E119: Forgiveness Rituals

E119: Forgiveness Rituals

Taking you through five forgiveness rituals you can start to incorporate into your spiritual, mental and emotional practice today…

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Episode Sponsor: Valerie’s Make a Habit Mentorship Program

[1:19] Hi there, welcome back to the women’s empowerment podcast, I am so incredibly grateful for you. It’s been an absolute pleasure these last 100 plus episodes to create and teach and build the show, but it’s YOU that makes this all possible. It’s YOU listening, downloading, subscribing, and sharing the show that supports the growth and the mission of this podcast: to empower women and people all over the world to elevate their health, wealth and happiness.

As our community and audience grows, so do our opportunities. To share and hear more stories, to partner with like-minded companies and sponsorships - and whatever else the abundant future holds! It is all so very exciting to expand!

[2:08] In today’s episode we are going deep under some pretty intense emotional, spiritual, and mental layers: we’re talking all about FORGIVENESS.

The Aquarius in me wants to joke every time I hear the word forgiveness, I think of Anna Ferris in Just Friends when she writes a song about forgiveness and says that “it’s more than saying sorry” It’s a super goofy song she writes, but it’s also very true. Forgiveness is A LOT more than an apology, and today we can unpack it together. 

[2:47] Let’s take a moment to tune inward. If it’s possible for you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, becoming more present in the moment. Place a hand on your belly and a hand on your heart centre. As you breathe here in this space I want you to think about the word forgiveness. 

You can imagine that it is spelled out in front of you, or visualize yourself writing it down in your mind. As you breathe into this word, notice how your body feels, what other feelings, thoughts, words, or pictures may come to you. 

There are no right or wrong answers to this exercise. 

Take a few more breaths, connecting to the word, and the sensations you might be experiencing. If you aren’t noticing anything, this might be an exercise to do for a little longer. You can pause the episode and continue or come back to this mindful space later in your day.

Now right down, or record what you experienced. 

Perhaps you thought about someone you need to forgive. Maybe that person is you?

Maybe you envisioned a past experience where you forgave someone, or someone forgave you?

Or maybe you felt pain from a past hurt/situation.

And perhaps it was something completely different. 

In his book Spiritually Sassy, Sah D’Simone, says “Forgiveness is something you will be carrying around in your spiritual fanny pack.”

Which means, forgiveness is ongoing, and can be part of our spiritual growth and practice. 

[4:33] Before we talk about how we can forgive, I feel it’s important to outline what forgiveness is and is not…

Forgiveness is not effortless.

Forgiveness is often a process. A process that requires uncovering emotions, remembering situations, and deep healing. 

Forgiveness is not forgetting our past.

It can be revisiting traumatic or hurtful events before learning to release them.

Forgiveness is not giving permission to ourselves or others to cause pain.

Forgiveness is not saying what happened is “okay” or is “allowed” but rather acknowledging what the specific situation has brought up for us. How can we grow and find peace and healing to move forward in a new and more intelligent way. How can we improve and do better the next time.

Forgiveness is not numbing our feelings.

Sometimes forgiveness is being right in our feelings. Holding ourselves in the overwhelming emotional waters so to speak. 

Forgiveness is not avoiding the spiritual and emotional work.

It’s DOING the work. All of it. 

Forgiveness is not toxic positivity 

It’s not sugar-coating or replacing something with rainbows and butterflies. It’s recognizing that spirituality is more than love and light. It’s also darkness and pain. It’s about feeling, understanding, connecting and also detaching. 

As you listened to those points, take note of which ones resonated most with you. What can you relate to? What does forgiveness mean to you?

Throughout this episode I will share different forgiveness rituals. They are all unique and will require different tools, amounts of time, and be helpful for different people and situations. These are meant to be suggestions and opportunities for you to try/do something new. As you learn more, notice which ones you are drawn to. 


Come to a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and visualize yourself seated on a soft  cushion, in a light and bright room. Take several deep breaths, feeling a sense of calm, quiet, and stillness within you. 

Now imagine the person you want to forgive, this could be yourself. Visualize that person entering the room and sitting on a separate cushion in front of you.

As they come to a comfortable stillness, acknowledge the pain, emotions, and/or negative feelings and energy you may be experiencing.

Bring these emotions forward with a few deep breaths, imagining them leaving your body into a formation. It could be a shape, colour, energy, any sort of form that is separate from your body. And imagine this form sitting to the right of you, between you and the person you are forgiving. You have separated the emotions from yourself.

Now ask the person in front of you for forgiveness. Ask them to forgive you for holding on to all the pain, anger, hate, and negative emotions that you have spent precious time feeding, harbouring, and nurturing. 

When you feel ready, allow the person sitting in front of you to accept your message, and forgive you. You can visualize holding hands, hugging, or just sitting comfortably together in your mind. As your words of forgiveness have been exchanged imagine the form of your emotions and feelings begin to dissolve into the earth being cleaned and recycled as new energy.

Allow yourself to be in meditation for as long as you need. When you are ready, come back to the room you are sitting in, and perhaps journal about how you are feeling now, how the experience went for you, and perhaps what you might change or add next time.

Repeat the meditation as necessary.

Now you might be listening to this and thinking, wait a second, I’m supposed to be forgiving people for hurting me? Not asking them for forgiveness? 

But the truth is, and here is where things get complicated, forgiveness is really about ourselves and our own power and energy. 

When we hold onto things, grudges, pain, trauma, negative past experiences, they begin to take physical shape in our bodies. They begin to manifest as physical pain and dis-ease in our bodies. We all know that what has happened in the past can not be undone, it is not in our control. However, there are many things in our control! And one of the most important reminders is that we can control our reactions. We can notice and heal our triggers, we can learn to let go and trust and love again. 

It goes back to what I mentioned early, that forgiveness is ongoing. It’s part of our spiritual practice to learn about your reactions, and our emotions, and how to support and respond to our feelings, without us being overtaken by them. Which can be very detrimental to our health and lead to poor reactions and decisions. 

[11:52] One of the listener questions from Tammy: How do we forgive someone who isn’t sorry?

And after a lot of thought, my response is: we acknowledge that they most likely are in a lot of hurt and pain. They might not be aware of their affect on you/the person they hurt. They might not realize that their pain has been projected. And if they do/did realize, then you KNOW they are in pain and hurting. You know they are struggling. Because deep down in each and every one of us, there is light and love, and compassion. We hurt people when we are feeling hurt. 

Again, it’s not giving them permission, however it’s also not letting them take your power. 

Speaking of power, let’s talk about four powerful elements: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water!


For this ritual we will be using different tools to connect with the four elements that will support our forgiveness ritual. The first element is EARTH, for this you will need epsom or sea salt, about 2 cups. The second element is FIRE, for this you will need a candle. Next is AIR, for this you will need a feather, or a bell. Lastly, is WATER, for this you will need a tub filled with warm water. 

This ritual is best done within 2 days of a full moon. Full moons are a wonderful time for releasing old feelings that no longer serve us.

Start by drawing the bath. Notice the water filling the tub. Let this process be slow and silent, not rushing around trying to do other things while this ritual takes place. It starts when you gather your supplies and turn on the tub.

Next, light the candle and place it on one corner of the tub. In the opposite corner place the bell/feather. Once the tub has filled, create a circle of salt inside the basin, sprinkling the salt in the water. When you feel ready, enter the tub. 

While you are resting in the tub, slow down your breathing, close your eyes if it serves you. Imagine and feel your breath moving throughout your body and creating space. Imagine it collecting any feelings of staleness, stagation, pain, or hurt, and releasing those feelings through the nostrils. As you soak in the water, visualise the salt and water pulling out any toxic energy from your skin and joints, in the tight spaces the breath doesn’t seem to reach right away. 

When you feel ready, cup the water in your hands and begin to pour the water over yourself/ Covering your face, neck, shoulders, head and entire body with water. Imagine this water washing away all your feelings of pain as they surface. Acknowledging them, and then releasing them. Think of the person or people, or situations that have hurt you; the ones you want to forgive. As the memories and feelings come up, acknowledge, release, repeat. 

Bring your hands to your heart and say, “I forgive you” forgiving yourself now. Repeat as needed. When you are ready, take a deep breath and submerge into the water, as you come up out of the water feel how the water drips off of you, cleansing your body and imagine the pain and sadness you were holding onto also releasing and letting go into the tub. Completely come out of the tub, wrap yourself and hold yourself in a soft towel. Watch the water wash away in the drain, along with any last bit of your negativity and emotions. Blow out the candle. 

Sometimes using tangible materials like water, can be a physical reminder of the “invisible” work that is being done. It’s a tool for us to connect with the element and also the spiritual practice and emotional release. You might need a few more full moon element baths to completely release, however this is a great, and peaceful place to start. 

[17:07] Olivia said that when it comes to forgiveness she struggles with “letting go.” Haven’t we all! However when we start to see forgiveness as a release of our pain, and as we start to cleanse this and take back our power, we can recognize that it is not about the other person, and hasn’t really been part of the other person - it has ALWAYS been about ourselves. 

It’s about freeing ourselves; truly liberating ourselves from being trapped in those moments of time where we were most hurt and in pain.

When we let go, when we release the hurt, we are making space for our light again, we are making space for our power to shine. 

If you listen to the show often you’ll know that I love working with essential oils, and I often bring them into my baths, and rituals. I didn’t include them in the second ritual because I wanted to talk about them in their own practice. 

I work with doTERRA essential oils and blends and my personal practice with them has become very intuitive. I am drawn to an oil or an oil blend and then I use it on my body intuitively. After smelling it and placing it in my diffuser or body, I look up the meaning of the oil and I learn that my body just KNEW, it somehow knew exactly what it needed in that moment.


First and foremost, the number one essential oil blend I recommend is doTERRA’s Forgive, aka the Renewing Blend. This blend has spruce, bergamot, arborvitae, tyme, citronella, myrrh, juniper berry, and more in it! It’s earthy, yet bright. It’s grounded, yet buoyant. I love using this roller on my sternum for renewing my heart space, or on my feet for deep grounding and peace. 

If you don’t have this oil at home, I want you to use whichever oil comes to you; whatever you are called to.

I’m going to use Forgive blend in this ritual, however I want you to use whatever you need right now - and this can change the next time you do this ritual.

First, open the bottle of your oil/blend, and put 1-2 drops on your hands (dilute if necessary). Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths from your palms.

Next, move the palms up the face toward the head, and down the back of the head, neck, around the shoulders, down the chest, belly, around the sides of the hips, low back, and glutes, down and around the legs knees, and all the way down to the toes. Sweeping the entire body with the hands. Make sure to sweep opposite arms as well. Once the whole body has been “swept” place the hands over the heart. 

Breathe into the heart space. If you need to apply more oils to your hands, or if you want to diffuse the oils you may do so.

As well if movement feels necessary to you in this moment, move freely, allowing your hands, hips and body to move in dance or a sway; make this as intuitive as possible. Allow yourself to be FREE!

As you breathe, move, smell, and feel, recognize the people you are forgiving, the situations you are remembering, the emotions you are recognizing and releasing. 

Allowing yourself to freely move your body, in addition to the emotional support of the essential oils, can help with bringing up the toxic emotions, processing them, and also letting them go.

Buy essential oils at wholesale price here!
5ml = pure blend, great for diffuser
10ml = roller bottle, great for topical use

E118: Emotions & Essential Oils

Freedom in Forgiveness Diffuser Blend
4 drops Grapefruit
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Jasmine
1 drop Sandalwood


A forgiveness letter is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: it’s a letter you’re writing, and the recipient is the person you want/need to forgive. I always recommend starting with yourself. However, you can choose to write the letter to whomever you wish.

Start with addressing the letter to the person you want to forgive. Then write and complete the following sentence: Today I forgive [myself] for… In order to move on, I acknowledge that I was wrong in how I [reacted to a situation, held onto unhealthy feelings, kept replaying negative events of the past, said or thought mean things about another person, etc.] I deserve forgiveness because…”

Pause for a second, I almost didn’t include this because I want it to be clear that everyone deserves forgiveness including YOU. Do not skip this step.

FInally, finish the letter with “In the future, if I am faced with a similar situation/decision, I will…” then sign the letter.

Once you have written + signed the letter, tear it up or crumple it up, and then burn or bury the letter. This brings in the earth element for healing, or if you burn the paper it brings in the fire element for transformation. You could also bury the ashes if you wanted, for both transformation and healing power. 


A few months ago I shared a quote on instagram @vallavignelife. The quote reads: Why would you be sad? You lost someone who didn’t love you. But they lost someone who loved them.”

When I first read it, this quote hit me like a punch to the gut and I felt “cords” of past relationships snap away.⁣

Just like that. Cut. Gone. Buh-bye. Au Revoir. Done.⁣

I’m speaking of “energetic cords” which are attachments formed through relationships and interactions with others.⁣ Positive, and negative relationships. 

The deeper the relationship, the more intense/tight/thick the cord; and probably the more complex to sever. ⁣

The cord is not bad, unless the cord is holding negative energy. This could be from someone you are judging, resenting, need to forgive, or let go of completely.⁣

Typically we cut energetic cords of the people who are negative or who are not in our lives any more (i.e. ex’s, former friends, people who burnt bridges, people we are forgiving etc.) ⁣

And sometimes we cut energetic cords of people we want in our lives but need to clear some overwhelming energy and create healthy boundaries with.⁣

Step One: Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Take several deep and meditative breaths.

Step Two: Invite Archangel Michael, the protector, a powerful angelic being who carries a huge golden sword.  ⁣

Step Three: Imagine the cords and the people they are connected to. Then ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords for you saying, “I ask you to cut these cords now.” 

Step Four: Notice the lightness you feel; the weightlessness. Feel peace within you and a deep sense of support. 

Practice this mediation daily until you feel free of the negative energetic cords. You may need to repeat in the future too.

So there you have it, five powerful rituals for forgiveness and healing. You can add each of these, or your favourite ones to your “spiritual fanny pack.”

Let’s connect on instagram @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E118: Emotions & Essential Oils

E118: Emotions & Essential Oils

Learn how essential oils are powerful healers, where and how to use them, plus the best oils to support your emotions and healing…

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[00:32] Essential Oils as Powerful Emotional Healers

Learn how I use essential oils every day on instagram @vallavignelife

I only trust dōTERRA’s CPTG Essential Oils Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade

From sourcing to distilling, to bottling and packaging, and all the way to delivering the bottle to your doorstep.

[4:35] My journey into essential oils

dōTERRA’s AromaTherapy Collection

💗 Passion “inspiring blend”

🧡 Motivate “encouraging blend”

💛 Cheer “uplifting blend”

💚 Forgive “renewing blend”

💙 Peace “reassuring blend”

💜 Console “comforting blend”

[9:18] 5 Stages of Healing

  1. EOs assist in healing the physical body: some oils are 40-60 times more potent than herbs. As we know herbs, and oils, have been part of health and healing for centuries. They have been known to assist the body in purifying organs, glands, and balancing body functions.

  2. EOs assist in healing the heart: oils enter the emotional realm and help us vibrate at a higher frequency. This can also mean bringing up past emotional pain that we might have suppressed in the past. So it’s important to move through a cycle of receiving the emotion and releasing it. This can be a process, especially if we’ve kept things down for a while. Now listen. Oils aren’t doing the (sometimes hard) work for us. They support us in doing the work openly and honestly.

    E49: Raising Your Vibration with Essential Oils

  3. EOs assist in releasing limiting beliefs: these are the deeply rooted beliefs found in our subconscious. They are usually not true. They hold us back, and they are almost alway unhelpful. Essential oils bring awareness to our emotional patterns. Then it helps us release them and replace them with positive beliefs.

    E81: 5 Tips for Positive Self Talk

  4. EOs assist increase spiritual awareness and connection: On this podcast we talk a lot about personal development and we also get into a lot of spirituality. In a previous episode I also shared that the way I like to interpret a lot of the woo-work and information is that it’s an extension and a type of personal development. A lot of personal development is very spiritual and can be tough work.

  5. EOs assist inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.

[15:40] Locations of Application


- for sadness + grief 

- when applied here, oils quickly enter lungs + heart

- experience sensation of chest openings + feeling lighter

Suggested Oils: Rose, Siberian Fir, Cheer Blend, Console Blend


- similar to elbow creases

- easy + accessible location to apply oils 

- runs to chest and heart

Suggested Oils: Wild Orange, Green Mandarin, Peace Blend, Lavender


- for instant change to emotional state 

- roll up + down, both sides

- oils will quickly circulate throughout the body

Suggested Oils: Motivate Blend, Magnolia, Lemongrass


- for mental clarity 

- quick way for oils to get to the brain

Suggested Oils: Tangerine, Douglas Fir, Basil. Copaiba, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense (head tension)


- for coping with heartache + disappointment 

- on sternum

Suggested Oils: Rose, Neroli, Forgive Blend, Console Blend, Peace Blend


- for protection + boundaries 

- for increase in immune system function

Suggest Oils: On Guard blend, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Motivate Blend, Passion Blend


- for self-confidence + self worth

- many serotonin receptors here that contribute to feelings of happiness + self esteem

Suggested Oils: Green Mandarin, Copaiba, Cinnamon. DigestZen/XenGest

Dilute your essential oils with a Carrier oil, my favourite: Fractionated Coconut Oil


- for calmness and grounding 

- popular for applying oils

Suggested Oils: Balance Blend, Peace Blend, Forgive Blend


- sends aromatic compounds to the brain and shifts our entire chemistry

Any and all oils can be inhaled from the bottle for from the hands (1-2 drops on the palms)

[22:50] Using Essential Oils for your Own Practice

What is your body craving? We tend to gravitate to the oils that we need

Shop oils at wholesale price HERE!

Shopping with this link connects you to me so that I can help you with your essential oil journey. Have questions? Message me on instagram @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Health & WellnessVal LaVigne
E117: Evening Transitions for Better Sleep

E117: Evening Transitions for Better Sleep

Create an evening routine with transitions for sleep to help you wind-down at the end of the day using healthy habits and rituals.

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[00:32] Hi I’m Val, podcast host + Healthy Habits Mentor!

[2:46] Most common complaint about difficulty going to bed is stress + anxiety

[3:14] Reverse enginer your evening routine

Syart with what time you want to wake up?

How many hours of sleep you need?

How long does your evening routine take?

[5:14] Set alarms or reminders to notify you of your transitions into wind-down time

[5:44] My best/most important suggestion: TURN OFF TECH

[7:24] Sleepy Time Tea/ Tea Ritual

Choose herbal or sleep supportive teas (lavender, chamomile)

Create your own thoughtful tea ritual that helps you become more mindful, slow down your day, become more present and calm in the simple task/habit

[8:37] Incorporating and Elevating Your current evening routines

How can you make them more mindful?

How can you slow down the routines and habits you already have?

[10:07] Mindful movement

Yoga, stretching, mediation

Music, white noise, etc.

[10:28] Combine your routines and rituals together

examples: Tea + meditation; music + bath; stretch + aromatherapy

OIL HACK: for restless legs - use 1-2 drops of cedar wood on the soles of your feet + ankles + calves before bed

[11:00] Incorporating Evening Routines with your Partner

Intimacy, connection, support, communication

[12:00] Read a book! Journal, or write your to-do list

[13:52] Creating Your Sleep Oasis

Turndown ritual

Set the lighting

Set up your diffuser blends

Oils for sleep:

  • Lavender

  • Vetiver

  • Roman Chamomile

  • Cedarwood

  • Serenity (Restful Blend)

  • Balance (Grounding Blend)

  • Breathe aka Easy Air (Respiratory Blend)

  • Peace (Reassuring Blend)

[16:00] Aura cleansing with Oils

Serenity, lavender, peace blend, rose, vetiver: Apply over forehead, back of neck, top of head, massage and.or sweep hands around the head

Choose the oils that make you feel calm, centred, and slow you down

[18:15] Habit Swapping

What are you currently doing during your evening routine? Which of those habits do you want to swap for something new?

Example: move the phone/charger to the bathroom and place a book beside your bed

Place a candle beside your toothbrush and light your candle while you brush your teeth

[20:50] Set yourself up for success by making the transitions, making the evening routines easier for you!

Let’s connect on instagram @vallavignelife

Sleepy Diffuser Blends1.png
Sleepy Diffuser Blends2.png
Sleepy Diffuser Blends3.png
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Health & WellnessVal LaVigne
E116: Taking Aligned Action to Manifest Success

E116: Taking Aligned Action to Manifest Success with Cheryl Sutherland

Cheryl Sutherland, Cheryl is a transformational speaker business strategist and founder of please notes. A for purpose company and affirmation Feld products creator Cheryl felt restless and underwhelmed at her nine to five…

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[00:28] Valerie LaVigne: Welcome to the women's empowerment podcast today I'm really excited because I get to introduce you to our special guest, Cheryl Sutherland, Cheryl is a transformational speaker business strategist and founder of please notes. A for purpose company and affirmation Feld products creator Cheryl felt restless and underwhelmed at her nine to five.

After spending over 1400 hours in learning and facilitating personal development coaching and reigniting her inner creativity, Cheryl created a company that inspires women to step into their own power by building confidence clarity and creativity as a woman's empowerment expert, author and entrepreneur, Sheryl Sutherland and please notes have been featured in instyle Huffington Post Forbes, Fast Company, American Express open forum thrive global Britain co travel and more.

And on podcasts, such as the creative Empire, I love success. nofilter with Phil Palin, and more, including now the women's empowerment podcast resides between Los Angeles and Toronto, Ontario and again, Cheryl I was so excited to have you here I feel like this was just the right timing and we came together in this really powerful way through the make lemonade community in a very strange time, but what I love about this whole thing is that it's become this kind of organic serendipitous little like no we're talking about little adventure that we've, we've been on together.

Cheryl Sutherland: Yeah, it's been so so delicious and I'm super excited to be here with you today.

VL: Thank you. Well, I was doing a little bit more research on you and kind of getting to know. But what I really discovered I was looking for the juiciness, but I really discovered was that you're like a fairy godmother. you just like pull all these magical things out of people and you're like this is who you are and you fold up this mirror for people and you are like confirming and affirming. They're, like, they are light, I guess you could say so. I was just thinking like, oh my god I feel like she just like their buddy Bobby boobs into, into people's lives and like creates this magic. And speaking of magic your, your products are absolutely stunning and pleasing.

CS: I think that might be the next tattoo I get is booty bump. And then just put it on my left butt cheek. because I am quite magical let's let's be real.

VL: Oh my gosh, that's amazing. I love it, I love it, love it. I've never actually I don't know if I've inspired anyone to get a tattoo before so this might be a first.

Well I'm also really excited to have you on the show because, as I read in your bio you are an expert in women's empowerment and what better place to talk about that than on the women's empowerment show. So I really would like to learn a little bit more about what you share and how you you serve your community.

[3:33] CS: Oh my god, I love this so thank you again for having me on. Perfect timing as per always, and I mean I guess I am a fairy godmother I'm just gonna take that, because I'm all about helping you become your favorite version of you, and whatever that means to you because everybody's got something different. Some people really want to be an amazing parent some people their version of success is to, you know, have an amazing company or, you know, be able to support, like kids in a certain way that they feel like is super important.

And I feel like the more that we allow people to step into their zone of genius and really do those things, follow their curiosity and believe in themselves. That's how we get the ingenuity that we desire that's how we, you know, create the advances, not only in technology, but in society as a whole, like, really allowing for us to move forward and to be better and to be even more successful more fulfilled than we were before. As you had indicated before I have this amazing line of affirmation for both goods and that was my first step into that space.

Because I really wanted it to be about the individual like for them to be able to have the tools that they needed to move forward to really delve in deep to really discover who they were, what their passions were etc etc. And then, I've kind of expanded since then so of course I've got like the guided journals, which included like clarity dream manifestation and gratitude. And I've made it in such a way that it's comfortable.

And if it's not fun if it's not easy why I do it right. And then of course I've got the additional goods like we already held the water bottle labels the enamel pins as continual reminders of who you really are and what you want to create.

From there I've expanded into more bits like doing more workshops doing more speaking doing more facilitation. Because the thing that I've noticed is that people will get really excited get themselves a journal and be like, I'm going to change things in my life, and then get stuck so in me being able to provide not only like a service of saying, okay, here are some different journaling tools here are some different techniques. Let's do this together right now, it really allows us to start creating that inertia, start creating that momentum, increase the change that they really want to have in their lives.

[6:16] VL: That is incredible and I feel like, as you're explaining this, it really becomes clear that there there is a gap in this type of field like that personal development. The journaling, all of that fun and pretty amazing. You know that like inspirational stationery, it's all wonderful but if you're not using it and you're not putting it into practice or not taking action then you're not going to see those results you're not going to see that growth.

So, I love that you have kind of evolved in this way to to offer these workshops to go that little extra bit in really supporting your community, and not just like selling a product. So I think that's really powerful. Can you tell us a little bit more about how you kind of started these notes because I know you said you started in your nine to five job and then you're getting and also this all into this personal development, did you see that gap as well like how did you. How'd you get to where you are now.

[7:11] CS: So I always say My life is either going to be a Lifetime movie, or people won't be like this show so to make the longest story short, I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta shout out Stan Peters, and I got involved in personal growth at a really complicated time in my life I had just seen the dissolution of a horrific relationship and then a lot of other relationships decided to leave my life at the same time. And then so that's when I got into personal growth because I knew I was ready to let something new come in and anything had to be better than this and what I discovered was so much better than anything I really discovered.

And really, whatever I thought it could be, and then going and continuing that journey, I had decided that I was going to move to California, because why not write. I'm really big into manifestation I've been manifesting things for years without even knowing. And then when I got clear that that was happening within 24 to 48 hours I ended up getting two job offers and they took one and then six months later, I mean they trucked on down drove down.

And then I worked for a couple different companies which was really great because both of them were led by female entrepreneurs and I can really see that day to day difference in how you feel when you have like high EQ would you feel when you feel like the results that you get when you feel abundant, the results that you get when you are coming from that space of joy and love versus restriction lack etc etc. And then in being able to work for these two companies I was able to see what to do and then what not to do and then again that's very big gap that was in the market, not necessarily something that I was like, Oh, I need to build products with but like really noticing. There's a tangible shift in people's results when they feel good about themselves when they're confident in themselves.

And I guess perhaps even then that's when the seed was planted to really support female entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs period, because they're not getting that support from their HR like we're not having someone saying hey you're doing a good job or I feel one to 10 like you get a raise right it's just us out here in the streets with our processes.

Right. And then from there. I've reached a point with that second company where I was like, Okay, I know that if I leave here, and I just attempt to get another job. I'm still gonna feel the same level of emptiness because I know that I'm ready to create something that I'm really in love with that really supports people in the way that I want to support them, and something that makes me feel excited like I'm actually doing something I'm creating some sort of difference. And that, at that point, again I had no idea what that was, however, whenever I create room for the universe to jump in.

Honestly the most amazing things happen so I ended up quitting that job. And just spend some time with myself just doing a lot of journaling, going back into personal development magic and working with affirmations really getting into an amplifying my practice, and then that's when that idea came in was really to surround myself with affirmations because I noticed the huge difference in myself, because I had been pouring so much into these different companies I didn't know who I was. I didn't know what I was in love with.

I didn't know what was important to Cheryl, and so in taking that time to pour into myself and boost my self esteem boost my self confidence and, you know, got clear on the ground that I wanted to stand on. Then I was able to allow that idea to come in and then say hey I can actually do this. I think that's something that a lot of people go through, they'll get like a really great idea.

And then the first thing that they have is like, Oh, I can't do it because of X, Y and Z and we pummeled to the ground. However, if you're able to create that sort of fertile ground, and really take care of that. Like take care of your mental space. When you do have an idea, then you can actually support it and allow it to grow.

So with that it was the stickiness of my first item, and it was really like again surrounding myself with all these affirmations because I noticed how quickly we forget who we really are how capable we really are how deserving we really are and that life is supposed to be fun and it's supposed to be great for us right so really taking the time to reprogram and then from the sticky notes. I ended up going to do the, the journals and then migrated into all these other bits because I noticed that, again, like there's just so many different ways that you can choose to integrate affirmations in your life, and it's all about that repetitive like you have to the repetition is the thing that really allows you to change your habit of thought.

So, if you're not continually seeing these things, then you're not going to change the way you think. So when it hits you, the journals they were amazing, but you're probably gonna leave them at home. So what about having like a mirror to cows What about having a water bottle labels, you're going to the gym or wearing like an enamel pin yearly in your meeting and creating these sorts of things. And then from there again like as we talked about like really making sure that people have the tangible, tools, and then the support to actually start implementing these things. And, and I feel like when it comes to business. Personal like it's the biggest personal growth thing ever and anybody that started a business like you.

Right. And it really comes down to the fact that me starting this business, actually has allowed me to grow in such a delicious way, in a way that I couldn't have done by myself through whatever courses through whatever workshops, and it really has allowed me to step into my zone of genius and the place that I really love playing that I can give the most value in a place where I feel like I'm operating at my highest self, and therefore, really creating the changes that I want to create more.

[13:25] VL: Oh my goodness, I feel like that was just the perfect spot for a mic drop.

So, first of all, I want to congratulate you for just really coming to that realization of this isn't for me and who is me and how can I learn more about this person, and the person that I want to be and that's what's really cool about personal development because I've been, you know, doing the same type of work that you've been doing and really understanding myself and figuring out who the best person of me is so that I can serve my community better.

And so it's cool to, to hear kind of that journey for you, and we always talk about manifestation on the podcast too so I'm really excited I want to circle back to that in a minute. You mentioned EQ and for some people who don't know what that is it's emotional intelligence which is a huge part of personal development and of life.

And absolutely starting a business is, is a great way to dive into and take action in personal development my friend says that being an entrepreneur is personal development paycheck.

CS: So there you go, sometimes yeah sometimes.

VL: Sometimes you find your hair and your hands.

CS: But yeah, I love that it started with the sticky notes. Do you have a sticky note with you What does it have participant course I use all of my stuff I feel like Hair Club for men I'm not only the owner I am a, I'm a member too but. So, I wish you could see behind me but I'm not going to pivot my thing. But yeah, so this is what the sticky notes look like, and the original ones that used to have a different affirmation on every single page with a different image. Now the tricky part was that people love them so much that they didn't want to use them. And I was like, yo, if you like my company, buy more sticky notes yeah gotta use them, and then so I actually changed the design ever so slightly so now they come in a pack of three, and each three packs there's there's three different, I guess, what are they called three different color schemes, right, so we've got the pink which is the cheeky and this falls into the majority of like the additional thing, so it's more messages that are like playful and sarcastic so if you're taking notes you have messages like I'm a gift of the world gets a bad rap, I'm amazing at everything and anything that I do, I am legendary etc etc. The blue is war messages of calm so if you're dealing with a lot of anxiety or like you know you're feeling like you would like to top up the amount of love that you have messages like life loves me I'm living a joyful life. I'm so excited to, and then with the golden black collection The Confident collection that really gets into abundance that gets into competence I get into courage messages like everything I touch turns to gold messages like I'm ambitious and abundant, or I only manifest greatness in my life like those are the things that really allow you to build that level of, I guess, confidence as well or EQ and like really allow you to expand into all of you. So depending on what you're going through your journey on what you choose to work on, you know, you might be gravitating to one set of messages versus the other. Or you might want to just talk yourself up on all sides it's really up to you.

[16:57] VL: That sound fun. Okay so manifestation. Something that I learned about you is, and you kind of shared a teeny bit of this is that you manifested. And you you use manifestation you use journaling, to manifest your business success. Can you break that down at all for us, maybe like take us a little bit behind the scenes, and how we could also do that


[17:40] CS: For sure so we've got some tangible tips so if you want to listen to this again. you totally can. I mean we've gotten records for you, or you can start writing them down to feel good to you. So the great thing about when it comes to manifestation is it's really about the energy of what you feel right. So when you are looking to apply this specifically to your business you kind of want to be as specific as you can. That feels good, if you feel like you're pushing if you feel like there's resistance than you're actually kind of taking yourself backwards so again, let success feel natural.

Taking yourself backwards, is first everybody's like you need to have a proper business plan right so have that business plan so you know what would be the ideal way you would like to move from point A to point B. If you're like oh I'm going to create a widget and it's going to take over the world, it's just like yeah that's great but how do you want it to. So really getting into stuff like who is your target market. Who is your clientele like Who do you want to buy it, are they buying it for themselves, are they buying it for friends etc etc so you've got that part that's in the business plan. Now we have the opportunity to step into that manifestation journaling part. So when it comes to you getting being like this multimillionaire or creating this delicious huge business, what does that actually look like, what is your day to day.

Who do you talk to where you live, how many employees you have. Do you have a logistic system. are you like really big on social media platform really writing out what this actually looks like. Now, as you're doing so you're gonna notice internally, does this feel good. Are you excited about this, or does this feel like you're forcing it does it feel icky does this feel like kind of like this doesn't really make sense. Pay attention to that. Now, it could be that you have the opportunity to delve into why you have a Glock some people have a block against being successful or having a lot of money or, you know, like, or they have a fear of success or fear of failure like all these things come into play and then by doing that, to discover that it could also be that you're just attempting to make something work that isn't what you, what is in your highest or in your best priorities to actually create and you're going to notice that there's a block there you're going to notice there's a slow down there. And until you have that conversation of is this actually for me or is this something that I feel like I need to do, then you're not going to be able to make that next step and then move through that.

So, let's say for example we've already gotten very very clear that, and I know for myself, that please note is already a multi million dollar business that I have my product shipped all over the world that I get to engage with the most delicious people and I just love the feeling of people purchasing and giving and receiving my goods it just feels so great to see that people really love themselves that are valuing themselves and then also see other people in this way that they deserve the gift of personal growth. Now, also take a look at what you actually want the buyer experience to be like how does that, how does that look like and then also what is your company look like five years down the line, 10 years down the line, how are you growing How are you pivoting really again taking the time to write that out reiterate it to yourself, and then say it to yourself multiple times.

So some people will have like a vision board, some people will have, you know, just like journal it like you've got so many different ways to create that anchor and then when you create an anchor enveloping and relishing the feeling of having what it is you desire is so, so important, because that's the thing that's going to allow it to come into fruition. Now, oftentimes you'll hear with a lot of these like really big athletes that they win, they're like, Oh, you won the championship How does it feel and they're like, Oh, you know like, it feels like it makes sense or it feels natural. Oh look at this person they're so full of themselves. No, they've actually practiced getting the thing that they want so much that it just makes sense for the universe to give it to them therefore they're able to allow it in.

We hear so often about people that win multimillion dollar latos and stuff like that and then 15 minutes later they're broke again. This is because they have not worked on their wealth consciousness and made it so that level of success that they desire is natural. So if it doesn't feel natural then like, It's very difficult to hold on to it. Now, one other thing when it comes to using journaling for your business or for any sort of growth when it comes to your company or, like, your life is what I love to call “post manifestational awareness.”

So this gives you the opportunity to look. Take a look back at what actually happened, especially if it's something that you did not want to happen, and figure out what was the reason behind it, why did this actually occur. So there was actually a show that I did, I was really nervous about doing it I was like no Cheryl this makes sense, it's the next step in your business, etc etc really coming from that space of if I don't do it something bad is gonna happen, aka lack scarcity limitation however I did not know that at the time. Did the show was not great spent like way too much money, and definitely did not make back my investment, and then when I sat down, I was like, Oh, this is why I didn't turn out, because I did not do it from a place of love, or finance or excitement, or happiness. I did it because I thought that I had to, and then also I thought that money was a key to actually allowing my business to grow when it was really about the feeling of it growing and really listening to myself when it came to these things so now I'm able to actually have that conversation and then choose differently and then I noticed when I'm feeling a certain way. That is not what I want to happen. Also if you take a look at something delicious that happened like I was just doing something random and my girlfriend like I was inviting my friend onto clubhouse which is this new social app Hey what's up, and I was like hey do you want to check this out like here's a thing and it was a PR agent that lives in America that I knew from like a hot minute like a long time ago we used to just work in a co working space together. And she was just like, yeah. Oh, and I was actually thinking about you because I actually am doing the holiday gift guide with Ebony and I would love for you to be in there and then we can also have you on like Instagram Live and you can do a little session probably like, okay, that's cool. Because every magazine you like, that's pretty big. And I didn't have to sleep with anyone. I didn't have to do anything. I was just like, yeah, this makes sense like let me just give you this uh this person like.

