E143: How to Make the Most of Your Exercise with Tiffany Ricci & Kendra Miller
From flowing through your female hormone cycle, to maximizing your energy levels, plus what to eat before and after your workout, and more!
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[1:31] Valerie LaVigne: Welcome back to the Women's Empowerment Podcast. I'm very excited to welcome two new guests to the show. Tiffany and Kendra registered dietician, nutritionist Kendra Miller and Tiffany Reiki, are here to help you improve your health through nutrition and exercise, they have experience with a variety of other athletes, ranging from those who are just beginning an exercise routine to ultra endurance competitors, looking to improve their performance. Kendra and Tiffany know what it takes to get your energy back and improve your performance through healthful nutrition coaching, accountability and support. Welcome ladies to the show so great to have you.
And we touched on this a teeny little bit before we started recording but in the guest submission One of the things that we kind of learned about you was that the two of you have only met in person, two times. And when I read that I thought, oh my goodness, like how do you run this business, where you're not actually together and so I'd love to learn a little bit more about your business and how you, how you do this?
[2:36] Kendra Miller: Well, I would say that it started, virtually in the first place, because we were both living in Alaska and as we know Alaska is a very fast and wonderful place, but it's not close together so a lot of our communication that we had was via email and patient whether it's Skype with a tie him or something of that nature and it just carried on from there, we really connected and when we met in person finally with the Alaska Dietetic Association, it we just hit it off, and we were in very similar places in life, and the friendship just blossomed from there and when we both decided to move down to the lower 48 was around the same time. And we're like, Well, where are they? Again, you know our worlds collided and we were back in the same place in some capacity not physically, but in more of that other realm. And we're like, oh well we want to work together, we want to continue to help specifically moms to really understand their health and fitness through nutrition, and so with that our business develops and we continue on with the cross country entrepreneurs, you have today.
Tiffany Ricci: we stay connected with Marco Polo, and, and weekly meetings that we meet on Zoom. Every Friday so that we are not missing out on much.
VL: It's amazing that you have these systems in place and I feel like that's so important to running a business, but obviously to be running it virtually across the country is also so important so yeah that's amazing that you have these tools, and I think this is quite, quite a gift to to entrepreneurs and to these type of networks and communities is to have this technology that really brings us together. So, the moms that you support and that you help, are also all over the US are they all over the world. Where are they?
TR: the moms that we work with, we work with online so they're all over the place. We have some, I mean, locally and then also, in many different states, I don't think we've had anybody
KM: oh no one international in Germany right now, We've had some in England, and I don't know if anyone else but those are the two countries that I know besides the US that we're working in.
VL: No Canadians yet?
KM: Not yet.
VL: That's so crazy, I would have I would have guessed that you would have had Canadians well maybe after this podcast because I'm based in Toronto Canada so yeah I never know we could open that up to it, but we're actually here to talk about something a little bit more specific when it comes to the health and wellness industry I feel like there are tons of topics that we can kind of reach into and discuss a little bit more about, and we're here to talk about making the most of our exercise, and when I saw this, this kind of specific topic I got so excited because I'm a health and wellness coach.
I am a Pilates studio owner, and there are, I guess, myths, there are a lot of myths or just some ideas that don't always serve every single person, and I love working with women because I guess there's just this really cool innate flow to to who we are and how we work, and how we work out and how we get our energy so I was really excited to talk a little bit more about this and really cover like moms but also women so, take us away who wants to start.
KM: I can start because I think you've nailed it whenever you started talking about women have this flow in their life and that's so true because once we hit puberty, we literally have a flow and with that, that also affects our nutrition, and we can't look at our lifestyle without looking at our cycle and so a lot of what Tiffany and I do is looking at the whole woman, and seeing okay well where are you at in life, what are your hormones look like, know our day to day life, what how that affects our nutrition what our new trician needs during that time, we know that the latter half of the cycle, your energy increases by eight to 16% your energy needs. And so your, you should be getting more food during that time. That's why we crave things and so we work with our clients to really understand how to work with your body, rather than against it so you can get what you need out of not only being interested in but also your exercise, too.
[7:24] VL: I'm so glad that this is being talked about because I recently finished the book. Woman Code by Alisa Vitti and I'm just obsessed with her. She has a new book coming out, but really talking about our monthly cycle and how it's broken into these four kind of phases, this wasn't something that I was taught when I first got my period, this was not part of a conversation and health classes is not a conversation with my mom or any other kind of female figures in my life.
