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[00:19] VL: With one's permission she lifts the physical veil and sees and feels your energy pinpointing areas within your body, mind, that have energetic blockages likely due to emotional trauma and reprogramming. It is through her practical training as a Reiki Master, and certified meditation teacher that she can help you remove those energetic blocks, doing so in a way that you can relate to connect with and embody so that you can fully step into your higher self raising your vibration to a whole new level, Tasha this path wasn't always clear for her. Since childhood she very her gifts and talents for the fear of being judged and notice, no stranger to being called a weirdo crazy and a freak. She hid behind her in the gifts. It wasn't until she became a mother that she had to live out her truth and quit her six figure career as an award winning art director, to set out on her own spiritual journey. Choosing the path of courage, or fear, she is now letting the world know who she is, unapologetically embracing her frake and redefining the word, as we know it. In hopes to inspire her own children, and others along the way.
Welcome Tasha.
[2:09] TR: Thank you, My God, give me goosebumps. I'm like is that me. Yes, it's me.
VL:It's so powerful like again reading it gave me goosebumps too and being around you is just like. It's such an incredible gift so we've known each other for, I don't know, a few months now, like a super long time but we've been connected over the last little while and we met in person, after we met up originally online. And I know that being around your presence, virtually is obviously very different, like most people's experiences, however being with you in a physical one on one sense, it's just, It's so incredible because you have such a presence and you're really great at holding space for people so I'm really excited to be hosting you on today's show, and I know that we're going to have an incredible episode. But I also want to thank you for your gifts and the time that we share together so far.
TR: Thank you. Yeah, I mean, even though it hasn't been that long. Our souls. We know each other for a long time there is no doubt about that. The minute I knew or, I saw you. And we connected. I was like, my heart needs to be yours. Right. It was just like this cosmic connection and, and I'm grateful for the relationship that we have and that we're building, so thank you and thank you for having me on your show.
[3:49] VL: Of course I'm really excited. So let's jump right into you. let's learn more about you and your journey to finding your courage and really stepping into that spiritual power, take us from the beginning.
TR: Oh my gosh, where do I begin. There are so many different points in my life where I had to choose courage over fear. Starting at the beginning, how about we go there because I think it's a very important part of my journey, one that I recognize this and acknowledge that has truly helped me become who I am today. Being a young child living in a world of, let's say, rainbows and unicorns and fairies. That is where I lived and existed when I was a little girl. I had an imaginary friend Her name is Brianna and she was this beautiful fairy she had this like flaming red orange hair, and she wore in a braid along like down her side here like over her shoulder. She weren't clean and she was just so flawless like just beautiful. And we're best friends, and we played beautifully together, and she's probably, this was like rainbow bright days like glow worm. This is this is the 80s right is is all of these really fun cool toys that existed back then. And I just love playing with cars. And it wasn't until that my father actually he recognized that I was playing with someone, and question that. And he said, Who are you playing with. And then I looked at him and then I looked at Breanna. And I looked at my dad again, and then I looked at her like in confusion like how do you not see who I am playing with. And before you know it, she was gone. She disappeared, and I was devastated, and that was sort of like my first. I guess realization of connecting with another world that just doesn't exist in our reality in our, you know 4d world. And I was devastated.
From there we didn't move. So I lived in Bolton, Ontario. And then from there we moved into my family's country home and Hillsburg on property, beyond our visit. And, and then from there we moved into my family's country home and I would help her. On Property now having this gift to see beyond our physical. I wouldn't call it that as a child because I had no idea what to see. I transitioned into a place of from rainbows and unicorns to a place of fear, and disarray. The gift that I had really manifested itself into seeing things that I can't even begin to describe. It was horrible. and it was horrifying and it was fearful and.
Well, it made me really question What the heck I'm seeing. And the interesting fact was it wasn't just me. It was my brother, and that sort of validated that what I saw was just a figment of my imagination. What we saw and what we felt was very very real, the land that we lived on from my understanding was an old native burial.
My brother and I, the property that we lived on when we would go out and play we would find arrowheads, and we would bring them home and we would show my mom and my dad and luckily found look at this right. And every time that there would be like a thunderstorm or just really dark because it was always dark we lived out in the woods, basically, and on the property and he would just see things and my brother and I, we would get so freaked out I would hop in the bed with him and I would sleep with him on probably about five years old at this point. And, and we would be so paranoid we would be frozen paralyzed with fear and still to this day I remember saying to him I'm like, did you see that you like. Did you see that. And like yeah I saw that, like was that you, and he's like no it wasn't me, it was you, like no it wasn't me, it was you know like we would trip, each other out because we weren't sure of like what we would, but we just didn't know what we received, and we couldn't believe it. You just couldn't believe it. And I said to him, and I say to him every so often, I say, “Paul” his hame is Paul, “if by any chance I'm on my death bed and it's my time to go, let me tell you, I will be asking you this question, because it has set the path to my journey in this world an dI need to know if I'm not crazy, was it you?” and so every time he says, “no.”
and so it just solidifies exactly what we saw, but that's really the beginning and I was so afraid, and my brother was definitely someone that I can feel safe with and connect with. I made my dad Pedro rainbow in my bedroom, just so like on the wall, so that this way I could feel safe, knowing that, you know, I guess from where I was with rainbows and unicorns with Perry, prior to living there I always felt happy and safe and myself. So I tried to recreate that but it just did not work the land space the energy around the whole place. It was pretty, pretty horrifying. So that was kind of like the, you know, the beginning of things for me and understanding. Oh, well, she was encouraged over fear I guess right but. But that's one big part of it. And then there are other areas of my life where I've had to step into that as well.