And it just fell into place for me and really allowing me to step back into the feeling of what actually transpired to allow that to happen. I was in an amazing mood. I was feeling giving, I was like, who could really benefit by having this invite to clubhouse who I actually really like, and then I thought of this girl and she was like hey, Merry Christmas. So really allowing you to notice the feeling that's attached to the things that you are doing so that you can practice, taking action from that, that same feeling of allowing of expansion of happiness and then abundance.

[24:58] VL: Oh my goodness I'm getting like tangley and excited this is so great. So, I love this because I often forget about the power of manifestation, I forget that when I'm reaching a goal I outline all the logistical things I can, I feel like most of the time I think logically and then I'm like, oh yeah but then there's also this magical power of our mindsets. So you mentioned a couple kind of, I guess the word, we could use is like mistakes people make when they're manifesting, is there anything else that people should avoid doing when they're manifesting?

[25:34] CS: Yeah, I definitely think people think that they have to be the catalyst and that was a big problem for myself, my kids, my personality is naturally like a controller personality.

And so I used to having if anything's gonna get done, I have to be the one to do it, which is not conducive to building a multimillion dollar Empire like I have to be able to learn right I'm choosing to be able to learn how to delegate how to give to people and how to also attract amazing people that are operating within their zone of genius, as they're supporting me. And so I think what a lot of people think is okay, what is the end result that I want and how am I going to bring it to fruition and be like, I'm sitting with her I'm deciding I'm sitting with Oprah at her house, eating avocado, this is what's going to happen, or like, you know, I am going to get this next business deal and it's going to be feel so great and to do that, but even in me saying that you can kind of hear the energy behind it and just like are you forcing things like this is not good. So being really general. So if the thing that you want to come into fruition has a lot of energy around it, it's kind of sticky, you're not able to kind of like, you know, jig rejigging around just go general so stuff like you know:

Everything is always falling into place for me

Life loves me

I living in a friendly universe

Things that you can say and feel that they are in fact true like I am secure, you know, you might not be feeling rich but you might feel abundant you like even though you don't have the zeros in the bank account right. You might feel like, you know what I'm secure and safe like that things are things are just delicious today, were like, oh, like I love surprises surprises and the universe continues to surprise me in the most amazing ways and letting that be the thing that you allow to grow for you and then all these other places are gonna fall into place for you too.

[27:26] VL: That's such great advice. I am really glad that you said that because something you mentioned at the beginning of this episode was, you know, when you started your your your personal development journey. You didn't even realize how amazing it was going to be. I think that's what people forget is like, we think, what we want is so great and we think that like this is the goal we're striving for. When really, it's so much bigger than that, like it's so much more amazing and so much more powerful and more incredible. And so I'm really glad that that you gave those those examples, I love them. I'm gonna write them down their own manifesting I'm very excited. So, another key piece to manifesting that you mentioned was the action taking so you're you're following your feelings, and then you're taking actions, and then another action, another action. All of this is leading to, to the goal or like the big picture, and I know a lot of people stop themselves at the action taking piece I know for myself like when I first got into personal development I was reading all the books, until all the books were saying the same thing and I wasn't doing anything to get there, like I wasn't really putting myself out there for. So for some of the people who are listening and new to manifestation, or maybe new to their business?

[28:58] CS: What is some advice to take out action. That's great. So I think that the most important thing is it's not really about action it's about aligned action right so you have to do things that feel really good not because just logically it makes sense. Now, as you start practicing you're going to notice that feeling within your body. Are you afraid to do something or is this actually like a block to not do this, like, is this your intuition, telling you, no.

So I would actually say start practicing a lot with meditation if you don't have a meditation practice, then please do take a look at some whether it's some guided meditations I've got some available on the website, or you can use YouTube or, you know, sitting for five minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes at a time, and just connecting because then that's really what's going to allow your intuition you really notice the difference in your intuition versus being trial and error because I mean trial and error is great but it's just like, why. So, as you practice with the aligned action, you're going to be able to know okay like for example when I got a virtual assistant, I was like, ah, but I'm like I know I need to do it, but also like I had a lot of fear but it's just like, Okay, what is this fear this fear is not about the fact that I need this person or this person is amazing at what they do, or that my business will amplify itself as a result of having additional support. It was the fact that I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to consistently pay this person and that might get in trouble with that. Right.

That is not the truth. Because in fact, in me employing this person that I'm going to actually be able to create more streams of income and do it much quicker than if I attempted to do it myself. And I'm not going to be burnt out like everybody's like, Oh, I want to be successful but if all you're doing is hustling and struggling this whole time, then you're never going to be successful because you don't know how to rest in success. You don't know how to rest in that level of achievement and we're so good at pushing ourselves, and having the opportunity to take that step back and just say, Oh, this is what I've created, let me be proud of myself really acknowledge where we're at and that's going to be one of the key things for you to actually be that successful person that you really desire to create that life you want. So, but going back to that when you're taking action really understand like, what is the purpose of this action, and is it pulling and you can feel internally is is pulling you towards the thing that you want or is it kind of like sidetracking or taking you away from it.

Now sometimes the universe will end like you will do it for yourself Take the, the slightly scenic route. However, there was always opportunities for growth and everything that you go through so there's never a wrong thing that you've done it's just like, oh I'm learning right so if you're doing something new. It's not mistakes, it's just learning opportunities. And as long as you actually learn those lessons, then you won't keep repeating it so again. I know a little diatribe but when you're coming down to making decisions really understand the come from, is it coming from your heart is it coming from your head, or from the gut. Does it make sense for you in your business does it feel good.

Does it feel aligned with what you want to create and when you want to serve, and if so then you know just step ahead and step in for.

[32:14] VL: That's perfect. And it really comes back to getting clear about the intention, and getting clear about how you want to feel, which I feel like is a perfect segue into one of your offerings that is an A newer I guess this year, and it's called Create Clarity in Your Calling. Tell us about this. How can we be a part of it?

[32:39] CS: Oh my gosh, okay so basically what I've done is I've taken some of my favorite class is to really support people again in starting to just do the things right but also do it with the extra little sauce like the extra bit of mindfulness like the cheat code I guess is the best way to say it.

Not a cheat code, a legend. There you go. So this particular bundle actually has my journal your way wealthy class, it is basically a modified version of my journal your way to clarity class that one actually has or this one actually has different like four different journaling exercises that you get to practice, and you can continue to put into implementation for yourself so you can understand how to actually get into the process of journaling, how to journal for manifestation how to really take a look at the life that you really want to create and against deep yourself in the feeling of having the thing that you want, so it's easier for the universe to give you the things that you desire, and for you to act in alignment versus in scarcity, right. It also has some additional downloads that you can get so you can actually start practicing with different prompts and stuff as well. And then there's also a amazing money manifestation to really allow you into opening up your money files, kind of changing the way that you feel about money, and then making sure that your money is working for you money is your best friend she's out here just in the streets trying to support you the best way she knows how However, if you don't let her help you. She's not going to be able to really opening that up for you and allow your business to come in.

[34:12] VL:

Cheryl Sutherland



instagram: @pleasenotesgoods

[35:13] VL: Rapid Fire Round!

Question One: What are you currently reading? What is your favourite book?

CS: Okay, so if you'd asked me this a little bit ago I would have given you a different number but okay so my favorite book.

The longest one has actually been The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.

The reason I love this book is it really gets into the life of this man who actually started bringing yoga to the, to the west. However, the thing that I love about it is that he lives in this space of possibilities when he was a child and, like, just imagining walking through like the town that you're in and just seeing all these people like this one guy's a disappearing Yogi. this one guy's a floating Yogi and just like having that sense of magic and possibility around you.

I just finished this other book and which is a one steak sauce is called The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Shovel Shin, you can get it on like iBooks or whatever for 99 cents and literally it's talking about the law of attraction how to manifesting, how to ask for that space of like, it is versus like oh can I have this, and it's so honestly it changed the way it's kind of amplified the way in my belief and my knowingness that I can really have what I want the universe is here to deliver it to me.

Question Two: What do you love most about being a woman?

CS: What do I love most about being a woman I mean like I recently just fallen in love with my body because it is hashtag amazing. But I also think one of the things that I love is just being able like that level of emotion that we're able to connect and share with, and it's kind of sad that it's not as emotional like it's not as accepted for men, because I really feel like that would be so delicious but just being able to be with a group of women and be like oh my gosh hey how are you, I love your hair Let's be friends like I love that and authentically like care and connect to one another, really, really quickly while I feel like it might be a little bit more difficult for our male identifying counterpart.

Question Three: What does Empowerment mean to you?

I think it means really it's about being able to stand in all of you, you know, being able to be 100% yourself whether it's your hair, whether it's your clothing, whether it's like the way that you like to pronounce your R's like just allowing you to come and step out and being all of you, and that's actually where we are going to have the most delicious things happen because someone has said yes to themselves.

Question Four: What are you currently working towards?

I would like a snack I'm kind of hungry. No, I'm what am I, I'm currently working towards really allowing myself to have support like I had said before, that's something that I'm really excited to have, and also excited to allow in more ways. And then also, multiple streams of income so making, I used to have this thing where if it wasn't hard, then I wasn't doing enough.

Do you know what I mean like if I wasn't, you know, work if I wasn't struggling, that like the money that I received was not as valuable, and I have I've realized that that is in fact a lie. And that, that I don't have any value in the past to struggle or striving anymore so really allowing it to like me to have the things that I desire and it comes easy and it'd be fun, and it'd be life and continue to grow in that way.

[40:32] VL: I'm so glad you said that that's something that I've been really moving away from also is like my, my family grew up, you know, struggling to get to where they are and putting in that, you know, the elbow grease and the blood and sweat and the tears and you know we did this so you could have this and it's like, Okay, I did doesn't have to be such a struggle and that was hard for me because it almost was like part of my identity, but it was like growing up, learning these things from my parents, and now I'm. It's funny because it's like I'm moving away from the home, and also moving away from like that family mindset. Anyway, I feel like that's a whole other episode we could get into.

[41:00] CS: I hear you on that I mean I know for myself like I'm a first generation Canadian and my parents like God bless them they had to go through so much in order to you know make sure that their family members were taken care of that like you know that we were taken care of, and I'm so proud to say that like my parents are really happy that I'm happy you know they're really happy that I've chosen a different path and like, I think that's an opportunity to actually give to our parents in that way as to, to show them that things can be different, and if we're able to strong enough to stand up on our own and say, this is something we're changing for the family.

Like, I know my mom would not say no if I paid off like a couple of like things for her or like, you know, send some extra money here and there for her, she would not, she would not buy that so I'm excited for that to be what everybody in my family lives from.

VL: Mm hmm. That's amazing. Well congratulations for being that that leader in this new way and this new thought,

CS: Okay, thank you.

VL: Well, like I said before, I feel like you are a fairy godmother to many people including myself You inspire me every day that I see you show up on social media, and I love what you're coming out with I love the ideas of the workshops, I feel like that's something that I really look for is like this product is amazing but I need that deeper connection, I need that next step I need that action so I'm really excited to learn more about your funnel and getting involved with it.

CS: Thank you I receive that and thank you so much for creating the space for people to come and have these conversations, and then also for people to listen and understand that the things that they want that they are not alone, that they are possible to have like things are possible for them to have, and that you don't need to do anything to prove your worth you're already worthy, so go and do the things.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E115: Mastering Your To Do List

E115: Mastering Your To Do List

Some of my best methods and practices for productivity PLUS the new techniques I’m using to elevate and upgrade my to do lists!

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[00:38] List Makers Gonna List

  • Do you make to do lists?

  • How do you feel about them, love them? Stress about them? Somewhere in between?

  • My journey with making the most of my to do list and how I became a “master to do-er” 😂

[1:57] The MOST important thing that had to change for me to tap into my energy and productivity.

  • STOP stressing about the list and use that energy to get sh*t done!

[3:39] Starting with a Brain Dump at the beginning of each week

  • Write it all down, get it out of your head

Next: Eliminate + Automate + Delegate

  • Look at what is always on the list, or what has been on the list for a while, can we eliminate, automate, or delegate any of these tasks.

  • Usually when something is on our list for a while it’s because we’re procrastinating - if it’s not getting done by you then it’s probably not going to get done so scratch it off!

[6:13] Organizing the List

  • I like to organize the list based on when the tasks need to get done.

  • Organizing the list by days of the week and it helps me stay on track with my goals and tasks

[7:19] Time Blocking

  • Get to know how long it takes you to do a task

  • You can track how much time you spend on your tasks and activities to learn more about how long all of these things take you

  • Over time you will start to know what works best for you, this gets easier

  • MAKING the time in your schedule by Time Blocking

[9:30] The 3-5 System

  • Sticking with having 3-5 things on your to do list at a time

  • Being more realistic with your time by prioritizing 3-5 things

  • This boosts productivity, and is more sustainable

  • You can even have 1 thing on your list if it is one BIG thing

NEW METHOD… BUT FIRST…. HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE MY NEW WEBSITE!!!!????? Let me know what you think on instagram @vallavignelife I’d love to hear your feedback and connect with you more 💗

[13:20] Supporting Your To Do List with Self Care

  • Sprinkle in self care that helps support and compliment your energy because it will help you get more done


  • I swap “eating my frog” with Self-Care

  • FACT CHECK: “Mark Twain famously said that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you. Your frog is your worst task, and you should do it first thing in the morning.”

  • Brian Tracy’s BOOK: Eat That Frog

  • Write a list of self care items and schedule them into your week/day

[21:11] In addition to the to-do list I am also create a List of Wins/Achievements

  • What are you proud of?

  • What wins did you have this week?

  • What did you achieve?

[22:32] Challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone more

  • Personal intention is to do this weekly, and I’m tracking it monthly

  • I’m prioritizing the tasks that help me get out of my comfort zone so that I can grow!

How are you leaping, growing, and getting shit done? Share with me on instagram!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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EntrepreneurshipVal LaVigne
E114: Embracing Your Inner Wisdom (& Woo!)

E114: Embracing Your Inner Wisdom (& Woo!)

Learn how to tap into, trust, and embrace the inner parts of you. This is especially important for personal development, decision making, and attracting more of what you want into your life…

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[00:29] Are you into the woo?
Astrology, Human Design, Chakras, Kabalha, Tarot, Oracle cards, Numerology, etc.

I like to think of these unique tools as an extension of personal development.

[2:30] What is our Inner Wisdom?
The spiritual nudges, gut feelings, inspirational thoughts, intuition, and more.

[3:25] How can we tap into it? 

Through trust and connection comes clarity, and clarity comes with practice.

[10:45] What does embracing it feel like? AND WHERE can we feel our inner wisdom?

[11:28] HUMAN DESIGN: 5 Authorities

BOOK: Human Design Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

#1 Emotions Authority “Be Emotionally Clear”

#2 Sacral Authority “Follow Your Gut”

  • Follow AND TRUST your gut

  • This internal guidance system is effective when in response. Which means it is designed to wait until there is a clear response that speaks from the lower belly with uh-huh or uh-uh

  • It’s a sensation of being drawn toward or pushed/repelled away

  • Respond to a request and then FEEL OUT if this is right for you

#3 Heart Authority “Do What You Want”

  • Tune into your heart’s desires!

  • It is a direct authority: You might say something lik “I want it, so I’m going to make it happen”

  • Once you set your heart on something, your innate drive cannot be stopped

  • Your heart is drawing you to, or pulling you away from something

  • This is personal, and very powerful, do not be lured by someone else’s heart/passion it must be YOURS

#4 Self Authority “Be True to Yourself”

  • When you know, you know

  • Subtle and deeply present; this is something only YOU will understand

  • Trust the space in your inner sternum, if you have this authority you will feel it

  • You might say something like, “I can’t explain it, I just know it!”

  • Don’t rush away from this knowing, trust it undeniably!

#5 Outer Authority “Accessing Intelligence”

  • This is unique because it does not have a prompt, but instead has an external process that helps you discover your inner truth

  • You will weigh, balance, check and double check before making a decision

  • This requires PATIENCE + and OPEN VIEW of all situations 

  • What’s cool about this authority is that you are able to access everyone else's perspectives, concepts and ideas and turn them into your very own wisdom

  • So your decision making relies on others… here’s the best part; or should I say the WOO part: over a period of 29 days. This time period is because it relates to the movements and phases of the moon. 

  • Yes, that’s right the lunar cycle plays a very important role here.

  • Is this all new to you? Cool, get yourself on google and figure out the lunar phases and start recording them in your calendar. Then when you’re faced with a decision, map out 29 days later and write in your calendar “decision day” For that month, do your research, ask questions, read books, etc.

  • Now it might not always be realistic, but if you can make it happen, it is highly recommended.

Not sure which authority you are? I learned all of this from a book: HUMAN DESIGN Discover the Person You Were Born to Be.

Get your human design profile here: www.humandesignforusall.com

[23:00] Using your inner wisdom to make difficult decisions 

Step One: Get calm

  1. Breathe

  2. Meditate

  3. Nature

Step Two: Release force

Step Three: Be patient

[26:38] Essential Oils for Intuition

Oils for Awareness:

  • Cilantro

  • Align

  • Cardamom

  • Kumquat

  • Black pepper

  • Fennel

  • Oregano

Oils for Enlightened:

  • Frankincense 

  • Bergamot 

  • Melissa

  • Clary sage

  • Sandalwood

  • Immortelle

  • Litsea

  • Roman chamomile

  • Blue tansy

Clarity Blend

BOOK: I Am Fabulous by Desiree Mangandog

Clarity is an excellent blend for those who struggle with constant confusion especially those who experience “foggy brain.” SOme describe it as a dark cloud in and around the head. The oils in Clarity open up the mind and get rid of the muck that creates low energy. You will be able to hear yourself think, be very present when communicating with others and radiate vibrant energy.

Place drops in a 5ml (or 10ml) roller bottle. Fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to the back of the neck, temples and inside of elbow creases.

5 drops Eucalyptus
3 drops Douglas Fir
5 drops Lemon
2 drops Peppermint
1 drop Rosemary
1 drop Melissa
1 drop Wintergreen
3 drops Lemongrass
1 drop Cardamom

[28:37] Journaling about the “Proof”

Observe and be the witness of your past and your experiences so that you can learn from them, when you make decisions from your authority, what happens? When you start to trust your inner wisdom, what happens? Record the evidence that proves you can trust your inner wisdom.

[29:44]  Attracting Abundance

Focusing on attraction means believing you are aligned with the work you are meant to be doing, you are guided to the people you need you. Embrace this and trust this fully. Showing p as your authentic self, is going to attract more authentic people into your life and the people who are on your vibrational level.

TAKE ACTION! Get to know yourself more through whatever YOU feel called too, use human design, journalling, meditation, however YOU FEEL DRAWN or what you feel PULLED TOWARD! Let’s continue the conversation on instagram @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Mindset MasteryVal LaVigne
E113 Staying Motivated with Your Healthy Habits

E113 Staying Motivated with Your Healthy Habits

Learn about the methods and tools I use as a Healthy Habits Coach, uses to stay consistent with all kinds of habit goals to elevate health, wealth, and lifestyle…

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Join the Empowered Community on Instagram @vallavignelife

[1:16] Question: How do we stay motivated with our healthy habits?

Habit forming takes time, it’s dependent on the person (and the habit!)

[2:00] Investigate past success

What has worked for you before?

Want to increase your habit by 95%? Hire a Coach! 

Interested in working with me? Check out my Make a Habit Mentorship Program HERE

Do you like tracking your habit? Get the free Habit Tracker today! (see the side column for the download)

[4:45] Habit Stacking

This is a great way to create new habits, use this method to build on your current habits in routine.

Every morning I make coffee. I wanted to create more mindfulness so I created a “Morning Coffee Ritual” that helps me be more mindful, present, and sets an intention for how I want to feel for the day. 

We all have habits already, what habits do you currently have, and how did they form? How are you staying consistent with it? Can you incorporate your new habit with an existing habit?

[7:48] Habit Triggers

These help us simplify and support our habit more.

How can you set yourself up for success with your habit; how can you make DOING your habit easier?

Simplify: more often than not creating a new habit is more complicated than it needs to be. Notice if you’re creating a really big overreaching habit in the beginning. It’s important to start small so that we can work our way to the bigger goals.

Remember that habits form over time, we want to be successful right away, in the beginning. Set realistic and easy habits right away.

Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do, after the mood you set it in has left.

Supporting your habit: Think about what you will need to do your habit every day. Prep for your habit by collecting the things you need and getting them ready or putting them into the places where you’re going to use them.

Morning coffee habit with new journaling exercises? Put you journal and coffee mug with the coffee maker - and a pen!

Daily workout habit? Grab your equipment + clothes and have them ready for you when you’re doing your workout.

[13:18] Apps + Supportive tools

Meditation: Insight Timer

Favourite Meditation Teacher: Sarah Blondin

Water: Hidrate App + Hidrate Bottle

Language learning: Duolingo

Apple Health App 

Essential oils I use before working:

dōTERRA’s ADAPTIV “Calming Blend”

dōTERRA’s Balance “Grounding Blend”

dōTERRA’s Motivate “Motivating Blend’

dōTERRA’s Passion “Inspiring Blend”

[14:55] Celebrating + Milestones

The apps I use have fun “badges, stickers, trophies” for when I am consistent with using the app and doing my daily habits

Celebrate day one! Day seven, Day thirty, and more! Celebrate every day. Write out these dates in your planner/calendar.

There are so many ways to celebrate: prize, sticker, gift, party, bottle of champagne, gourmet donut, shopping spree, cash money!

My Make a Habit Mentorship client, Aashima, is working out 3 times per week, and after one month she wants to buy a new workout outfit!

The prize is motivating you, and the prize CAN ALSO motivate you to keep going - assuming it supports your habit.

[19:12] What happens when we “fall off the horse” with our habits?

Short answer: If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.

Episode 111: Create Habits Based on Your Core Values with Deanne Frances

#1 Come back to Your Intention: Why did you start the habit in the first place? How do you want to feel? When you reconnect to the feelings of WHY you started, you’ll be motivated to get back on track.

#2 Start Small: Set a super small goal you KNOW you can achieve, like one workout this week. Then build to two the next week, and three after that. This is helping you build your confidence.

MOMENTUM Roller Blend Recipe 

12 drops Eucalyptus
5 drops Douglas Fir
5 drops Marjoram
3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Cypress
1 drop Arborvitae
3 drops Lime
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Add to a 10 ml roller bottle + top with Fractionated Coconut Oil

#3 Celebrate Milestones: Since habits are formed over time, it’s helpful to set up points to celebrate the success. Get excited about your habit again and put notes in your planner/calendar of how you will celebrate when you reach your milestone.

#4 Re-Evaluate Your Habit: Perhaps your intention is in the right place, but the habit isn’t working for you. Or maybe it’s the time of day; the complexity of your habit; or something else! Looks that the reasons why it’s not getting done, and how you can get back on track with your habit and success.

[26:20] #5 Invest in a Coach: Having a coach to hold you accountable increases your chance of success by 95%! In my Make a Habit Mentorship Program we get clear on your goal, and I help you form your new habit in our four weeks together.

Next steps: 

Download the FREE Habit Tracker Guide

Check out my Make a Habit Mentorship Program here to see if it’s right for you


Download the FREE Habit Tracker Guide

Val LaVigne Life - Habit Tracker Guide
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E112: Style as Self Care: the Comfy-Chic Formula

E112: Style as Self Care: the Comfy-Chic Formula with Sarah Peel

Meet Sarah Peel of Citizenne Style & Home, as she teaches us how to shop our closets, take better care of our clothes, and create self care practices through style in her holistic lifestyle guide: Citizenne At Home…

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[00:26] Valerie LaVigne: You're listening to the women's empowerment podcast, and today I have a very special guest, Sarah Peel on the show. Sarah is a teacher, sustainable fashion educator stylist and advocate for healthy and creative living from 2009 to 2018, she worked with fashion takes action doing whatever needed to get done to run a small but nimble social enterprise, connecting sustainability, human rights, and the fashion industry. Her main joy was creating curriculum, teaching and managing a team of workshop leaders who delivered the my close my world program to over 9000 grade four to 12 students in the Greater Toronto Area. During that time she took a personal interest in learning, studying skills that could help other women bridge the gap between creative self expression, and the perceived notion that a sustainable wardrobe could not be stylish. In 2017 she co founded citizens' with another stylist and personal life coach. So it is its primary focus is to inspire women to become an uprising of everyday influencers for good using their own closet and authentic self expression style is therefore not just an end result, but also a powerful tool to transform lives society and the planet in in a hopeful direction. So doesn't focuses on creating resources, programs, and community to help them and explore personal style, alongside building an ethical and sustainable wardrobe.

Sarah thank you so much for joining me today on the women's empowerment show. It's an absolute pleasure to have you on the podcast.

Sarah Peel: Thank you so much for having me as a guest, I know that many of your episodes. It was not usual for you to have guests so I feel really honored to be here, and also just want to congratulate you on your 20,000 downloads of the podcast that is super exciting, and a real testament to the work that you're doing.

VL: Thank you so much, the recognition means a lot I remember that oh we're almost at 20,000 downloads to my boyfriend he goes. So what do you get for that like an award.

SP: Actually, just validation from the outside world.

[2:42] VL: Exactly. As I talked about it a lot, having a podcast is, it can be a little bit isolating especially when you don't have a lot of guests on the show you're just talking into a microphone you're hoping people are listening and downloading and to see the numbers grow it's been it's been quite an honor and I'm very proud of the work that we're doing and I'm excited to have more people like you on the show I'm honestly I've been really looking forward to this conversation because I know you and I have really similar passions, about style about the environment, so I'm excited to get into some of the methods and methods that you share.

And one of the themes actually that you advocate on is how you're using style as self care, this is something that I'm really excited to learn more about can you tell us more about what this means.

[3:36] SP: Well often I think we've been programmed to think of style as something we do to keep up with trends to look a certain way, but especially now, and in context, you know for future listeners of this podcast. We are in the middle of probably a second wave of the covid 19 pandemic and people are what I noticed as of the spring is that people started to talk about dressing in a very different way. And I had already had this practice of prepping my wardrobe. The night before, and even a week in advance so that it could be part of a healthy.

Simple morning routine that made me feel vital and ready for the day. So that I wasn't spending a lot of time stressing about what I was going to wear and going through three different outfits and then ending up feeling like as I left the house flexed and rushed. So I already had that practice of dressing as part of a routine, as a way of getting myself out the door in a peaceful mindset and ready to face the day. But when the pandemic hit and we were at home.

There was a shift it was less of like.

It was everything was about comfort. And, I mean, I went through this the first two weeks where it was hardly really getting dressed and I felt terrible. And I was like, you know, I think that getting dressed, even though you're not leaving the house is still really important. So, what people need is comfort.

Surely we have more options than our pajama bottoms yoga pants leggings and slippers. Surely there is in our closets where there's like 80% of what we don't wear. Surely there are other options in there that could be considered comfortable and would help us to feel still like we feel like we had some variety and some pizzazz which I would call chic and so I've developed a system a formula for starting the day called the comfy chic form.

And really style is at the core of this daily routine, but it's about more than just getting dressed. And so this is how it goes. It's very simple.

Get up, whenever whenever you do get up. Not everybody gets it I'm an I'm a more of an early morning person so I get up.

But now when people are working from home. Sometimes kids are at home. And so your day has to be really early and other times you're a single person or you just have one other person you're living with. So you could be getting a Petunia regardless. When you get up and you're starting your day. Move.

So, trigger your body to get the blood flowing, breathe, that as the basis is starting to make you feel comfy, to feel good in your skin, because that's the best the best first first layer of your of your outfit is feeling good in your body. So move.

Doesn't have to be long, it could be like 20 minutes have something, meditate or pray. So that's the mindset and also just soul care as well. And then get dressed enough comfy basically oh no groom yourself, basic, you do not have to have full makeup, although sometimes that's depending on who you are, that could be a form of self care maybe that just makes you feel good. I know that often putting on a bright lipstick is a pop of color, helps me feel good, but just wash at very basic level, do something with your hair, wash your face.

Just to create because even, you know the early days of the lockdown people just kind of like gave up taking care of themselves in that way so groom yourself, basic put on a comfy base layer. And I'm encouraging people to think about comfy.

And in a different kind of way. Think about all the things that you have in your before virus closet that are natural fibers that fit in well that you don't they don't make you feel pinched that you can move around in that flow and put those on.

And then chic it up somewhere.

And the the idea around being chic is not extremely motivated at all by trends or anything it's like what brings you joy. Is it colorful scarf. Is it a new way of doing your hair because you're really tired of being at home and you need some variety.

Like, this is the perfect time to play. You're not leaving the home. So you want to do something really like you want to do, Princess Leia ones. Go ahead. Like, there's no one to laugh at you just see if you like it and actually this could be in time to actually play with your clothes in a way that you've never done before because you've been very concerned about what other people would think.

And you lack the confidence to mix patterns or, you know, stack jewelry. And this is a time to kind of play with it, and build your confidence in that.

So that's that's the basic formula. Move, meditate or pray. Take care of your, your appearance, some basic grooming healthy base layer and then shake it up.

And I actually found that as I was doing this and I was trying to. Also I was starting to write about what the process was so we're being very mad about company chic routine.

I found that the days when I didn't do it.

When I was just like, Okay, you know what, I'm just gonna leave this for a couple of days, I would then be like, oh, What's wrong, why do I feel so off. It was like you know what, I didn't get dressed this morning.

It's just reinforcing that this was, I was on to something really good, and I'm not the only one. I'm not the only stylist who's been talking about, you know, COVID sheep or there's, there's a number of different hashtags out there. But yeah, so I really wanted to build on this idea of style as a means of self care and style, not, it's not focused on trends. This is about.

What brings you joy what makes you feel vital. What helps you express who you are. And that really is what style is all about fashion is a trend style is it up showing up as your true self. 

That's a quote. That's a, not an exact quote of Oscar de la Renta.

[11:36] VL: I love this method so much and I remember meeting you around that time during the pandemic when you were like, yes I'm creating this compensation formula. And I thought, this is so brilliant This is exactly what I need because as you're saying these things I feel like a dog with a tail between his legs, I am like, Yeah, I don't think I shaved for a long time I don't think that I got showered but you know it was a very because I had to do a type of thing and then at one point I was like, Do I really have to do it and then I just was wearing sweat pants, same sweater and I just felt really blonde it was I was getting down and it was, things were tough and there was so much, you know that that weirdness and I didn't know what was happening, it was it was a very unpredictable time and, and I started to lose the hair in self care and self a little bit too, to be honest.

But as someone who I, I definitely move so movement was a huge part of my everything myself care my daily routine it has been always, and even I started losing that a little bit too. So, like I'm not I'm not just saying I'm the only person that did this I know a lot of people who, who felt this way, in 2020, but you know you get to this point where you have to admit, and we talked about this a little bit before we record is that you have to admit when things aren't going right and you got to stop doing what you're currently doing if you want to.

But as someone who I, I definitely move so movement was a huge part of my everything myself care my daily routine it has been always, and even I started losing that a little bit too. So, like I'm not I'm not just saying I'm the only person that did this I know a lot of people who, who felt this way, in 2020, but you know you get to this point where you have to admit, and we talked about this a little bit before we record is that you have to admit when things aren't going right and you got to stop doing what you're currently doing if you want to.

I think that I need to be more motivated to do this because I'll get on like a little bit of a train I'm like okay, yeah, I'm going to do this every day. I'm going to feel really good in my body I'm going to I'm going to really intentionally pick my wardrobe.

Tell us how we can motivate ourselves a little bit more in the mornings to do this because I'm an early morning person too, but I also have a lot going on and at the back of my mind and like, I don't really need to get dressed and do anything because I'm working from home today and I'm so busy that I don't want to make the time to help me stay motivated.

[14:23] SP: There is a free download of the comfy chic formula. And also a program that leads to where we, you know, gave like 10 basic tips for putting for integrating the company sheet formula into your life. And then there's actually a template. So, are you a planner, many people are their planners like to write things down in notebooks or apps.I think the act of writing things down sometimes.

I'm an old fashioned girl in this, in this way I think there is something very key about actually writing something down on a piece of paper, they do I think studies show that there's a brain connection, in a way that's different than putting something in your online calendar. So to write things down. Even if it's now, I've been doing this wardrobe prepping for at three years now.

A day or two in advance. As a beginner move and just write down in a notebook. You don't have to download our planner or anything like that it's, it's just a way of stating, or being intentional by writing it down, and then taking a look in your closet for those things are they available to you are they clean Are they ready, like do you need to wash them. Putting them aside, maybe on a hook on the back of your bedroom door so they're available to us so that it's easy to get them.

And so that's something you would do the night before, when you get up in the morning, even if it's a really busy day, especially when we're working from home, or even if we're working outside of the home right now like just having that anchor and anchor point when things are so unpredictable in this world to have something that is predictable. Is it just allows your brain and your body to breathe deeper, because you're not.

You're not adding another layer of decision making.

You know you're cutting down on the decision making, that you have to do at the beginning of the day. And if you are working from home, sometimes the work life balance. Like there is none everything flows into everything else. And then the deep part of the lockdown. You know my husband and I would say is it Wednesday was it Sunday.

Like, what time of the day is it like we were going to bed at 3am and getting up at 10am.

So, having, and we're not really writing. Beyond that right now. But having that those two acres of like at the end of the day, being ready for your day, when you get up in the morning, because, you know, everything is kind of laid out and ready for you. And at the beginning of the day when you wake up to have that anchor of the movement, meditation, basic grooming.

[17:51] VL: Yeah, I think this is so important. I love how you kind of you chunk it down a little bit so when you were first talking about how you plan your week in advance, I'm thinking, oh that's very interesting because I am a planner. I do like to write things down but I think personally for me it's just about taking the time to open the closet and see okay what's going on here, what can I start, what would I like to wear what do I love and maybe I don't wear it all the time.

But it's comfortable and it's chic and it's amazing and, and, I think, Well you've definitely inspired me I feel like this is what I want to do this. After this call.

And that's awesome, awesome things together because. The other thing is I remember this was years ago when I was really into money mindset was you know you want to dress like the future you have the million dollar view, and they ask questions like what the million dollar or with a millionaire salary be in their bed working on their on their business from their computer, and maybe maybe they aren't maybe that's part of the lifestyle that you like but maybe it's not the way you see yourself as a millionaire so that millionaire is at a desk, and so then I was like oh, I'm gonna invest in a desk because I don't want to be that person who is working from their back. And then the other questions were like, what are they wearing Look what do they look like how do they hold themselves, and you really start to be more intentional intentional about what you how you are, how you are presenting yourself every day your gravity tasks, your style. Your attitude and it comes out a lot in your fashion and in your style and what you're wearing. And it's such like it's such an important reminder but we've totally lost this and funny with the lockdown and with all these things happening because it was so easy so easy just to say who cares about it. 

[19:58] SP: Yeah, that's so interesting. How about losing yourself and how the act of dressing for yourself to care for yourself but also with, you know, a creative flair that is uniquely you is self is self reinforcing is reinforcing this is who I am. Especially when the things that we would normally rely on are topsy turvy. This is something you can control.

And there's another yep there's another reason I'm just, I mean of course I've thought of this before but in context of this conversation, it's like yes, there's so many things that you cannot control right now that you have no choice over. This is something that you choose this is something that you can control.

VL: Absolutely. And when we talk about style and self care, and we look at what self care is it's taking the time taking the having the intention to care for yourself because you are basically you're showing up in your worth. So, when you are practicing self care, it's when you feel your best and when you are like is that reinforcing it, you're reinforcing the worth of who you are and what you are and that changes your energy so much. And like I said I have like I personally lost that I lost part of myself because I wasn't caring for myself in this way, I was focusing so much on all of the other moving pieces of my life and I was trying to control things that I couldn't control anymore things that were changing so quickly. And what I should have been doing, you know should have been doing, and don't should on yourself I know right so what I could have been doing like going a little bit more internal and saying, Okay, I'm going to take this time to to really focus on me to focus on what I need and and what my body needs and what my mindset needs the movement the meditation. The grooming, the comfy chic formula that you've created it's, it's the perfect framework for an every day.

