E97: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome


E97: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

This is the 97th episode of the show and when I look back at where it all started, sometimes I have to pinch myself! Is this real life!? Did I really create a podcast with nearly 100 episodes and over 15 000 downloads and super incredible inspiring people who are asking ME to be on the show?!

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[00:59]  WHATT!!!?? 

Well the answer is YOUR DAMN RIGHT I DID! And I have the evidence and the bags under my eyes to prove it hahaha but seriously. Sometimes I hear a tiny voice in my head that asks, 

“Who am I to start a podcast?” 

“Who am I to buy a business?”

“Who am I to empower women in health, wealth, and happiness?”

I know that I’m not alone in hearing this small voice. It’s not just me that hears these questions; or similar questions. It’s everyone. It’s the perfectionists, the experts, and It’s the high achievers.These thoughts lead us to believe that we aren’t good enough, or that we aren’t worthy of feeling good or achieving goals, or dreaming big. This is known as Imposter Syndrome. Typically these thoughts lead to feelings, which result in inaction, and then usually more negative feelings follow. 

However, as someone who is an advocate for a holistic approach to health, I speak a lot about mindset and today’s episode is all about overcoming imposter syndrome. Before we get into some of the tangible practices, I would like to remind you of the importance and power of our minds. The only way we can truly stop the feelings of imposter syndrome is if we stop thinking like an imposter. 

And I hate to be the one to break the news, but mindset shifts aren’t always quick and easy. Especially if we’ve been experiencing the feelings and thinking the thoughts for a long time. 

I will share some key practices, along with examples from my own recent experience in partnering to buy a pilates studio – the full story for a future episode.

You’ve probably heard of it before, “Imposter syndrome” is when you undermine your experience or expertise, devalue your worth, or believe that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, and not because of your talent or qualifications.

If you aren’t nodding your head, raising your hand, or cringing right now, then you might not have ever felt imposter syndrome before, but the chances are you HAVE! And you’re not alone! I most definitely have felt this way, and I know many other people who are successful and incredible and achieving big things have felt this way too.

Allow me to break down EIGHT ways to cope with and overcome Imposter Syndrome.

[3:43] NUMBER ONE: Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step to changing anything is bringing awareness to the issue or area of concern. Call it out. Call that tiny voice out when it’s questioning your skills, your expertise, your abilities. By doing this, you will also be able to separate your feelings from the facts.

I feel silly, or small, or stupid, but that doesn’t mean I am any of these things. The first time I did an instagram and facebook live I felt so silly. But I had never done it before, I was staring at myself. When I teamed up with my partner to open the new studio I felt inadequate, but she wouldn’t have asked me to partner with her if she thought that, so obviously this wasn’t a fact it was a feeling. 

It’s okay to feel this way. Know you’re not alone, know that it is a feeling and you aren’t defined by it. Know the facts and don’t let these feelings debelidate you. You’ve got this.

[4:51] NUMBER TWO: Release Your Inner Perfectionist

Whenever I notice myself obsessing over everything and trying to make it all perfect, I remind myself that Perfectionism is a Form of Procrastination. It’s great to care about what you are creating and putting out, it’s important to notice details and to do our best – these are signs of a healthy drive to excel. It’s also important to produce your work. 

At the time of this recording, the schedule at our new studio has already changed multiple times. We have added classes, deleted classes, moved classes, and the schedule will probably change again soon. If we tried to make it perfect, we’d never have one up! We created the best with what we had, and now, after one full month of a specific schedule, can make changes based off of all the information we have received.

Which brings me to Coping with and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

[5:55] NUMBER THREE: Reframe Your Response to Failure & Making Mistakes

They are going to happen. Failures, mistakes, and everything in between. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. There will be times where we don’t meet our expectations and label something as a failure, which is why it is so important to reframe failure.

Episode 63: How to Fail + Make Happiness Your Compass


[6:31] NUMBER FOUR: Rewrite the Mental Script

I mentioned earlier that this episode has a lot to do with mindset. When it comes to our minds there are automatic scripts that start to play out in our minds when we are triggered by imposter feelings or feelings of inadequacy. 

Some examples would be the questions I gave earlier of that tiny voice in my head. “Who am I to be talking into this mic teaching people about imposter syndrome when I woke up this morning feeling unworthy?” Or “Oh gosh I have no idea what I’m doing with this technology, wait till everyone finds out.” 

We can notice these scripts, stop them, and rewrite them. 

For example:

“I am the perfect example of someone who is constantly noticing and improving my mindset and overall health and wellness. I had feelings of inadequacy this morning, and I still showed up to produce a podcast that I have built organically despite not knowing what I was doing when I first started.”

“This technology is new, and everyone who starts something new feels this way in the beginning. I’m learning as I go and smart enough to figure things out, and brave enough to ask for help when I need it.”

Be kind to yourself. Just like mistakes and failures, you will also come across new areas of learning and developing your skills. An expert at anything was once a beginner. 

Coping with and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

[8:09] NUMBER FIVE: Track + Measure Your Success

Two of my favourite quotes for the administrative pieces of my business are:

“What gets measured is what gets moved.” AND “If you aren’t measuring it, you aren’t managing it.”

There are a number of benefits to measuring different parts of your business, or your life for that matter, but measuring your wins should be at the top of your list! In a previous episode of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast I talked about my daily gratitude journal and all of the things I learned from writing down what I was grateful for each day. I recommend tracking your wins each week and recording them in a place where you can look back and see them all together. Over time you will build a library of EVIDENCE showcasing your skills, expertise, adequacy and worthiness.

Plus when imposter feelings surface, you have a whole list of achievements and wins you can refer to that prove the facts that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Episode 69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me


Let’s move on to

[9:21] NUMBER SIX: Own Your Accomplishments

When you are reviewing your wins and your achievements, and when you’re reaching your goals, learn to celebrate your success!  

Reward yourself when accomplishing something. We popped champagne to celebrate the new studio. Friends of mine all came out to eat tacos and celebrate this new chapter. I’m still accepting ideas for what the 100th episode of the women’s empowerment show should be but I will definitely be celebrating after 100 episodes!

Pat yourself on the back and say, “I am proud of what I have accomplished” 

As a bonus, say your name aloud. Research has found that the simple act of adding your name to an affirmation can have a powerful effect on how you perceive yourself.  

For example: “I am enough” is amplified as “Valerie is enough” 


Coping with and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

[10:21] NUMBER SEVEN: Visualize Success

Professional athletes and military recruits do this all the time!

Spend some time before your presentation, before your instagram live, before launching your new product and visualize exactly how you will navigate that specific situation successfully. This allows you to prepare for the best and truly embody the energy and gravitas of who you are when you achieve a goal. Tap into those feelings over the imposter feelings.

It also allows you to foresee any risks or issues you may come across and how you can successfully overcome them.


[11:03] And lastly, NUMBER EIGHT: Fake it Until You Make It

Think of this less like “winging it” and more like “skill development.” Jump in with both feet, so that you can learn and grow as you go. Stop waiting until you feel ready, your courage and confidence comes from taking the risks! Allow this courage to build as you leap! And re-listen to episode 53: How to Build Your Confidence Toolkit for more tips to make this work for you.

Episode 53: How to Build Your Confidence Toolkit

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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