I was in my early teenage years, I found myself in a very domestic abusive relationship. Ever since I was a little girl I always had this innate feeling that I have to help heal people. And I would call myself nurse Tasha. So I wanted to actually be a nurse as a little girl. And that could stem from many different reasons that I won't dive into right now, but I always had this feeling of I it's my gift to help heal people and make people happy. make me feel better, making them feel welcome. You know that they're not alone. I guess because I just felt always so scared and alone in my own head. And I wanted others to people. I want other people to feel safe and happy. And so I found this most relationship I got into this relationship actually that became very abusive to me. And when you're in domestic relationship, no one should ever be in domestic abusive relationship. But when you are over a long period of time, you begin to lose yourself. And when you lose yourself, you. You are literally living in fear and you're scared shitless, especially when the other person is very possessive over you, you lose your friends, you become isolated. You, you become fearful because the one that's abusing you is threatening that they will kill themselves if they if you leave them. And so like there was a lot of crap that went down and having you know my life taken from me almost twice, from this person. I don't even know who I was, for those period of times, other than being a scared, scared little girl, and being extremely ashamed for putting myself in the position that I was in. And, and then it was one day that I actually ran for my life, I actually ran for my life. We were sitting in a park, and, and I never told this relate to anyone really. So this is a big thing for me. We were sitting in a park and my partner was playing or playing sports. And I was told to sit on this bench and not move. Well, I did not like being told what to do. And I knew I needed to leave, and being scared. I had to come up with a plan but he couldn't see me. Or find me. And in this park that we were at. I looked at the trees that were in the park. And I kind of counted that I'm like okay there's one tree bear one tree there one tree that maybe if I tree hop and hide behind a tree and kind of take a look to make sure he doesn't see me, maybe I can tree hop my way out of here. And I did that as soon as his back was to me. I got up off the bench, and I ran to one tree kicked over. Okay. The other way so we're good ran to the next tree. Same thing, ran to the next tree, same thing. And then as soon as I kind of got out of the park from tree hop Bay. I ran so fast, like the fastest way that I could ever run. And I did not look back. But of course, as soon as I was running, lo and behold, there was a mutual friend. That was walking their dog, someone that knew him and someone that knew me that we went to school with. And I remember to this day I just looked at him, as I was running. And I said to him, you did not see. And I just kept on going. And I often think like I wonder what the heck he was thinking like, Why is she saying this why it's such a thing you did not see me what the hell does she mean by this. I'm sure I'm not totally confused. But those were my orders, you did not see me. And I remember running and running and running and I'm like, okay, where can we go that people find me. Because I have ran before. And every time, because every time it was. It was a beating. As I read. And so it was just a time where I'm like, Okay, I gotta go somewhere. Where can I go, and then we'll move on to our dollar, and it was like, I need to run to church. I'm gonna run to church. Because if there's any place that I can feel safe. I feel safe there he can't get me there. Because he cannot lay a hand on me because I think God's house, right, like this is my thinking.
I mean I am, I'm baptized so technically I guess I'm a Christian, but just not a practicing one. But that was like the holy grail for me and I ran, and I just like got there and I'm like, please flip into the unlocked sleeve, and I ran and I ran and I ran and opened the doors. Thank you, God, thank you universe Thank you spirit. Thank you. Thank you for having these doors open. And I bring them to the inside the church and I sat down at the Crump view. And then I went on my knees, and I looked up to the stained glass window. And I just say, I am ready.
[15:45] TR: I am ready. I am ready. I am. I can do this but I need her straight. And in exchange, I promise I promise I promise and I promise that I will always be a voice for women who are too free to speak up for themselves, or too afraid to stand in their own power. Let me be that voice for them. Let me be that voice. I am ready. I'm ready for change. And it was as if it like I came begin to describe but it was as if like the light had shined right through the stained glass windows and it was like my, my prayers were answered. And I saw that as a sign, and this was like really truly my awakening moment of like, holy shit, like I haven't been in a real real dark place for the last four years of my life. What the hell have I been doing. I know that I have purpose. I know I have meaning. And I know that I'm supposed to be doing something great with my life. And if I continue on this journey that I'm on. I'm going to be dead before I'm 20. Easy. I'm going to be dead. I know I meant more. So please God answered my prayer. And, and, yeah, I mean, it was like, literally like a light switch from one to the next, and I just literally it was like all this fear energy that I had that was care I was carrying around with me was like being drained out of me like it was just releasing itself. And that light that I saw in the stained glass when they came through the stained glass window was like that's what I was absorbing.
