E83: 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers


E83: 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers

When I started this podcasting project 83 episodes ago, I barely knew what I was doing. And long before that I had wanted to have my own podcast, but I hesitated to take action...

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[1:33] I can remember when I had the Women’s Empowerment Blog, how I wanted to turn it into a podcast, and I could imagine having a little studio, and interviewing some of the incredible women I was meeting at the time. I envisioned fresh flowers on my desk, a pink couch where me and my interviewees would sit, and editing episodes while I sipped on delicious coffee. I had a clear picture of what I wanted, but I didn’t have a podcast. 

I think the blog ran for at least a year before I made moves to transitioning it into this new platform. The point is: no matter what we want to manifest, nothing will change for us, unless we start taking action.

In Episode 56: The Beginner’s Guide to Manifesting, we learned all about manifestation.

[2:50] T Harv Eker has a great quote that says, “Action is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds.”

Our inner world is where our ideas are created. The outer world is our reality, where our ideas come to life! 

When we take action on our ideas we begin to bring them into our realities and make them real. This is the magic of manifestation.


[3:35] Remember that manifestation is everything we’re focusing on is being brought into our physical world; our inner world coming to life in our outer world. But getting from point A to point B takes more than just affirming and believing what you desire. Every action we take, big or small, sends out an energetic vibration or frequency that helps attract what we need to manifest our desires.

[3:54] Everything has a frequency; and like attracts like. When we align our thoughts, feelings, and actions together, we begin to attract whatever we’re focusing on into our lives.

I’ll use my podcast as an example. I knew I wanted to start a podcast, what it would be called, and the style of the show I wanted. Solo shows, mixed in with interviews. I also wanted my listeners to feel inspired, motivated, and driven to take action with each episode. Mini trainings and step-by-step solutions are important to my listeners, along with topics of health, wealth, and happiness. 

The ideas and the vision were great. I loved listening to podcasts myself and I thought, “if this person can create a podcast, then so can I!” 

But I still didn’t know how….

[4:45] Then I came across a fellow dōTERRA Wellness Advocate who had her own podcast. Her show was an Instagram and Facebook Live show that she turned into a podcast afterwards. I liked this idea for a few reasons:

1. It’s interactive. I was able to connect LIVE with my followers and listeners. This gave me instant feedback of who was following, and what topics they were most interested in

2. There’s less pressure to be perfect. A lot of the podcasts I follow are highly produced and there are few to no mistakes. Since I didn’t know how to start, edit, or do anything with a podcast, I liked the idea of the live show as a fun, imperfect and personal way to host a solo show.

3. It gave me some extra time. Since I needed to learn the how part still, but I wanted to take immediate action, I set a goal to do at least 5 live episodes, 1 each week on facebook and instagram, before uploading them to a podcast. 

While I was in the idea stages I did some research on how to start a podcast and it was highly recommended to have 5 or more episodes right when you launch. This gave me 5 weeks to figure out the tech. Yep. a 5-week deadline to figure out the “how”. But at the end of the 5 weeks I also had 5 episodes!

[6:42] Within those five weeks I spent time putting together show notes pages on my website, googling how to start a podcast, and I downloaded a free step-by-step guide from another podcast I follow to help me out a little. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, but I figured it out!

The good news was, I already had a lot of the equipment I needed and use, I already had a website and I turned the blog into a “show notes page” which is basically a different name for blog LOL

By the 5th week I announced on my live show that this would become a podcast! The show has evolved over time and I now feature bonus episodes with guests. That is a whole other system and story on it’s own!

I also upgraded my camera for the video version of the show when I was doing lives. I don’t do the live episodes anymore; the podcast format is a lot more popular, and it’s easier to batch content this way.

Anyway – this isn’t an episode about podcasting!!! This is an episode about manifesting! However, if you do want a peak behind the scenes on the Women’s Empowerment Podcast: Episode 50: Q&A: Podcasting – What I've Learned So Far

[8:36] Moral of the podcasting story: If I wanted my podcasting ideas to come to life, I had to take action to make it happen. If I haven’t already been clear about it: Action Activates!

More specifically, Action Activate 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers – how is that for alliteration my friends LOVE IT!