Like reset into who we are. And I know that so when I was in grade 11 in high school, I really wanted to be in fashion I want to be in fashion. I love the fashion industry like loved it. And there's a lot of reasons why I didn't get into it, but one of the things that kind of deterred me away from it was, at the time, I was learning about fast fashion and just really didn't agree with the whole thing. And then I kind of was like, Okay, well, what's a sustainable way which wasn't the word at the time, because that's not what I was learning, but I was thinking like, okay, while I was learning about like hemp fabric basically, this is a long time ago. Anyway, and when I looked at people who were, you know, reducing reusing or recycling, that kind of thing. It was just the clothes were ugly and I didn't. It did not resonate with me I did not love the style that was kind of the trending eco friendly fabrics and all the things at the time. However, I was really in to thrifting, and not only was it a really fun way for me to express myself and be very different because that was a huge part of my identity, growing up, especially in high school was, I'm very different from other people and I, I showed that in the way that I dressed. But what was so interesting is that I'd had people come up to me and say wow this is such a cool shirt or such cool sweater where'd you get these jeans. Oh my god, your outfit looks so amazing but it's so unique and different I could never wear something like that. And my answer was always I thrift a bit, and it's all about the confidence. If you're not sure about putting something on. Just be as confident as you possibly can and you are going to rock it and I know that when I'm wearing sweatpants and my hair is I've been a messy bun. I'm not always feeling my most confidence.

But however, that being said, there are times when I am wearing sweat pants and my hair is up

[23:40] SP:  unless you choose it, like, Are you being intentional about like this is this the day to be in my sweatpants and messy back. Yes, instead of it happening to you, by default, you're choosing. Exactly, exactly. And I really let me kind of kind of go back to what you said about how confidence is is like the greatest beauty aid. Like, it doesn't matter if it's on trend in style, or if it clashes somewhat or it's a bit unusual. When you are, let's say you're you're wearing something that's not one of your colors or is, you're not wearing clothes that and there's a. And I do believe in formulas sometimes if they serve you, but I'm referencing like some shopping you're wearing clothes that are appropriate for your body shape.

Let's say you want to wear something that's, you know, not in line with what your body shape is but you love it you love that color or that shape. Use you show up, and you look awesome, because it's the style is coming from something that's inside of you.

Yeah. also great thing about experimenting going back to the opportunity to play with the clothes in your closet. And these times when we're working from home to just experiment and see like how do you feel at the end of the day when you have like worn two patterns together. Did you feel fun, like in. So it could you, you could use this opportunity for those baby steps of building your creative dressing muscles.

Can I talk about what I'm wearing today?

[26:30] VL: Yes, I was just gonna say please tell me what you're wearing because you have this stunning necklace on, and I get it, we have to get a picture of you in this outfit so I can put on the show notes.

SP: So I got dressed according to the company chic formula this morning, and I feel like I'm also wearing a sustainable outfit, but it's not maybe what you might think. So I'm wearing a Navy turtleneck. It's November weather's starting to get cold. But like a turtleneck. This is from a Canadian brand called cotton kayo tm, and all of their cotton is organically grown and Fairtrade from a couple of specific farms in Egypt. So love to can like there's so many great things that like fair trade people are paid a fair wage.It's organic, and it's a Canadian small it's like an independent rent.

And then I have a necklace that is also. It's from just one, it's just another Canadian small Canadian brand. This woman works directly with Ugandan and Kenyan artisans women who have often been in the sex trade and who are learning a skill, and these are paper based beads. I love this necklace because it's like, it's so simple, it's so light but it's like such a statement peace, and for a week. See me like you're gonna have a picture in the show notes, but it's like it's like a breastplate of beads. So it's often something that's in regular rotation in my wardrobe. 

And then I have a pair of jeans on there dark denim skinny jeans. Okay there from the gap. which people wouldn't shock. If you know from the sustainable and ethical point of view but let me tell you, I am buying these because the pair of jeans I had before to death. I needed a new pair of jeans, I'm on a budget. I bought them on sale, but I didn't. I'm not over consuming on sale shopping. I mean I think that's the important part, I do not, I'm over feeling guilt about shopping occasionally and fast fashion brand, I think it's really is the amount that we shop fast fashion. And the fact that we don't care for clothes that we do have, once we buy them.

So the other thing that's kind of sustainable about these is that they didn't fit me when they arrived in the mail. And I took them to my tailor so that she could do something called a waist and seat. It's like a basically a big talk at the back. And these skinny jeans as you. I'm sure all of your listeners have had this experience when you get a pair of skinny jeans, and they within 30 minutes they start falling off your body, because the spandex stretches. Anyways, these pants feel great on me because I don't ever have to hoist them up.

So, I will wear them.

And also, just as a note about gap. gap is one of the brands that is on a path forward sure they're still fast fashion brands, there's so many things that could be doing, way, way, way better, but it's better than shopping forever 21 for example.

And then I have a pair of leopard sneakers on that are just fun, and they are not from a sustainable brand I bought them at winners. They're just fun, and they're One of the things that I put, I wear regularly. When I just you know how Papa fun. I don't have a huge collection of sneakers, but I have this one pair, that's, you know, leopard.

[30:00] VL: Oh my gosh, I've been looking for a cool pair of sneakers like that so I'm gonna have to check winners out. 

Well, Sarah, this has been such a great conversation I want to get into our final segment of the show but before we do let us know where we can find you where we can follow you and how we can support your business.

SP: Well you can find me on Instagram at citizen, Sarah. and you will find my wholehearted life their business, home, cats, all the things that I'm up to, and I'd love to interact with you there. And in the links you'll actually find a way to find citizen at home, and all the other things that I'm working on

VL: very amazing tell us a little bit more about Citizen at Home

[31:02] SP: Citizenne at Home is a life and style program to help us thrive. While we are surviving. Not just surviving but thriving in this pandemic so we have developed skills from the first lockdown, but we're exhausted. We're totally exhausted with this drill. And in some ways we need a little bit of a reminder of what we can do with our habits, which I know you love to talk about our daily routines that just help us feel good in, in our bodies, and I would like to say that the foundations for a great outfit are like feeling good in your skin so the comfy chic formula, which is the foundation to the course but then from there we talk about self care. We think about budgeting, because our, you know in our lives. We've our economy is totally being stressed out. You don't hear my cat running around in the background.

We've been totally our finances have been stretched and stressed. And so having a household budget is a great way to do that. And, of course, clothing budget is a part of that, everything, all the different parts of citizen at home.

Have style at the core. And then we look at, you know, the homes, the places that we are living and how to address clutter and specifically the clutter that's in our closets so that we can enjoy our spaces as if they are like a waste disease. And finally, how to make an impact with your closet during these times it's kind of hard to understand what we have the power to make a difference on especially if we're stuck at home, but your clothes are a great place to start. So kind of looks at all of those components, you can do it in two weeks, or two months. You can do it as a self study, or you can do it with two hours of 30 minutes sessions with me. So that's the VIP coaching aspect.

VL: It sounds like the comfy chic formula we talked about today just expanded into so many more facets of our wardrobe and obviously our home and our lifestyle so I really like how you're bringing in this, this, education, and this quality of a more holistic lifestyle I think this is exactly when we need to get to 2021, I just. It sounds like the coffee chic formula we talked about today just expanded into so many more facets of our wardrobe and obviously our home and our lifestyle so I really like how you're bringing in this, this, education, and this quality of a more holistic lifestyle I think this is exactly when we need to get to 2021, I just.

And I'm kind of cringing right now because I definitely have to take care of. So, this sounds like a great starting point to you. Absolutely. You're right on with the, you know, taking a holistic approach to living with style at the core.

I love that well said so we can find that in your Instagram at the link in the bio I'll also put it in the show notes for today's episode, which will be available at Valerie living life.com, forward slash Sarah with an H. And our final round is our rapid fire round, I Oh, wait.

SP: ait I wanted to mention that I'd like to offer a 30% discount to your listeners, and you can get that using the code EMPOWERMENT30 go to link: Citizenne At Home


[35:17] What are you currently reading or what is your favourite book?

SP: So, I am reading through whole bunch of fashion magazines, from the fall issues but also the you know the first issues of 2021. Specifically, when Black Lives Matter and the anti racist movement. 

Just rose up during the summer, and continues, really wanted to look at how that was playing out in the fashion scene. Especially, and there's of course a sub conversation happening around the sustainable fashion movement, and just really it's been very interesting to me to find the critique and the way forward. Around representation, not just for black people but black indigenous and people of color so I've been looking at the issues that I've been talking about that. And then for fun, but also it's in satire I am reading a book called self care by Lee Stein. And it's great, it's about a self care influencer who's life just goes wrong.

And it really makes you laugh at the self care industry is this a kind of bougie instagrammable thing, and makes you ask that question like what is true self care. So I've been enjoying reading that.

BOOK: Self Care by Leigh Stein

[37:57] What does empowerment mean to you?

SP: This is a great question. I think that it means for women's specifically the freedom to try things. And to fail, without that crush of not being enough. Well you failed because you're not enough, you're not good enough. And I think there's a lot of pressure on women to be perfect, or to do all the things. And when we're truly empowered by ourselves by the people around us. We have the freedom to just try it and see where it goes. We have the freedom to be curious. when we're truly empowered by ourselves by the people around us. We have the freedom to just try it and see where it goes. We have the freedom to be curious.

[39:06] What do you love most about being a woman?

SP: I'm going to say, the adaptability. And that kind of like endless creativity of the daily practice, you think of women, and what they do to make life happen around them they're usually the people who, organizing, and this is, you know, we share this with men and our partners, for sure. But women are usually the ones who are organizing the home menus social events.

All the things to do with their kids. And that's a creative act. And you have to be incredibly adaptable, as well. And I think, I mean, who's to say I'm not, I'm not gonna say we're better at it than men. But the women that I know are way more flexible and can handle, thinking about four or five different things at a time. Sometimes it gets too much so there's a flip side to this, but I would say that. I think it's really cool how adaptable and creative we are.

[40:49] What are you currently working toward?

SP: There's a lot of things that I'm kind of working towards but i'm gonna i'm going to share the fact that I'm working towards mothering. How to mother, because I have my husband and I have not been able to have kids. And we've also decided, I mean, we did all the things. Many of the things, but we've decided not to pursue adoption, or fostering, and I still have a great desire to mother. And so I'm looking at different ways to fulfill that need.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E111: Create Habits Based on Your Core Values

E111: Create Habits Based on Your Core Values with Deanna Frances

A new spin on core values, and how you can really leverage them this New Years, featuring podcast host; now guest: Deanna Frances…

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[0:29] Valerie LaVigne: You're listening to the women's empowerment podcast. Today I am super excited because I get to welcome Deanna Francis to the show. Deana spent 12 years bouncing around from job to job seeking more fulfillment, looking for purpose, she allowed others opinions and their limiting beliefs to guide her decisions. Deanna knew deep in her soul that she had so much more to offer the world than the confinement of the cubicle walls. Now Deana helps others stop conforming to society's norms, thinking they need to pick just one idea, and have one passion, and master, one thing. She encourages trying things and learning how to move and learning how to move on when they no longer serve you.

Deanna Welcome to the show I'm so excited to have you here. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to dive in and chat with you.

So Deanna and I met kind of through a mutual friend in a previous guest on the show so we were really excited when we started to connect to learn more about each other and how we have very similar values and beliefs.

I'm really excited to have her on the show I feel like Deanna You're such a valuable teacher because you've lived this really cool kind of brave and empowering of life, and I know that we've said a little bit about your, your journey in the intro, and how we kind of get to, to break through the norms right you encourage us to break through those norms and to not have to pick one idea and I feel like, personally, this is something that I struggle with a little bit, so many ideas I've seen many passions for a long time. I really believed that I needed to pick just one.

Do people tell you that all the time?

[2:27] Deanna Frances: You know, I always kind of knew that my brain work differently. I'm in my late 30s. So, like, the Nomad life and the trying different things and having multiple careers wasn't really my, you know, age bracket I think it's more acceptable now in the early 20s and the millennials, But, yeah, for me, I always kind of, I just tried things and when they didn't feel right anymore I moved on and I got a lot of pushback in the corporate world right like my family was okay with it they encouraged my imagination and my curiosity and exploring things but in the, in the work world and in my profession is where I got a lot of pushback and we can dive into that a little bit more but yeah I really do I encourage people to try things and to really listen to that whisper of the curiosity, because it's there for a reason and there's a reason that something strikes your curiosity versus strike, my curiosity, and that's what makes these conversations and society so amazing is because we're not all triggered by the same things, you know.

[3:42] VL: Yes, absolutely I've definitely felt those like polls in those callings and they feel so out of alignment with what I think I should be doing, and I feel like when you think you should be doing something like should is a swear word in my mind. Stop shoulding yourself is what I keep telling people and myself as well. But what I want to know is, when we feel that calling and when it's going against the norms of society or our family. What is it that we can do to really come back into our alignment of what works for us, and not conforming to just society or our family's ideas?

[4:23] DF: I think that is a perfect segway to start talking about core personal values, because those are your guiding principles and when you're not living in alignment with your values and what's important to you, you're gonna feel that resistance, and that shooting on yourself it's funny because I say the same thing I have a whole episode about not shitting on yourself.

I'm right there with you but I think that's when we get that resistance from really feeling like we're stepping into our own and living our truest version of ourselves is when we're going against our core personal values, and just to kind of give you a little background from my corporate life I attended you know multiple seminars and they were always talking about how these companies would have mission statements and core values you know integrity and customer service and all the things and I'm like, what about the people like why aren't they teaching the people how to, how to discover their own personal values because you know that's the basis of everything that we're doing is what's most important to us and it doesn't mean that you know you shun somebody for them having their values, they're just different and that's okay.

[5:41] VL: Yes, I definitely know what you're saying with kind of the big picture is great for the business but it's the people who make the business what it is. So, how do we discover our core values, how do we get that clarity on, on what our core values are?

DF: Yes, so I can provide you with a link to a guide that I have, but I'll walk you through briefly the three steps so I call it 1) Choose 2) Define and 3)Align. And so I have a list of about 100 common and I put that in air quotes common values that people would choose. And so I tell people to spend about three to five minutes, and just go with your gut, your first intuition circle, the words that stand out to you, the ones that you go I cannot imagine my life without that I need that in my life that's extremely important to me, and there's going to be overlap words you know like honesty and trust those are very similar. Right. 

And then the next step is where you combine those overlap words to really define your core values and I tell people to choose between three and five as their guiding principles when they're making decisions. And the cool thing is is you get to define it. So let's say, you know, creativity is a value of yours, I'm gonna have a different definition than you, which is cool. I love that part of it, and then the alignment piece is to start making small decisions based on those three to five values that you've defined for yourself. And once you start using those to make small decisions in your life, like, even your next vacation, which might not be a small decision to somebody, but let's just say a weekend getaway. Start using your core values to decide where you want to go. Who do you want to be with. Why do you want to go? And then once you start using it on those smaller decisions again air quotes, then you start to incorporate them into major decisions like, you know, quitting your job starting a business starting a podcast whatever those, those larger things in your life are.

[7:52] VL: I really, I've never really heard about it in those three steps but I like how you've broken them down. I've definitely seen those lists I know that I've I've I've had those resources on my, my pages and my podcasts as well with this is like a variety of words you can choose, but it's also important to you know to pull from outside of the box write what feels good for us and leaning into that, that feel good feeling.

And then it's true, right because defining creativity for you is definitely going to be different for me and not something that I actually learned this year, one of my core values is adventure. And I'd like to travel and traveling has changed a little bit.

So, instead of you know these big trips or I'm on a plane and I'm leaving the country or the province. I've tried different things in like a local area so my partner and I went through top tracking which I've never done before I don't know if you've dropped it on this, but it's basically like zip lining and tree climbing and rock climbing, and it's like an obstacle course, it was so much fun. And it was like an afternoon that we spent together the two of us. It was tons of adventure tons of laughs like exercise activity all the things, and it was great. 

So I think the definite like the defining piece to those three steps is so important because it also helps us see where we can align, like you said, the core values into our lives and I really like how you said, using not to make smaller decisions, because it is kind of closer to the new year and we're starting to think about goals and resolutions and part of me just wants to like, shake it off if someone says like what are your New Year's resolutions because what even our new year's resolutions, I think we should start a new trend of redefining our core values at the beginning of every year and then aligning them in our daily lives. I feel like we just started something brand new. 

[10:00] DF: We did, and not we should we're going to are going to you cannot meet. And you know I'm gonna I'm gonna circle back real quick on your adventure because I also have adventure, as a core value of mine, which isn't surprising that that's common, you know, for us, but I define it as soaking in wherever you're at so whether that's nature its architecture its food and sitting in the chaos, or sitting in the stillness like all of that is adventure to me and to give you a real life example of how I incorporate adventure into my daily routine. If I have a longer commute than normal.

You know to go see a client or something. I'll pop into a new coffee shop on my way, I'll take a different route than I normally would take I'll stop at, you know a place for a smoothie and just sit there for 20 minutes without my phone and just enjoy everything. And so, to give the listener you know a tangible thing that they can think about themselves is those adventure isn't these big grand, you know airplane trips to another country like you were just mentioning sometimes they are you know smaller adventures with whatever society right now allows us to do so. I'm glad that you mentioned that. And yes, let's talk about this fresh start for the new year with defining the values.

So yeah, I think it's I think it's extremely important to do it every year I actually do I reevaluate my reevaluate mine twice a year. Personally, and I've had the same. I've had three core values, the same for five years, And I've revolved in if that's the right word to say two different ones each time I redo them.

[11:57] VL: That's really cool and I think it's important for people to remember that the core values can change. I know when I first started learning about them I'm like, Well, now my core values are this, but then, last year my core values were this and remember we're humans we're always growing we're always changing, we're always learning, and as we expand our core values are going to expand and change, and we'll, they will re evolve and evolve.

That's really cool and I think it's important for people to remember that the core values can change. I know when I first started learning about them I'm like, Well, now my core values are this, but then, last year my core values were this and remember we're humans we're always growing we're always changing, we're always learning, and as we expand our core values are going to expand and change, and we'll, they will re evolve and evolve.

[12:53] DF: That's a really good question. I don't think I've ever been asked that question and it's it's challenging for me to answer because I know it internally, so I'm going to try to explain it the best way that I can is, I feel like your intuition, are you follows your value system, and you have this guide with you, 24 seven right which is your intuition following your value system and as you mentioned they changed. So, so two habits, as we evolve and we grow. Um, so I think for me, having my values, multiple places throughout my house and just kind of reiterating them throughout the day, helps me keep those habits. So again I'm, I'm a real life example kind of person so personal development is a core value of mine. Now every single morning, I make sure that I do something that is expanding my brain. Now, I've just, I just completed 60 days of meditation five minutes every morning I never thought I would ever call myself a meditator right and here I am, I feel like an expert now.

But that was a habit that I decided to create for my own personal growth and personal development. So, just having that in the forefront of my brain, as I'm going through my day, really helps my habits form to those values, which again are my intuition my intuition told me try this meditation thing again Deanna you haven't been able to do it your practice is kind of sucking. Just try this and so I listened right I listened to that whisper because I quieted all the outside noise. Does that answer the question I know it's kind of a long winded answer.

VL: Yeah, I think that was great I think it was a really great example as well because we're, we're tapping into. Okay. What does that feel good spot where is my intuition leading me, and when you said personal development, I thought of something very different. My intuition took me into reading and books and following those mentors that I always think about. And it's funny because about, I think last year I was really into and very consistent with reading for a long time I would also do podcasts, and then at one point, I just felt like I needed to put the books down, and I needed to stop absorbing that information of what other people were saying, and start taking action for myself. And I actually haven't read. I don't think I've read a book this year. No, that's not true. I don't think I read personal development book this year, which is crazy for me because that would have been. But again, it's not changed for me, and a saturating example of how we can tap into our intuition for people who have a little bit more of like a monkey mind or a little bit restless. What are some other ways that we can tap into our intuition?

[15:58] That is so that's such a good question too because I am the monkey mind I don't know if you're familiar with the inia Graham but I'm a, I'm a seven, which is the enthusiast and it's like, I am on to the next best thing. You know the second my mind can go that way. And so yeah, other ways to calm that monkey mind, I have found journaling is huge. And I'll do a brain dump. Every morning, every single morning I get out whatever was on my mind from that night before. I'll even do like to do list my journaling. I'm not strict on it I just journal. And so that one's big you set aside for meditation. I find that I am able to do walking meditation.

And I don't even know if, if I would call it, meditation, but just getting out in the fresh air and depending on where you live what part of the country or what country you're in. I live in Arizona. So, we have pretty good weather all year round but if I'm just in one of those news I just can't calm my mind, I just go step outside even if I just sit in the sun on my back patio for 10 minutes and just like chill out and I think that's another thing with society and the society norms, it's like if you're not go go go. You're falling behind. You're stagnant. Right. But the more time I give myself to chill to hit the reset and to relax and take time for myself, the more productive I become, and the less monkey mind I am so it's like it's so opposite of what you would think right.

[17:39] VL:It is a little bit especially because we're told about, you know, you have to go You have to be busy like people were busy like a badge. And when I catch myself replying to somebody says hey how's it going, what are you been up to. I and I catch myself saying, I'm so busy, like and I really am very busy, but people are like oh well that's good and I always, I stopped that right then and there is a no it's not really good. I don't like being this busy productive obviously is amazing, but I know that when I'm telling people that like oh I'm really busy or I see my calendar is just like back to back to back. I know that I'm not scheduling in that that reset that self care, those daily habits that help me, align so that I can be a better person so that I can enter my zone of genius so that I can get hold of the things done. And I feel like those are little cues and information from our body, because intuition, for me anyway, isn't just sitting and breathing or walking and feeling calm because I do also have a monkey mind. Sometimes it's just like, really interrupting the day to day, dizziness, right, whether it's like a midday bath, which I think we're going to have today, or a midday walk if you're not someone who is doing that.

Just little things that interrupt that daily habit and then also the noise of other things going on like stop the scroll. You know what I mean?

[19:00] DF: Yeah it is finding that noise and I, I say it's not necessarily the outside voices, it's our internal voices and I think that's my biggest takeaway I just recorded an episode on this on my 60 days that five minutes of meditation which some people might sound so silly but I'm so proud of it like knowing my monkey mind can do it. What I found is that I'm able to stop myself in the middle of a repetitive negative thought. And that to me was like, Whoa, that's what they're all these gurus these meditation gurus are talking about when they say stay in the present moment it's recognizing that thought. And having the the bandwidth to to shift, and to think of something different and saying to yourself like is this serving me, is this going to benefit my relationship, my, you know, professional endeavor whatever it is that you're thinking about And if the answer is like no this isn't benefiting me it's not positive, then you have the ability to change it and I think that that that's just so huge and powerful, but it goes back to what's important to you. Right, it all goes back to those values and. And why do you want to do this and I want to I want to bring something up real quick while it while I'm still on this value thing, you know, going back to like, I don't want to say I don't value my family, because it might sound bad but value family is not a value of mine, but it is for a lot of people that I talked to. So in the morning, if that is a value of yours to circle back how you can like add this to your, your daily routine.

Get up 1015 minutes earlier, wake your kids up 1015 minutes earlier and have breakfast with them. Ask them what they're most excited about for the day. Right. So those are the little things that people aren't really necessarily thinking about they're like, I value my family that means I'm going to work really really freaking hard for my family and to provide and to do all these things and it's like, just back it up a little bit. So as you start this new year and you're laying your foundation just think of things like that like your morning is how you're setting your entire day, which is setting your week and your months and on and on so yeah like figure out what those values are and then start using them on the daily.

[21:37] VL: I love that you, you said foundation because, really, this is an opportunity for us to live out this new year with our core values as that foundation and allowing us to really simplify that, especially in the beginning, especially if this is new to to anyone listening and it's like oh core values I never really thought of this before, or how to implement it.

I would say for myself I want to practice, I'm going to practice this for this new year is that I'm going to lay out my core values. I'm going to create the little daily habits to align with them, but I also want to reevaluate that what's working, what's not working, maybe a couple months in three months in every quarter just kind of like you said you do it twice a year. I wouldn't mind like adding to that habit or stacking the habit. With this new, but this foundation of what I've defined as my adventure, my family, my whatever the habit or the core value is part of me. I love that and congratulations for doing 60 days, non stop of meditation. That is huge.

DF: It really is. Thank you for not for not letting me discount that, because it is it was a big deal for me, because I yeah I've tried for four years I've had insight timer on my phone for probably two or three years and I've used it. 50 times maybe and just haven't been able to stay consistent so yeah yeah that was a big deal and I want to touch on, on, I think I mentioned earlier that I have my values like everywhere I have them plastered everywhere. What I mean by that is like my phone my desktop my laptop, you know my fridge. But I'm glad you said what you just said because even taking one value, a week, let's say, so you get your three to five whatever it is if you have seven that's cool too. Not a big deal, but taking one, and that entire week, focusing on one thing, a day that you're going to incorporate that value into your life.

And do I mean you could do a month of personal development, you could do a day of adventure like whatever is gonna work for you. But experiment that's what's fun about it is it's like it's your definition is your value and you get to incorporate it however you want.

VL: You know, I think that is so great. I'm so glad that you mentioned that and I do have a question about your, your meditation because you said you've tried it several times, what do you think changed. This time, that you were able to stick with it for 60 days?

[24:17] DF: That is a great question. You are so good at this. You are so good at these questions, which is why you're a podcast host. So I got rid of all the pressure. I didn't intend to do it for 60 days. My friend was doing it within site timer with this five minute feature that you could do with three minutes, five minutes whatever you could set the time. And she had done it for 30 days and I thought, huh. I'm just going to do it for seven, because I know myself, I know if I put so much pressure and I tried doing this 30 days. It just feels so restrictive that I give up at day five and I'm like I can't do it. You know I've done that so many times on various things like I can't even tell you. And, yeah, once I let go of the. Alright, I stopped putting the pressure on myself, I should say, is when seven days turned into 14 and I was like oh, I'll just go another seven. So I broke it down into smaller increments.

[25:18] VL: That's so helpful and we're starting to implement an align these core values. What do you think would be some other kind of roadblocks or limiting beliefs or things like that that would hold us back, how can we can we overcome those and we're aligning our core values?

DF: worrying about what other people are gonna think that's a huge one. And if you're listening, and you're thinking already like, oh, what if I put this one thing as my value what's my family gonna think or my co workers or whatever and it's like, the more you show up for yourself and understand what is driving your decisions, big and small, the better you're going to be for those people in your life. So I think that's a major roadblock that people have because I before COVID I would host workshops on exactly what we're talking about is defining and aligning the values. And that was one question like I would give is like, or they would talk about their husband or their significant other like sure I like this or I value this but they don't like that's why they're personal to you, and I recommend people do them for themselves. This guy. You do it your significant other does it, and then you see where there's overlap. And that's what my boyfriend and I did we realize we have so many differences, but we have one that is super important to us and it's an adventure. So that's one roadblock that people have another roadblock is, like you said, I think, is people overcomplicate it, it's like simplify it, you know, um, and I think the guide will really help because I talk about how to use overlap words, there's a lot of people like oh I have like these 20 words and they're also similar What do I do and it's like, pick one. Just pick one and define it, and you can change it in a week if it doesn't feel good. Like you keep going back to that feeling right. It doesn't feel good in a week. You can change it, it's your value that's totally fine.

VL: Yeah, those are really good I'm glad that you mentioned the worrying about what other people think, too, because a lot of the times when we start something new that really lights us up and is in alignment with what feels good for us, what we're actually doing is giving other people permission to do the same. And more often than not, they're inspired by what we're doing, versus threatened by it, or confused by it, or a little bit, they usually people don't think that we're radical for bettering ourselves. I mean, obviously, not everyone is in the same alignment or doesn't have the same core values but it also doesn't have to be a very extreme habit or a very extreme new way that we're living at our lifestyles, it could be like journaling, that's a really private thing that, you know, you're taking your time to journal, no one has to read your journal if you don't want them to. It doesn't have to be like everyone isn't around in the circle journaling together. That's a huge thing. It's a private thing for you to do so. But I think those points are really good because there are so many things in our mind that could hold us back. I know that I like to complicate things for sure. 60 days? Let's do it for a year.

[28:38] DF:Exactly, exactly what I'm talking about I mean you hit the nail on the head, and I in that guide that I'm going to provide the link for and you'll you'll add to the show notes, I'm sure.

I talked about the feelings that you're tying to these values and so, just to touch on that real quick.

I like to, I like to have people think of something that made them mad recently like what pissed you off what frustrated you and where did you feel it in your body, did your shoulders get tired your stomach get a knock your face was all heated up, and then opposite to that, what happened when your husband unloaded the dishwasher without a us gain I mean it's something seems so small, but you felt so good. Where did you feel that you felt light right like your shoulders became less tense your stomach felt good you just felt good. And so as you're going through defining your core values. That's what I want people to tie those values to when I say like imagine your life without this theme, like take adventure away we all kind of had that taken away from us during the beginning of COVID, we found ways to get creative. Right. But if you imagine your life without that theme like, what does that make you feel like and where do you feel that in your body, and then that again going back to using this on the daily on a daily basis is you're trying to get away from the things that make you feel crappy and move towards the things that make you feel good, and that to me is pretty quite the alignment.

[30:16] VL: Yeah, absolutely. Our bodies are really incredible things where they're constantly communicating with us they're constantly giving us information about what's good, what's not good for us. And I feel like when we're so caught up in the mind and we're so caught up, especially the monkey minds. We lose touch with that physical with those physical signals that we're getting all the time. All the time. So I really yeah I'm really glad you said that and I will link the guide. And, as well as your information in the show notes page, which is available at Valerie levine.com forward slash Deanna EAA and so it's really easy to find, for your listeners today. Speaking of finding you. Where can we find you. Where can we follow you, how can we support your business.

[31:07] DF: Thank you. Well, I am most active on Instagram, gave a Facebook of the beginning of 2020, because it was just too much to try to keep, keep track of it all so add lean into curiosity is my handle for Instagram, that's also my podcast. So on there, on my bio there is a link to my website as well. So, one stop shop Instagrams usually the best place.


[31:33] VL: Amazing. We will include that link too. I feel like today was such a great episode I feel like the entire thing was a one big juicy nugget. It's like one of those. One of those that nesting dolls called. I feel like we opened one juicy nugget. And then the next and then the next and you just keep opening it and it's all these little takeaways.

I feel like we can start, we can start anywhere, especially with just choosing those three to five core values and getting started with this new year. Fresh Start which I feel like everyone needs.

DF: I said that to somebody the other day I was like, Ah, you know we're all looking forward to New Year's like yeah well we were all looking forward to 2022, I was like, stop it. Don't say that.

VL: Just cover your ears La la la la. Oh my god. But you know what, that just I feel like it just brings us back into the present more and more. When we don't over plan or overthink or overlook into too much of the future, when we focus on our core values, but they're going to align us to where we need to be because we're getting into that zone of genius we're getting into our feel good spot and things just open up from there. So, this is a this is a great way to start this new adventure, we'll call it. 

[32:53] DF: Yes. And, and by understanding your values, too, and living in alignment with them you're going to attract the right people at the right time for the right reasons. And that's been my motto through all of this cluster we've all been going through together it's just, okay, this is, this is happening. And everything is happening the way that it's supposed to happen.


1. What are you currently reading? OR Favourite book?

Danielle Laporte - Desire Map

2. What do you love most about being a woman?

I love having a cycle that I can follow and understanding what's happening to my hormones throughout my cycle, and using that to my advantage, there's times where you're more productive. Because your estrogen is higher, there's times where you're more internal because your estrogen is lower, and I have been obsessed with thinking my cycle for three years now, and I think. Yeah, having the emotions I feel like sometimes as women we're like, taught to kind of push them down and really leaning into those emotions is huge. So, I have a weird answer.

3. What does “empowerment” mean to you?

Giving people, and yourself permission to be authentic.

4. What are you currently working toward?

I am working towards. Six Figure business with multiple revenue streams. And so I recently I think we met, I mentioned this before we hit record I have a podcast management company, and I'm an a consultant and I have the podcast myself. And so I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket and so that's what I'm working towards I'm working towards really being creative and everything that I do and having these multiple pieces and then tying them all together, I just that excites me.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E110: Q&A: Healthy Habits

E110: Q&A: Healthy Habits

[00:29] Hello welcome back to the women’s empowerment podcast! This is our final episode of 2020 and what a year it has been!!!

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Last week we celebrated the year with our Women’s Empowerment Holiday Party and we counted down the top 5 episodes of the year. If you haven’t already listened to that episode, head over to WWW.VALERIELEAVINGELIFE.COM/109 so you can join in on the holiday fun!

Episode #109: Holiday Party: 2020 Countdown! www.valerielavignelife.com/109

Today’s episode is a Q&A Special! Every 10 episodes I answer 10 questions all about a specific topic, and our theme this round is Healthy Habits. Which is the perfect segway to the sponsor of this episode!

This podcast episode is brought to you by my Healthy Habits workshop! I created these monthly workshops so that you could feel connected, and supported with creating your healthy habits, rituals, and lifestyle routines. In the virtual group setting you will be able to learn about the healthy habit theme of the month, as well as ask questions specific to your own needs and journey.

The workshops are here to help you go from overwhelmed and confused about habit-building, healthy lifestyle, and essential oils, and give you clarity and confidence with finding a routine that works best for you.

To join the new Healthy Habit workshop, go to WWW.VALERIELAVIGNELIFE.COM/WORKSHOP and sign up today!

This past workshop was all about Rituals & Transitions and it was such a success with the group of women that showed up and participated. They also had some great questions, which I know listeners of the podcast are also asking! 

[2:18] Let’s start with Kaylie, she asked:

#1. How can we recognize when a healthy habit is no longer serving us? When can we know it’s time to move on vs just not feeling motivated?

This is a great question!

It’s possible that the habits we’ve built will no longer serve us, because circumstances change, relationships change, we change. I mean, take this year for example… BIG CHANGES!

The question to ask ourselves is: are my habits bringing me closer to my current goals or halting my growth? This is why we always start with our intention, and we build out our habits around that intention.

Not all habits are good, or healthy, and when our goals change, so do our behaviours. You’ll want to reevaluate your goals and daily behaviours to see if they are in alignment.

Kaylie also asked.. 

[3:14] #2. How do we prevent feeling guilty/bad/lazy if we miss our habits?

I have three answers and they’re sprinkled with a bit of tough love. You ready?

Firstly: Let it go. Missing a habit happens. It’s okay. Habits are easy to do, and they are a lot easier NOT to do. We all miss a day sometimes, but feeling guilty or bad or lazy doesn’t bring you closer to your goals. It actually does the opposite. 

Secondly: Take a break. Maybe your body needs to rest? Perhaps you needed to feel what it was like to NOT do it, so that you remember why you are doing it in the first place? Realign with your intention.

Thirdly: Ask yourself: is this habit helping me or hurting me? Consider what or why you’re feeling unmotivated and not doing the work? Is your habit too complicated? Is it at the wrong time of day? Is not not serving your bigger soul goals? If it’s not helping you, it might be hurting you. On the other hand, there might be something you need to do BEFORE implementing this habit you’re struggling to keep consistent with. It’s an opportunity for investigation.

Sonia had a really common question....

[4:34] #3 I’m looking for a healthy habit when it comes to eating more whole foods, but not actually having to prepare, cook, steam, whole foods. Implementing small habits here and there to eat better. 

I had a chuckle at this question because I know Sonia, and SHE knows the answer I’m going to give her. I know she knows this because she is a coach and this is literally what we teach. 

How many times have we wanted something in life but we didn’t want to put in the work? Honestly I couldn’t even tell you because TBH I’ve lost count.

This question leads me to simplify the habit as much as possible. HEALTHY CAN BE SIMPLE. I feel like I need this printed on a t-shirt. Honestllllly! There are meal subscription services, pre-made juices and smoothies, opportunities to hire chefs or someone to prep you some meals that you can freeze. There are a lot of services out there.

If you’re not interested in investing in these services well… Sonia actually answered her own question in her actual question, when she said, “implementing small habits here and there to eat better.” 