Being able to now, at 30, being able to now read this book, and, say that okay what I'm going through feeling this law at this part of the month but really excited at the next part of the month. It doesn't have to be a 24 hour cycle in fact it's closer to that 28 day cycle. So, I mean, it's life changing for women, and I'm so happy to hear that this is part of how you work with women and how you support them. Do you mind if we talk about each of those four phases and maybe like a hot tip for the exercise in each of them.
BOOK: Woman Code by Alisa Vitti
KM: Not at all. So when we talk about our cycles, I'm gonna pull up my notes here so I don't forget anything but when we're talking about our cycles we're dividing up. For those of you that don't know and to the four phases.
So we have our menstrual cycle we have initially a follicular phase and that time right after we bleed and that's the time that we feel probably the most refresh time that we can really go on and push through. And so what we're doing. That phase is, we want to focus on our endurance, we want to see how far we can go, we're running, we want to attend to really measure a distance there too.to really push ourselves in that capacity.
When we go on to our ovulation phase, there's just that time that we are having the most energy during the month that we have this vitality that we can really capture, we're going to look at our exercise and if we're trying to like really perform and increase our cardiovascular work, we're going to look at doing intervals. So that's at a time that you're going to really succeed during that, and really push yourself to really, again, get your heart rate up for a longer period of time, bring it back down and have fun with it. So, whether it's a spin class whether it's interval training, whether it's a hit workout whatever that time may be that's whenever you're going to really enjoy it the most. For one, and number two, see the most benefits from your exercise or physical aspect of it.
When we go into our luteal phase. It's a longer phase and with that you can do. Some people try to live it up for example so you start at the beginning of that phase you're working on your string, maybe you can still go a little bit harder. If you're working on cardio, you know, you can still do that there's nothing against that. But as you go through that luteal phase, it's going to kind of taper off you're going to feel like you're getting tired and that's totally normal. And that's what we talked about listening to our body. So yes you're focusing on your strength, we kind of look at your form. So, even though you're doing cardio, I'm going to use running as an example, you're looking at your form for running, so making sure you're landing with mid foot strikes and focusing on that rather than focusing on getting your pace below a certain marker I that's not what you're going to want to do, so you're focusing on the strength workouts,
and then as you get into your menstrual phase, you're going to either rest or look at two calming techniques whether it's Pilates, or yoga, or something that's not going to stress your body and it can really work on that healing aspect of it, as you're recovering and getting ready for that next round of work.
[11:11] TR: Yes, and then as you during your bleeding when Kendra had mentioned this before. That's when your hormones are actually at their lowest. So it's your body is doing a lot of work to shed the lining, and it's a time that if you, you know, this is where women can't be 100% every single day because our bodies don't function that way. But if you feel like resting, absolutely. The other thing is it because your hormones are so low, it could be a time that you could PR, you know, and this is something this is where you really have to listen to your body because if you let's say that you've been training for a race, and then the race falls on the day of your you know your period or the middle of your period, it doesn't mean it's all for naught you should throw it out. If you have been listening to your body for the previous month, and really resting, you know, during the latter half of your luteal phase, you could bust it out, you know, but you just, it's really paying attention to your body.
But if you, you know, if you haven't been listening, if you haven't been feeding it that extra energy that you need in that latter half of your cycle, then you're just going to be way below the bar. So, one thing that women just aren't taught I feel is to really listen to gather the data on your body. When you are, you know, having.
[13:13] VL: That's great advice I'm so glad you said tracking because, as a healthy habits coach, this is pretty much like a very core part of how I work with people and it's really using the data and collecting the data and tracking whether it's our habits or our cycle or our mindset or whatever it is, and I find it so helpful because I've done this to was tracking my cycle and I've actually put it out in my calendar so that when I'm, when I'm booking in podcasts events, or when I'm booking in my workouts, I know that okay, this week is going to be a little bit of a lighter week maybe I don't use weights when I'm working out of the gym maybe I go down lighter weights, maybe I'm focusing on that yoga practice whatever it is. So, that is so perfect. Can we chat just like really briefly about each of them, the amount of days, or the typical number of days that we go through each cycle just so that people who are listening, if they want to start tracking it, how they can do that.
