN, figure out what your limiting beliefs and money mindset blocks are. These are the things we think or tell ourselves about money that are holding us back from our goals and from building a healthy relationship with money. 

This step may take some time, because most of us don’t even know what our limited beliefs are. When I first started understanding my money stories, I would write down everything said about money and also the people I spent time with. I kept it all in a note file on my phone. This helped me understand my money blocks and also the limiting beliefs I inherited from my family and friends.


[7:43] Number four: Get in Touch with Your Feelings

Thinking and talking about money can stir up some real heavy emotions. According to personal finance author Suze Orman, shame, fear, and anger are the most common emotions tied to money. No matter which emotion you are feeling, the best thing to do is forgive yourself.

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward” – Steve Maraboli

Most of us have experienced these heavy feelings, have made money mistakes, or have struggled financially in some way. Like any relationship, mistakes will be made along the way. Lean into the situation, release the judgment and forgive so that you can discover creative solutions and move on.


[8:52] Number five: Celebrate the Wins

Gratitude and appreciation attract more things to be grateful for. The same works for celebrating, it’s a form of showing gratitude – celebrate your wins each and every week. The big ones, the small ones, and everything in between!

TAKE ACTION: at the end of each week, write down all of your wins – do this daily for bonus good vibes! Choose different benchmark dates and celebrate all your wins between those dates. Choose celebrations that you like best! Popping some bubbly? Spa day with your friends? A bouje dinner?

AND Whenever you’re having a bad day you can go back and look through all the wins! It will cheer you up and remind you of the badass human you are!

Alright, those were the 5 ways to nourish your relationship with money!!! These are super simple practices that can make a world of a difference with your money mindset.


[9:53] List of previous episodes all around money, abundance, and wealth!

Episode 11: The Dangers of Your Comfort Zone

Money Mindset Mini Series

Episode 73: Part One Awareness

Episode 74: Part Two Action

Episode 75: Part Three Awaken

BONUS: Successful Strategies for Money Management & Rocking Your Side Hustle with Liz Enriquez

BONUS: Elevate Your Money Story & Overcome Your Money Blocks with Vanessa Bowen

Episode 83: Three Magical Manifestation Magnifiers

Episode 86: Three Keys to Creating Space to Attract More Abundance

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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