Start small! Maybe it’s drinking more water, or incorporating more vegetables. Perhaps it’s making balanced lunches or dinners twice a week. Make it simple and keep it simple!

Craig and I make breakfast smoothies every night. We both get up pretty early and are out the door early so we make smoothies the night before for a quick grab and go breakfast.

We actually started with lunches and now we do smoothies AND lunches. In the beginning if you told me I had to make 2 lunches and 2 smoothies every night with dinner I would be overwhelmed and crumble. Now we have a flow and it makes sense. We cook lunch and dinner together. Sometimes dinner is also the next day’s lunch = yay for leftovers.

While dinner is cooking we make salads and smoothies. When we clean up the dinner mess, we pack up the lunch food. Done and done.

Heather’s question is next:

[7:39] #4 How to find balance between not pushing myself too hard (which I always do aka ignore my body) and balance staying motivated and fairly consistent with something like workouts?

Right now I’m loving small goals, and it’s really working for me so maybe that’s me answering myself lol but I’m sure there’s others like me where it’s all or nothing instead of listening to your body and adjusting your expectations that day.

Struggling with the extremes of GO ALL OUT, VS DO NOTHING.

Did you hear the answer to the question too?? She had some great creative solutions which were:

  1. Small goals. How do you climb a mountain friends? ONE STEP AT A TIME.

  2. Listening to your body. You know your body better than anyone else. You will know if your body needs a break or if your body is avoiding change or it’s scared.

  3. Adjusting your expectations. BINGO. We aim for big goals, and that is amazing. I promise you that is so great. It’s even better if we actually get there, and I’ll tell you right now success doesn’t happen overnight. Which is why we are talking about the SMALL, SEEMINGLY INSIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOURS WE DO EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT LEAD US TO OUR GOALS. 

With this struggle, I believe it’s important to remember that just like the entire planet Earth, our bodies and our lives also have seasons and cycles. There are going to be days and weeks we want to go hard, and there are going to be days and weeks where we want to go home.

Yes, listening to your body is a big part of this, but so is setting realistic goals. Realistic for YOU and your lifestyle and your schedule.

[9:43] Question #5 is from CANDICE: Do you have a couple different morning rituals? Like say you have endless time, then you do your mega am ritual, if you’re running late, than you have like one or two ritual items that are non negotiable? If so, what are your non negotiable rituals? 

I do! Coffee is pretty much the main non negotiable, as well as essential oils. However it is a very specific coffee ritual that I do every morning that makes it so important to me. 

Val’s morning coffee ritual:

Mug + enhanced collagen powder + oat milk + nespresso + “ritual” spoon
Add powder to mug, pour milk to frother, add pod to coffee machine. Press two buttons to start.

As the coffee is pouring, stir the powder into the coffee counter clockwise removing staleness, stagnation and bad vibes from my aura and energy.

Once the coffee is poured, add in the frothy oat milk, stir clockwise 3 times, stirring in the intention for the day and seal with a pentagram.

As I drink the coffee, drink in the intentions for the day.

In regards to the oils, I gravitate to different blends depending on what my body intuitively needs. Once I choose my oil or oil blend I can then use it accordingly. For example if I want to feel more steady or centred, I will grab balance blend and place a drop on the soles of my feet.

If I need an energetic pick-me-up I reach for my peppermint roller and apply it to my temples and the back of my neck.

If I want deeper, fuller breaths, I use breathe/easy air on my chest and forearms.

There are some other pieces of my ritual that come and go, depending on the season ;) 

[12:15] Candice also asked, or I guess said because it isn’t structured in a question (#6): Not making play worthy, or not allowing time for fun and feeling guilty when I’m not getting work done. I tell myself that the thing that is fun and brings me joy isn’t important enough/productive enough.

I have most definitely experienced this feeling before. And here is what I told Candice, and what I tell myself when I get caught up in this limiting mindset: YOU GET TO CHOOSE WHAT’S IMPORTANT TO YOU.

For me, I believe that life must be lived as play. Life can be fun and exciting IF we prioritize these things. Honestly, my day goes by quicker, the tasks get done with more love when I invite play. I am more creative, more open, more helpful when I incorporate play into my life.

Let’s go back to the intentions we talked about. What is the goal? How do we want to feel? What sort of activities and experiences and things bring us to our feelings words? Think of the past when you’ve felt this way before, what were you doing? Who were you with? Now think about how you can experience those same feelings again. 

I can almost guarantee that being productive isn’t the feeling word we immediately thought of - and disclaimer if it was for you that’s okay too. There are days where my intention is to be productive; but this isn’t the feeling that I aim for. 

It’s okay to take some pressure off of ourselves, and actually enjoy!

[14:58] Question #7 is from Tammy, she says: I would love to create and stick with a more productive morning ritual, both personally and professionally! Adding into the current morning ritual (walk + lemon water… now we want to add stretching + meditation as well)

Habit stacking is one of my favourite things to teach because it’s one of the most effective ways to create and stick with healthy habits. Habit stacking is the concept of adding in one behaviour, letting it become a habit and then stack or add another habit to that first behaviour, and so on and so forth.

This method is PERFECT for things like morning routines, or evening rituals or healthy eating. It’s really perfect for any habit building haha 

One of the best ways to start is to take a look at the habits you already have and decide which one(s) you want to add onto. We can use Tammy as the example because she has her morning ritual which is her walk and lemon water and now she and her husband want to add stretching and meditation. My suggestion to Tammy was to choose ONE of those to add in next. They both take time and we can’t always add into two things in the beginning especially if they were both very time consuming. 

So Tammy has several options and one of them is to get up earlier to mediate, or cut the walk shorter to stretch. What else could Tammy do? She could start with really short and sweet meditations: 1 minute to start. Everyone has one or even three minutes that they can take out of their morning to meditate. 

They key here is to start simple and stack. Another great tip for habit stacking is to add to what you’re already doing. This is what I did with my coffee ritual. I wanted to be more intentional, that was an important goal. Meditation wasn’t working for me in the mornings, but I knew I wanted to start my day with intention, which is how and why I created that morning coffee time. I was already preparing the beverage, now I was upgrading the habit to help me with my goals.

[17:46] (#8) Our eighth question was inspired by Steph. We got into talking about motivation and how it changes. We also got into the topic of self love and self kindness.

Remember that starting something new can be scary, and tough, and overwhelming, and a challenge. Especially in the beginning when we’re figuring it all out. This is part of the journey. This is part of the whole process. This is part of the MAGIC! 

What are some things that motivate YOU? Is it a sticker on a calendar every day? Is it an inspirational quote as your phone wallpaper? Is it having an accountability buddy? Is it sharing your goal socially so that other people can cheer you on and watch you grow/glow??

Incorporate those things into your habit journey. Make them a part of your success and your tracking and accountability. 

Also, be kind to yourself: ALWAYS! You are making positive changes, big moves forward, and you have already taken a step closer to your goals just by listening to this episode. By taking the time to learn more about how you can succeed! Pat yourself on the back!!!

[19:00] Question #9 is also from Kaylie who shared that she struggles with transitioning from one-activity-to-the-next. How can we master and have these transitions in our everyday life?

You have to decide what works best for you, sometimes that means testing different suggestions out, so here are a few to try:

Time-Blocking: This is a great way to schedule your time and be intentional with your calendar and tasks. I do this every single week. Typically on a Sunday Night, sometimes it’s the night before. When I schedule something into my calendar it almost always gets done.

One of the other suggestions from our workshop was to create a [Cleaning] Ritual between tasks/sessions: For example in between calls or emails you have a specific ritual that helps you transition into the next message. Cleaning was the suggestion because if we are seeing clients or patients we clean after and prep before each client. I know some people who have a ritual walking under a doorway to reset. Sometimes I take an extra minute in my car before coming into the house after being at the studio all day with lots of people.

Pre-planning and organizing your week is similar to time blocking. You can do this in a way that you’re breaking up your to-do list into each day of the week. A lot of the time I will write out all of the things I have to do, and then prioritize them and/or add them to the to-do list for Monday or for Thursday.

It’s important to notice how many tasks you’re actually putting into your calendar. My rule is 3-5 tasks a day.

Yes… I have been doing quite a few things lately, and because I time block and meal prep and do EXTRA pre-planning a lot of this is possible. However it isn’t sustainable and I know this, so I don’t make my to-do list extra long. It’s not a badge of honour that’s for sure.

When you’re trying to figure out what works best for you, look at where the transition is a struggle. Is it while you’re in a creative zone of genius, is it because you are switching tasks often? When you find the leaks in your day, the holes in the calendar, THEN you can begin to mend and master transitions.

Also check out a previous episode of the show called Mastering Transitions: www.valerielavignelife.com/07

[22:43] Our last question is actually by me! (#10) When I’m working with clients in small groups or one-on-one we spend time discovering and overcoming excuses that hold you back from getting your goals done, or doing your habits; and then begin to build out your action plan. The question I always ask is: What needs to get done BEFORE your habit? Are there any foreseeable obstacles that could hold you back from doing the habit/do the feeling?

However I am not sharing the answer to this question on the show. Instead I want YOU to answer this question for yourself and your own goals. 

What needs to get done before you start this new habit?

What are the foreseeable obstacles?

How will you overcome them?

Okay so it’s a 3-part question, but I BELIEVE in you!

Share with me, chat with me, let’s connect on instagram! Find me @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Health & WellnessVal LaVigne
E109: Holiday Party! Best of 2020

E109: Holiday Party! Best of 2020

Hello, welcome back to the women’s empowerment podcast! Today we are having our holiday party!!! And by we I mean me, myself and I hahaha But how cool would it be if we could bring back a few of the guests from 2020 to celebrate the year together? Perhaps next year we can have a collaborative show! Or maybe some of the listeners can pop into the episode! I would love that too!!

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This is our second holiday party and there are a few traditions that we’re going to continue on for the show.

The first is that I always have a holiday beverage when I record. Last year I was drinking a festive kombucha I made. I’m going to link to that episode for you because there are a few tasty recipes I shared.

This year I am drinking a Mistletoe Margarita, and I thought that I made this up but then I realized that other people had this idea too. Here’s the recipe…

Last year’s recipes


⅓ Cup Cranberry Juice
2 oz Tequila 
½ oz Lime Juice
1 cup Cubed Ice (more as needed)
Sugared cranberries and fresh mint leaves for garnish 

I like mine on the rocks, but you can blend yours if you like.

  1. Rim the glass using a lime and ground himalyan salt (can also use kosher salt, some like to mix with sugar but I like it salty)

  2. Blended: Pour all ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth

  3. On the Rocks: Add ingredients into a cocktail shaker, shake a few times

  4. Pour into glass and garnish

  5. Drink up! 

Hopefully you’re listening and joining me with a drink. Maybe a morning coffee, or post workout protein shake. Wherever you are, and whatever you’re drinking… Cheers!

[3:06] Now we don’t just drink on this episode… no no no! We also count down the top 5 episodes of the show this year. So let’s start with the fifth most popular episode [5] Episode 94: Natural Tools for Healthy Habits.

This is a great episode! It’s full of helpful tools, additional resources, AND I’m currently updating the freebie to this episode along with the rest of my website which you will all be able to see very soon! Seriously can’t wait for that.

In this episode I share dōTERRA’s Healthy Habit Collection and how to use the products in the kit. From essential oils to quality supplements, I go through each one. I also give you a list of previous episodes that are all about essential oils and how to incorporate them into your lifestyle.

As you probably already know I love oils SO MUCH, and use them daily! On instagram I share a daily diffuser blend, you can find me @vallavignelife 

Today’s diffuser blend is called

“Santa’s Workshop” 
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Cypress
2 drops dōTERRA’s Holiday Joy blend

A few more diffuser blend recipes:

“O Christmas Tree”
2 drops Siberian FIr
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Cinnamon Bark

“Winter Wonderland”
3 drops Peppermint 
2 drops Bergamot
1 drop Cypress

[4:58] The fourth most popular episode of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast is actually a bonus episode with one of the special guests from the show. I was totally blown away by this episode and absolutely loved chatting with and learning from this guest. The episode was... [4] BONUS: The Power of Positivity & Building Social Engagement with Ingrid Deon!

Ingrid is such an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge on social media marketing. I met Ingrid this year in a virtual coworking community with Toronto’s Co-Working Space MAKE LEMONADE. We got to know each other through this community and she was one of the first people from this network to apply for a spot on my show and I’m so glad she did.

Okay, and the beginning of this episode I mentioned how cool I thought it would be to have a collective of people at this holiday party, so I decided to try the next best thing and I reached out to Ingrid to see if she could share her TOP 3 SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS for going into 2021! Here’s what she shared…

TIP #1: Make Use of the Available Features that Exist with Social Media

TIP #2: Humanize Your Company

TIP #3: If You’re Not Using LinkedIn Yet - DO IT!

More about Ingrid + Women’s Empowerment Podcast:

[11:38] Okay the third most popular episode of the year is [3] Episode 102: Choosing Courage Over Fear with Tasha Romanelli. Tasha and I also met through MAKE LEMONADE and we kept virtually crossing paths in different workshops and zoom calls over the spring. Then somehow we found out that we lived only 15-ish minutes away from each other and decided to meet for walks. There are some nice paths and trails near where I live and she brought her dog Mala and we would walk for an hour and talk. A few times I said that our conversations would be amazing for the show and it’s too bad we didn’t record them! 

However, we did eventually record an episode together and it was OMazing as Tasha would say! Now if there is one thing I can tell you about Tasha, it’s that she is a FORCE. She is this beaming light of love, kindness, and spiritual power! 

She shows up very authentically in this episode and brings some really powerful and practical tools for choosing courage over fear, and letting your freak out!

I also reached out to Tasha and asked her if she could share a New Year’s Eve Ritual with us. Here’s what she shared…


#1 Create a Personal Totem 

#2 Create a Dream PIllow

#3 Create a Vision Board


[20:53] Now the second most popular episode came as a BIT of a surprise for me, but it’s absolutely perfect. It’s [2] Episode 92: An Action Plan for How to Be a Morning Person. I shouldn’t be THAT surprised because I get this question a lot and it’s one of the reasons why I created this episode in the first place. 

Now I really broke things down in this episode. I share the incredible benefits of waking up early. Then I go into detail of how to make it real for you. This includes the DO’s and DON’Ts of your alarm clock, and how to take advantage of all your extra time.

This episode also includes a lot of hot tips so that you can be successful in creating a morning routine, and I walk you through the step-by-step process of making an action plan.

Okay, so it’s a pretty value-packed episode… it’s no wonder it’s the second most popular episode this year! If being a morning person is something you’re working toward then I highly recommend starting with this episode. If you’re ready to go deeper with your morning routines, I’d like to invite you into my upcoming Healthy Habit Workshop: Morning Routines on Wednesday February 3rd, 2021.

You can find the details for this online workshop at WWW.VALERIELAVIGNELIFE.COM/WORKSHOP My goal for you for this workshop is to support you with getting clear and creating an action plan for your morning routine. It’s a virtual group workshop where I will teach you the best ways to build your mornings, plus there’s an opportunity at the end of the workshop to ask questions and get more support that is specific to your goal(s).

If you’re listening to this workshop past the workshop date, no worries! I am hosting healthy habits workshops on the first wednesday every month for 2021 and each month has a new topic! I hope to see you there! You can visit the show notes page to learn more at the workshops page at WWW.VALERIELAVIGNELIFE.COM/WORKSHOP

Now last year I had a list of 21 questions that I wanted to answer every year as a time capsule memory for fun, but this year I’ve decided that it’s not really beneficial to the show. So I will most definitely be doing the 21 questions in my own journaling practice, and they’re very interesting, especially if you’re looking back on them, so I will share the 21 questions with you this year in the show notes page. They are fun, personality-quiz type of questions and it’s pretty interesting to re-listen, or re-read to your own advice sometimes. 

www.valerielavignelife.com/59 < List of Questions

[24:26] And now… our top episode of 2020 was… [1] Episode 81: 5 Tips for Positive Self-Talk this episode was published in the late spring of this year. To be honest, I’m not entirely surprised by this. We’ve all had a HUGE year and this episode more than ever is so flippin important.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E108: 8 Questions to You MUST Ask Before Planning 2021

E108: 8 Questions to You MUST Ask Before Planning 2021

Going through eight important questions we need to be asking before making any decisions to plan for the new year. We’re breaking down what worked, and what didn’t to make for a more successful 2021!

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[00:25] Hey there, welcome back to the Women’s Empowerment Podcast! It’s been a whole year since we had our business ritual: end of year review episode and I’m not even really sure how to even describe this last year for myself - I’m sure you can relate - as we all can: 2020 was a bit of a shit show.

Nonetheless! We can still complete our End of Year Review and this year I have eight questions to help prepare you for the upcoming year.

Now last year I took you through a very thorough business ritual.
Episode #57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review

This is a three part ritual that takes you deep into your business analytics and really helps you create the plan for the following year. It’s a very specific ritual that I use and I highly recommend, especially if you’re looking at growing and evolving your business, as well as creating a clear business strategy. It’s so great if you started something new this year and you want to really understand how it performed with your audience. Or if you’re looking for the next step and you aren’t sure what that is, it will help you better understand where to put your energy moving forward.

It does take some time, so please give yourself the proper day to do the work and really set yourself up for success. It’s worth it.

Today’s episode is more of a basic - yet important - piece to the full ritual. It’s all about eight key questions to ask yourself before planning the new year. These questions are not in last year’s ritual, but they are essentially the summary of the deeper more specific questions.

With that being said, you can ask these eight questions about your business as a whole, and/or you can ask these questions for each part of your business.

For example, for myself, I have multiple streams of income and I produce different things for each of these income streams. I can then ask the same eight questions for each income stream and I will better understand each section of my business. This can help me strategize each of the areas.

Okay, let’s get to the questions shall we!?


What business mindset practice has been working for you so far?

I love this question because the answer usually jumps out at you really fast. And sometimes that answer is: “I don’t have a mindset practice.” Which means your starting point is going to be: choosing a mindset practice! YAY! 

Now I did say “business” however you can change this to anything really. It can be:

  • Health and wellness mindset

  • Money mindset

  • Relationship mindset

  • Positive mindset

  • And so on

I will link to a few previous mindset episodes in the show notes page for you to give you some extra ideas and resources. 

Episode #101: Modern Magic: Spell Casting
Episode #98: Five Ways to Nourish Your Relationship with Money
Episode #97: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
Episode #91: These 3 Mistakes are Holding us Back from our Creativity
Episode #86: Three Keys to Creating Space to Attract More abundance
Episode #81: Five Tips for Positive Self Talk
Episode #71: Using Your Intuition and the Third Eye Chakra
Episode #69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me
Episode #67: Communicating with Power
Episode #66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention
Episode #63: How to Fail & Make Happiness Your Compass
Episode #53: How to Build Your Confidence Tool Kit
Episode #48: What to Do When Fear Shows Up
Episode #47: How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience 
Episode #44: This Judgment Detox will Blow Your Mind
Episode #39: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Episode #34: Seven things you Must Do when Creating HEalthy boundaries
Episode #28: Know Your Worth
Episode #07: Mastering Transitions
Episode #04: Your Mindset is a Habit

I think the list is 20 different episodes. So if you’re looking for some ideas, read through the episode titles and listen to the one that speaks to you the most. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself with all the different things.

Some of my mindset practices this year have been my daily intention setting practice. I start every morning with a coffee ritual. I have a very specific way of making and drinking my coffee. Part of the ritual is stirring the coffee counter-clockwise to release any negative, stale, or unhelpful emotions or feelings, followed by stirring in my intention for the day. This really helps me set the tone for the day.

Other mindset practices I’ve used in my past for business and life are:

  • Meditation

  • Gratitude journal

  • Creating my own content BEFORE consuming other people’s content

  • Honouring boundaries around my phone/computer/social media/work hours

  • Affirmations

Each of these practices have served me and my business and really helped me stay on track with my goals and strategy. 

If you’re starting a new strategy here are my 4 tips for beginning

TIP #1: Choose one strategy that you are most drawn to.

TIP #2: Intuitively schedule it into your calendar. You’ll know when to do this practice - and you can always adjust it later

TIP #3: Give yourself some time to really implement and make this practice a habit; keep going if you skip a day; just reset. I recommend trying it out for three months to really see if it’s working for you. If you’re still doing it three months from now, you’ll know whether or not it’s helpful or hurtful and serving your goals/strategy

TIP #4: Have a back-up practice. If by day 7 you’re dreading your mindset practice, ditch it and try practice B. Maybe the whole meditation in the morning was an alluring practice that other mentors thrived with, but it wasn’t your bag. Perhaps there is a different meditation practice or mindfulness practice you can try that suits you better.


What mindset practice hasn’t been working? 

What this question is discovering is: What are your blocks/limiting beliefs? What’s holding you back right now?

Think about anything that you have had on your to do list for a long time, or your goals/dreams list. What isn’t getting done? What isn’t coming to reality? What limiting belief is coming up for you?

The answer to these questions will reveal where your mindset strategy can really evolve. Is it a mindset block? Is it impostor syndrome? Are you taking on too much and you need support?

When you have the answer, the next step is clear. Perhaps you will invest in a money mindset coach? Maybe you’ll hire a VA to help you with your long list of to-do’s. Maybe you need to reevaluate your work-life boundaries and log off social media more often. Perhaps you’ll join a network of entrepreneurs who can relate to you and hold you accountable for your practices. 

There are a lot of solutions and ideas, all you have to do is pin-point the block so that you can choose and take action on the best solution for you.

Here’s where you might get stuck!

You might notice you have more than one block. See if these blocks have any similarities. For example “I’m afraid of success” is similar to “I can’t make more money” and they have to do with self-worth. 

If you’re really struggling with understanding your mindset and you want to master your mindset practice, I have a Make a Habit Mentorship program that takes you from overwhelmed and frustrated to Clear and Empowered. It’s a four week mentorship with weekly calls. You can get all the details for this offering at WWW.VALERIELAVIGNELIFE.COM/MENTORSHIP, and you can also find me on instagram @vallavignelife if you have any questions about the mentorship program.


What community growth worked? What strategy produced the best results: followers + engagement + networking + clients +  strategies + etc. 

Of all the emails you send out, all the content you produce, all the DMs you send out, what helped you build your following, your engagement, your audience, and your paying clients?

What I like to do for this question is write out all the ways I grow my community and rank each of them from best to least. This is also another question that you can really dive deep into. You can choose exactly which analytics you’d like to review. I like to break this down for each area of my business, as well as each strategy.

For example:

Exhale Pilates Studio
Private Virtual Classes 
Essential Oil Customers 
Healthy Habits Workshops
Mentorship Clients

Since these areas of business are very different, I also have different strategies for them. I use my podcast to build my online business, and I use other social media strategies and partnerships with local businesses to grow the physical brick and mortar studio I have. The strategies are different because the ideal customers are different!

Speaking of ideal customers. If you’re not sure what brought people to you, ASK YOUR AUDIENCE! Do a survey or a poll in your social or with you email list: How did you hear about us? Yep, it’s really that simple lol


Which community growth techniques DIDN’T WORK? 

Reviewing your insights and ranking your strategies will clarify the answer to this question right away. You can also look at where you put in lots of work, but not a lot of results came from it.

I did this specifically with my podcast when I first started the show and it has helped me grow the Women’s Empowerment Podcast to what it is today.

I used to have a weekly live IG and FB show, which I converted into an audio podcast and also a youtube video. The insights and analytics showed me that the podcast was EXPLODING and the youtube and IG lives were not as powerful.

I eliminated the videos and kept the audio + show notes of the show and I haven’t looked back. The podcast is booming and I have more time to produce quality episodes and also invite guests onto the show instead of spending the time working on videos that weren't converting.

Where can you adjust or remove certain investments in time or money and better use your resources and energy for things that ARE working!?


Which “nourishing techniques” really worked; anything where you’re providing value? 

Nourishing techniques are your added value. Things like freebies, podcast episodes, specific instagram posts, blog posts, IGTV, Youtube. 

Look at your stats and insights, they are so valuable for business owners and entrepreneurs because they really tell us what’s working and what isn’t. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is NOT reviewing what we’ve done in the past and this really saves us from making the same mistakes or not growing the things that have ALREADY worked! I’ve done this myself which is why I stress it to other people haha 

So one of the things that I’m starting to move away from is this super aesthetic instagram feed. I know someone just rolled their eyes at me but hear me out! The motivational quotes on my instagram always convert really well to saves and shares and sometimes comments that create conversation with others. This is great and means engagement is high SUPER!

I also get A LOT of compliments from people telling me how much they love my feed and a lot of questions on how I do this. This also creates meaningful conversations and engagement in a slightly different way, because it’s usually in the DM’s which are GOLD in the world of social media marketing. 

So now, I’m strategizing how I can create the valuable content and still make it look pretty - A LOT HARDER THAN IT SEEMS my friends lol

One thing I have started doing in my online business is I changed up my email structure and I’ve gotten some great immediate feedback from making it more aesthetic and also offer multiple pieces of value for people following along. 

Remember your audience has A LOT of the answers that you’re looking for because they are the people who are following, consuming, and engaging with your business. They are the people you are trying to convert. Sometimes growth is about deepening connection with the people you currently serve and not how to 10x your social media following. 

Ask your audience THIS or THAT questions to help you understand what they love about your content and learn how you can do better.


What didn’t work, what didn’t make much impact? 

Again, really evaluate the “numbers” and poll the audience, review the insights. These are going to tell you straight up what isn’t working. I pulled up some of my instagram post insights and what I learned was that if I wasn’t in the post it didn’t do the best. This is overall interactions.

But we all know, when it comes to instagram, likes don’t have the same value/impact as saves + shares.

So when I look at the number of saves: some of my posts with the lowest number of comments and likes have the most saves. These are my quote boxes/ text posts/ carousels/ recipes.

Looking at the analytics will tell you what’s working, what isn’t and will also help you get clear on your next moves/what your intentions are.

Do you want people to be inspired by your content and let it be something that looks really good?

Do you want your audience to learn and take action on your content?

Learn about what they already do to see what kind of audience you have and how you can build on it. This is where the GOAL is also helpful. Have clarity so you can see which insights are the best for you to look at instead of getting caught up in all the numbers. 


What sales techniques worked? 

Not all of the freebies and content you’re creating is converting into sales. However there are some specific things we do to launch and sell.

Did the live videos get people on the phone with you? Is your sales page converting? Did you host any webinars or challenges; how did they convert into sales?

Most of my webinars convert into sales. Specifically my LIVE webinars. However, this month I hosted my first Healthy Habits workshop and I didn’t launch it on a webinar. Instead I shared it in the stories and in my posts.

I used instagram stories to explain and launch. I also did a giveaway celebrating over 20 000 downloads of the podcast. And gave a spot away in the workshop AND mentorship program. I slid into dm’s and replied to people's comments and got really active and engaged on social media and sold 7/10 spots I opened up for the first workshop.

I wasn’t JUST responding like I normally do, I was opening up conversations about the topic I was speaking to and asking questions and really creating this dialogue with my audience. I mixed that in with face-to-camera stories, to examples of how I incorporate the lessons into my own life, and I publicly answered questions about the workshop.

To build excitement I also welcomed each person into the workshop as people started to join and had a post it of their name on my wall as a way to say welcome and thank you! 

I also created a HIGHLIGHT on my page which was new where anyone could see the content and posts related to the workshop to get more information. 

I also followed up with anyone who said they were interested the day before and got a last minute sign up because of it. 

PLUS… AFTER the workshop I went on face-to-camera and said thank you again and talked about how much fun and how successful it was ANDDD I shared the screenshots of the feedback I got from the people who were in the workshop b/c it was so positive and helpful for them.

This sounds like A LOT of work, and even though, yes, I did do a lot. I could have honestly done more. 

My strategy wasn’t crystal clear, I actually did this more intuitively and almost every day I was sharing something to do with the topic of the workshop whether the CTA was to sign up or not. 

For example I shared my morning coffee ritual and the CTA was “what’s your morning beverage ritual?” and that opened up a conversation about rituals and the workshop was called “HEALTHY HABITS: RITUALS & TRANSITIONS”

I made two posts back to back. One explaining transitions, the other explaining rituals and the CTA was to get people to sign up for the workshop.

I did a throwback of a previous podcast episode about Mastering Transitions and this also was to open up a convo around transitions and then get into the DMs with people.

You get the point. Right?


Which techniques did not work? 

Social media wasn’t the only thing I did to share my workshop, but it was definitely the most successful. I also put more energy into it. The other techniques were not as successful and that’s okay because now I know what to put more effort into. 

It is totally fine to test things in your business, I encourage it! However, don’t re-do things that didn’t work in the past. 

It’s also important to create boundaries to saying “no” to other people. I have a lot of entrepreneur friends in my network who were offering free 30 minute calls five days a week. It was a lot. Not all the calls converted and the time took them away from other parts of their business. So now they only offer the time slots on 1-2 days a week, and also only to certain people using a private link.

If it’s not working for you let it go, and lean into the things that did work!

That is a wrap on our eight questions you MUST ask before planning 2021! I hope you enjoyed it!! Let’s continue this conversation on instagram! Find me @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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EntrepreneurshipVal LaVigne
E107: The Holidays are the Boundaries Olympics

E107: The Holidays are the Boundaries Olympics with Bryn Bamber

Chatting with Bryn Bamber today, who is a mental health professional helping heart centred creative healers help more people and more make more money by healing childhood, shit…

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[00:25] Valerie LaVigne: You're listening to the women's empowerment podcast today. I'm very excited to welcome Bryn to the show. Bryn is a mental health professional helping heart centered creative healers help more people and more make more money by healing childhood, shit. I love that it is such a great elevator pitch. So join me in welcoming Bryn to the show. Welcome.

Bryn Bamber: Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to chat. 

VL: Yeah, I'm excited to chat with you too. It's been a little while since we've since we've connected so can you tell us a little bit about how you got to be this mental health professional and how you like to be helping people like you do.

[1:16] BB: So I come to mental health, from my own mental health struggles. I'm one of those. Um, I suffered from pretty severe anxiety, and I wasn't even aware but when I was younger, I just thought I was stressed and everyone was stressed, and I had kind of normalized my reality which is a coping mechanism. And so I just didn't, I didn't realize how high my anxiety was at the time. But I started to get some clues when I was 21, years old, and I burnt out of my first job ever so I graduated from university, I got a job I got business cards. I bought a blazer. And in a lot of ways that job was my dream job and I was really excited about it. And what happened was, I made a couple of medium sized mistakes, which happen in any job, but I was really beating myself up about them and I wasn't able to recover. So I went kind of like, pretty deep into perfectionism. I would like editing one email for a whole week, like editing re editing, and eventually got to a point where, I couldn't really do the work, so I burnt out I quit.

And I knew I couldn't return to that like I couldn't just go to a job board and look for another job because I would just look for the exact same job but I really liked the work that I was doing. But I, um, yeah I knew I needed to kind of switch things up so I ended up moving to an ashram yoga retreat and study center. I initially went for a month I extended extended extended ended up living there for two years studying yoga and meditation for two years. Me yoga teacher and then was able to return to the workforce with new tools. The second kind of pivotal moment in my journey was when I was 29, I had started this Mental Health Training Program in core energetics. And as in a class on early childhood trauma.

And I, in that class realized I had all the symptoms. All the symptoms of someone who has suppressed childhood trauma and kind of started to realize that like this was me. So my anxiety started to make a little bit more sense of where it was coming from. And also that awareness allowed me to start to heal it, because before that I didn't really know that I had it. So, um, I finished that training program, and it was pretty life changing for me core energetics was pretty life changing for me at reducing my anxiety, so I'm super passionate about it. Super excited to talk to all your listeners and start to get them the support they need. If they struggle with anxiety.

[4:39] VL: Thank you so much for sharing that story, I didn't realize you're at the ashram for two years, you must have come away with lots of incredible tools. I know I've spent my fair share of time not that much time in yoga institutes and different health care facilities so that's really, really incredible. The, there's so many questions I have.

And I guess I want to tie it all back since we're heading into the holiday season to anxiety around the holidays if we could focus on that a little bit today. What are some of the surface signs, what are some of the signs of feeling anxious or maybe the signs, leading up to burn out during this time of year.

BB: Yeah so everyone's a little bit different and it's important to start to notice yourself and notice what's coming up for you. But anxiety is basically a vibration in the body. So for some people it's like their tasks, some people their neck and shoulders get really sore they're like TMJ flares up when they have anxiety, but basically you don't feel good and for me it's kind of like a high frequency. Um, jittery, kind of feeling in terms of burnout.

I think signs are, you know, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning feeling like a sense of dread about what you have planned for the day. Just feeling tired and sometimes it's.

You're tired and even though it's like things that you would like to do you feel kind of like tired. Another big example is the five of your emotional reactions. So one of the things to talk about in mental health is having a right sized reaction. So, I mean, you obviously see this when someone gets cut off in traffic and they like lose their shit.

When it's like, okay, someone cut you off in traffic. Yes, that's rude, but you don't need to like scream and holler at them. So, if, um, you know, you come home from work, and someone took your parking space, and you burst into tears, or, you know, you're just having a higher, like it's like, of course, if a member of your family passes away and you burst into tears, or you're devastated that's the right size but the big events, but when it's something smaller like, you know, you get into your car and the engine won't start, and you start to panic. It's like, that's a little bit of a too big of a reaction for what's happening so that's definitely a key sign in burnout.

[7:46] VL: I can definitely relate to both of those feelings that generate an anxious, kind of anxiety piece, but also the burnout piece and how they are closely related but they are very different.

I don't think that I'm trying to think about my own experiences right now and how that anxiety kind of shows up for me, and I would agree with the jitters on my side. So, let's, let's focus a little bit more on the anxiety piece. Tell us, when you start to feel this way when we started to notice the signs in our own body, we're not feeling great. Were getting the jitters or feeling that vibrational frequency in our bodies, what can we do?

BB: So, when you're feeling anxiety you're starting to go into fight or flight right your nervous system is kind of ramping up and either flight, it's great. If there is a bear. And that bears chasing you. It's great in these situations that are like high risk and you actually do need to run away, or you need to fight.

Because the blood all goes through your lens and your heartbeat goes faster. And you stop digesting and you stop. If you have any like wounds or illnesses that all you stop healing, because all the energy is going to fight. Tiger or run away.

If there's not a tiger in the room. It's really not helpful, because you get like you're very single pointed focus right you're just like, get away from the tiger. You aren't in your creative brain you are. Problem Solving blank brain. And again, you're not digesting so sometimes if you have digestive issues, it can be related to like being in the fight or flight mode too often. You're not healing if you have a cold your immune system is going to be at top performance which I mean, even more important than ever this year that you try to keep our immune systems, going. So, what you want to do is, the thing is your brain thinks there's a tiger. The reason that you're having this nervous system response is because, you know, for me, sometimes it's an email right like I get an email and it has a certain tone.

And I go into fight or flight, I'm like, Oh, did I do something wrong is this person mad at me, blah blah blah. Um, so what you want to do is you want to bring your nervous system, back to the present moment where there is no tiger.

So some of the things you can do, are just look around, look like, Listen, say, oh, there's a lamp. So there's a window, there's a guitar hanging on my wall in my room here. So you're looking around and what you're doing is you're bringing yourself back to the present moment and you're basically check if there's a tiger. 

Look around. And as you start to look around, you can start to listen what sounds Do you hear are they dangerous sounds you can touch different materials, you know like, I'm touching my sweater here.

You can touch your desk whatever is around you but you're, what you're doing is you're bringing your nervous system back into the present moment. Where, where there is no tiger, if there is a tiger, you want to invite. But that's kind of some of the first steps.

[11:47] VL: Yeah, it's important to have that fight or flight mode when something's life threatening. And we actually chatted about this in a previous episode about finding where you are and becoming more present. And right away realizing that hey there isn't a tiger in the room there isn't a bear in the room, and taking that breath and bringing yourself back to the moment. So, let's say that we catch ourselves in this fight or flight mode feeling with this anxious vibration. They say okay, there's no tiger. There's no Tiger I'm okay. But what if this keeps happening to us what if we keep experiencing this anxiety, how do we go from being that anxious person to being a little bit more calm, on a day to day basis.