TR: Yes, that's a very good question, you're at the beginning of your follicular phase, like right after you're done with your period, is about five to six days, and then the ovulatory phase is also very small. Again like five, six days, your luteal phase can be anywhere from 10 to 14 days. And so then your period is anywhere from like three to five. So just depending, we say, you know, the average is like a 28 day cycle, but that's the normal for that, in air quotes which you can't see on a podcast is, you know, anywhere from 22 to 32, so you can still be within normal range.
Outside of that, So just depending on where you are and the nice thing about tracking is that if you, if you can kind of, you know, it's really hard to, to feel your body change unless you kind of know that it's coming up so there are apps for tracking which can kind of help you.
You know, physically see where your body is and then take that, okay well this is my follicular phase and this is how I feel, and kind of really press that into your memory so that you can kind of keep like it'll it'll just kind of, you know, almost like a smell like, I know that if, if I walk in the house and it smells like this.
So I know that if I'm in my curriculum. This is how I feel regarding my luteal phase this is how I feel. That can be really helpful.
VL: Great, and I'm glad that you kind of reiterated the fact that everyone's going to be a little bit different and we might be sitting near the 28 day range and other people might be sitting in more of a 32 day range so it really is about that connection with self and getting to know what your body is doing, and I, so I find personally is that my cycle has changed.
And it tends to change, but more frequently or more often, I should say, if I'm traveling, those things kind of change up but then again your exercise routine changes when you're traveling to right so there's just lots going on with our bodies and definitely that self connection. That connection to self being more mindful and power feeling, I think that's important and that can be involved with our tracking.
Now, there are other ways that we can make the most of our exercise that are a little bit more specific to the day to day so we kind of taken this big picture of, okay, the 28 to 3832 days cycle, we know that these are the energy levels so these are the types of workouts that we're going to fit in with those. Let's say, Day one, you can pick the day whatever day you want, what are we doing before, during, after, let's get a little bit more specific.
KM: This is one of our favorite topics I will say it's just kind of drilling it down and figuring out what do we need, and where do we start with, and so for example let's start with the beginning of the day, we always say you need to practice like a queen, lunch like a princess, and then are like a popper so when you are eating throughout your day, you need to make sure that you are fueling for your day, you are not going to be burning your energy as much during the night so you don't need a big meal before you go to bed, and they have to just sit there when you need your big meal when it needs to be full of carbohydrates yes I said carbohydrates, maybe that's a whole pot in this modern day world but you need carbohydrates which is a totally different topic that we could go on for hours about, but for the purposes of this podcast we're going to say, make sure you have carbohydrates to start your day, make sure you have the protein that fat to really build up not only an energy bolus, to keep you going throughout the morning, but also to give you the satiety and to feel good and to really understand that, oh, This is going to be what I need us to be up to start off with that breakfast like a queen and enjoy it loaded up and have fun with it.
As we start moving after again, and we're going through our exercise we want to make sure that we're feeling for exercise too. So at least 30 minutes beforehand, make sure you have some carbohydrates on board. I have like I said, carbohydrates, that's what we mean when we're exercising, that's what we're burning most frequently. And so we need to make sure that we have those on board so we can get the most out of our exercise. So, eat a little bit before your exercise or drink a little bit if you're saying oh it's in the morning and I don't want to eat before I run, that's when you don't have to eat. Just drink a little bit of juice, we would never say drink juice any other time during the day but when we're talking about our exercise bubble we say okay, this is how we can feel it, maybe it's you have a graham cracker or to feel it, do whatever works best for you because that's going to give you the fuel that energy that you need to power through and have a really excellent workout, one that's, you're not going to be already behind the eight ball before you even start seeing to make sure you're feeling up correctly. If you're having a long distance ride, or if you're doing a long workout anything that's more than 60 to 90 minutes, and you're going to want to think about feeling through that workout. There's lots that can go into that effect so I'm not going to go into detail with that, but making sure that you are feeling through if you're hitting that threshold, and then the other key factor is recovering so making sure you refueling so you just spent these energy stores, you need to recover with it, you need this three to one, at least ratio of carbs to protein A lot of people think, Oh, I just need a protein shake. After I finish the workout when in truth you just burn all these awesome carbohydrates but you need to refill those stores, so you're going to want to make sure that you not only have the protein. Proteins are good. You want to make sure those muscles get what they need, but you also need to make sure that you have the energy source from the carbohydrates to replace this by good storage. So you have the energy to keep going so you don't hit the afternoon slump so you're not like where's my energy that I need another coffee. Would it be three or five o'clock in the afternoon, and what was the end of the day.