[9:12] The first magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: INSPIRATION

Believe it or not, the Universe is delivering instructions and information to us at all times. It’s our job to recognize these instructions and to take action on them.

In my podcasting example, the Universe introduced me to a new way of podcasting with the Live Shows. I was also given that free guide on how to start a podcast, and a few other informational podcast episodes that helped me check off some of my “how to” boxes.

These instructions and action steps from the Universe can come to us in a variety of different ways. Such as: inspirational downloads we might receive during meditation, or new ideas that come to us in the shower, or creative solutions for everyday problems, and new opportunities!

If you’re manifesting more money in your business, you might come up with an incredible new offer for high-ticket clients. Or perhaps you create a detailed ebook you can sell.

We’ve got to keep our eyes and ears open so that we see all the possibilities that have been given to us! Amazing right!? Yeah!!

[10:29] The second magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: MIRACLES

In the book, a course in miracles there is a very important quote/definition that reads, “A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.” Wouldn’t that make a great phone wallpaper!?

The Universe is sending you many miracles and lots of love! Signs, messages, people, and even song lyrics are on their way!

Remember, it’s OUR job to PAY ATTENTION to the ideas and miracles that come to us.

Now listen, the Universe works in very mysterious and very silly ways sometimes, so be on the lookout for anything and everything. Paying attention to the things or the people that stand out, or the numbers that keep reappearing or the quote that you read that is deeply resonating.

The miracles have a high frequency energy of love. When I was making the podcast I took bold action toward a deeply meaningful project. I pour my heart into each episode, and because of this I also attract some of the most incredible people in this world as loyal listeners of the show.

I remember at the end of last year I was really nervous about interviewing guests on the show. I had never hosted an interview style before and I wanted to make a good impression on my guests. 

I went to a networking event and ran into an old friend from the yoga community Kiana, and we were updating each other on our lives and what we were working on. I told her about the new developments in my podcast and she was excited to be a guest on the show! 

BONUS Episode with Kian Ng

After one interview I felt a little more comfortable and asked some of my close friends to be on the show. With practice I am becoming a lot more comfortable and confident in asking my guest to be on the show, and also to interview them.

A lot has changed since starting my guest episodes, however I’m sure there will be more change in the future. The point is, the people who were brought into my life were a beautiful gift and miracle that helped me up-level with my podcast. 

What’s even more amazing now is that women are coming to me, and asking to be on the show! And a lot of my guests introduce me to or connect me with women they recommend and I barely need to reach out to anyone anymore, I am overwhelmingly grateful for all the amazing women that show up and want to connect!

[13:48] The third, and final, magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: RESULTS!

Know that your empowered intentions are manifesting RIGHT. NOW. The timing isn’t exact, however the more trust and faith you have in the Universe, the more open you will be to receiving this magic!

We don’t always, and actually, it’s more like we OFTEN DON’T understand the how or the exact process. We can’t connect the dots as we look forward; HOWEVER we CAN connect the dots looking backward.

So when you’re manifesting something wonderful and incredible in your life; like a dream vacation to Hawaii, and you receive a gift card for a day at the local spa. DON’T PANIC. And more importantly, don’t get upset. This could be part of a bigger process of your dream vacation! Take this incredible spa day gift and imagine that you are a the spa in Hawaii. Drink coconut water that day, or wear a flower in your hair. Hula dance between treatments. Play Hawaiian music on your drive to and from the spa. Feel the energy of appreciation pour out of you for every moment and every gift.

Maybe you’ll meet someone at the spa who has an Air BnB in Hawaii, or who heard of an incredible flight offer for last-minute tickets to the island!? You never know.

[15:23] And when you DO receive INSPIRATION, MIRACLES, or RESULTS, thank the Universe for each of these gifts. 

Inspiration is a gift.
Miracles are a gift.
Results are a gift.

Gratitude ALWAYS speeds up the process of manifestation! A gratitude practice will change your life: Episode 69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

[15:55] Before you run off to take action, I have one more gift for you…

It’s called the Magical Manifestation Magnifiers Tracker. This free download will support you with seeing the magic of action. Record your action steps and see how they activate magnifiers in your life! With some time, you will begin to connect the dots looking backward and see how your manifestations come to life!


Download the FREE Manifestation Tracker

Val LaVigne Life - Manifestation Tracker
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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