BB: So I wouldn't say there's kind of two here. Sometimes, or I guess probably always. Um, if you're a nervous system is a type of nervous system that sends a lot of time in fight or flight there's probably a reason. There's probably some challenging experience that you went through that kind of had a big impact. And so sometimes what's happening when we're going to fight or flight is we're going back our nervous system is going back to that incident. It was challenging for us.

So, it's important to explore the kind of the root cause. Um, I know for me, one of the root causes of anxiety was actually suppressed anger. So, I grew up in a household where anger wasn't allowed passive aggressiveness was allowed like direct anger was not good, so I just put my anger away. And so, a lot of my anxiety, ended up being me being angry, but holding in it.

So, one of, honestly, I think. I don't know if I'm gonna say it's the biggest healing thing that happened to me around my anxiety, but it might be is getting back in touch with my anger and starting to express that starting to send set half healthy boundaries. And so, if you are someone who is a people pleaser and conflict avoidant. This might be you. And part of your healing might be starting to set healthier boundaries because sometimes that anxiety is because, you know, guess there is no Tiger but something is going wrong someone's taking advantage of you, or you're doing something that's training you and, as you start to set those healthy boundaries, it can really help. The other part of it is getting out of fight or flight is like building a muscle. It takes practice, it takes reps. It's like going to the gym. The gym of coming back into a grounded space. And, you know, I gave you some examples of things that can help. And as you practice, you might find other things that you can help that can help you. For me, one of my big triggers is being late.

And so I would often end up on the subway or on a bus, and I, I went to sleep, and my nervous system is at a 100, which is not the right size reaction.

Um, but one of the things that I found just through trying to figure it out, was, if I could find someone, and this is like, I'm slightly embarrassed to say this but it was helpful for me so I'm gonna be embarrassed.

If I could find someone on the bus or the subway, that I was attracted to it would help me come into the present moment, because I would be with that person I'd be like, wow, they're super good looking. and it would bring me out of wherever my brain was, and it would bring me back into them here and now. No one ever taught me that it was just literally, out of, you know, part desperation part, trying to heal that I started to, you know, I guess one thing I want to say is like, even if your listeners start to recognize when your anxiety is peaking like that's a win because awareness is huge. And then once you get aware, then you can start to try these different techniques of looking around that kind of thing. 

Another technique that I find super helpful is exercise, get, like, gets me back into my body back into the present moment. Do I want to exercise when I'm anxious, hell no. Like hard to convince my brain. When I'm in the anxiety, it's hard for me to do anything other than be worried about being late. In that example. But, if I can just like put on a song and dance, or to a wall, sit at the at the wall, like all of these things are going to help. So, it is a commitment, it is a practice. It's not like you do this once, and it's gone and I wish I had a magic pill for all your listeners, but the way that I got through it was like hot hard fought it was like blood sweat and tears to be more grounded. But it's so worth it. Like, I think my anxiety. I think I used to be anxious about 90% of the time and now I'm anxious about 30% of the time. So I have so much of my life back. I have so many hours, where I get to be relaxed or joyful or playful. And so, yes, it is hard work, but to me it's totally worth it.

[18:30] VL: Absolutely. I know exactly how that feels when you're just caught up in your anxiety and a lot of the examples you shared in a lot of the tools you just shared were life on the common the common similarity between them all was that they're all very physical. So whether you're looking for something or you're trying to touch something or you're going to do a physical activity and exercise. It's that earth energy that like grounding you down. 

Yeah, that heaviness of life again bringing myself back here where that jittery anxious feeling is very like whoa like way up, you feel like you're floating or running or doing you're running from the tiger, whereas everything else is a little bit more grounding. And I like when you use the word digest, so it's like you can't digest things we think this is a really interesting part about with, with my anxiety journey anyway that I've been really listening to how other people describe how they're feeling I listened to how people describe their anxiety. And so when they say things like, I feel frozen or, I'm having trouble, like, like because physically you can't look you can't heal you can't digest food but it's interesting to hear what people come up with, because those are huge signs, about what your body is actually going through. So when you're getting an overload of information you say like like oh my gosh this is too much, I can't adjust it also look at what your, your digestive system is going through. Are you backed up in your digestive system. Do you have too much on your plate. Are you, you know what I mean like those every, everyone thinks that they're just like, oh they're phrases, but they're more than that they're information from your body. So, it's, yeah, it's just those little things I've been kind of picking up as you as you were describing them. 

I do want to circle back to healthy boundaries, though, because this is so important, especially around this time of year, with getting more invitations to parties and, you know, thinking that we have to have a gift for every single person that we know. So let's talk a little bit more about healthy boundaries around the holidays, what are some of your, your key tips and and teachings.

[20:24] BB: Yeah, so I think the first step is, look at why don't you set, healthy boundaries. If you're a people pleaser. Are you worried about what your friends are gonna think some of my clients will say something like, oh, but I love everything I do, but I'm just like, totally dead at the end of the day, but everything I'm doing I love, and it's like too much of a good thing kind of like too much on your plate. Like you were just saying is, isn't healthy. And so, it's important to start to look at what stopped, what has historically stopped you from setting healthy boundaries because you can go in with like the rah rah I'm going to set healthy boundaries, but if you're still telling yourself these stories.

And since this is the women's empowerment podcast. I think it's important to say like women are conditioned, not to set healthy boundaries. For me, the word bitch is a woman who has boundaries. A woman who says no. It's like a good thing, but we're socialized to think that we shouldn't have boundaries we shouldn't take care of everyone we should be giving we should be compassionate, and all of these things and one of my favorite quotes ever is you can be a good person, with a kind heart, and still say no.

And the quote is unknown I've googled I've tried to find who who it's attributed to if anyone knows like seriously DM me on Instagram I want to know who wrote, who wrote that quote. But, um, yeah, it's, it's starting to realize like all of the unpaid labor that women often end up doing. So just thinking about the holidays like party planning, who's cooking. It was buying the gifts.

Um, if you're in a heterosexual relationship is it balanced, or are you doing more of the work. And so I think that's kind of the first part of almost the education piece around, like, why don't we, why don't women historically saying no as much why don't we have, as healthy boundaries. Typically, and starting to unpack that.

The next part, I would say, is to, again, like it's the same principle as the anxiety, in the sense that you're building a new muscle.

Or maybe you've been building it for a while. I'm sure some of your listeners have been working on their boundaries. But there's still room for improvement.

So again, taking baby steps taking a two pound weight, if that's where you're at just sending a mini like a mini boundary like. For me, I started setting healthy boundaries.

One of my healthy boundaries was like calling into work sick when I was actually sick. I would like feel guilty about calling in sick. When I was sick. And so, like that, maybe doesn't even seem like a boundary but for me at that stage it was so that's where I had to start. Um, you can do them orally, you can do them over text. I think sometimes people are like, I didn't do it in the moment. I didn't say it in the moment I lost my chance, and it's like, Yes, I think the goal for all of us is to like have perfectly beautiful boundaries in the moment we say exactly what we need and exactly what we're not okay with, but that doesn't.

You know, we make mistakes, we're not perfect. And so you can, you know, say yes to something, and then the next day. Text Your friend and say you know what I thought about it and I am not going to be able to make the pie, or I'm not going to be able to make it at all or, you know what, why don't we just schedule some one on one time with you guys and in January whatever kind of situation is going to be helpful for you. And the other thing like, I want to say is, you're going to make mistake. Sometimes you're going to set a boundary that's too big, it's gigantic. Sometimes you're going to set a boundary that's too small. And that's okay. That's part of building these healthy boundary muscles it's like the same with going to the gym if you have a workout that's not that great, it doesn't mean you just like give up working out completely. And you can actually learn from it, you're like, oh, that was too big of a boundary. And then you can start to find your boundary, sweet spot with different people in different situations. So those are some of the first steps might be like I could talk for hours about.

[25:41] VL: This is so helpful and when I was kind of learning about my own personal boundaries, and what made sense to me. I didn't even realize how much of a people pleaser I was how much of a yes person I was saying yes to everything. And then finding myself at this position where I had just way too much going on. And so, the first place that I started was, I do not work on Sundays. And that was my boundary I do not work on, on Sundays. And it shifted a little bit to. Okay now I don't do split shifts, so I'm either working all morning, or I'm working all night, but I'm not doing both. and it was a it was a really interesting kind of like, I guess evolution of how that the schedule boundary kind of worked for me. And then the other boundary that happened was I was working out in the mornings really early in huntable morning routine. I had just changed a lot recently. 

But my other boundary was okay and I don't start work until 8am I do not work any earlier than 8am. I teach bloodies and do code health coaching so the hours are a little bit funny sometimes. However, it was not going to be any time between before 8am, because my morning routine was solid and I needed that Meantime, and as long as I had that morning workout and I have like this coffee ritual and journaling ritual. I was able to show up as a better person, and when I realized that I'm saying no, because I'm being a better service, when I do these things for myself. 

And that was a really big shift that I had to make in my mind and in myself to say it's okay to say, No, I also read a book I can't remember which book this was, but it was one of a personal development book. And if I remember I'll put it in the show notes. But the book was saying, start by saying no to everything. Before you start saying yes to anything and I was like, are you kidding me What if I can do it. And so, I tried it because I was trying everything at the time I'm like, you know what, let's do an experiment, that's what I kept thinking. And I would say no to every single thing, or I would say, let me think about it as my cousin wanted to reply immediately but I said let me have a think about this, or let me check my schedule before I commit to this. And then I could go back and say, Thanks for your patience. I went on my schedule and you know what, this works great for I thank you for your patience, like to my schedule, and this has not worked for me. And I didn't feel that and most of the time, because not that we're not important human beings like humans are important and it's great but we all live in our own realities, and we think that the world revolves around us sometimes.

I'm just gonna say it. And I was so I was one of those people who believe that I was so nervous that people were not going to like me anymore that I was going to get fired that people weren't going to be my friend if I didn't go to all these parties or girly things.

And what ended up happening. The responses were. Thanks so much for your quick reply. Or, thank you so much for your honesty, or, thank you so much for recognizing and honoring your boundaries, you've just helped me give myself permission to do the same. How empowering, is it to say, I'm showing up for myself. This is my boundary, and I'm honoring it. That just gave someone else, the permission are the sign or the reminder that they can do that to you. Rather than saying yes to everything and then coming at it with a bad attitude right.

[29:15] BB: Yeah, no, I love that. I actually recently wrote on Instagram, about a dance event I went to so I started learning about shadow which is a partner dance kind of similar to salsa. And, um, so I would go to these socials, and whenever anyone asked me to dance, I would say yes because it was new, and I was like, I don't know what I'm doing, how do I, I can't say no I should just, I need to practice of that so I kind of socialized myself to say yes yes yeah. And I remember one night, where I was just like, not having a good time. I was dancing with people I didn't want to dance with, like I wasn't feeling a connection. And so I just flipped the script, and I did exactly what that book recommends, I was like, I'm just gonna say no, because I was like should I go home. 

I was like, I'm not having a good time. And so that, wanting to go home, gave myself permission to just say no and so I just, yeah, again, so I was like no or not right now or, I'm taking a break whatever when anyone asked me, and then I'm one of the Tata dance instructors asked me to dance. And they hold on he was like, Yes, I want to dance with an instructor who like totally can teach me all the things. And I ended up having a great dance. And I guess like the lesson for me from that was, if I had said no to the guy that had asked me like literally 30 seconds before the instructor asked me I wouldn't have had, like, I wouldn't that opportunity probably would have come and gone and I wouldn't have had this amazing experience that really helped me as a dancer and was just fun.

And so that's one of the kind of insights I had about how when you say no, even if there's nothing good at that moment. You never know what's coming.

VL: Yeah, it reminded me of a quote that something along the lines of, if it's not a hell yes, it's a hell no. Or, because these are like fun little reminders right like what feels good for you and if it doesn't feel good when you say no to something that doesn't really feel great, or you're not in alignment with you're making room for something that does. And I think it's important to have that permission, especially for women who feel the need to be perfectionist or to be people pleasers and obviously to get out of that mindset is powerful, but to have these reminders like it's okay if you say no to this it's okay if you don't want to do this today, but you wanted to do it yesterday or you want to do it tomorrow. Being able to stand in your truth and be empowered enough to say this is what I want.

That’s huge.

[32:12] BB:  Yeah. And the other thing that I think women really struggle with is like changing their mind. I can't tell you how many clients have said, but I already said yes. and it's like, and then you thought about it and you changed your mind.

We all have the right. And of course, like yeah you don't want to be flaky you don't want to be the person that's like canceling 20 minutes before it's possible I mean sometimes that does happen we get sick all of a sudden or something comes up and you do have to cancel at the last minute, but I know for me like my intention is to to honor my word. But that doesn't mean like, I'm married to my word, and I'm going to just do whatever the other person wants me to just because I said, So, last week which was not a busy week and then this week I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Like, you have the right to change your mind.

[32:32] VL: So it's interesting that you said that, because we had a. We had a meeting scheduled for Monday this week and now it's Thursday, and I got called into the studio on Monday, and through my head I was thinking, I have 1,000,010 things to do, and most of them were kind of like at home I could kind of do them wherever, whenever, but one of them. one of the things that was really important to me was this this conversation, and I was like I'm just feeling his guilt, but I was like oh my god I'm gonna have to cancel him out to cancel, and I looked at my schedule, I thought, you know what I have a break between my classes where I could fit in this conversation. But when I thought about it, I said to myself, I'm like, you know what, this is not how I want to go into this conversation. I don't want to go into it feeling like my whole schedule just got turned upside down. I'm feeling anxious I have to teach a lot of cold classes I have to be somewhere where I don't like recording the podcast because it's noisy. The space is too big and there's construction outside the studio so I could have technically kept our appointment.

However, I know that. It just wouldn't have been the same energetically and so, you know, I, at first I was like, Oh, I feel so bad about this but then when I reached out to you and you were so understanding thank you so much again for rescheduling with me. I felt so much better and there's just this relief because I knew that I wasn't in the place to be holding space for someone else. So, yeah, and I hate doing that so much, and mostly because, like I appreciate I would rather someone say no to me than say yes and then keep canceling or rescheduling or not showing up. I would just rather you say hey you know what, I can't do this anymore, then toss me around right. Um, but it happened it came up and it happened so I had to do. I had to make a change. 

BB: Yeah. And, you know, this is an example, this doesn't always work out this way. But this is an example where, you know, I have my whole week calendar and I just switch whatever is supposed to do then, with Thursday, I just switched my Monday for Thursday at this time. And to me it's like, no difference and sometimes it is an inconvenience for the other person. Other thing I want to say to all the women is, that's okay. They can have an inconvenient sometime world's not gonna fall apart.

VL:  Yes. That's a very good reminder I think it's hard to hear sometimes but we definitely need to hear it. Well, honestly, I think this was a very helpful conversation that we're having especially around this time of year. And like I said, whether we want to hear it or not, we need to we need to hear the truth. So, before we move into our last part of the show or our last segment, let us know where we can find you where we can follow you and how we can support your business.

[36:15] BB: Yeah, so, um, my name is Brynn Bamber I'm sure you'll spell this all out in the show notes, but I'm on Instagram I'm at Brynn underscore Bamber on LinkedIn I think I'm e Bryn Bamber, um, secret factors my first name is actually Erica but I go by brand. And I'm Facebook I'm brand member. So those are all the places. Um, I'd love to hear from your listeners so if something resonated, or if you have any questions about what we were talking about, feel free to DM me on Instagram or, like, send me a message on Facebook or LinkedIn wherever you are. I'd love to hear like what you loved about the show or what you were confused fine. I can hopefully help. Try to clarify. Um, and the other thing I wanted to offer to your listeners is my anxiety mini training so it's a 10 minute training. And it's a training for when you are anxious. This is something you do. in the moment, when you're feeling anxious.

Um, you'll get a video version and an audio version so you can even like save it to your phones and literally like run into the bathroom and put your earbuds in and listen to it if you're like, at a holiday party and you're losing your ship. Um, but it's basically breathing feeling your body, a whole exercise that my experience, it doesn't always make my anxiety disappear. And this is what my clients say too, but it usually will reduce your anxiety by 50%, or more. So, gives you a little bit of breathing room from that anxiety. If you have to make a decision because sometimes like when we're anxious just because something happened. The aunt showed up at the party that everyone said wasn't going to or. She had COVID four days ago and didn't get tested or whatever the scenario is and like you got to deal with it. This is something that can just reduce your anxiety enough that you can get out of that tunnel vision where it's very hard to make strategic decisions, good decisions, get into a little bit more relaxed place where you can like feel into yourself feel into your intuition and know what you need to do. So you can find it a tiny url.com slash anxiety training and I'm sure we'll put it in the notes as well. 

VL: Absolutely. So it's really easy to find you because it's your name. Okay, rapid fire round, are you ready.

BB: No… I'm ready 

VL: we'll take your breath Okay, inhale. So good. Don't worry, it's not that much pressure. It's just about your favorite things.

[39:42] Question number one. What are you currently reading or what is your favorite book.

BB: I am reading right now My Grandmother's Hands, which is a book about.

It's, it's about the US really but it's about anti black racism, but through the lens of a body psychotherapist. So I'm, I'm a somatic I'm not a psycho therapist, but I'm a mental health practitioner that uses Sati and the author of the book. Also, in that world and so it's a really interesting part of it is like history and statistics and stuff, but a lot of it is about how racism has impacted our nervous systems, how racism has impacted the book is kind of specific it's like talking about white people's nervous systems, black people's nervous systems and police officers nervous system. So it's really interesting i mean he does. There is some criticism of it that he leaves out certain groups, other people of color. But, um, as a starting point, it's really an interesting lens into the world we're living in right now. 

VL: It does sound very interesting. I'm gonna link to that book in the show notes as well. And, question number two is, what do you love most about being a woman?

BB: multiple orgasms.

VL: Okay, I have to be honest, every single I do this with every single guest, and every single answer is completely different and I'm surprised every time and I love it so good. 

BB: You're gonna say every woman says the same. 

VL: I'm sure that we'll start saying, Okay, question number three What does empowerment mean to you.

So I think empowerment is someone who's willing to keep looking at themselves and doing the work and listening to podcasts like this and working on themselves. And so they keep having breakthroughs and with these break through I think you get more power, more access to your, your power that was always yours but that we get confused about sometimes.

BB: For me, it has an association for having some sort of breakthrough. Like, I think the thing that I feel the most alive. All my jobs all the things I've done in my career is like when someone has a breakthrough. And just like, Ah, this is like what I live for.

VL: Question number three: what are you currently working toward?

BB: Man, I guess I'm super passionate about core energetics because it's been so life changing for me. So it really want more people to have access to it so I'm doing a lot of guest interviews on podcast and trying to spread the word writing a memoir about my personal story and struggle with it. And so, I feel like my mission right now is getting this powerful tool into the hands of more people looking at the Godfrey, 

VL: we're gonna have to have you on again for a core energetics demo for sure. However, before you go I do want to say thank you so much again for being part of the show, and for sharing all of this information I know that it's going to be very helpful it's been helpful for me and my attorney in my experience, I know that'll be helpful for the listeners who are tuning in today. And I also want you to know that you are very appreciated, your voice is appreciated, your journey is appreciated. You know a lot of us come, a lot of us healers come from that wounded healer background and it's hard to show up to the parents, and so for you to be doing that for you to be stepping into this, this space and this leadership role and this teacher role, I think is is so empowering to see you, to see you move through these spaces, and you're very much appreciated by, by the people who are watching and following so so keep doing what you're doing, keep shining.

BB: Thanks so much for having me.


Anxiety Mini-Training - tinyurl.com/anxietytraining

Email Bryn - bryn@brynbamber.com

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bryn_bamber/

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryn-bamber-she-her-902639b4/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bryn.bamber.5

The Burnout to Brilliance podcast with Bryn Bamber.

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/burnout-to-brilliance/id1440791565

Everywhere else - anchor.fm/burnout
Website: www.brynbamber.com

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E106: Sustainable & Ethical Gift Guide

E106: Sustainable & Ethical Gift Guide with Veronica & Alora May of SAM & LANCE

Sister duo Alora & Veronica May are the creators of SAM & LANCE, an online retailer that helps empower people to shop ethically and shop transparently, and also shop women owned…

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[0:31] Valerie LaVigne: Ladies, thank you so much for joining me on the women's empowerment Podcast. I am so excited that you're both here I know that one of you is in Canada, and the other is in Singapore so it's so great that we can be connected via zoom today. And, why don't you tell us a little bit about your brand and what you do.

Alora May: Thanks so much for having us. Um, so I'm Alora and I am the co founder and CEO of Sam and Lance. So we started this business in April of 2019 as a way to help empower people to shop ethically and shop transparent transparently, and also shop women owned.

VL: On the show, we talked about sustainability we talked about shopping, like we we talk about women's empowerment I feel like this is a great. This is a great episode in partnership so I'm so excited that were chatting today, and because we're coming into the holiday season, and we're getting ready to spend a little bit more and shop a little bit more. We're also going to be talking about some of your favorite products, or our audience. So, let's go through the kind of gift guide that we've prepared for today. What's our first item on the list.

Veronica May: So, hi I'm Veronica. Other co founder of Sam and Lance, and for gifting this year we really wanted people to really stop and think about the things you want to send to your relatives. You want to make sure you're supporting things that are local you want to make sure that you're supporting women so we put together gift boxes to kind of help you on this journey. So one that's really excited about is our Zero Waste starter kit. So we have a number of different items that are going to help your friends and family and maybe even up shop yourself, I can do that, terribly. And so in this kit, you're going to have like reusable cotton pads that people can take their makeup off, or you can actually even use them for like children's faces like throw them in your purse. They're a mom. We have produce bags. So you can bring your produce bags to the grocery store and you don't use the plastic. So the number of products in there to help people start their Zero Waste journey. And we also like to advocate like zero waste is happy perfect it's just baby steps. So, by giving this to family members and helping them, put them in the mindset of shopping ethically 

AM: and it was really cool about the zero waste kit on to that okay jump in is a few products in there that you might not think of, like for example we have a vegan and sustainable floss that's in a glass bottle so people don't really think about floss when they think of a scannability but there's a lot of plastic and things that go into floss that isn't great for our environment so you know we really like bringing these products to the forefront and having people have these conversations so then that way you know when you think about your next purchase or you're thinking about, oh my floss just ran out let me, let me get a new one and you just kind of start thinking about how my next purchase and my next thing can be sustainable. So that's why we really love the zero waste kit because it helps people just start that conversation in their own head about the products that they're using that they might not have thought of before.

VL: That's a really great point. And that's kind of where I've been on this zero waste journey, and the beginning of my Zero Waste journey I felt so guilty for like company I guess I was out oh my god this is single use plastic like oh my god I had to use a Glock bag and not beeswax, like, three years. But what I started to realize was it actually starts with just being more aware about the products that we're currently using like, where does this go when I get rid of it where does this flasco when I throw it out and so I actually switched my floss recently to in like q tips or bamboo q tips, which is again like something you don't think about they're not gonna reuse your kitchen. That's weird. Anyways, this sounds like an amazing kit and for people who are listening who maybe have heard the term Zero Waste but aren't exactly sure what it is, can you tell us a little bit about that.

[4:16] VM: Yeah, so the terms are especially a little misleading. A lot of people get nervous cuz you're like, oh I could be one of those people that puts trash in a mason jar and I'm literally create zero waste, but what it is is a journey, it's a momentum to reduce the amount of waste and to start consciously, like you said, thinking about where does this go at the end of its life, everything I'm using so start like everything that's been made of plastic is still on this earth today, every single toothbrush you have ever used is still somewhere on this planet and when you start taking this mindset be like okay, what can I use differently. And the other thing too is we actually named the company after our grandmother's, but thinking about your grandparents is a great way to get in the zero waste mindset, because what we're grandparents doing before all this plastic came into the world. So there's so many tips and tricks there's so many things you'll find online if you're lucky enough to still have your grandparents around you can actually ask them like, what did you guys used to do. And so it's about this journey to just reduce your waste to be really conscious of where it's going and where what you decide to do.

VL: And love that you guys named your company after your grandparents because I my grandma actually lived with us. my whole life ago. I only remember my grandparents living with us my grandma's still around. And I do notice little things that she does that I'm like oh that's over cork, but she's basically reusing jars or containers or whatever it is that she's doing and it's very different from what we're used to, or used to doing but I feel like we're kind of turning backwards a little bit with that so that's exciting. And I'm going to link to actually each of these products that we're talking about on the show notes page. So before I forget, that's going to be at Valerie Levine life.com, forward slash Sam, and Lance spelled out completely, so it's easy to find. Okay, what's our what's on our shopping list for number two, what's the next thing that we're going to get, for us, and then also for other people.

[6:09] AM: So we've curated different gift boxes and all of our different themes. So one of them we call be relaxed box. And this is just an awesome gift to give somebody, you know, to relax. So we have some bath salts in there, incense some body oil and some tea. So, it's also pretty gender neutral as well so you could gift it to anybody you know a friend, your mom, your brother, it doesn't really matter. It's a great gift for everybody. And then we'd like to also say that like our products tell us story so the T is tes t so it's a Toronto based brand, and it's an amazing ethical tea but a lot of the proceeds go to their charity program and give back and, you know, all of our products kind of have this lovely story behind it and story but the woman who made it so you know even with these gift boxes you're giving them this relaxing gift that also, you kind of get to learn these stories behind all these really awesome products, it's not just, you know, something off the shelf that doesn't give back.

VM: And the cool thing about the relaxed box to actually it just happened to be every box is different but this relaxed box is all Toronto based, which is kind of cool. So for any of you like Toronto listeners, you want to shop local. This box is all local Toronto women owned businesses which is extra. We think it's good for Toronto right

VL: We think it's good for Toronto right yeah I love, I love the idea of getting like all my gifts as local businesses or supporting local businesses, tell us a little bit more about the other businesses that you're supporting so you have women in Toronto. Do you have them all over the world or is it mostly Canada.

AM: Yeah, so we have suppliers and products from all over the world so we have Ghana's Cypress Madagascar, obviously Canada in the US but it's really really interesting to see, you know the the different charities and people and women around the world that they support. So, you know, we have these women in Palestine who embroider this beautiful designs onto bags and shoes so that's one of our favorite suppliers and we have karma who makes necklaces and jewelry and from Porsche the transitioning and homeless youth in Toronto, make these jewelry and that helps to give them an income so that's another one of our really awesome suppliers that we have here,

VL: I’m actually get like goosebumps when you talk about this because as you know my brand is all about empowering women. And it's so incredible that we live in such like a small world like that we can connect to people in Africa, and people in Europe and people through we can even Canada in the US like these are huge countries that were able to support all these women globally. So, this is really exciting I know I have listeners from all over the world so I'm sure that it's happening all over the world today.

AM: We only ship to the US but however we do ship globally if someone emails and gives us a certain request so we've had that before and we've made accommodations based on like individual requests, which is fine.

[9:10] VL: Yeah. Okay, that's really good to know. That's, I'm glad I asked that. So, we have the relax box, and let's say like, I love baths, so much. I love tea, but I don't drink a lot of tea. I don't drink as much tea as I'd like to drink. So let's say I want extra vassals, can I also order these products separately. When I'm shopping. 

VM: Yeah, absolutely.

VL: Okay. Perfect. Okay, so this is all exciting because already I'm just like yes I want that because I want that, maybe I'll just tell people this is the link that I want everyone to shop at and that will be for me. We have one more special box that we want to talk about.

[9:59] AM:  I also want to talk about the wearable aroma therapy gift boxes I just thought about one and I feel like you would love this and you should put this on your Christmas list because it also includes two products from brands that I just mentioned so there's a necklace from kind karma, which is the one that's made by transitioning and homeless youth and it has three different stones on it. And basically you can put essential oils on these stones and then you can, you know, relax and empower yourself throughout the day with whatever your scent is, but then also within the wearable aromatherapy bonds be included in essential oil that's made in Madagascar so it's a really cool bond that has these two items that's a really really fun gift to give somebody that we feel like we haven't seen anywhere else or done anywhere else.

VL: Oh my gosh, I love that I'm always looking for wearable aroma therapy because the special stones are typically they're lava rock or lava stones. And, yeah, they're like little diffusers basically and you just had a couple of drops in them, oh my god I love that actually, I couldn't find any necklaces and bracelets that I really liked so I started making just my own for, like, I wouldn't want to do retreats and things like, I make little extra ones but oh my god I'm so excited about that we're definitely going to add that into the list.

Okay everyone, we've done all my shopping today. Check. Okay, so now we have a fourth, we have a fourth kit that we want to talk about what which ones that one.

VM: Yep, so we want this year we launched our subscription service. So we think this week four times a year you would get a box full of ethical, sustainable items that are from companies made by women delivered to your doorstep. So we have two options we have the classic box, which is $66 and that's a collection of pieces that are already on our website you kind of get to try some kind of usable items like candle, with some nice bullet candle in there or like skincare. I think you'll actually use from our stuff and then we have the exclusive box where sometimes we can't. If we can't work with the supplier directly or you find some really special ones. He's good to go into our exclusive box and these aren't yet available on our site. So we do extra work to find new brands for you to love. And the thing about the box is to make sure that these items are usable. And we also try and make sure that the packaging is as eco friendly as possible. And we do everything in our power to make sure there's no plastic in there. And if there is we've actually worked with suppliers to have them change their packaging to be able to put them into the box which was a really big deal for us and it was wonderful that they're able to do that. So one thing that we think is great is that, to give this as a gift. It's like the gift that keeps on giving. So you know when you have like your sister or like your best friend for you spend a little more on her like giving her a couple months of the subscription boxes throughout the years to us will be about 16 per special, and we think would make an awesome gift and if Alora didn’t already have a subscription that's probably what she would be getting from me for Christmas.

VL: That's such a great gift because you're right it does get like the gift that keeps on giving. If I got a gift, every four months. Oh my god. 

AM: Because you it's seasonal right so it's each season you get a new box, all winter, spring, summer, fall, and then we try to keep it seasonal as well so on our summer box we had like all natural bug spray and some other summer items and fall we made sure to have a nice like cozy candle. And so I would have tote bags that would be like perfect for apple picking like we really like really thought about this. You told me I gravel thinking this is my number one thing we need to find this.

VL: Yes Oh my God, I went apple picking for the first time this year and they gave us like a reusable tote but there was there was like third plastic on it so I was like, oh, okay, I mean it's reusable but anyway. Wow, that's so exciting. Oh my god, and then is it a surprise every month or do you are each season I mean, or do you know what it is 

AM: surprise each season, and we do you know spoilers leading up to it, but it is pretty much a surprise and then we also do have an add on market so if you're a subscriber to the subscription box right before we ship it out we send you you know a few of our select products from our site and we offer a pretty great discount on those to add on to your subscription box that's something that we,

VM: we also do which is like another little perk that you get just if you're as a scription box subscriber, but also for guests we had a few people who bought subscription boxes for themselves and then we're like, you know what I'm going to get out I'm going to look at the products that I'm going to give out a few of them which were like yep that's an awesome idea. And then after they got to be like, I just want to keep everything myself having to purchase additional just for their friends because they just kept everything for themselves, 

VL: that's I'm so that person I'm like yeah just get this subscription box and then I'll share and I'm like, like, what, no I want this and I want this, so amazing. I love the idea of the add on market that is such a great idea for business but also for just getting more of these sustainable ethical products and supporting more women with these products bringing them into your home. That is amazing. So now that we kind of have this idea of all the products that we want for our holiday gift. And our holiday self giving. 

[15:10] Let us know about I want to know about like the top three products and each and each home that you use every single day or like the most often that you use. I'm very curious.

VM: But so tough because yeah we everything on our site, we, it's very curated, we wouldn't put on our site if we won't use it, which makes it dangerous for us in our personal wallets as well. But in the best way. Um, so, I think my top of view we have a, it's a plain white tea, and it sounds super silly that I'm saying this but it's my favorite item I literally wear it like three times a week and have to wash it, so often. It's plain white tea it's a zero waste tea so it's made with all organic cotton fibers, and it comes with a barcode. So at the end of the natural life cycle when you are done with the shirt, you get to send it back to the woman on manufacturer of their twat, and they properly recycle it into a new t shirt, and then resell it. So it's really really cool it's a great woman owned company and this T shirt is just perfect. It's so soft, it's just the perfect cut and I yeah I say daily and I wear that shirt.

I think the other one would be province apothecary has a beautiful oil based cleanser I'm really big on skincare and oil based cleansers it just works so well for my skin and it just smells like a spa I end up just like sniffing my face one washing it and it's such a beautiful relaxing experience. The other problems apothecary moisturizing oil based cleanser. 

I'm so big on the loofa. Okay, first of all, I learned this recently a loofa is actually a vegetable vegetable when it grows on land, I always thought it was like a sea sponge or something, but it's not like a bikini looking gourd thing. And, and you can actually eat them. But if they leave them on the vine longer they dry out and scrub your body. So we had this wonderful vendor from Nova Scotia, and she was looking to retire but wanted to have a farm and she just wanted a crop that would make some money and give her something to do so she created this loofa farm and so she's like the loofa Lee. And so it's just so wonderful like to support this woman's second career and these are just adorable vegetable based on the scrubbers and I just, I love that really gentle exfoliating. The don't get like the musty smell like you would on fire or something. So it has like certainly at microbial properties are really cool and then when you're kind of done with it for your body you can use it on the dishes or disrupt your floor and stuff. It's really cool. So yeah, good point or I do love the little lady.

AM: I'm probably like wearing my top three, which I know it's a podcast and bespoke can't see but I'll show you. So this is one of my favorite bracelets is again by kind karma, and it's a Morse code bracelet. So, it's a bunch of different things.

You can pick so this one actually says string in Morse code. And so there's like love and there's hope so you can kind of pick what message you want to wear just kind of like as a nice reminder to yourself, and that you got it and there this year. Um, so I ran this daily in the shower and it's like my favorite one.

Another one would be, we have what's called like a Yukon soap, so it's actually made up north in the Yukon and it's an indigenous made soap and has like three ingredients, and it's just like so good It's so nice. I usually like every day in the shower, and it's really nice to support I get paid in companies on indigenous made products and women who are doing great things in Canada. So those are two, um, what's my third favorite, there's so many.

Um, I just started using it and like I just ran out of my other shampoos or I just got, we have like a color hair and everywhere on shampoo bar. And so, for people who don't know shampoo bars are just like kind of a bar soap but you just use them like shampoo. So that way you're eliminating waste because it's just the bar you're not having a plastic bottle or even a glass bottle. And so it's really really great to just kind of get more into that less is more lifestyle. And then it's made from all like Zambian ingredients and hundred percent of the profits go to clean water in Zambia, so you just like washing your hair with purpose.

[19:47] VL: I think that's so amazing and I feel like people should really be aware of not only Where is my product going. But where did my product come from. So this is a really cool part of, of what you offer and how you support, support other businesses to with your business. When we are shopping on your site. Do we see the stories do we see the people do we see where it's coming from, or is that like something that you get when you open up your product, you open up your package

VM: on the site so when you click on every product you can scroll down to the bottom, and we have a section that describes like the product itself the ingredients if it's skincare anything and then we have a story about the woman and a story about the brand. So, it's really interesting to see how different the braid of the women are but but usually the woman has her own beautiful story behind why she started it or what her story is and then again then the story behind, who the brain supports. And then we also if they do support an external charity or cause we do have that description in there as well. So you actually get to learn everything about it. And we do a whole bunch of research and verifications and checks before we put anybody on the site so if there's information that you're not sure of about a product but you want to know more about the raw materials you can actually just reach out to us, and we have the verification there if it's what you're looking for.

So, which is pretty cool but we can only conclude so much information because we just think people get bored.

AM: Yeah, and also have everything categorized by six values. So within that woman brand, and all that information we have another tab that's our values so we have six different values, which is certified so if they have certification like GTS or Fairtrade we have cruelty free, which of course all our products are but we have thought of ethically manufactured purpose driven sustainably sourced and waste reducing so you can see that that's what we're talking about. We're really really transparent and we have these like special categories that we created you can shop by your values and filter out all the products that are purpose driven they give back or that are sustainably sourced so we really really go deep into all of that to try to make it easy for people when they're shopping, so amazing.