So you want to make sure you're recovering correctly, as well as using up correctly and then having that balance of energy to get through the day to where you are at in the evenings.
[20:43] TR: I mean everything that Kendra said.
And the reason we really encourage carbohydrates, particularly when women don't do well, faceted anything. And the reason is if you think about going back to our cycle. We're made to get pregnant, every single month, so your body is like, Well, okay, it's another month, here we go like we're going to get ready and she's definitely going to get pregnant this month, and your body doesn't know that maybe you're not trying, or you're done or, you know that you're still in lockdown I mean, but, but if you fast so exercising fasted, particularly for women just causes a huge cortisol response. So if you're potassium exercising all the time I'm hardly eating anything and I'm not toning up I'm not leaning down. Let's because your body is preparing for you to get pregnant, and it's going to hold on to those stores and fat stores, because you're not giving it enough, so there's no reason to ever be shy, and feel like you can't have something before a workout or particularly if it's a really long workout during, and especially after because your body will respond will respond in a stressed out state, especially if it's chronically ongoing so one thing that you know, there's a whole, wide array of issues that can happen with females cycles when they're not healed well and infertility loss of cycle all of that, and it can just be as, as a simple fix as fueling your exercise, you know you've had your whole day cluster exercise so, and the best form to do that is carbohydrates because it's quick energy that your body needs to just go go go.
[22:33] VL: Amazing! SO many great points you’ve made.
I have a bunch of questions. First I'd like to touch on the fact that you said, the fasting isn't usually healthy for women and I'm so glad you said that because I actually used to intermittent fast for a really long time I did this, and it was actually just recently I would say last summer where I stopped doing because I was watching issues, and most of those were rooted in adrenal fatigue. So, basically I was just like, very stressed out, even though I wasn't really stressed out my body felt very stressed out. So my mind wasn't as stressed as my as my body was but everything felt really hard I was always tired the sun made my size sensitive all of these things, basically, screaming at me that's my adrenals were fatigued, I ended up working with a nutritionist who helps me. And one of the things that happened even though she didn't tell me to start eating breakfast right away was because I told her I was like I'm not hungry in the morning, and it's because my body is still my livers was still working really hard to digest yesterday's food, and it wasn't ready for the next thing, but I've had gotten into this really bad habit you could say. So anyways after working with her and kind of being on the supplements and kind of rebalancing my hormones and reducing my stress and all these things, I noticed that I was actually becoming really hungry in the morning. And the only reason why I started fasting was because I was doing something that I like to call intuitive eating, and basically I was eating because I was hungry and not because someone told me that you should eat breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day, I was doing what my body needed, and so now I'm I was. Then I got to this point where my body needed breakfast, so it's made a massive difference in my everyday health and energy levels, I do have to say I love starting the day with a glass or two of water and a super yummy breakfast I feel supercharged for the day. I feel ready to take action. I am not. I'm not crashing into a I'm not like ravenous after a workout, I mean I'm hungry after workout, if I do this is a tough workout but it's made such a difference.
So I, like I said, I'm really glad that you said that and I think it's worth, worth investigating for anyone who is fasting to take a step back and just try to reintroduce some food into your morning so glad you said that and then, which kind of brought me back to a question that I had when Kendra was speaking about fueling up and refueling, I get this question all the time. What do you eat before and after our workout, so I don't know if you have like favorite things, or a couple little cheat recipes you want to share, but I know that question is going to be asked.o I, like I said, I'm really glad that you said that and I think it's worth, worth investigating for anyone who is fasting to take a step back and just try to reintroduce some food into your morning so glad you said that and then, which kind of brought me back to a question that I had when Kendra was speaking about fueling up and refueling, I get this question all the time. What do you eat before and after our workout, so I don't know if you have like favorite things, or a couple little cheat recipes you want to share, but I know that question is going to be asked.
