E125: Powerful Productivity Practices


E125: Powerful Productivity Practices

Get sh*t done fast and more efficiently with these powerful practices you can start implementing right away.

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[2:20] Struggle One: Time Management

Time blocking: What gets scheduled is what gets done. Make the time in your calendar to do the work, and avoid rescheduling.

Have a specific action plan: When you get to your desk, know exactly what needs to be done. Write a check-list or plan in advance so you can easily get in the zone and stay focused.

[6:00] Struggle Two: Distractions

Focusing for Long Periods of Time, and Staying Focused on the Task at Hand

Eliminate distractions: Turn off your phone, or leave it in another room. Close down your email inbox, silence incoming calls. Let the people in your space know that you need uninterrupted time. 

[8:50] Multitasking and Keeping it all Straight

STOP MULTITASKING: Studies have shown that multitasking reduces your productivity by 40%. Stick with your action plan and tackle each task, one at a time to avoid unnecessary task switching and backtracking.

Keep a notepad close by: When new ideas or distracting thoughts pop up, write them down so you can come back to later.

Importance of Transitions

[14:35] Organizing My To Do List

E115: Mastering Your To Do List

E121: How to Ask Powerful Yes or No Questions to Connect with Your Intuition

[17:00] Prioritizing Self-Care

Rest is essential for health and productivity: There’s nothing like a quality night’s sleep to have you ready and energized for the day ahead.

[19:35] 8 Habits to do on a Sunday for a more productive week

1. Meal Planning & Meal Prepping

2. Organize & Prioritize Your To Do List

3. Time Block Your Calendar

4. Set up Habit Triggers

5. Plan Your Outfits for the Week E112: Style as Self-Care: The Comfy-Chic Formula

6. Review Your Weekly Goals

7. Complete Basic Chores

8. Plan a Fun Outing or Experience 

Let’s connect on instagram, find me @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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