VL: It's like a whole experience around these six values and the and supporting supporting female businesses. So, you are both females, and you are both running this business, tell us a little bit about your story I know you mentioned your grandmother's before and how you created SAM & LANCE

AM: It's like a whole experience around these six values and the and supporting supporting female businesses. So, you are both females, and you are both running this business, tell us a little bit about your story I know you mentioned your grandmother's before and how you cope with it but how you played it safe.

VL: That's so cool. I love that I find that probably is one of those like eye opening things that you are getting this experience you're gaining all of these amazing memories but you're also learning so much about different people and different cultures and it's really cool because I think a lot of people go on trips and they think like, Oh, I want to change this, I want to bring this back and, but you're actually doing it, and I can't believe your business is so young, you guys are doing amazing I'm so proud of you both one oh my god I had no idea that you were only like a year and a half. That's like a little baby this is so exciting. Oh my goodness. Okay, we have one more. It's like part of the segment or one more segment in the show and it's the rapid fire round. So I'm going to ask you both for questions, and you can choose whoever wants to go first. And it's really fun and exciting and easy. Are you ready. I think so, yeah, I feel like, so usually like, are


Question One: What are you currently reading or what is your favourite book?

VM: I have so many favorite books, I'm, I'm super into merch Haruki Murakami right now because I've read one to 84 and it is one of my top three favorite books of all time. And I'll say that I am reading.

AM: By, again, going on to like travel train but like my favorite book is a book, a little book called The desire for elsewhere and Veronica actually found this book for me i think you know like in a Singapore museum gift shop or something like that. And it's just like this little beautiful novel. It's just like a narrative about this woman's desire for elsewhere and travel and just talks about like little stories and you can probably read in an afternoon but it's just like this, like, like my favorite book.

Question Two: What do you love most about being a woman?

VM: I love feeling empowered about the little thing. I just, I love like. I love like putting on cozy sweatpants and like a little t shirt and feeling sexy I love like being able to have this opportunity to do whatever I want. Without these inhibitions where I feel like so many men have this inhibition to get to be masculine you have to be this you have to be that you can't have feelings but we're allowed to we get to have these feelings we have so much more. I just feel like we have a little bit more richness to our lives and sorry to the men who have their richness I don't know do you but I just feel like we have so much more of a chain to express ourselves and to be ourselves and there's more room for us and I also love this supportive sisterhood, especially lately like women are supporting each other so much more. And, and there's always been these tight knit communities of women all over the world throughout history and I just love that about women.

AM: Yeah, I was gonna say like the sisterhood like I just love like women coming together and like we've seen that obviously in the last you know two years that the community that we've built the same Atlanta, but then also you know like we met through make lemonade and I just love seeing these like groups of women come together and like kind of maybe an off side but you like stories about like in World War Two and like how the women like what all band together and they were like actually having better survival rates because they would take care of each other, whereas like the men wouldn't have that type of like camaraderie and help that they didn't have as high of survival rate so I just think it's like throughout history like just seeing women come together and support each other and care for each other and with each other off I think that's so awesome.

Question Three: What does empowerment mean to you?

VM: I thought about this whole blog, especially because of the Stacy working and I still have such a hard time coming up with an answer. But I think kind of what I touched on before it's like empowerment to me means being brave and being able to be every part of you, and feeling strong enough to be able to do that. So I think that's why things like your podcasts are so important to is to help people find that part of them and to empower themselves to find that bravery and to find that strength.

AM: Oh yeah, I know I did something similar to like, I, I agree. And I think for me empowerment is, you know, being brave enough to do things, be brave enough to talk about it and be brave enough to fail. And, you know, I think that especially at the beginning of starting this company, you know, we had a lot or at least I know I had a lot of imposter syndrome and like, barely would talk about what we were doing was almost not good enough for you know maybe when we have more products on holiday, you know tell more people and they just felt like it was never good enough and now that we're doing this. Well, we'll see. And we just did subscription boxes and you know, we're just like talking so much because if it you know something works or something people like it that's great but you know if they don't, if that part doesn't catch on that's okay it's, we'll chalk it up as a learning and we'll just keep moving on to me that is one part of it.

Question Four: What are you currently working toward?

VM: Oh yeah, I know I did something similar to like, I, I agree. And I think for me empowerment is, you know, being brave enough to do things, be brave enough to talk about it and be brave enough to fail. And, you know, I think that especially at the beginning of starting this company, you know, we had a lot or at least I know I had a lot of imposter syndrome and like, barely would talk about what we were doing was almost not good enough for you know maybe when we have more products on holiday, you know tell more people and they just felt like it was never good enough and now that we're doing this. Well, we'll see. And we just did subscription boxes and you know, we're just like talking so much because if it you know something works or something people like it that's great but you know if they don't, if that part doesn't catch on that's okay it's, we'll chalk it up as a learning and we'll just keep moving on to me that is one part of it.

AM: I'm working towards taking my time, I am such a rush through things do things quickly do 10 things at a time that I know that sometimes it ends up being a hindrance and not a help. So that's something that like I've done all my life and it's. I'm really really working towards just like slowing down, and it's, it's so hard for me to slow down but just like taking things, you know, one day at a time and really focusing on what I'm what I'm doing

VM: Fun Fact at Alora’s old job they used to call her a laser because she did things like *fast lazer sound effect*

VL: Slowing down, it's going to be a good theme for me do all, ladies, thank you so much again for being on the show before I let you go, let us know where we can find you, where we can follow you. We feel like this question is a little bit obvious but how we can support your business. 

AM: We feel like this question is a little bit obvious but how we can support your business. Yeah, so our website is WWW.SAMANDLANCE.COM,  and then on all socials it's Sam and Lance, so you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and yeah just follow us and sit down. We love just chatting with people we answer all our DMS because running in Singapore I'm in Toronto, we say that we're available 24 hours a day, because we are. 

VM: So, another thing too, one thing we like to talk about is supporting small businesses doesn't have to cost anything so making sure you're following people on social media sharing stuff commenting. It's all all greatly appreciated like even if you love something we're doing like send us a message makes you feel good. And, yeah, you can you don't always have to spend money to support women to which is something that we like to remind everyone.

VL: I think that's a really good point but not everyone kind of remembers because a lot of times you will get zero waste products and you will get will be sustainable and ethical these ethical products as well and then you think like, oh my god like that. That's so expensive for floss or but so expensive for shampoo. I'm not used to paying that but you also understand that like you're making it an investment for your health, because the products are better quality but also for the world as a whole, like, the URL. Right. And then it's a great point to say that even just sharing and liking and commenting and yeah just being engaged and involved, mother. Gonna were so good. So amazing so we're getting our relaxed box we're getting our Zero Waste starter kit. We are shopping for wearable aroma therapy, love it, and are also getting and getting subscription boxes. This is just gonna, like, quietly send this episode to everyone and be like that. This is a great episode you should check it out and also has a really great gift ideas for the people in your life, pointing at myself.

VM: And we'll send it direct to your friends and family as they live far away and we'll write a little note for you so there's extra love and alaura learned like we don't pack them with love if we don't pack them with love, they're worried that it won't get ready to go so there's that there's always love in the book, there's good intentions whenever we pack it, it's important.

VL: Yes, it is. And I feel like those little things make such a big difference overall and I know when I open a package. If I'm opening. One of my friends from the States she sent me a little care package and it was like such a beautiful surprise to get you just feel. You just feel more whole and more happy when you get these boxes of love, so I'm really excited to be able to share this gift giving guide with everyone today. Ladies again thank you so much for being part of the show this has been an absolute blast I can't wait I'm going to go shopping right now.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra

E105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra

Today’s episode is about Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This final crown area is different from the other areas in the body because it is actually above our physical body, just like a crown that sits on top of our heads…

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[00:27] Hi there welcome back to our final episode of the chakra series. Over the past year I have been sprinkling in chakra episodes into the show - in no particular order. However today is the last of the series, and it also happens to be the seventh, out of seven chakras, or main energy centres in the body. 

Today is all about our seventh chakra: The Crown. Before we go into more detail, let’s review the seven main energy centres in the body:

Chakra One: Is the root chakra located at the base of the spine/tailbone

Episode 64: Reclaim Your Roots with the First Chakra

Chakra Two: Is the sacral chakra, located at the reproductive organs, below the belly button

Episode 89: Sexuality & The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Three: Is the core or solar plexus chakra, located in the abdomen above the belly button 

Episode 79: Confidence & The Core Chakra

Chakra Four: is the heart chakra, at the centre of the chest

Chakra Five: is the throat chakra, located at the throat

Episode 58: Speak Your Truth with the Fifth Chakra

Chakra Six: Is called the third eye chakra located at the forehead, between the eyebrows

Episode 71: Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

And lastly, Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This final crown area is different from the other areas in the body because it is actually above our physical body, just like a crown that sits on top of our heads.

[2:24] Along with specific locations in our physical body, the chakras also coincide with emotional, mental, and spiritual themes. The seventh chakra is all about knowing and learning. The meaning or purpose of this chakra is understanding. In Sanskrit the name for the seventh chakra is Sahasrara [SAH-HA-SRA-AH] ]which translates to ”thousandfold”. This is because the symbol of this chakra is a lotus with 1000 petals. I told you this chakra was different from the others!

The chakras also have colours, issues, identity, demons, characteristics, and much more.

Themes around the seventh chakra have to do with consciousness, awareness, the witness, belief systems, universal identity, higher power, transcendence, divinity, information, meaning, and unity. This chakra is represented by the element Thought, and the colour violet, or sometimes white.

To be honest, I was really delaying the production and launch of this episode. I’ve always been very intimidated by the crown chakra. It’s so much less tangible than the other chakras and for me, I find it complicated to explain. 

[3:51] There is a chakra book that I always mention and refer to, it’s called Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It’s an incredible resource for the Chakras and I refer to it each time I create these episodes. It’s like a textbook of sorts!

As I was rereading the chapter on the crown chakra I was reminded of something very important. The crown is not intangible, but rather it IS VERY tangible and connected to the physical world just like the other energy centres.

I sometimes get caught up in the limiting belief that to be spiritual you must give up all your physical possessions and devote your life to spirit. However this is a common misinterpretation entirely! 

Spiritually and the material world go hand in hand. Spirituality is not about connecting to something so beyond us; it’s about connecting to a divine part of us. A part of us that already exists. A part of us we’ve always been able to access, but choose not to, or are taught not to bother with. 

There is a really beautiful description of this chakra in the book I want to share with you:

“The crown chakra is the thousand-petaled lotus. Most people think of the petals as reaching up into the heavens; actually, the lotus petals turn downward like a sunflower, dripping nectar into the crown and down through the chakras. In this way, the two ends of the spectrum are profoundly connected. How can a lotus bloom without roots in the earth? How can it reach heaven if its roots are not deep and wide?”

Meaning this chakra, like the whole rainbow bridge of chakras, is about CONNECTION. And the purpose of this energy centre is to connect to the divine. To do this we must be able to ground, so the key to creating consciousness, and divine connection is BALANCE.

[6:05] Think of any time you’ve sat down to meditate. We meditate for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s for relaxation, many times it’s for clarity, other times we wish to tap into creativity. Whatever our reason for meditation, we know that it is a spiritual practice. To start this practice we are typically seated. Rooted. Grounded down. We take stabilizing breaths. We become more present and balanced.

Are you picking up on all of this ROOT CHAKRA LANGUAGE? Once we are more grounded and relaxed, we are then able to TURN INWARD. INSIDE! Not outside, not up to heaven, not into a crystal ball. We are looking INSIDE OURSELVES; into a place we know, we just have to bring our awareness to this place.

As I’m preparing this episode it’s becoming more clear as to why I was avoiding it. I am someone, who from a very young age, has always been “different” from my family and friends. I used to see, hear, dream, know, and feel things that most people couldn’t explain. As a young girl this was quite troubling and I slowly quieted my voice to sharing what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling, because I was TOLD that these things weren’t real. 

The senses never really went away though. Instead they manifested into dreams. Very vivid, very real dreams. I still have wild dreams every-single-night. I’m not even exaggerating when I say I have the craziest dreams. Almost every day I wake up and say, “I had the craziest dream” and each night they seem to get more wild. I don’t even know if I have the time to talk about last night’s dream.

For a while I started to keep a dream journal and try to interpret my dreams. Then I started asking the Archangels to leave me alone because I would wake up feeling tired. I asked them to let me sleep and stop sending me messages in my dreams. It worked sometimes, but I usually forgot to do it before bed.

The point is, during these times I didn’t have the tools or the teachers to help me navigate things that were unfamiliar to my own community. Most people I told dismissed, disregarded, or thought I was weird for what I was telling them.

It made me feel very DISCONNECTED from others and it is the reason why I decided to DISCONNECT from those parts of myself; so that I could feel connected to the people around me. Over time I found my people. The ones I could share my crazy dreams with and they wouldn’t judge me for it.

I found them through my own personal and spiritual practice. The more I learned about myself, the more I realized yoga and mediation were very important parts of my journey. The more I meditated and practiced yoga, and the deeper my spiritual practice became, the clearer everything became for me. From relationships, to my life path, to what my gifts were, to what was holding me back.

Now I feel like I need to interrupt this for a moment and say: just because I became more clear, did not mean that things got easier… hell to the no! They almost get a little harder haha because you’re stepping into this consciousness that not everyone can relate to or understand. Not everyone is on the same journey as you and this is an important piece to remember.

Since we are all on our own journeys, we must be patient and loving with others who do not have the same awareness as we do. This can be a challenging part of the spiritual journey.

[10:52] Just like all the other energy centres in the body, there are signs of deficiency, and excess of this seventh chakra.

Signs of a deficient Crown Chakra include:

  • Spiritual cynicism

  • Learning difficulties

  • Rigid belief systems

  • Apathy

  • Excess in lower chakras: materialism, greed, domination of others

Sins of excess in the Crown Chakra include:

  • Over intellectual-ization

  • Spiritual addiction

  • Confusion

  • Dissociation from the body

The goal is to create balance in our chakras. A balanced Crown Chakra means:

  • Ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information

  • Intelligent, thoughtful, aware

  • Open-minded, able to question 

  • Spiritually connected

  • Wisdom and mystery, broad understanding

When you’re considering your own journey and experience, think about how you can best support your crown chakra. At this point in the episode, if you’re still listening, the chances are you’re not entirely cynical about the chakras, however you might feel excess in your lower chakras in the sense that you feel heavy, and maybe tired. 

Perhaps you relate more to the excess of the crown. Maybe you obsess over your spiritual practice, and you’re always trying to find a deeper meaning, or you’re always looking beyond; so much so you’ve lost the connection with your own body. Feeling less grounded.

What is so wonderful about our spiritual and life journeys is that we all learn and grow and understand in different ways. The key is to stay open to possibilities and opportunities. 

[15:29] It is not only the crown chakra that helps us understand ourselves, it is all the chakras that are our teachers. The learning, growth, and transformation happens when we heal each of the lotus flowers, when we create balance.

Here’s what I recommend. Start with taking a moment to disconnect from the outside world. Get off your technology and find a comfortable spot to close your eyes and breathe. Start with your breath. Even our breath will teach us what is happening in our body. 

Notice the tightness, pain, pressure, space, lightness, in the body. Which body part is asking for more attention, more love? Now which of the chakras does that body part connect with? Start there.

If you’re experiencing head tension, maybe it’s the crown chakra. All of the previous chakra episodes are there, as well as a Crown Chakra Meditation you can download for free HERE!

I can’t even believe I’m saying this but next week is DECEMBER 2020! The year of all years is coming to an end, I have some great podcast episodes coming up, I know you’ll love them!

ALSO my new Healthy Habits Workshops start next week! You can sign up for the upcoming healthy habit workshop at www.valerielavignelife.com/workshop

See you there!


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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E104: Finding Balance and Feeling Good in Your Body

E104: Finding Balance and Feeling Good in Your Body with Samantha Kellgreen

Today I have a very special guest, Samantha Kellgreen. Samantha is a health, and mindset coach and helps women have an easier relationship with their bodies. She doesn't have a formula plan with her clients because that's not what they need. She goes deep and gets into the root cause of what's making it hard feeling aging in our bodies, every damn day...

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[00:47] VL: Samantha, welcome to the women's empowerment podcast. I'm so excited to have you here and to meet you today was thanks so much for having me I know I've been looking forward to this.

Samantha and I just met today because you may reach out to me as a listener of the show, which is very exciting I always like meeting the, the listeners of the podcast, and after getting to know her a little bit through her website and through her blog posts, I was really excited to to meet you. So again, thank you so much for being on the show. You have a pretty interesting story and a pretty interesting background so I was wondering if you could share just a little bit about how long we you came on to this journey of helping the women feel more comfortable with their bodies and feel amazing in their bodies.

SK: Yeah, so, you know, I started really more as a personal trainer and actually ended up being a running coach. I got very into endurance running really after college, I didn't run much before college, got into endurance running and started personal training I loved working with and I always pretty much worked with women. I loved working with them on, you know their health and fitness routines. However, I felt like it got way more into this is how I want you know women coming up to me this is how I want to look like literally given me a picture saying, I want to look like this. And I was like, This isn't right. Like this should not be your goal right it's so much bigger so I got my health coaching certification because it's like it's really more than just fitness, right. I feel like it's this bigger picture of who we are, how we want to live, um, but I experienced and I see how easy it is to fall into that trap of more is better. I mean with my running, running taught me a lot. I loved my, my running routine, sending up for races, but it got to the point where I was trying to hit a certain number of miles each week, and like that became the priority, not like do I feel amazing on this run it was, I have to get in this run, or I'm gonna feel guilty.

And it slowly happens until you realize, Oh, I feel extremely guilty if I if I miss a run, or like running is who I am, I am the fit personal trainer, this is part of my identity. And then end it's really hard to get out of when, when health and fitness is a, you know, generally, a healthy thing. It's hard to see that fine line of when it goes a little too far being too obsessive right being too Oh, I'm going to go to this cookout but I'm gonna bring my own food, stuff like that. I have to be healthy, all the time it's part of who I am. Um, it is kind of perfectionism.

And it really came to a head when we tried to get pregnant. And I realized I was I went off to Portland was I was missing my period. And it was because of, I was at an energy deficit, it's called hypothalamic amenorrhea, and from the endurance running and not eating enough to support that it takes a lot of calories to maintain, you know, just like the, you know, 30 miles a week, when I'm not training for anything. And I was too far under that I was not prioritizing rest and sleep, it was, I've got to get up and get this run in. So, too bad I can just push through it. I think that is very prevalent, especially for men right push through, you can do car Superwoman all of that and really wasn't focused on how my body really felt it was more on paper, what can I check off. So I had to really re evaluate things. And in doing that, that's when I brought in more of the mindset was like okay my mindset is in the wrong place I can be, you know, quote unquote healthy on paper, but is it healthy mindset do I wake up with feeling positive, or feeling like I've got to check all these things off. And so that was a really big disconnect that I kind of had to had to reconcile.

[5:00] VL: Wow, what a huge awakening, what a huge realization to come to because I can relate I'm, I'm in the fitness industry in the health and wellness industry and I think people do really find that there's this image of you that you need to uphold and I know for myself like I was working on every day and I kept telling people like I'm not doing it for the satisfaction of doing your for the type bomb or whatever, you know you're going to the gym for to look like a certain thing. I knew that I was going because it helped me prepare for my day, it was part of my, my morning routine, it was part of my, my mindset and my emotional well being and I kind of joked and I said you know like the gym was my therapy, because that's what it felt like.

And when we went into lockdown this year, I stopped going to the gym every day it was closed. And I made excuses for not working out at home and why I didn't want to train in the garage or at the park or in the house and I lost that part of my routine, and I started to feel different in my body and I would catch myself thinking that I had to look a certain way or fit to a certain size, and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa

Well, this is not why I train this is not why I lift weights, this is not why I moved my body and I kind of had to catch myself in that that mindset trap and recognize you know that it's more than the physical activity it's more than the looking, a certain way it's how you're feeling, not based on what someone else does, but on the box that you create for yourself, not other people's boxes that were supposed to check off so very, very much relate to what you just said. It's a huge, it's a huge, kind of, it's a huge thing to admit, I think to ourselves a lot of people aren't really willing to admit that.

So let's talk a little bit more about that shift for you and maybe how we can create the shift in our own minds to how do we move them. Okay, I want to train, but I don't want to feel guilty for wanting to look a certain way, how do we get out of this kind of mindset.

[7:08] SK: Right. And I agree I think I've talked about this with a number of other women before that there's, you know there's diet culture which I definitely do not agree with that idea of, you know, thin is always better losing weight is up you know gaining weight is bad, you should always be striving to lose weight diet foods all of this.

But then there's anti diet culture, which can make you feel guilty for having a physical goal. And I think that there's this big in between that we can live in and it's, you know, it's called balance which is like, oh haha. Good luck finding balance. But I think it's when you're setting the either setting physical goals, or just looking at what you want your workout routine to be like, and thinking for one setting benchmarks of what is, what are my bigger values, right, is like my body, my looks, my biggest value. No, that's not my biggest value but how can I still have that part of my life, and looking at when I set these goals, making sure you don't override those values

Okay, my, my family, my friends, you know, spending time with them is my biggest value. So, if I am routinely turning down, invites, and stuff like that, in favor of getting to the gym, and I don't mean just once or twice once or twice is fine, I mean every single time that you're placing the gym or sticking to a certain way of eating over friends and family. That's when there's a disconnect so that's that red flag, and that it's not every single time you know it's okay to turn down a happy hour, nothing. COVID is weird. It's okay to turn down that invite in favor of a boot camp class that you really love, but when you feel like I'd really love to go see my friends but oh my i will feel so guilty if I miss this class that that is the red flag. You know what I mean. So it's really finger on how can I, how can I make sure that I feel, placing how you feel, over, checking it off, if that makes sense. So, how can I kind of make these parameters of I'd like to do yoga this mini tends to be, I'd like to run this many times a week, but if these bigger values take precedence.

If it's a conflicting thing. What am I going to choose every time. It can't be the running every single time. It's got to be a given take and paying attention to if it's guilt and control driving it. Or, I love this class and I really want to take it and I feel amazing because of it. So it's real I mean that you can't, it's hard to put them on paper but you can't deny that. Is it coming from a controlling guilty vibe. It's just a vibe, or is it coming from a, I love this this lights me up five. And that's like hard to define, but I think you know what when you feel it.

[9:57] VL: Absolutely. So, we talk a lot about our core values on the show, and what that means to us and how to honor those values and that's by getting clear about what they are. And then, you know, making the choices based on those values so like you said if you're putting friends and family first, then you're not going to, kind of, I guess, step over those relationships or put those relationships to the side, because of what you think you should be doing or how you think you should be looking so again like that's that can be really tough for us to to transition to, and I know for myself like when I miss a workout, I sometimes kind of beat myself up over it, and I feel bad because now I feel bad about not going to my workout I feel bad because my body didn't get the movement that it needs and I'm just like, achy and grumpy and all of these things.

So how do we stop believing, negative thoughts about our body, how do we get over that piece?

SK: Oh god, it's so hard right, for one, I think the biggest misconception is that we are going to reach this like euphoric epiphany of I will never have a negative thought about my body and that's where I need to be, I will never think anything bad. I will love everything about my body 100% of the time and that is pretty much impossible, so accepting that that isn't possible makes it a much easier, because then you don't beat yourself up for thinking, oh I don't love how I look in the shirt, you can have that thought. I feel like saying it out loud. Because it feels so silly to be like, oh my arms look fat, when you say that out loud and hear how ridiculous that sounds if that is your biggest concern.

It really does help. There are much bigger things going on in the world right. It was the one friend I was talking to and she had kind of the same background I had had to put on a couple pounds to get a healthy menstrual cycle back. And she was like, I'm going to meet up with my friends. I feel like I need to warn them, that she had kind of weighed I was like whoa listen to that language warn them for what they why, you know, this is you, they are happy to see you. You know, look at those the bigger thing do you, and it always helps to look in the reverse of, if my friend is my mom if my daughter would ever send my arms look fat. Would I be like yeah, they kind of do. No, you're not seeing them for their body they're not seeing you for your money when you meet someone, this is always a good example when you, you know, you're out for a walk, strike up a conversation with a woman, when you go back home if you really enjoyed that conversation, are you keeping in mind what size, she is and how she looked in her clothes. No, it's the essence of who she is, of how she spoke to you of how she carried herself regardless of weight or size. Those are the things the impressions that we leave on people. It's reminding yourself that's all in your head, we are our harshest critics. And we are only seeing the physical things reflected back in the mirror we're not getting the full essence of who we are, which is what every single other person in our life gets.

[13:18] VL: Mmm hmm.

Like nodding along like, yes, yes, yes 100%. It's so drone I think when we, when we do meet people, whether they're new people, or friends when we listen to their languaging when we listen to how they're communicating with us or what they're saying about themselves, the things that we're recognizing the things that stand out to us. Those are our mirrors and those are what we see it in ourselves. So, whether they say it, or we see it in them.

It's a mirror for us, and I think it's a really, really important piece of information. I'm a really big observer because for my work and as you probably know this too. When you're training people, you need to be watching every little part of their body. When you say, bend your knees, you need to make sure that the knees are in alignment, you should make sure their hips are in alignment you should make sure their spine is in alignment, not only in this physical way, we need to be observing ourselves and the people around us, but in a bigger way in the way that we carry ourselves and the way that we speak in the way that we think, even when we pay attention to these things, we're gaining this information about us. And like you said, it's, it's not what we think that person weighs, or how we think that person looks is what we carry with us.

It's the personality, it's how we felt around that person. Yeah. And that to me is huge. As a huge reminder. When you said because I think, Oh my gosh, You're right. I want people to leave my classes or to leave a conversation with me and think about how I impacted their life in a positive way, not how I made them feel smaller because you know, we don't look the same or we don't dress the same or whatever it is like why would anyone think that. The other thing I always tell myself is when I catch myself in those negative mindset thoughts like, oh my gosh my pants don't me anymore like I just feel gross or whatever. Again, if your friend said that to you. What would you say back you wouldn't be like yo Yeah, totally. You're right. I would never say that to your friend.

So I like to remind people that you know the most important relationship you have in this world is the one you have with yourself, and you really need to speak, kindly to yourself.

[15:56] SK: Yeah, it was. And, and going back to like you know how do we set these goals and keep fitness you know how health is such a loaded word I feel like it's something healthy, you know, but how do we kind of keep it in perspective and not obsessive and thinking of okay are you trying to fix, featuring a fix. Are you trying to uplift, you know, I feel a connection with honestly with my higher self when I'm running, especially I'm trail running, I love that and it's not about a calorie burn, I do not get the same thing, although they're both cardio, I do not get the same thing in the spin class, so I don't really go to spin class but I prefer running, and yes they're both cardio, you can look at it from that perspective but the feeling I get when I'm doing it is a different purpose for heading out for a run, and a different feeling I get on the run and when I come back, I feel it's not like oh I burned a lot of calories on that run, it's like, oh my i felt like myself and I felt connected and I feel energized and excited for my day. So that's a feeling, to go for not like, what did I burn right i think that there's this. And it's done for us. This calorie map of eat this much burn this much, you know, weigh this much these are calculations but it, it's bullshit. It doesn't work like bodies don't work like that. That feeling of like, Oh, I'm on vacation so calories don't count it's like your body.

That's all in your head. Your body is responding to so much more than just the calories you're putting into it, it's how did they feel the reasons behind choosing a salad, is it I'm going to feel guilty if I don't choose a salad I should, anytime you think I should that's a red flag shooting is a red flag, because this Where is that coming from. Is it because I feel like I should order the salad. That's what I should be doing to be good or oh my god I haven't had a salad I haven't like made myself a big salad in a week. It takes a lot of different ingredients, I haven't had the like wherewithal to do that. That sounds amazing that's when I'm gonna order.

Again, same with like the running, it's the same salad, but the motivations are different. And if you're ordering things we all know that you feel like you quote unquote should, you're going to get what you want later. You're going to search for that because something has not been not been fulfilled, you know, it's really, it's really that feeling of having to to deserve something of I need to be this way so I deserve something else, and it doesn't work like that. It doesn't work like that, you know, we can have. You and I could eat the same exact thing do the exact same workout and it's gonna affect our bodies in different ways, because we're different people.

[18:37] VL: Absolutely. It's so annoying I get this question all the time. What do you eat, and I'm like, I'm not a nutritionist, I get older, I hope I like food and I eat food all the time and I love like I love food and try new recipes. If one more person asks me what do I, I just I don't understand the question, why does that matter, it's not interesting either not.

It's boring. Like, I have all I've got today is coffee so far, I mean it's still early in the morning but it's an it doesn't matter because what week is going to be different and affecting our body and, like, I really love broccoli, and I really love brussel sprouts, but I also really love chocolate and I love donuts and I love cookies. And I always tell people I hate kale, oh my goodness I despise kale. Kale is supposed to be the decoration and the deli counter is not for eating.

And I tell people I'm like, I don't really eat kale because it doesn't make me feel good, and he loves kale so healthy, like, it doesn't make me feel good so I'm not gonna eat it. Right. It doesn't matter if it's if it's healthy if I don't want if I'm like, oh killer so gross. as I'm eating it I'm just thinking about how disgusting This is and how hard it is to chew and how bloated I feel after I eat it. It's not going to digest well in my body.

SK: No, it's not. It's true. And so I think going back to that idea of like anti diet culture of, it's okay to have the doughnut for breakfast yes it's okay that doesn't mean force yourself to eat a doughnut to prove that you're anti diet culture, like, I don't love sweets in the morning I go for a savory. I am more of like a eggs toast avocado like, that's my jam. I will have a bite of a doughnut. But I would rather have a doughnut for dessert. Like, that's when I'm going to have my sweets because that's when I like them. And it's more of the freedom to choose what you want in the moment.

And I think that we have this fear I just actually did a live in my facebook group about this we have this fear of doing what makes you happy doing what you want to do, whether it's eating food anything that we're going to turn into this lazy person who doesn't have any ambitions or goals or eat anything healthy or move their body in any way. And it's no like that's a total opposite. It just means not forcing yourself to do something just because you think you shouldn't do it, listening, a little more intuitively, because we all have drive I mean, your listeners. We have drive, we're not going to sit and watch Netflix all day. But it's the fear that if we allow ourselves to sit and watch one show after an exhausting day that we're not pushing ourselves hard enough and we're not going to get to where you want to be. And that's just not the case i mean you think about going on vacation. And I think this every single time that after a week vacation, no matter how amazing and fun it was, it's kind of nice to be back in your routine.

Right, it's you kind of missed that routine because we crave for too we like it we just want to be able to break for you and we can and not have those restrictions that honestly we're just placing on ourselves every day.

[21:44] VL: I 100% agree I used to be so against routine and discipline because I thought I was conforming to being boring and like, I'm not even kidding you, I was like, No, I'm the rebel, I identify as a rebel, I'm never gonna routine I live by the seat of my pants like this is just how life is. And then I heard this quote that discipline equals freedom. And I'm not going to go into it. I know it's about.

I'm not gonna go into a team just like three words it's crazy right but like it's so true. And the more I became clear about my routines and my daily habits, the more I stuck to them and built them they started to compound over time, and it didn't matter if I miss a workout it didn't matter if I had one donut or two or three donuts, it didn't matter, because I felt so good in my body from putting in these daily routines also did an episode recently talking about how to increase your vitality. I've been feeling good the last little while.

And I went to see a nutritionist and she said well there's actually a few pretty major parts of your body that aren't really doing so well. However, the reason why you're not like in your bed, crying and pain and all these things is because you have a really high vitality, because you have these healthy habits in place, and even though your body is kind of going towards burnout feeling a little different down. It's not affecting you as it weren't to someone who doesn't have these healthy habits in place. And I thought, Whoa, that was huge for me to, to hear someone else say hey listen, I scan your body and we figured things out. And, you know, you're not like dying or and I'm not okay it was fine. Just intuitively I was like, I really feel good something's wrong. Yeah, something's off and I, and I want to address it before it becomes a little bit more out of control. So that was a really kind of interesting piece to come to but it was all about healthy habits.

So tell us. I don't know if you want to share your healthy habits or just some tips for helping us build daily routines that feel good for us, where can we start.

[23:46] SK: Yeah, so that's the key is that feels good for you. So I'll give the example of meditation. And before you roll your eyes, people listening. Um, I tried meditation two different times and it didn't stick. I mean like for Lent I did it every day for six weeks, and it did not stick.

I wasn't ready for it. Now, I have think I'm on day like 70 or so with insight timer doing it every day, and I look forward to it and I love it. So it's trying different things, I can tell you what I do, I will tell you what I do, but this has been letting it kind of come to me trying out different things and then realizing hey this feels good. I'm going to add this to my routine. So like I've got this morning routine that I never had before, because I was under the impression Hey every morning is different. You know, I've had a different time that I get up, although now I've got a toddler so that's not so much anymore, but you know I can't have a morning routine because every day is different.


And that's okay that was okay at the time, my morning routine at the time was at whatever time I get up these kinds of things I do it might be in a different order right now though my morning routine is I get up at a specific time I get up at 515. Um, so I can get about 15 minutes of yoga or some morning movement I'll either do my own or follow a video. I meditate for five to 10 minutes doing, and I've been doing insight timer for a while now it's guided meditation. I got a journal, and it's got some just questions same questions every day, which is really nice because then I look back through my answers are totally different every day. And then I work for about an hour before I get my son up. And before I wasn't doing yoga in the mornings, but I joined this yoga challenge.

And it was every day for 30 days, and I was doing it sporadically throughout like different times throughout the day I was like I really like this I'm going to try to make sure I do it I'm going to do in the morning, and it felt really good to move in the morning, I felt much more. I guess flexible and open. I felt much more relaxed and said I used to get up and go for a run like immediately like within 15 minutes of my alarm going off I was running, which is very stiff and very tight. I noticed how good it felt to do those stretches that was a year ago. And I've been doing it every morning because it feels good, not because someone said, you should move for 15 minutes in the morning and this way.

I let it come to me. So these are things to try but the biggest thing is what makes you feel good you get up and you really look forward to a cup of coffee. Great. Get up and your first thing you do is coffee yeah you're nodding. My thing is coffee too but I get up and I do, you know, a little yoga or meditation and then I get my coffee. And I look forward to it you want that when your alarm goes off, you know, talking about morning routines. When your alarm goes off, you want to at least be somewhat excited about what the next hour or so, holds. And so getting up and thinking, Okay, I got to get through this checklist.

It should be okay I'm going to get up and do these things that I enjoy and try different things. So there's a zillion morning or teams out there, right, the elements that I like are the movement that can be in any way, like I say I do yoga, it can be just stretching it can be. I mean, maybe you do like to get up and go for a quick run if that feels really good and you wake up and you're looking forward to it and do it, some form of movement, some sort of stillness, so it could be laying in savasana, it could be a guided meditation journaling, or writing.

That is really helped me. But this isn't for everyone doing affirmations, I think try those elements and try them for like a week or two, right, because maybe the first days like this feels weird. This isn't me, but by day four you're like, I wouldn't like really looking for it I'm getting something out of this. And sometimes we don't notice until it's gone. I had been doing that routine of the yoga and the meditation. And I went to visit my parents were gone for almost like 10 days, my parents in my in laws.

And towards the end, I was like, I just feel like often blood is like, I have not been doing my routine like my parents would get my son in the morning so asleep and a little bit which was great, but then after over a week of not doing these things I felt out of alignment, it's like, oh, I'm gonna go do like 10 minutes of yoga. I'm gonna go sit for five minutes and meditate and I felt much better. So sometimes you don't notice that you're gone I'm like, oh that was like really working. So knowing that it doesn't have to be a set structure. Some people love structure, some people don't. Some people are going to be feel confined by it, and some people are going to like set foot kind of almost liberated by like these are the steps that I do. But trying these things and different orders, seeing what really sticks seeing what you look forward to asking yourself what you look forward to what do you feel better after you do it, you know, maybe you wake up, you're like I don't really feel like doing yoga. But you notice Hey after I do those 10 minutes. I feel lighter. I feel more calm, more centered, those are the feelings you want to kind of cultivate.