KM: Oh yes, I love those kind of questions, and Tiffany and I are very different on what we really enjoy before and after workouts, and so it depends on how long before I workout, because if you're just doing like, if you need to eat something 30 minutes before it's going to be different than what you're going to be eating two hours before. I want to work with our clients to kind of figure out what is that like some people can eat 30 minutes before it doesn't work for them, but we want to make sure they have carbohydrates and maybe a little bit of protein on board, two hours before so they don't have to, so it doesn't upset their stomach. So there's little nuances that we look at with our clients to make sure that they are getting what they need, what works with their body, but what we like. Back to this is, you know, if we talk about any type of simple carbohydrates, a lot of, again, we talked about fueling during your exercise bubble. And so this is not going to be things that you necessarily have with your lunch or dinner or with your breakfast, they're going to be simple carbohydrates. So we're talking about like white rice instead of brown rice because you're taking out the fiber you're taking out things that slow your digestion, so you want to avoid anything that has a lot of fiber or a lot of fat, so we're looking at, okay, maybe it's some raisins. Yeah, those have some fiber in them, those worked really well for me. They don't work really well for other people, maybe it's a little bit of juice, maybe it's some graham crackers, a bagel, whatever it is that has simple carbohydrates. So we're not going for the 100% Whole grain here, which we would otherwise, but simple carbohydrates are going to give you the carbohydrates, and the energy that you need to fuel your workout. Now when we're talking about refueling, you can totally include those whole grains in there you could, you know, one of our favorites if it's just a quick thing and you're not going to have a meal. I think Tiffany and I both agree that dates and Almond butter we're big fans. Big fan.
Days and all those better ones are I think both of ours, like go to peanut butter and jelly sandwich, US movie is another one that we really love.
What are some other ones, Tiffany? I feel like I can't think of them now that I'm on the spot.
[27:29] TR: if I work out early in the morning like Kendra was said that 30 minutes. I keep little bottles of apple juice on hand in case by I have three boys in case somebody gets constipated because they don't drink juice regularly so that works so like four ounces of apple juice for me will be enough despite my energy to get me out the door, but in the, if I have a couple of hours before the mid morning workout I know Kendra is definitely peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the morning, all the time on the way.
And I am oatmeal. I put lots of stuff in there and, and I love oatmeal and that keeps me nourished, it's digested, two and a half hours before I do my workout, the dates and almond butter or dates and almonds work perfectly trail mix is another refuelling I'm sorry the dates and almonds are repealing trail mix, so if you have some nuts, particularly, maybe salted nuts, and you know the stuff that you can get at the store that they even sold the raisins, like, and you have a little bit of chocolate in there, because that has, you know the sodium the potassium and magnesium that you need to help recover. So some trail mix with, with a, with some water works perfectly or I love Lara bars, those, they're, you know, prepackaged and they're just dates like fruit and nuts and that's a good carbohydrates, help to open up the cells to take in the amino acids from the proteins. So if you just have a protein shake without carbohydrates, then you are not going, then the protein isn't going to be doing the work that it should be so yeah and or it'll be lunch, like I will if I work out mid morning, then I'll have an early lunch, and that'll be whatever you have for lunch, which is perfect
[29:21] VL: You’re making me hungry!
Oh my gosh, Now I just want dates and some even better. I haven't had that input ever. I totally forgot about the snack. This is brilliant. Those are some great examples I feel like they're not as talked about, in a lot of health and wellness kind of circles or communities. They're such a negative connotation with carbs as we've been saying but they are so important and I definitely think that they need to be a part of our daily dietary intake so glad that we touched on that. That's super exciting. So we're fueling up before we're refueling after, and then we're staying in the flow with our hormonal cycles.
Is there anything else that we should know to make the most of our exercise?
KM: I think one thing that we tend to forget is rest, because when we read, we're not only just resting our muscles and our bodies, but we're also resting our digestive system. We are allowing ourselves to recover allowing those muscles to regenerate and to repair, and we do that, not only, and I had this the other day and I can't remember exactly where I heard it, But you're good sleep starts with breakfast in the morning, and I have not. I can't say how true that is because we're talking about breakfast like a queen. But that also means that we're tapering up throughout the rest of the day so whenever you get to dinner. You're not going to be eating it, you know 30 minutes before you get into bed and you're not going to be loading up because your body is still while you're trying to go to sleep, it's still trying to digest that food it's already working on something else, it can't focus on what it needs to. So whenever we allow time to fully digest before we hop into bed, we're allowing not only our muscles the time to recover, but we're also allowing our bedroom.
You can wake up hungry in the morning, which is a wonderful day because that means that our metabolism is doing what it needs to do overnight it's doing, it's getting that energy to the cells, it's getting these amino acids, working to make sure that those muscles are repairing and so our body functions better whenever we allow not only our physical body to rest our digestive system, as well as our muscles but also our mind too. So, another thing that probably has not a whole lot to do necessarily in some ways, with nutrition but yeah you starting those healthy habits which Valerie you talk about a lot is making sure you know you're turning off your phone so you don't have that blue light that's affecting your sleep beforehand, you're getting rid of any type of worry and stress that you may need to maybe it's journaling before bed and you feel good before bed, so you can really enjoy the rest and relaxation that comes from it and so you're ready to take on the next day.
Getting hungry for breakfast and getting fuel for the rest of it.
TR: Yeah, no, that's absolutely perfect and Kendra and I talk a lot about mindful eating, especially as an athlete until we work with mother athletes, but it's not Olympians or the you know the people that are in the trials right now for the Olympics here in the United States. It is, it is, is moms, it's women who exercise, pretty much because you are busy and women take on, you know all the things you've taken care of a house then work and kids and, and then throwing an exercise. On top of that, so mindful eating is, you might not be hungry after your workout, because it was hot because it was a hard workout, but you're going to be, but you need to refuel so this is where almost that mindful eating is is paired with intuitive eating because Intuitive Eating would say, I'm not really hungry right now I shouldn't be mindful eating would say, but you just exercise, so you need to feel that or you need to have breakfast in the morning to fuel your whole day so that you can rest at night, and where that starts with a good breakfast and if you're not a breakfast eater, then it can be hard to get into the habit, because when you start eating in the morning, you're triggering a whole cascade of hormones that are coming from your gut, and you're turning on that huge engine of your digestive system, and that can be disruptive to just, you know, if you're not used to it can be disruptive to your appetite. So, one thing is just to start small, like a piece of toast a banana.
You know, just something that you can enjoy and get down maybe it's, and that's all that you have, but at least getting started and you'll get used to it and if you give yourself, you know, over time, like you said, now that you did, you were starting to get hungry and that's really important so pairing that mindful eating, along with your outcome, because even when you're, you know, for example when you're sick, you don't feel like eating or drinking anything but you know you need to drink water, so that you don't become dehydrated, that's that mindful writing over intuitive so about writing or I should say, paired well with.
[34:38] VL:Yeah, that's a great yeah that's a great point. I like that mindful eating and it's, it's really true and I think that's part of listening to your body and understanding your cycle and understanding how our bodies work. They need energy, they need fuel. We just burned a ton of energy we needed to refill that. That's amazing. So you said he worked with mom athletes who exercise. Can you tell us a little bit more about how we're what it's like to work with you, is it one on one, do you do group coaching, how does it work.
KM: We have services that we work with for group coaching right now so we have our mother athlete membership, and that is a membership for moms that are looking to decrease that food stress so we give our clients, a pre planned meal plan and this is not saying like you need to eat this many calories, this is no this is saying hey, here's what's on the menu for dinner so you can avoid that, what's for dinner question and it just eases the stress it uses the burden from that. With that, they get group, office hours, so kind of like in college whenever you go to your professor for office hours, they can come to those twice a month, ask the dieticians anything. We have a chat function so if they do have questions outside of that time period, they can ask the dietitian, we review them and really work with our clients there to understand what they need to help ease that food stress. We also offer our feeling intensive course and that feeling intensive course is really taking moms and Mother athletes from this cycle of, you know, often diet cycle ditching that diet cycle and reframing the mindset around food and nutrition. In order to get off of that. That train, and really find sustainable and healthy habits that are nutritionally sound and work with their bodies to get what they need to really achieve those goals. And then we also have our feeling the mother athlete course, and that's another group program, and that is a self paced course it is for the moms that kind of have a grasp of nutrition already but are just having to take their exercise to the next level, Or maybe they're a coach or an instructor that works with that athlete, and they want to help their clients really understand their health and nutrition better as well. So those are the types of things that that course is really geared towards. And then we also offer individual coaching on a case by case basis, so if someone is saying well this doesn't really 50 But I'm interested in. Let us know, let's chat about it. We have a free performance call and love hearing from our clients so what it is that they want to achieve, how we can help them get there through nutrition and exercise.