[29:13] VL: Yes, 100%. I like what you said about when you wake up, you want to feel excited for the next hour of your day. And a lot of people don't they had silos. Oh my gosh, like so many people I know they're like oh I had to get up today oh it's Monday. It's Tuesday like. Who wants to feel like that every day. Exactly. And I like when I do stick to my morning routine when I do the things that make me feel good. I have so much more energy to take on the rest of the day so it's huge. It's a huge kind of routine to to get started with in your healthy habit journey, so I i mean i i talk about these topics all the time and I've learned so much, and I love what you have had to share with us today. So where can we find you Where can we follow you and how can we support your business.

SK: Oh yes, awesome. I'm on Instagram it's at simply while coaching. My website is simply while coaching calm and I talk about I mean all the things you talked about today, and I feel like my biggest driver is how can we be less rigid and less doing the things we quote unquote shouldn't do, and doing things that bind us up, bring joy, make us happy and feel good, and how do you and those are different for everyone, but this is what I talk about I also offer a free 30 minute call and mindset shift. So 30 minute coaching call to wherever you're kind of feeling stuck, and maybe you've tried some things and they're just not sticking you can't really figure out okay how do I get into my groove, what is healthy. What does healthy mean for me, I'm happy to jump on a call if you go to my website you can look it there if you go to my Instagram you can look it there too. And happy to happy to help.

INSTAGRAM | @simplywellcoaching

WEBSITE | www.simplywellcoaching.com

[31:08] RAPID FIRE ROUND: Now, are you ready for a rapid fire round?

Question number one: What are you currently reading or what's your favourite book?

SK: Oh, I'm currently reading Gabby Bernstein, the Universe Has Your Back, and loving it. It is so oh it's so inspiring and God I just like, eat up all of her stuff, it's amazing.

Question number two: What do you love most about being a woman?

SK: Oh. What do I love most. I feel like that we are so multifaceted that we are allowed to be confusing. Confused ourselves full of emotions and unpredictable and just powerful amazing answer question number three.

Question number three, What does empowerment mean to you?

SK: Oh. What do I love most. I feel like that we are so multifaceted that we are allowed to be confusing. Confused ourselves full of emotions and unpredictable and just powerful.

Question number four: What are you currently working toward?

SK: Physically trying to get my handstand. Physically trying to get it, get a hold of my handstand it is all over the place I have no control over it, but it's been fun to learn. I'm really in my business. Just working with women that I get on these calls and we liked each other up that we have conversations, just like we had today and getting more of that into my life and into their lives.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E103: Overcoming Your Healthy Habit Struggles

E103: Overcoming Your Healthy Habit Struggles

Today I’m coming in hot with a NO EXCUSES - LET’S DO THIS APPROACH! Healthy CAN be and IS SIMPLE...

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[00:52]  It’s us crazy humans who like to complicate things. I am totally guilty of it, don’t you worry. The good news is, in today’s episode I am going through each of your biggest struggles when it comes to healthy habits so that you can finally overcome them!

Before we dive in, take a moment to think about some of your struggles when it comes to healthy habits. Where do you get stuck? What excuses do you make? What’s holding you back?

Got them? Okay. If I don’t talk about your biggest struggle, please send me a dm on instagram @vallavignelife and/or let me know in the comments section below so that I can better support you in overcoming this struggle!

Struggle No.1: Consistency

[1:52] The first one we’re going to talk about today, is the one I hear about the most: CONSISTENCY. eDo you have a hard time keeping up with your fitness plan? Or healthy eating? Maybe you want to meditate each day but you hit snooze in the mornings instead?

This is actually such a popular question/topic that I have an entire episode dedicated to it:

E78: How to Stay Consistent with Your Wellness

Here’s where to start and be more consistent with your healthy habits: start with ONE habit. Just one. When you’ve decided what that habit should be, ask yourself: “What do I have to do before this can be done?”

For example, let’s say you decide homemade lunches during the week is your one goal. You’re tired of spending money every day on lunches that aren’t very satisfying.

Before you can make lunches for the week, you have to go grocery shopping for food. You also have to figure out what you’re going to eat for lunch. Therefore, before we can start our habit of homemade lunch we have two things we must do first.

Now that you know the answer to this question, you can begin to prepare for your success! Take a look at your calendar or planner and schedule in your grocery shopping AND meal prepping. Then, right here and now I want o to plan out your meals for the week. Don’t panic, it doesn’t have to be scary… in fact, let your homemade lunches be EASY!

My boyfriend and I make our lunch for the next day every evening before, while we’re making dinner. Most of the time we make extra dinner and eat the extra for lunch the next day. We keep things SUPER SIMPLE: One vegetable or our usually salad mixture + a serving of meat. We each like different snacks, so we will pack those also.

TAKEAWAY: Knowing your goal/habit is great, now get even more clear and figure out what you need to do BEFORE you can do your habit. There is usually one or two things you need to do before to set yourself up for success.


Struggle No.2: Complicated

[4:36] I hinted to this second struggle a little bit, which is that we make it TOO COMPLICATED, or we OVER COMPLICATE our healthy habit/goal.

Again, I’m guilty of this! Sometimes I hear about other people’s amazing daily meditation practices, or their incredibly tranquil and relaxing evening routines. I think of all the wonderful things I’d like to do before bed, like have an epsom salt bath surrounded by all the candles in the house, or meditate with my essential oils, or perhaps a 30 minute journaling and oracle card pulling.

And guess what, I’ve never-ever had an evening routine exactly like that because it’s WAY TOO different and complicated from what I’m doing now.

I’m not saying it isn’t possible, because it absolutely is. I’m saying that if you’re not already doing 4/5 of those things, don’t try to recreate your evening routine in this complicated way, because when we can’t even do our goal or habit for a few days in a row, we become very discouraged and unmotivated to continue or to try something different.

Okay so, how do we simplify?

We choose ONE habit, and then we ask, how can we break this down more?

Let’s say you want to start working out again. You used to workout 5 days a week… but lately you’ve been spending more time on the couch than at the gym.

Instead of saying, I’m going to workout 4-5 times a day, let’s simply. Look at your calendar and see where you can realistically schedule in A SINGLE WORKOUT FOR THE WEEK?

You see that Monday late more there is an opportunity for you to workout. Schedule your workout into your calendar/planner.

Do ONE workout this week. Yes ONE. ANYONE can do one workout, right? And so can you!

And get this… if you can’t do your workout on the Monday, look where else you can fit your ONE workout in. It’s a lot harder to make excuses for one workout a week than it is for five. ALSO, if you do a workout on Monday, and then also get another workout in on Wednesday, you’ve just exceeded your weekly goal.

The following week I encourage you to work your way up to twice a week. And so on and so forth. Build on this one habit. As you build the habit, you are also starting to build your self-trust and your self-confidence. Which will support your consistency.


Struggle No.3: Negative Self-Talk

[7:36] The third struggle when it comes to healthy habits is negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. Let me tell you right now, this is one of the most painful and limiting blocks of all, and sometimes we aren’t even aware of it.

Believing you are WORTHY, knowing in your heart that you are ENOUGH, that you are DESERVING of self-love, self-care, a healthy and happy life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. 

Here’s where to start: Think of how you want to feel. What is the word that describes how you want to feel? Now think about a time when you’ve felt that way in the past. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? Seeing? Smelling? Tasting?

You can really get a lot out of this exercise when you take some time to do it. I always enjoy journaling through this. When you’ve found the answers to these questions, you’ll have more information about what lights you up and brings you into alignment with how you want to feel. Even though you might not be able to recreate the exact memory or moment, you can brainstorm ways to bring that feeling into your every-day life.

Maybe your goal is to feel calm, because during your remembering you were brought back to a lovely yoga retreat you were on. You loved the morning yoga practice, the delicious food that was made for you, the calming music, the no screen time, and the lavender essential oil you could smell. You were surrounded by like-minded people and the sun was always shining. 

Realistically we don’t live at that yoga retreat every day, but we can pull parts of the retreat into our daily healthy habits to help us connect to the feeling we want. Here are some simple habits based off this example:

  • Morning yoga practice (can be anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes)

  • Scheduling a date night with your partner or a friend each week where you can enjoy the food and each others company

  • Setting aside time every day to turn off your screens and be more present, or use that time to go for a walk around the block

  • Take a few deep breaths of lavender essential oil, or diffusing lavender as you work or before bed each night.

Healthy can be simple, and you my darling are WORTHY of feeling good.


Struggle No.4: It’s too expensive to be healthy

[12:22] As a wellness educator I often hear this excuse or struggle when it comes to healthy habits: “it’s too expensive to be healthy” 

WRONG. For a few reasons, the first is that there are so many free resources you can use and take advantage of to incorporate into your daily lifestyle and routine. From online workout videos, to free meal plan downloads, to free coaching calls, to mediation apps, and so much more. 

Another reason why this is false is because you will end up paying for your health one way or another. Therefore, you can either choose to invest in preventative health so that you live a high quality life of feeling good, and striving for balance. OR you can pay for the prescriptions, appointments, and hospitality for when your body can’t take care of itself anymore. If hearing that is a bit of a wake up call for you, I think you know your next move. Invest in ONE area of your health today.

Remember that we’re not trying to change our entire lifestyle overnight and the goal isn’t to become a super healthy person who no longer eats a, b, c, or x, y, and z. And never goes on social media and only eats out once a week, etc. etc. 

Being a healthy human is about feeling good and loving our bodies. 

Struggle No.5: Don’t have time

[14:39] Now let’s wrap this no excuses episode up with our final struggle when it comes to healthy habits, there is no time. Heck there’s never any time. Between the job, and the kids, and the content creation, and the commuting, and the living out the lives we already have – how on earth are we supposed to get anything done let alone add in a new habit!?

We make time for what is important to us. We can ALWAYS make time. We prioritize our time and if your healthy habit isn’t a priority, it isn’t going to get done.

I’ll never forget an example I heard, and I think it was on a podcast but I can’t remember which one. They were talking about how we always say we’re busy or we can’t do something because we don’t have time. The example was when we’re working at our computer from home and our kid comes in and says “mom can you play with me?” and we say, “not now hunny I’m busy”

But if our kid came in with a pair of scissors stuck in their bleeding arm and said “mom can you help me?” you better forking help that child right away and I know you will not be brushing them in that moment.

What changed? The priority changed. Playing with your kid wasn’t a priority, your kid’s health was. 

It’s a bit of a graphic example but I will never forget it and it really made me think about what was important to me, what I was making time for.

If you aren’t really sure where your priorities are, I would highly recommend tracking how you spend your day. It’s as simple as grabbing a pen and a notebook and writing down the time, what you did during that time and how long it took you. 

As an example:

7:00 am woke up, checked emails and instagram, 30 minutes
7:30 am showered, brushed teeth, 15 minutes
7:45 am made coffee, caught up on the news, 20 minutes

Right away you can see that you’ve been on your phone for almost an hour that morning. Do you need to be on emails, instagram, and the news right away? Definitely not. Cut it down, cut it out, or reschedule it to make a more “health” or “heart-centred” morning routine.

Alright my dear. I know some of what I said today might have felt a bit tough to digest. Maybe it felt a little too close to home. And maybe there are other things going on in your life that I don’t know about that are the reason why you aren’t making moves forward for your healthy habit.

Here’s what I do know. I know that you are enough, and that incorporating a healthy habit into your life will help you be the better, daughter, mother, teacher, sister, partner, and human. I know that getting out of your own way can be really hard to do. I also know that when we get out of our own way, when we go for our goals and dreams, we can move mountains. 

No more excuses, and no time like the present!

Let me support you and hold you accountable! Reach out on instagram @vallavignelife or in the comments section below tell me your habit, tell me your struggle, let’s do this together.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E102: Choosing Courage Over Fear with Tasha Romanelli

E102: Choosing Courage Over Fear with Tasha Romanelli

Today I am very excited to introduce you to a very special guest, and a great friend of mine, Tasha Tasha is an intuitive healer, with the gift to see and feel energy. To put it plainly, she is a clairvoyant...

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[00:19] VL: With one's permission she lifts the physical veil and sees and feels your energy pinpointing areas within your body, mind, that have energetic blockages likely due to emotional trauma and reprogramming. It is through her practical training as a Reiki Master, and certified meditation teacher that she can help you remove those energetic blocks, doing so in a way that you can relate to connect with and embody so that you can fully step into your higher self raising your vibration to a whole new level, Tasha this path wasn't always clear for her. Since childhood she very her gifts and talents for the fear of being judged and notice, no stranger to being called a weirdo crazy and a freak. She hid behind her in the gifts. It wasn't until she became a mother that she had to live out her truth and quit her six figure career as an award winning art director, to set out on her own spiritual journey. Choosing the path of courage, or fear, she is now letting the world know who she is, unapologetically embracing her frake and redefining the word, as we know it. In hopes to inspire her own children, and others along the way.

Welcome Tasha.

[2:09] TR: Thank you, My God, give me goosebumps. I'm like is that me. Yes, it's me.

VL:It's so powerful like again reading it gave me goosebumps too and being around you is just like. It's such an incredible gift so we've known each other for, I don't know, a few months now, like a super long time but we've been connected over the last little while and we met in person, after we met up originally online. And I know that being around your presence, virtually is obviously very different, like most people's experiences, however being with you in a physical one on one sense, it's just, It's so incredible because you have such a presence and you're really great at holding space for people so I'm really excited to be hosting you on today's show, and I know that we're going to have an incredible episode. But I also want to thank you for your gifts and the time that we share together so far.

TR: Thank you. Yeah, I mean, even though it hasn't been that long. Our souls. We know each other for a long time there is no doubt about that. The minute I knew or, I saw you. And we connected. I was like, my heart needs to be yours. Right. It was just like this cosmic connection and, and I'm grateful for the relationship that we have and that we're building, so thank you and thank you for having me on your show.

[3:49]  VL: Of course I'm really excited. So let's jump right into you. let's learn more about you and your journey to finding your courage and really stepping into that spiritual power, take us from the beginning.

TR: Oh my gosh, where do I begin. There are so many different points in my life where I had to choose courage over fear. Starting at the beginning, how about we go there because I think it's a very important part of my journey, one that I recognize this and acknowledge that has truly helped me become who I am today. Being a young child living in a world of, let's say, rainbows and unicorns and fairies. That is where I lived and existed when I was a little girl. I had an imaginary friend Her name is Brianna and she was this beautiful fairy she had this like flaming red orange hair, and she wore in a braid along like down her side here like over her shoulder. She weren't clean and she was just so flawless like just beautiful. And we're best friends, and we played beautifully together, and she's probably, this was like rainbow bright days like glow worm. This is this is the 80s right is is all of these really fun cool toys that existed back then. And I just love playing with cars. And it wasn't until that my father actually he recognized that I was playing with someone, and question that. And he said, Who are you playing with. And then I looked at him and then I looked at Breanna. And I looked at my dad again, and then I looked at her like in confusion like how do you not see who I am playing with. And before you know it, she was gone. She disappeared, and I was devastated, and that was sort of like my first. I guess realization of connecting with another world that just doesn't exist in our reality in our, you know 4d world. And I was devastated.

From there we didn't move. So I lived in Bolton, Ontario. And then from there we moved into my family's country home and Hillsburg on property, beyond our visit. And, and then from there we moved into my family's country home and I would help her. On Property now having this gift to see beyond our physical. I wouldn't call it that as a child because I had no idea what to see. I transitioned into a place of from rainbows and unicorns to a place of fear, and disarray. The gift that I had really manifested itself into seeing things that I can't even begin to describe. It was horrible. and it was horrifying and it was fearful and.

Well, it made me really question What the heck I'm seeing. And the interesting fact was it wasn't just me. It was my brother, and that sort of validated that what I saw was just a figment of my imagination. What we saw and what we felt was very very real, the land that we lived on from my understanding was an old native burial.

My brother and I, the property that we lived on when we would go out and play we would find arrowheads, and we would bring them home and we would show my mom and my dad and luckily found look at this right. And every time that there would be like a thunderstorm or just really dark because it was always dark we lived out in the woods, basically, and on the property and he would just see things and my brother and I, we would get so freaked out I would hop in the bed with him and I would sleep with him on probably about five years old at this point. And, and we would be so paranoid we would be frozen paralyzed with fear and still to this day I remember saying to him I'm like, did you see that you like. Did you see that. And like yeah I saw that, like was that you, and he's like no it wasn't me, it was you, like no it wasn't me, it was you know like we would trip, each other out because we weren't sure of like what we would, but we just didn't know what we received, and we couldn't believe it. You just couldn't believe it. And I said to him, and I say to him every so often, I say, “Paul” his hame is Paul, “if by any chance I'm on my death bed and it's my time to go, let me tell you, I will be asking you this question, because it has set the path to my journey in this world an dI need to know if I'm not crazy, was it you?” and so every time he says, “no.”

and so it just solidifies exactly what we saw, but that's really the beginning and I was so afraid, and my brother was definitely someone that I can feel safe with and connect with. I made my dad Pedro rainbow in my bedroom, just so like on the wall, so that this way I could feel safe, knowing that, you know, I guess from where I was with rainbows and unicorns with Perry, prior to living there I always felt happy and safe and myself. So I tried to recreate that but it just did not work the land space the energy around the whole place. It was pretty, pretty horrifying. So that was kind of like the, you know, the beginning of things for me and understanding. Oh, well, she was encouraged over fear I guess right but. But that's one big part of it. And then there are other areas of my life where I've had to step into that as well.

I was in my early teenage years, I found myself in a very domestic abusive relationship. Ever since I was a little girl I always had this innate feeling that I have to help heal people. And I would call myself nurse Tasha. So I wanted to actually be a nurse as a little girl. And that could stem from many different reasons that I won't dive into right now, but I always had this feeling of I it's my gift to help heal people and make people happy. make me feel better, making them feel welcome. You know that they're not alone. I guess because I just felt always so scared and alone in my own head. And I wanted others to people. I want other people to feel safe and happy. And so I found this most relationship I got into this relationship actually that became very abusive to me. And when you're in domestic relationship, no one should ever be in domestic abusive relationship. But when you are over a long period of time, you begin to lose yourself. And when you lose yourself, you. You are literally living in fear and you're scared shitless, especially when the other person is very possessive over you, you lose your friends, you become isolated. You, you become fearful because the one that's abusing you is threatening that they will kill themselves if they if you leave them. And so like there was a lot of crap that went down and having you know my life taken from me almost twice, from this person. I don't even know who I was, for those period of times, other than being a scared, scared little girl, and being extremely ashamed for putting myself in the position that I was in. And, and then it was one day that I actually ran for my life, I actually ran for my life. We were sitting in a park, and, and I never told this relate to anyone really. So this is a big thing for me. We were sitting in a park and my partner was playing or playing sports. And I was told to sit on this bench and not move. Well, I did not like being told what to do. And I knew I needed to leave, and being scared. I had to come up with a plan but he couldn't see me. Or find me. And in this park that we were at. I looked at the trees that were in the park. And I kind of counted that I'm like okay there's one tree bear one tree there one tree that maybe if I tree hop and hide behind a tree and kind of take a look to make sure he doesn't see me, maybe I can tree hop my way out of here. And I did that as soon as his back was to me. I got up off the bench, and I ran to one tree kicked over. Okay. The other way so we're good ran to the next tree. Same thing, ran to the next tree, same thing. And then as soon as I kind of got out of the park from tree hop Bay. I ran so fast, like the fastest way that I could ever run. And I did not look back. But of course, as soon as I was running, lo and behold, there was a mutual friend. That was walking their dog, someone that knew him and someone that knew me that we went to school with. And I remember to this day I just looked at him, as I was running. And I said to him, you did not see. And I just kept on going. And I often think like I wonder what the heck he was thinking like, Why is she saying this why it's such a thing you did not see me what the hell does she mean by this. I'm sure I'm not totally confused. But those were my orders, you did not see me. And I remember running and running and running and I'm like, okay, where can we go that people find me. Because I have ran before. And every time, because every time it was. It was a beating. As I read. And so it was just a time where I'm like, Okay, I gotta go somewhere. Where can I go, and then we'll move on to our dollar, and it was like, I need to run to church. I'm gonna run to church. Because if there's any place that I can feel safe. I feel safe there he can't get me there. Because he cannot lay a hand on me because I think God's house, right, like this is my thinking.

I mean I am, I'm baptized so technically I guess I'm a Christian, but just not a practicing one. But that was like the holy grail for me and I ran, and I just like got there and I'm like, please flip into the unlocked sleeve, and I ran and I ran and I ran and opened the doors. Thank you, God, thank you universe Thank you spirit. Thank you. Thank you for having these doors open. And I bring them to the inside the church and I sat down at the Crump view. And then I went on my knees, and I looked up to the stained glass window. And I just say, I am ready.

[15:45] TR: I am ready. I am ready. I am. I can do this but I need her straight. And in exchange, I promise I promise I promise and I promise that I will always be a voice for women who are too free to speak up for themselves, or too afraid to stand in their own power. Let me be that voice for them. Let me be that voice. I am ready. I'm ready for change. And it was as if it like I came begin to describe but it was as if like the light had shined right through the stained glass windows and it was like my, my prayers were answered. And I saw that as a sign, and this was like really truly my awakening moment of like, holy shit, like I haven't been in a real real dark place for the last four years of my life. What the hell have I been doing. I know that I have purpose. I know I have meaning. And I know that I'm supposed to be doing something great with my life. And if I continue on this journey that I'm on. I'm going to be dead before I'm 20. Easy. I'm going to be dead. I know I meant more. So please God answered my prayer. And, and, yeah, I mean, it was like, literally like a light switch from one to the next, and I just literally it was like all this fear energy that I had that was care I was carrying around with me was like being drained out of me like it was just releasing itself. And that light that I saw in the stained glass when they came through the stained glass window was like that's what I was absorbing. 

All this negative horrible fearful energy that I carry with me. And it was filled with light and, and hope and potential to do greatness, and to be great in my life, and to live a life in love, and not fear. And that was really just the epitome of that set the course really have courage over fear for me. If I can get through that. If I can seriously, you know, step out of an a very abusive relationship at a very young age, who I didn't tell a single soul about because I was so ashamed. And so in fear. If I can do that. I can do anything, because I am alive. I am alive and I saved myself. I can do this and I can help other women do the same. So that was a very long winded answer to your question, but I think it's important that you understand, you know bits and pieces of who I am and, you know, since a little girl, it has always been those rainbows and unicorns and fairies, But it has also been very dark. And without the dark, we can't see the light, and knowing that light does exist, gives me hope knowing that whenever I am feeling scared or living my life in fear or seeing others in fear. Either I become the light for them and hold that space for them, so that they have an opportunity to see the potential, and be hopeful that whatever that they're going through whatever that they're suffering, their pain. We can change that we can. We are the light, and if we bleed through our heart. We can do anything.

[20:00]  VL: Wow. I mean, that the stories that you're sharing are incredibly moving and I'm really grateful that you, you are somebody who has the courage to be vulnerable who has the courage to share this really impactful part parts of your life and not a lot of people, even have the courage to talk about events like this, even though they overcame them or they escaped them, or, that's not part of their lives anymore so definitely want to recognize that it was the perfect dancer because it was true and it was authentic and it was just so empowering to hear I think that it's, it's easy for us to discredit how far we've come. But what's really important is being able to recognize that and say, you know, this is where I've come from and this is where I am now, and I'd love to talk about that with you let us know what you're doing now. Where has your, your journey brought you to today?

TR: Well, I've really stepped really back into my connection to myself my higher power. Recognizing that my gifts from spirit from our Creator is something that should not be taken lightly. I do have a gift to see. I feared that for many years because of my experiences. But I also know when I use my gifts. Not only do I save myself from myself. I can help save others. And so, I have made that conscious choice to fully step into my power and let my freak out. And I say freak, because, well, I want to change that word I want to redefine what freak means, or weirdo or you're crazy like these have such negative connotations that are associated with these words, low vibration words. No, I want to embrace my Frank right I want to be different. I want to be. Not like everybody else because I'm not, and knowing that is okay, but also knowing the fact that we are all connected and, but that's what makes us also unique is, we all have our own gifts and talents. And if we can embrace our own for whatever that may be for you and for me, we can come together in in the harmony and imbalance. Right. Isn't that what it's all about right it's like finding balance finding harmony. And, and within that peace. Right.

There's so much suffering out there, and where I want to go and I just where I am now is keep standing in my power to keep standing in my truth to keep sharing my story, to, to encourage or inspire others to be vulnerable to accept what their life is to accept that the pain and the struggles that they're going through are legit. And that when you can accept that then you can identify that and then you can move on. And when you move on you move on with courage with confidence and say yeah that's me. But to do that, you got to recognize those things. And that's where I come in. And my gift to see to see your energy to work with your chakras, and to look within those beautiful flowing energy centers within your body and say here's where you stored shit. Here's where you've been shoving things down underneath the carpet or putting it in a drawer locking the key, and forgetting about it and then allowing that energy to build and then question yourself Why am I suffering because you don't even realize that you put in there.

And if you're an empath like me, you don't even realize when you're picking up other people's junk picking up other people's energy and vibes. And so that's where I am right now I'm helping others by showing the energy back to them holding that energetic mirror to them and showing them where their energy blocks are. And I've trained myself through practices of Reiki because Reiki to me is such a beautiful calming healing modality that is not invasive, it's, it's not intrusive, it's gentle and kind. I mean, you've experienced it for yourself. So you know but for those who are listening and curious about what Reiki is making is tapping into our higher power, its creator energies, like, Universal Life Energy is really what it means. And I'm just a conduit of connecting with that energy, I allow my body to be a conduit. So when I'm sharing my own energy when I'm giving that energy I'm not sharing my own energy. I am a conduit of energy from our Creator, and then I'm helping you to give you that that boost that you're missing to like push out those blocks to shift you. Unlock the shit that you stored. I am the key, I unlock the doors. I lift the veil for you so you can see, and when you see it, that's the identifying  that is the acceptance.

Do you want to be the victim or don't you want to be the victim? In my story I shared with you earlier, I didn't' want to be the victim anymore, I had to come to terms with myself. The is not my life, I know I'm meant for more. As soon as you accept that, you accept what's going on energetically in your body, there is a shift that happens. There is a transformation. and it goes from the dark to the light. and when you're in that light state, you step into your higher self, you step into your power. At least right now. I know there's more for me out there, this is where I am right now.

[26:36]  VL: I have absolutely loved the healing sessions with you. The best reiki I've ever received! I can't even begin to describe my experiences, and I know everyone is different. Part of what I aim to offer the listeners is something tangible, something practical they can do on their own to get them started. I would love it if you could share either tips and tricks, or a guide that we. can use to start today and uncover the energy we need to let our freak out!

TR: Yes of course. Thank you. The first place you want to start is with what you already have. You don't need any special tools. You don't need anything other than what you already have. The first thing I would say for anyone listening who doesn't know where to begin. You have to understand this thinking: the only way out is in. A lot of the time we live our lives in our heads. We time travel, we shift our thoughts into things that don't exist, or haven't happened yet. Or we sit and stew and think about the past. Our mind our ego plays so many tricks with us. The problem for the challenge that we have is when we're in her head, we're not in our body. And our body tells so many stories, if we're willing to listen.

[29:00]  TR: And the best way to do that is to find stillness and how to find stillness. You do that by taking deep breaths, breathing, and being in the present moment. So to be in the present moment, exercise your senses. What did you hear what do you see, what do you taste. What do you feel, what do you smell. Because that is of what is true in that moment of time. So if, for example, where I am right now I'm sitting in a white room, I've got white walls I see a painting behind me I'm learning the color blue. I am hearing my voice. I am looking at you, I can hear the fish tank. I can smell the essential oils, lemon grass. I can taste the coffee that I was just drinking still on the tip of my tongue. All of those things are happening right now in this moment, that is of truth, that is being in stillness.

Now, once you get to that moment of stillness, connect with your breath. And within you. I want you to imagine that from your tailbone, all the way to the top of your throat. There are three compartments in those three different doorways, okay. So starting out your tailbone to your belly button is like one compartment. Then from your belly button to your diaphragm, just below your rib cage is another compartment. And then from your diaphragm to the top of your throat to where your, your neck, your chin is right here is another compartment.

And if you imagine when you taking a deep breath in. You want to open the first compartment and expand your lower abdomen. So you inhale and expand your lower abdomen, continuing to inhale you expand the middle compartment. And then as you continue to inhale, you expand the upper compartment. There are three chambers that you open up and allow the breath to expand. And when you do that, you are tapping into your central nervous system. You are opening up you're giving more space to your organs, your innards, allowing more lung capacity to free. And so, not just the physiology aspect of your body, and opening it up and adding more blood flow into your body. You're resetting your body, but also when you're doing that, you're tuning into the areas within your body that might be carrying energy. And so you take inventory. And so I always say do a count to three so I'm like you're taking a deep breath in one you're unlocking one chamber. Two, you're unlocking the second chamber. Three, you're unlocking that third chamber. You want to do it with me?

[32:00]  VL: Totally I've been doing it this whole time but God intuitively found a block, I'm like, Whoa, right away instantly.

TR: Okay, let's see if somebody's ready. Okay, so first exercise your senses. Tell me, what do you see.

VL: Okay, so I'm also in a room with white walls, and I have a, like a walnut dresser behind me, and I am smelling essential oils also I have some blends on my body right now. And I can feel, be a little bit clammy in my hands. So I can feel a little bit of sweat in my hands. I'm also tasting. The, I had like a lemon water before, such when we first got on. So I'm tasting kind of the end of that. And I'm hearing my voice I'm hearing a little bit of static noise as well. And I just heard a car, drive by outside. And this is what's true and this is what's happening right now.

[33:21]  TR: Now, when you described all of that to me. Would you say that you weren't thinking about anything else other than what you were saying.

VL: Yeah, it was very present.

TR: Exactly, exactly what was happening. So I'm glad to hear that because that is exactly the challenge that we all face. We're so in our heads. Right, for time traveling or going back and forth between right things that don't exist things that have existed, whatever that is baggage. Those are our blocks that gets stuck in the pools of energy throughout your body, the mind really is the core center of everything that we experience right, our perceptions, is our reality. So if the world is feeling, or becoming too hard for you, overbearing and stressful. You're going to carry that with you. Right. And you're going to carry it, but it's going to channel into different parts of your body. So I'm glad that you were able to disconnect from the ego mind and connect with what is happening right here in the present moment. So that in itself is a practice. And it takes time, because our mind will want to wander and it will. and that's okay, but as long as we can start to recognize these things, these patterns that I'm thinking of. Oh, dinner tonight or I'm starving right now or whatever it might be.

As long as we recognize it, and then come back to the present.

Now to help relief, and move and shift that energy. That's where the breath work comes in. So, close your eyes. And I want you to take a deep breath in. And sometimes that helps to put your hands in the different areas as you're breathing on those three chambers. So you can put one hand on your lower abdomen. So you can put one hand on your lower abdomen. Okay and then you can put another one on your upper where your diaphragm is.

And then as your eyes are closed, you take a deep breath and expand into that Lord hand. Inhale, and then inhale keep inhaling into the yeah it's one big long inhale a count of three, so inhale. And then, anyhow keep going second chamber and then you move your other hand and share chest as you continue to inhale three. And how again and three chambers are exhale, sorry.

VL:  It's a big breath.

TR: So I know it's a bit of a practice but basically. Yeah, it's a big breath. Mm hmm. So inhale, 123.

Exhale, 123.

Inhale, 123.

Exhale, 123, so it gets easier. It's a little challenging to scribe, and also feel for people because technically we take very short shallow breaths throughout our days. But when we start to intentionally agree. And if you can imagine that you're unlocking three chambers with breath as you inhale and then exhale, you're releasing, and you're allowing that flowing energy to move through your body.

Right, it's all about the energy. And, yeah, as soon as like you start to know where you are getting the present moment. Take those moments of breath. You immediately feel so much better right after. And it really takes like. Geez three six cents each nine seconds. Not 12 seconds, like 12 seconds, you can't do math, don't know

[37:26]  VL: No judgment. it's so true because it gets you into the present moment and gets you to get into your body, and you really do feel this expansiveness and the first one's a little bit tricky but then as you get into the breath deeper and as you practice it, it becomes more expansive and more inviting and I noticed like, Oh my gosh, I'm clenching my jaw, again I'm like constantly doing this, and I noticed there's like, it feels like a gobstopper like a ball like almost like a pool ball in my throat, right now, which is very I mean I'm not that surprised because this is a major energy center that we've been working on.

But it's something that I didn't really think about earlier today, and it's now becoming a little bit more present in my mind.

But checking into the surroundings and your senses. That's a tool that I practice a lot more when I was struggling with anxiety because you're so trapped in your mind or you can be so trapped in your mind and it's one of the fastest ways to ground and I love what you said that you don't really need anything else you just need herself and you need to bring that awareness into where you are, where you're at. And then using that breath, as the tool that we all have organically innately like we all have the gift of breath or tool of breath, and breath is lifeforce energy so even though people might not think well I'm not clairvoyant and I don't move energy around or shift energy or I don't do Reiki, in a way, you do, because you have this breath, and when you bring that awareness to it and you use it in your own body, it can be really transformative and really powerful so thanks for sharing that.

The three chambers and a free paragraph like that. Also just using the hands on those three different areas. For me, I know that I'm like a tactile kinesthetic learner so to be able to breathe like when you said breathe into your hand, I realized I wasn't really breathing into the lower chamber, as much as I was into the second chamber so getting the rough deeper, just by breathing into my hand, worked so well. Wow, that was great, I love that.

I want to chat a little bit more about navigating the guests. So, I mentioned that maybe a listener is tuning in and thinking, I don't really have the same gifts, but maybe someone else is listening and thinking, Well, I do have those gifts I'm not really sure how to navigate through that. I have a kind of similar story, I guess, or experience as you did as a child, not as intense, or kind of in that darker side length, but I didn't have a sibling who had that same thing as me so I really suppressed, those thoughts and the visions and the feelings and all the different things I just kept pushing it away so I was hoping you can help us navigate a little bit more through that trouble or maybe we can talk about rephrasing of what freak means to you, or how we could we can redefine this and step into that power ourselves.

[40:39]  TR: We all have these gifts.

How we choose to use them is very unique to each person. My gift is to see though I can have a clear voice. But I'm also a clairsentience. I can feel. And so it really comes down to, when you're letting your freak out, it's like, which Claire. Are you exercising, which Claire resonates with you most. So there are four Claire's, there's clairvoyance see which are fantastic open about the gift to see so that sits and lays within your intuition, your third eye. Right. clairsentience, which I had spoken about that fits within your Sacral Chakra, which is your emotional chakra energy.

And you feel, these are people who work, and right, take on other people's energy, you feel it, you feel a plant's energy you feel a fugs energy you feel the world's energy. You feel it. Then you have Claire cognizance and Claire cognizance is this gift of knowing.

I don't know if you've ever met anybody that is so sure of themselves sometimes where they're just like I don't know I just know, I just know it's true. I just know what it. I don't know how to describe it I just know right it is over sense of knowing, then so that sits right in your crown chakra.

And that is that connection to source energy. Then there is the Claire audience and Claire audience is a gift here, and musicians, typically are clear audience, because they hear music before it even exists. And then they create the music. Everyone can choose to you use these gifts in different ways. And so for many years. I use my clairvoyance see as a gift to be an artist. And so I could see things that did not exist in his physical world. But then I would create it in my work, my art. And so that is for I hid for a very very long time. As an artist I became an artist, which is where in my intro, you know, as a six figure art director and award winning artist but that's, that's what I did. I hid behind my art.

So for anyone who is listening. Ask yourself. Are you someone that just know things and kids can't decide like our kitten or doesn't know where how you know things you just know that it's clear competency. Ask yourself. Are you someone who feels immediately. That is Claire sentience.

Ask yourself, do I hear to I hear words do I see words do I hear music like, what is it Do you like what you hear. Is that something that comes to you naturally or are you someone like me who is Claire voyance, who can see. Now, we all have the gift to see and feel and know, in the ear at all times. We can all exercise those, but we have a primary, and we have a secondary go to.

And so there's a fun little like quiz that we can do and we can kind of ask those questions to kind of get clear on meaning what your clear primary and secondary are if you're up to that.

[44:28]  VL: Oh my gosh, yes, let's do it. Okay so much fun.

TR: Okay, so I want you to think about a vacation. If you've ever had a vacation, think about a vacation or time that you've got away from your home. And what is the first thing that you go to, when you think about that occasion.