VL: Awesome. Well, where can we find you, how can we follow you?
INSTAGRAM | @fuelinglifenutrition
WEBSITE | http://www.fuelinglifenutrition.com
VL: So all of this sounds amazing. I'm assuming that we can get access or we can get more information about all of your offerings on your website. Correct, yeah. Okay, perfect. So, we'll make sure to include those as well. And before we jump into rapid fire is there any last little piece that we want to add? Are we feeling good, feeling ready for the rapid fire round?
1. What are you currently reading? What’s your favourite book?
KM: Ross Poldark (Book 1) by Winston Graham
TR: Atomic Habits by James Clear
The Pilgrims Promise by John Bunyan
2. What do you love most about being a woman?
TR: The thing I love the most about being a woman is that it's not this, per se, like there's a lot of change in the way that I see things the way that I approach things and I feel this obviously due to my hormones, and, and I love that it's not always the same.
KM: I would say, kind of, a couple on that is that, because I'm a woman I could bear children, and see them grow and have this and just biological understanding of them and I know for some women and I respect that but I am very fortunate that I've two wonderful children and because I'm a little bit I got to experience that and it's been the greatest.
3. What does empowerment mean to you?
KM: Empowerment is the opportunity to build yourself up or to be to have that feeling of accomplishment that is to say, in the back of your mind, I can do this. And that's really at the body, empowerment to be is that I can do this.
TR: Yes, I think, when I think, you know how some words are visual, I think, like if I'm empowered that I'm, I'm raised up, like I'm on a, I don't want to say a pedestal because I don't want to be put on a pedestal, but you know that you can, you're kind of like you're just higher than the better view around, I guess, is what I would say so because of that you can see more, experience more, do more.
4. What are you currently working toward?
TR: The easier question would be, when am I not working. I have a habit tracker, and I know that Kendra does too and I think if I, if there's been an overarching theme. Over the past year and a half. I'm trying to work on the balance between work and rest in finding this good job of including weekly rest into my week, and teaching that to my boys, and that it's not, go go go go go all the time so that is, that has been a, that's been a long time and I think that everything is trying to get towards that.
KM: It's kind of the same thing because what I'm working on is saying, no more frequently as silly as that sounds like when they say yes is your greatest is your greatest Yes, is saying no and that's really what I'm kind of coming back to I have this type A personality and when I say no this is something that I really, I've decided that, and it's okay because that makes my yeses more important, and so I'm really loving towards that this summer, specifically HOAs are amazing.
VL: I'm so excited for you both and I want to say something, Tiffany, about your, the idea of slowing down and not being so go go go. I think what we have been programmed as the North American society does is just really tell us that we need to be doing all the time needs to be going all the time and if we're not doing and taking action and doing these things and we're doing nothing when it's not true. Resting is an addition it's something we can add into what we're doing. Rest is important. And if we really want to look at what's happening when we're resting, we can talk about that refueling we can recognize that our bodies are re energizing, things are happening, when we rest so I just wanted to say that to, to maybe give you that permission to to do less or to do nothings, air quotes again, because it's so important for our health, and of course our exercise like we talked about today.
[43:48] TR: Yes, that's, that's good, because there's not It's not nothing, it's resting, which is an active thing, so that's perfect, thank you.
VL: Yeah, absolutely. Ladies, this was such a wonderful conversation I'm really glad we had to we got to have this talk, I think it's something that is really important to discuss all parts of our cycle are flow, finding this rhythm and creating kind of this own connection with ourselves to be more mindful and, and really considering the the fuel and the refueling, when we're talking about our workouts and being active, I think what you are doing is so incredible and so powerful, I have a great feeling that it's going to expand to Canada. I don't see why when.
But yeah, I really wanted to acknowledge you for for your work and for making your business work even across a country and, and now globally so congratulations on your expansion into Germany. That's so exciting. And, yeah, it's incredible what you two are doing so, thank you so much for that.
KM & TR: And thank you, Val for having us on. We had just a wonderful time. Yes, such a fun topic. Yes, thank you very much.
Podcast Host
Valerie LaVigne
Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!