VL: I am I standing on a black sand beach.

TR: So you saw you literally visually saw that. Right. Yes, what came next.

VL: And my toes are in the sand and I'm moving the sand around with my feet and I can feel that it's warm on the top and underneath, it's a little bit cool.

TR: So then you felt right. Okay, next question. I want you to think of a time in high school. that was like the best day of your life.  

VL: I think I would say probably the best day was during one of our rugby games, and we won. Our rugby game and it was my first year playing rugby for our high school team and my sister was there and my friends were there, and we were just like freaking out and so excited and jumping around and laughing and it was. It was awesome. It was a good day.  

TR: So, what I got out of that is, you saw you felt, and then you heard. So, we can go on and ask many more questions of time traveling back to moments. But it sounds as if you are someone who sees first feels so primary, secondary, and then as a tertiary.

VL: Yeah, I would agree with that because I'm someone who has the most vivid dreams I think I've ever met in any other person. My dreams are incredibly event. And sometimes when my meditation practice is quite strong I can have what some people would label a daydream like a vision in my waking life. I feel like those come in, more often, not more often than when we see things but very strongly like they're easier for me to recognize when I have them, and then the hearing the auditory is interesting because sometimes I also do hear things but it's a lot less. I recognize that a lot less than I do. The seeing and feeling. I like those little photo quizzes

TR: yeah right so here's what's interesting. You need now that you're aware of that right and for your listeners, you know, I hope that you were playing along as well. Because when you start to become clear on where you get your guidance from spirit, our Creator. You can start to tap into that and be mindful of that. And when you are mindful of that you know that you're always trusting what is right and what is real and your truth. That is your true. And when you're not. When you're not for you. When you're not listening you're not sorry, trusting what you see.

And when you're not trusting what you feel. Spirit will screen the heck out of you and will use your treasury of hearing. And, and get your attention, because you're not listening. And then you come back to the beginning. Okay, I need to trust what I see, I need to trust what I feel. Otherwise spirits getting down at me, and I need to know.

[48:44]  VL: Oh my god, like you're calling me out right now because before this. Before this, this call. I had been kind of avoiding something, and I was thinking like, I'm going crazy I'm literally going crazy because I can't get this. I can't shake this feeling. And so funny that you're saying this because, right, as I was admitting to myself that I feel crazy. My ears started ringing.

TR: So take that as a sign that the Spirit is saying you need to check yourself girl. Come back home to self, and to come back home to self is to trust what you see and what you feel, because those are your ways in of letting your freak out right you got to get in to let yourself out. And that is really to me. What's, you know like your freakout means it's like trusting your innate gifts.

But the only way to do that is to go in and to pay attention. Be mindful, so that when life happens as it does, and situations come up for you. You have to check with what you're seeing. First, checking how you're feeling. And then just even listen, what am I hearing, go through the list, and let that be your guide to navigating yourself through life.

VL: You are like you're just hitting the nail on the head. Everything. And like I said, I think we have a lot of similarities or no we have a lot of similarities throughout our life and being able to step into this courage and and speak our truths and be in the air for other women and other people as well. However, I know that I get these questions a lot and so I wanted to bring it up with you, was that.

What if, so the what is like, well, what if I lose relationships. What if people don't like my freak, what if, what, what if other people say bad things about me and just all these different kind of fears or thoughts come up while we're going through this journey because this inward journey, really, is a can be very big and transformative in people's lives and not everyone's on that same journey.

What do we do with all the what ifs, what do we do with, with all those extra limiting beliefs and fears.

TR: Well I think you just said it right there. The keyword that we believe in that. There is a higher power, believe in that the universe has a plan for you. Believe in yourself. When you step into your power. It is amazing. It is really truly powerful and not powerful in the sense of like I'm strong like muscle power or egotistic person no it's not even not, it is when you stand in your truth.

You have to believe and have faith that where you are, is exactly where you need to be, and trust that the universe will provide what is needed for you in this moment. And that's all we can ask for right we cannot predict the future, we cannot change the past. So if we learn to be in the moment. If we learn to accept Okay. Yes, I've lost some friends along the way and it hurts, it comes back to acceptance. When we can accept when we're willing to hold the mirror up to our face, take accountability for anything that we may or may not have done, but also learn to look within self forgiveness, be vulnerable to accept that the term humility. And then just have the courage to keep going.

We are all frequency we are a vibration of energy. And depending on where you are on your journey in life. We will project. Certain vibrations out there. Perhaps you've heard of the term on the same wavelength, or we're not on the same wavelength, think about it as that. So, your energy is vibrating on a certain wavelength. My energy is vibrating on a certain wavelength, and that changes day to day right It all depends on what we're doing what we're picking up and whatever.

And when you're vibrating at a higher frequency, which is why I like to call my session like high vibration healing session. Because when you are in that higher frequency. You are literally letting go of a lot of shit. And that shit can come in terms of people, physical material things, but mostly energetic things. And that's what puts you at a different wavelength. And when you're at that wavelength, people who are at a lower wavelength cannot connect with you, they cannot resonate with you, they cannot relate with you, and vice versa. 

And what ends up happening is you attract people who are at that same wavelength that you are at, which is why our connection is divine timing because our energy was at the same or is at the same wavelength, give or take. Therefore our light matches the same. And we speak the same vibrational language. And we connect and relate. So in relationships with people.

When people drop off, and you're live trust and believe and know that, where you are is exactly where you need to be to come back to it full circle. Because our vibration is at a higher level, and trust and know that greater things are coming your way. Because when you're at that higher frequency possibilities are endless. And you attract the bright people that you need in that moment in your life. But you have to believe in order to receive 

[55:25]  VL: Very eloquently put, and so true. And I know from my own experience, believing and trusting in, courage, it's there all muscles, the way that I look at it and we have to keep training those muscles, we have to keep believing we have to keep trusting, we have to keep finding the courage. Because the more we do, the easier it becomes in the future, the easier saying yes to those big hairy scary goals and trusting the universe, and knowing that you are supported. You are supported and the more you believe that the easier the energy flows and I find to when I'm in those stuck spots when I'm when I feel like I'm hitting my rock bottom. I remind myself. Okay, like exactly what we did today, what's in front of me, what am I seeing, hearing feeling, what can I taste what can I touch. Can I take those deep breaths, can I recenter and ground myself, and remember that at the foundation. I am supported.

Remember that I have the courage and the strength that I need to be here right now because everything that has happened, often to this point in time, has led me here to this problem to this opportunity to this to this moment in time to this conversation. Everything has led us here together. And I don't believe in coincidence. I really don't. I believe in divine timing. And the more I let go of the fear or the need to change your control or predict the more clear. The journey becomes. Which is funny because it's almost like I'm trying so hard to see what's gonna happen next. And the more you let go of that, the more clear and more focus I have the cloud is gone, and the clarity is there.

And it reminds me actually of this really incredible quote, Steve Jobs, so he says you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect the dots looking backward. And it was something that really hit me when I was on that trip I was describing when you asked me a vacation that I had.

And that was one of the first two weeks of my trip I remember being on that beach and seeing and feeling and hearing all of those things. And at the beginning of my journey. I thought, what the heck am I doing, I bought a one way ticket to Guatemala, I am insane. But I heard a voice that said, buy the ticket. Go to Guatemala, like I literally in meditation heard this voice and now that you're saying, you know, you saw it you felt that you're hearing yet the universe is frickin pushing me. So anyway I did it. And I kept, I remember standing on the beach and it was a beautiful like a beautiful moment but I remember thinking, I don't know why the hell I'm here. But I don't need to know. I'm just going to be, I'm just going to be here seven months later, I look back, I looked at my trip on a map, I read through my journals I looked at my photos, and I thought, holy crap, I couldn't have planned a better seven months vacation or travel or whatever you want to call it, adventure. I couldn't have ever predicted the people I was going to meet the experiences I was going to have the things I was going to learn along the way. And I'm so glad that I let go. In the beginning, even though I was a little bit tough there were some times where I was like, okay, food poisoning was not part of part of what I wanted. But, again, it led me to meet certain people and to visit certain places and to know things about myself, for my own strength and that was a journey that I learned so much about my own strength and my own courage and my, my own belief in myself and trust that you just have to believe, like you said, you have to believe and keep believing. Absolutely love it. All right, ladies, tell us about how we can work with you because you're amazing and I know that you have virtual offerings as well so share some more about the raise your vibes with Tasha and how we can, how we can connect

[59:42] TR: I have several different services that I'm offering for people right now. We are in a time with COVID in I am aware that I'm still offering one to one Reiki sessions. And so this is an in person. If you are not comfortable with one to one in person sessions, I am offering distant Reiki healing Healing Sessions.

So I have a beautiful, beautiful space that I'm using right now and I'm following all of the protocols to ensure of your health and safety first and foremost, and what a Reiki session is is literally a top to bottom.

Energy clearing really helping you to understand your energy so that you can step into your higher self. It is an inward journey and experience. And I guide you along the way because I'm someone who believes that what I'm feeling what I'm seeing you need to resonate and connect with so that you can embody it. And when you embody it that's when you can really make those changes for yourself. But ultimately, it is a self discovery for you. And you can still do that with me during distance Reiki Healing Sessions so it would be a virtual call. And the only thing that I ask is that I get to see you lie down so that I can look at your body and see how you're breathing and so I can check in with your energy that way, and still very similar experience as a hands on, but without the hands on, and I will walk you through every step of the way. What you get out of that is really a life changing experience. It feels like a flood of energy that's just being pushed out of your body and it is ultimate peace ultimate rest and relaxation at the end of the day, I always ask any of my clients, never come with any expectations and come with an open mind.

That is all I can ask.

From there, I'm also offering energy readings. So for those that are just kind of getting into all of this really cool fascinating world of energy work, and are curious to know where their energy blocks are in their body. An energy reading session with me is a great way to do that. I, as I've mentioned I'm the one holding up the mirror for you. I am not here to project what my own personal thoughts are. I channel the energy and the connection with source energy. I call in your guides I call in my guides and I work through them to help you raise your vibration to the highest self.

And, you know, within an energy reading, I do provide exercises along the way. And again, I never asked that you bring any tools with you other than yourself. I want you to show up fully as who you are. And we'll use breathwork we'll use body movements, we'll make funny sounds whatever needs to happen to get out whatever it is that is happening in your body, that we need to release, mind body and soul. So you can do an unbroken energy reading with me. And then also I do offer one to one, or group meditation sessions as well. For those that are just looking to understand, meditation, how to get into it, teaching the principles of meditation, and how to allow meditation to benefit you and, again, to step into your higher self, those are really the three ways right now I also have a beautiful website for you that has so many freebies for you to tap into some free meditations. And if you are curious about what your energy is saying and if you had an opportunity to check in what your energy is telling you, I have a free online quiz that you can, that you can access, and it will give you a really fun response as to what your energy is saying to you, and provide you with some great tips there as well.

[1:04:00]  VL: And we have one more final round of the segment which is our rapid fire, around, are you ready?

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Question number one: What are you currently reading or what's your favourite book?

TR: Spiritually Sassy. It's actually a really good book. Oh my goodness, the author is a new author, so it's spiritually sassy Yes, eight radical steps to activate your innate superpowers and it's by son de Simone, I'm probably not saying that properly. But he is his beautiful flamboyant man who uses his body through dance, and expresses his spirituality. He's very got a very similar story of not feeling like he belongs, or when he was in doing his spiritual journey to didn't feel like he belonged. It didn't feel like he fit in fear he wasn't the type to wear all the white sit there and like, you know, be still for so long and what he realized is that his superpowers his spirituality doesn't have to come in the form of what his predecessors, you know, are or do. So it's a really interesting book. Love it.

Question number two: What do you love most about being a woman?

TR: Well, I gave birth to two beautiful boys. But I just love that. I came out in this world as the stronger one out of the two sexes.

Question number three, What does empowerment mean to you?

TR: empowerment means to me, oneness connectedness. When we all work together as one. We empower one another to be better to do better to act better and to make real positive change in the world.

Question number four: What are you currently working toward?

TR: I am working toward building a community. I am looking for ways to create soulful Sundays, where I can connect with other soulful like minded individuals who all Express very similar ways of living that I do, and sit in circle.

VL: Okay love that. I can't wait to hear about this. Thank you so much for being a part of the show, it is an absolute pleasure and honor to sit with you and to hear your story, and to learn all about kind of letting our freakout and choosing courage over fear I think it's the most perfect reminder for everyone who does listen to the show the women's empowerment show on how we can step into that power and empower ourselves to be more authentic and to be more freak, and weird and incredible and perfectly imperfect and all the things so i i appreciate what you do I, I know the world also appreciates, everything you do and how you serve. So, thank you so much.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E101: Modern Magic: Spell Casting

E101: Modern Magic: Spell Casting

Today’s show isn’t about witches or wizards or magic potions, but rather the power of our own mortal words and even our own thoughts...

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[00:58] You see, whether we realize it or not, we are all under different spells. Yes, we are! Did you know that? 

The spells I might be under will be different from yours, because you and I give different meanings to words. For example I might say “snake” and you might shutter, or wince, or perhaps squirm a little. Whereas I become more curious, more alert, and a bit excited by the word snake. This is because we live in our own realities. We have different experiences, stories, perceptions, and legends. 

And now, more than ever, we live in a world where we are all under the spell that we, as individuals, are the most important beings on the planet. We believe that we are what matters. We are redefining POWER in this new world we live in and saying things like, “I am taking back my power.” Or “their words were powerful.”

It is in today’s day and age where our words have more “power” than ever before. SO MUCH so that we are “cancelling” people whenever they say something we disagree with. Not allowing them the chance to share their side, to explain their reasoning, or even giving them the opportunity to learn our perspective, our meanings, our perception. We hear their words, they’ve casted their spell, and if we don’t like it we block them completely.

That’s pretty powerful, wouldn’t you say?

Knowing that someone’s words, including our own words, have the power to send someone into shock or bring up a trauma is a very heavy knowing and responsibility. But that doesn’t mean we should be tip-toeing around with our words; mindful of them for sure, however not silenced. 

[3:00] Instead of silencing ourselves, or cancelling another, we can take our journey inwards to our own personal power and deepen our emotional intelligence. Recognizing how words, languaging and spells – as I am calling them – affect us. 

For example, I may not be negatively triggered by the word “snake” but believe you me, if we’re talking about any rodent on the planet I am not interested. Instead of reacting emotionally to this languaging, I can choose to respond instead. 

A reaction might look like me quickly getting upset, projecting my fears and insecurities and shock onto the other person.

Where as a response could be a calm comment to say something along the lines of: I appreciate your enthusiasm in this conversation, however I really do not enjoy rodents and would very much prefer to change the conversation topic. 

Now you might be laughing or rolling your eyes right now and that’s okay. This is information about how my words are affecting you right now. Maybe you’re nodding along – remember we have different realities, and not everyone will agree with us. 

[4:25] Not everyone will share the same level of emotional intelligence, which means we have to be willing to be disliked. It’s true! Did that trigger you? Are you under the spell that you have to be liked by everyone?

Something to think about… the different kinds of spells we are under. The “not enough spell,” the blaming others spell, there are many spells out there!

When we are emotionally intelligent, we are able to manage our energy. We’re able to catch our reaction and transform it into a response. 

And as a side note, if I’m talking about Emotional Intelligence and you’ve never heard this term before, read this BOOK: Emotional Intelligence. It is a MUST-READ for every human being on the planet. I highly recommend this book, I have read it and listened to it, and I’m sure I will re-read it again. 

[5:30] Okay, coming back to managing energy. Every single thing we do is a negotiation of our power. Every thought, word spoken, every action taken. We give and take power each and every day. We give our power away when we yell at the person who cut us off in traffic. We take our power back when we honour our boundaries and stick to our core values.

Do you want to know the secret to being okay with being disliked? It’s having a set of values that we DO NOT COMPROMISE. 

Core values. Our core values are our fundamental beliefs. When we are clear of these values, when we think, speak and act from these values we are honouring them. We are honouring ourselves. Be so clear on what those values are, so unshakable in them that no matter who or what comes at you, you have this strong foundation. 

There is a great bonus episode with Sonia Grossi about core values and leadership.

[7:04] So far we have learned about spells, we have learned that we are Spell-Casters, and we are ALSO Shapeshifters.

We control our realities, we shape our own realities. And when we learn to manage our energies, we are also shape shifting. Pretty cool right! This information is all very cool, and all very important, and here’s what else we need to know: How to break spells.

You might think that the way to break a spell is to change your mindset, but this will only help you visualize it. The mindset is important, but it’s not as powerful as CHOOSING a different behaviour. You have to DO. We have to TAKE ACTION to break the spell.

[8:11] It’s so similar to The Law of Attraction and the Manifestation Formula. We talk a lot about manifesting on this podcast, so I will link to a few Manifestation episodes:

Bonus Episode: Tapping into the Unconscious Mind to Manifest Dreams and Avoid Burnout 

Episode #83: 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers

Episode #56: The Beginner’s Guide to Manifesting

The Law of Attraction tells us that what we think in our minds, we can manifest into our realities. This is why our mindset is so important, are thoughts are indeed very powerful, however they alone cannot break spells

The Manifestation Formula is:

Thoughts = Feelings = Actions = Results

Many of us get stuck in the cycle of: thoughts feelings, thoughts feelings, thoughts feelings. Because we are so caught in our spell that our thoughts and feelings cannot beak us out of the spells we are under. Taking action however, choosing a different behaviour CAN. 

It sounds quite simple, but the work itself is often more difficult. How do we change our behaviour?

[9:32] Here are three key tips:

  1. Start small. I used to drive to work the same way every single day. There are many ways that I can drive to work, but for some reason I always went the same way. I did this so frequently that I actually would catch myself at work and not even remembering how I got here. Talk about not being present. It was one day where I found myself on autopilot that I decided I needed to change something very small in my routine. I decided to turn left at the stop sign instead of going straight. Crazily enough this was a lot more difficult than I imagined! I would catch myself driving through the stop sign and slapping my steering wheel with how annoyed I was that I couldn’t easily make this ONE simple behaviour change. Eventually I was able to make the change even to the point where now I sometimes go straight, and other times I DECIDE to turn left. It’s the power of my choosing my behaviour instead of being held under a spell. Simple example I know, but it’s important to start small.

    1. Write down your plan. Put a physical pen to a physical piece of paper. There is power in writing things down, especially goals and dreams. Thinking of your goal is great, but when we write it down we are taking action in a physical way. Even if it has nothing to do with your goal. For example: I was under the spell that I couldn’t workout at home. Home workouts sucked and I really didn’t want to lift weights in the garage. FOR MONTHS this spell was casted on me. Over time my body and mind suffered from the lack of physical exercise. I was tired, slow, unmotivated, and I knew I need to change my behaviour and really break the spell. So I started by writing down my to-do list for the day and I added “home workout” onto the list. I wrote it down, I saw it there and then I started taking action on my to-do list. I even tried to trick myself to skip the workout but I didn’t. I made the choice to DO the workout and I did! Since then I’ve scheduled the workouts into my calendar twice a week. This week I couldn’t workout on Monday because of a sudden schedule change, so I moved it to Friday!

    2. This is a big one: Identify triggers + replacement habits. Sometimes the spell we’re under is something we are doing but we want to stop doing. For example, I want to stop scrolling or checking my phone in bed. A trigger is when I forget to do my French lesson on my app and I bring my phone into the bedroom so I can do it there. A replacement is charging my phone in the bathroom, doing my French lesson before going to bed when I’m brushing my teeth instead. Another replacement could be putting a book beside my bed instead of my phone so that I read instead of scroll. 

[14:17] The change of behaviour itself is very fast. The decision to change the behaviour takes a little longer. Why is this? Well it’s because we believe this in our reality. We believe the spell is true, we let the spell trick us into believing the limiting beliefs, the obstacles that keep us stuck under the spells. It’s up to us to channel our powers into breaking the spell by using the power to take-action.

It’s about using our power to make changes and using it to manage our energy so that we can develop our emotional intelligence, break out spells, and be mindful how we are also spell-casters. 

Not all spells are bad though. Sometimes we can trick ourselves out of one belief so that we can bring ourselves to belief something else. Something more empowering. 

As your take-away for this week’s episode I want to encourage you to bring more awareness into your thoughts, words, actions. And also pay attention to the words and actions of others. Save the judgement and rather use this all as information about how we are going around casting or breaking spells. Question the spells you are under. Question the spells other’s cast. 

Happy spell casting and breaking! 

If you’re interested in learning more about today’s topic, check out Caroline Myss

Power of Modern Day Spell Casters VIDEO

BOOK: Anatomy of the Spirit 

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E100: Ten Things I've Learned in 100 Episodes!

E100: Ten Things I've Learned in 100 Episodes!

So… I just re-listened to episode “0” of the show. It’s the short and sweet intro of how the podcast started. To be honest, I thought I would be cringing the whole time but I actually didn’t wince AT ALL!...

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[00:41] I listened and my heart felt so full. I was remembering the version of me who was so terrified and excited to start the podcast. My goal was to bring inspiration and excitement to women everywhere and I had no clue what I was doing – but I did it anyway!

In this trailer episode I tell a story about a young woman who was seeking a change. A woman who broke free from the expectations of others and went to live her dream! That woman was me.

During this time in my life I was discovering myself, and along the journey I met many mirrors. Some very strong, wise, beautiful, and empowering humans who completely lit up my life and inspired me to keep stepping into my true self. 

It also inspired me to create what is now the Women’s Empowerment Podcast. And today the 100th episode of the show! I can’t even believe it!! It’s so incredible and I am so proud and so full of love for what this has become!

Typically, every 10 episodes I do a Q&A show where I answer questions around specific topics, but today is a little different. Today I’m going to share some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the last 100 shows I’ve produced. Plus I'll be sharing more about how the show will evolve moving forward.



I listened to podcasts for a few years before starting this one. I dreamed about how cool it would be to have my own podcast and it stayed a dream for a really long time. 

When I first decided that I wanted to have a show of my own, my mind immediately went to all of the reasons why I shouldn’t or couldn’t have my own show, and then I sat down and mapped out a plan. I thought, “if they could do it, so could I!” [they being everyone else I was listening to and following at the time.]

As a coach, I understand the importance of taking action, and there really is no time like the present… so my plan was to start with a live show on instagram and facebook that I would host each week and I would save the video/recording and use it for the podcast. 

I had NO CLUE what I was doing. I had only tired IG Live maybe once before? It was pretty intimidating at the time because most people weren’t really using it then. So anyway I gave myself five episodes, which was over five weeks to figure out how to turn those recordings into podcast content, and somehow it all worked out and I did it! I launched the podcast version of the show within five weeks. 

It was WAY more time than anyone needs to start a podcast, you could do it today! However, because I was also overcoming these limiting beliefs and fears, I was taking that little bit of time. Over that time I was also growing my confidence and developing my skills. 

As I think back to that time I am very proud of myself for actually doing the work. It’s not easy to grow and leap out of the comfort zone and to do something you’ve never done, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

My only regret with the show is that I didn’t start sooner. Just start!!



If you’ve been listening to the show for a while now, you may have already figured out that healthy habits are kind of my thing. Habits have changed my life, and whether you’ve noticed it or not, they’ve changed yours too.

I first understood the power of habits after reading Darren Hardy’s book: The Compound Effect.

I highly recommend reading this no fluff, amazing book to everyone I meet! It clearly explains how habits truly impact our lives: the good habits AND the bad habits!!

To know what kind of habits you have, start by tracking your days and weeks. Write out a list of everything you do each day, from when you wake up, to when you go to bed. If it applies, also record the quantity with the habit. For example: time on social media scrolling 30 minutes. Or drinking water, 2 litres. It might change each day, that’s okay, keep recording.

After about a week or so, notice where you’re spending your time. What are some of the things you are doing each day? If you kept doing these things every day, where do you think you’d be in three years?

As another example, let’s say you grab an afternoon latte every weekday. The medium size is $3.65, plus tax. That’s 18.25 a week, plus tax. Now fast forward to three years and countless coffees later… That’s $1,847 … plus tax. Maybe your afternoon latte is a very important ritual for you and you want to keep that going, but what about your other rituals, habits, and routines?

Where can you “upgrade” your habits? Here are some examples:

Start your morning with meditation or a brain game instead of checking emails and scrolling on social media.

Incorporate a daily movement practice into your routine and get some fresh air, or stretch your legs at lunch instead of staying in and working through your break.

Swap the daily news for an empowering podcast while you commute to work. 

There are a million and one ways to upgrade your habits. Start with one of them and stack your habits from there.

When I started my podcast I had a really strong morning routine. And before lockdown it stayed very strong and consistent. Now, my day-to-day has changed yet again and I’m working out how I can upgrade my morning in a new way as my life and habits are evolving.


[10:06] LESSON THREE: The Deep Work Can Be Scary

On the show we talk a lot about mindset and positivity. This is a huge part of our mental, emotional, as well as spiritual health. This type of health and wellness is slowly starting to become more mainstream, and even though it is more talked about, it doesn’t really make the work that much easier.

Facing fears, removing mindset blocks, and meeting the shadow parts of ourselves can be really scary. We’ve been suppressing all of this for so long and it keeps building up, so the longer we wait to confront it and heal it, the tougher it gets. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried, or I’ve thought about giving up, or how many times I’ve asked myself, “what is the point!?” This shit is tough. Like REALLY tough. And if you’re going through this deep, dark inner work, I FEEL YOU! I want to tell you it gets easier, but it doesn’t. It’s probably going to get harder. But you are also going to be stronger, and braver, and more empowered than ever before.

And when we start to slip into bad habits or old ways of thinking again, we can catch ourselves quicker and undo or reset a lot faster. Lately I’ve been noticing imposter syndrome creeping up on me and I, quicker than ever, shut that ish down!

I recognize that this is not serving me, and what I see in this other human being who is making big waves, is what I also see in myself. A thought-leader, a change-maker, a human of light who is raising people up by stepping into my own truth and light.

Your light can never be too bright, and don’t you dare let anyone tell you otherwise. 

And we have to use our light to work through the dark parts of ourselves because at the end of the day we’re all human, and we’re all going through a lot of stuff. We’re in this together.



A few months before… hmm maybe it was a year before starting the podcast I partnered with dōTERRA and started using essential oils in my home and my life. I actually started using the oils because I wanted some holistic support for my anxiety. Within weeks I started feeling so much better and soon after I decided to sell dōTERRA’s essential oils and wellness products. I’ve never looked back. I honestly can’t even remember my life before dōTERRA. These products support every area of my health from physical, to social, to mental, emotional, spiritual, occupational and every other aspect of my life. One of the top reasons why I chose dōTERRA over any other oil company was because of their QUALITY. The quality of their oils exceeds any other essential oil company on the market. This includes their sourcing from all over the world while supporting families and communities, as well as their methods for distilling and third party testing to ensure quality with every single bottle of oil that arrives at our doorsteps. 

They are exceptional leaders in this industry and I am so proud to be a partner with them. The quality in these products also means the oils actually work. They have supported my own mental health journey, and they are supporting millions of households globally as well. 

I cannot speak enough about the importance of knowing more about what we are consuming, such as where it is coming from, and what impact it is making on the world. Not just with oils, but with all things.

Episode 61: I Didn’t Buy Clothes for an Entire Year

The changes we make in our lives don’t have to be so extreme, however the simple act of bringing awareness to our actions is incredibly important and can help us in doing better for a better world. 

This year I invested in reusable produce bags and snack/sandwich bags, as well as beeswax wraps and more so that we could reduce the amount of single use plastic we consume.

Reusable Produce Bags

Reusable Snack/Sandwich Bags

Beeswax Wrap

Using quality products, having quality thoughts, creating quality content. Whether you are focusing on your health, your wealth, or your happiness… always choose quality over quantity.



In today’s world we are constantly being watched. That came out a little creepy, but you know what I mean. People are watching, listening, learning, and absorbing everything we post, say, and do. We are impacting lives, and as leaders, it’s important to lead by example. There is no room for inauthenticity, for talking the talk without walking the walk. 

To build trust with yourself and with your audience you have to do what you say you’re going to do. Or do the things you are teaching others to do. 

In the last 100 episodes my life has changed. I’m taking every area of my life has been overhauled or impacted in the last two years. There has been growth, loss, and pain, and laughter. All of it. Yes, some parts of my life are more private than others and I have decided to post and share a more positive outlook and perspective AND I also talk about the tough work. I don’t show up crying every episode or every day on stories telling you the long list of negative thoughts that went through my mind when something out of my control happens. 

Instead, I take the time to connect to my inner self. I reach for my tools like my oils, and my healthy habits, and I come back to a place where I am able to respond rather than react. And I show up as the leader I want to be, and the leader I want my team members to be and I say, listen. Today was a tough day, and here is how I supported myself in this time. Perhaps there is some new information, or some helpful reminders that you might be able to incorporate into your life or healing also. 

Take it or leave it, this is me. Those that choose to join and follow and subscribe, amazing! Those that don’t, that’s okay too. 

Leaders. Your people will find you. Keep showing up. Keep leading by example. Your actions will speak volumes compared to your words.



There have been a lot of episodes on confidence in the show and they have become quite popular too.

Episode 68: Taking the Big Leap Out of Your Comfort Zone

Episode 53: How to Build Your Confidence Tool Kit

Episode 28: Know Your Worth

Episode 79: Confidence and the Core Chakra

Lately I’ve been recognizing languaging and actions that stem from insecurities. I’m mostly noticing it in other people, and remember that the other people in our lives are our mirrors… so this is very valuable information about ourselves as well.

I did mention that my life has been overhauled in many ways. As I’m sure a lot of people's lives have been this year. One of the areas of my life that has been greatly impacted is my career and business. I recently became a co-owner of a pilates studio. HELL-O! WOW this is honestly a dream come true, but also it’s so huge and new that there is fear and limiting beliefs, and the negative mindset comes up from time to time. 

And when I feel my insecurities or negativity creeping in, I have to really remind myself of my own capabilities. Yes there are things that can help impact us positively and negatively, but our confidence, our power comes from within. We have to continue to connect to this core confidence so that it is so strong and unshakable. So that we can take leaps and make our dreams a reality without getting in our own way. 

The biggest, most debilitating mistake is searching for your self confidence in others. Waiting for accolades, and for others to tell us that we are great. Of course I love positive feedback and reinforcement. This is a way to remind me of my own power. I didn’t create a podcast with over 100 episodes because other people believed in me. It was finally created because I believed in myself.

I want to shake my friends sometimes because I see their light and their greatness and their potential but they do not see themselves this way and they don’t go after their dreams.

I recognize this SO WELL because I have been in their position before too. Where people want to shake the sense into you.



This lesson grows off of the previous lesson. Our self worth directly corresponds to our net worth. You get whatever YOU BELIEVE you deserve. Not think or say or feel, what you BELIEVE. You have to believe in yourself, you have to believe that you DESERVE your dreams because YOU DO! YOU DESERVE THE ABSOLUTE BEST! You deserve success and happiness, and anything else you desire that is serving the greater good. 

If you’re hitting a wall or a block or something of the sort, check in with yourself. What do you believe you are worth? Care for yourself, show up, be brave, be bold, learn to love yourself more and more and you will build your self worth. While this is happening watch how your success and happiness builds too!

Start believing in yourself and in your greatness.



I honestly feel like this lesson doesn’t really need to go into depth because it’s pretty straight forward. Especially if you think of it from a health and wellness perspective. You can’t workout one time and expect to see results.

Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to feel better in your body? Do you want to move every day? Do you want better posture, flexibility, mobility, etc? Then keep working out. Not just one time, but consistently over a long time, and then keep doing it.

Last year I hit a really hard wall in my business. I can remember sitting on the couch with tears welling in my eyes. I started by business years ago and had felt like I had only grown an inch. That was the day I questioned my purpose. I SERIOUSLY questioned if I should quit going after my dreams and get a J-O-B. I genuinely thought about the idea but it felt like a death of my soul. You must understand: giving up on dreams for me is soul-crushing! But my heart was heavy and hurting because I had been working so-forking-hard and it only felt like it was getting harder!

In my overwhelming despair I decided to draw a bath. I sat with my heavy emotions, and my negative self talk. And after a while I started to let go of all the pain, and come back into alignment with my purpose instead. My purpose is to help busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. So that’s what I did. I helped myself create healthy habits so that I could show up as the best version of myself and transform my own life. And I’m so forking glad I didn’t give up on myself because now I;m even stronger at serving and supporting others.

Plus nearly a year later, I leveled up with a new and daring adventure as a new business owner of a brick and mortar pilates studio and this has been a dream of mine since… I was 16 I think? A long time!



In a previous episode about the throat chakra I shared the journey of my childhood struggles with my throat, tonsils and my ability or I guess lack thereof, to be seen and heard.

Episode 58: Speak Your Truth with the Fifth Chakra

I cannot specifically remember if this was part of my hesitation with starting my own podcast. To be honest this is such a common mindset block for a lot of entrepreneurs, and it felt very prominent in my journey as well. It’s the limiting belief of not feeling like our voice or our message is worthy. Why would anyone want to listen to me? Who cares about what I have to say? Well actually… the show has received over 17,000 unique downloads completely organically over the last 100 episodes, and I get messages all the time from people telling me how much they enjoy the show. This morning I received a voice note about episode 99 and how much they liked it! 




There is someone out there who is listening to you. Who needs YOU, your message, your voice, your perspective, your support. 

I say this in the intro episode of the show: “I believe that the Universe has guided you here for a reason. You can call it luck, chance, guidance, or synchronicity, but for whatever reason, your path has aligned with mine. And as of this moment. We are connected.”

Your people will find you. And they want to hear from you.



“Let it be easy” has been my mantra over the years. Wherever I feel frustrated or blocked or challenged I stop, take a breath, and say my mantra out loud: LET IT BE EASY. When I am ready, I will go back to whatever I was working on and more often than not the work flows.

We are always receiving messages. Often from our bodies about our health, and sometimes from the Universe. Most of the time I am being reminded to take breaks and breathe. Other times I am being pointed in a new direction. Whenever I am feeling confused about my next move, I stop, breathe, and say “let it be easy” and I trust that I will be guided to a path that is free flowing and smooth.

The nudges are the clues, the hints, the signals, the messages that the Universe sends us. It’s always working in our favour, we’re just not always listening… 

I received nudges to move my podcast from weekly live shows and videos to pre-recorded episodes and videos. Then, that transitioned into audio podcast episodes and no more videos. Soon I also felt called to host guests on the show, and now as we grow more, I have new nudges to follow. But before I get to the new evolution of the show, let’s take a peak at the top three episodes so far!



#3: Episode 01: New Moon, New Beginnings

This is the very first episode and live recording of the show. It was a new moon on this day and that is pretty auspicious and special – if you like to follow the moon phases, which obviously if this is the third most popular episode, you must follow it! Haha 

This episode talks about the moon phases, the new adventure in podcasting, as well as manifesting with the moon.

Here's the best part. There is a video and I am nervous, and excited, and adorable. These videos and looking back is so cool in recognizing growth in yourself. It’s pretty amazing evidence of where we’ve come from; and how far we’ve come.

#2: Episode 92: An Action Plan for How to Be a Morning Person

This is essentially a 15 minute guide to creating your morning routine. I break down the benefits of a morning routine, and the step-by-step formula to making your very own.

#1: Episode 81: 5 Tips for Positive Self Talk

Simple, yet powerful, in this episode I break down 5 tips for talking more positively to yourself. I also include information about the importance of this and how to navigate the negative self talk as well.



→ More guest episodes! But not as bonuses, as part of the weekly content that I am sharing! We have some amazing guests coming up and I am really pumped about it! You can expect to hear from them soon!

→ I am monetizing the podcast! WOO WHOO! Currently I am enrolled in a new course to learn more about sponsorships and brand partnerships. I am so excited to be doing this because I know it will help myself and the show grow! I spend a lot of time producing the show and creating the content, I want to be able to offer more, and I also want to get paid to keep it growing. Super excited about this!

Great things are happening! Thank you so very much for celebrating this 100th episode with me! I will be popping some champagne I think tonight, or at least I will be this weekend! I appreciate you and I can’t wait for us to grow together!

Find me on instagram @vallavignelife

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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