All this negative horrible fearful energy that I carry with me. And it was filled with light and, and hope and potential to do greatness, and to be great in my life, and to live a life in love, and not fear. And that was really just the epitome of that set the course really have courage over fear for me. If I can get through that. If I can seriously, you know, step out of an a very abusive relationship at a very young age, who I didn't tell a single soul about because I was so ashamed. And so in fear. If I can do that. I can do anything, because I am alive. I am alive and I saved myself. I can do this and I can help other women do the same. So that was a very long winded answer to your question, but I think it's important that you understand, you know bits and pieces of who I am and, you know, since a little girl, it has always been those rainbows and unicorns and fairies, But it has also been very dark. And without the dark, we can't see the light, and knowing that light does exist, gives me hope knowing that whenever I am feeling scared or living my life in fear or seeing others in fear. Either I become the light for them and hold that space for them, so that they have an opportunity to see the potential, and be hopeful that whatever that they're going through whatever that they're suffering, their pain. We can change that we can. We are the light, and if we bleed through our heart. We can do anything.
[20:00] VL: Wow. I mean, that the stories that you're sharing are incredibly moving and I'm really grateful that you, you are somebody who has the courage to be vulnerable who has the courage to share this really impactful part parts of your life and not a lot of people, even have the courage to talk about events like this, even though they overcame them or they escaped them, or, that's not part of their lives anymore so definitely want to recognize that it was the perfect dancer because it was true and it was authentic and it was just so empowering to hear I think that it's, it's easy for us to discredit how far we've come. But what's really important is being able to recognize that and say, you know, this is where I've come from and this is where I am now, and I'd love to talk about that with you let us know what you're doing now. Where has your, your journey brought you to today?
TR: Well, I've really stepped really back into my connection to myself my higher power. Recognizing that my gifts from spirit from our Creator is something that should not be taken lightly. I do have a gift to see. I feared that for many years because of my experiences. But I also know when I use my gifts. Not only do I save myself from myself. I can help save others. And so, I have made that conscious choice to fully step into my power and let my freak out. And I say freak, because, well, I want to change that word I want to redefine what freak means, or weirdo or you're crazy like these have such negative connotations that are associated with these words, low vibration words. No, I want to embrace my Frank right I want to be different. I want to be. Not like everybody else because I'm not, and knowing that is okay, but also knowing the fact that we are all connected and, but that's what makes us also unique is, we all have our own gifts and talents. And if we can embrace our own for whatever that may be for you and for me, we can come together in in the harmony and imbalance. Right. Isn't that what it's all about right it's like finding balance finding harmony. And, and within that peace. Right.
There's so much suffering out there, and where I want to go and I just where I am now is keep standing in my power to keep standing in my truth to keep sharing my story, to, to encourage or inspire others to be vulnerable to accept what their life is to accept that the pain and the struggles that they're going through are legit. And that when you can accept that then you can identify that and then you can move on. And when you move on you move on with courage with confidence and say yeah that's me. But to do that, you got to recognize those things. And that's where I come in. And my gift to see to see your energy to work with your chakras, and to look within those beautiful flowing energy centers within your body and say here's where you stored shit. Here's where you've been shoving things down underneath the carpet or putting it in a drawer locking the key, and forgetting about it and then allowing that energy to build and then question yourself Why am I suffering because you don't even realize that you put in there.
And if you're an empath like me, you don't even realize when you're picking up other people's junk picking up other people's energy and vibes. And so that's where I am right now I'm helping others by showing the energy back to them holding that energetic mirror to them and showing them where their energy blocks are. And I've trained myself through practices of Reiki because Reiki to me is such a beautiful calming healing modality that is not invasive, it's, it's not intrusive, it's gentle and kind. I mean, you've experienced it for yourself. So you know but for those who are listening and curious about what Reiki is making is tapping into our higher power, its creator energies, like, Universal Life Energy is really what it means. And I'm just a conduit of connecting with that energy, I allow my body to be a conduit. So when I'm sharing my own energy when I'm giving that energy I'm not sharing my own energy. I am a conduit of energy from our Creator, and then I'm helping you to give you that that boost that you're missing to like push out those blocks to shift you. Unlock the shit that you stored. I am the key, I unlock the doors. I lift the veil for you so you can see, and when you see it, that's the identifying that is the acceptance.
Do you want to be the victim or don't you want to be the victim? In my story I shared with you earlier, I didn't' want to be the victim anymore, I had to come to terms with myself. The is not my life, I know I'm meant for more. As soon as you accept that, you accept what's going on energetically in your body, there is a shift that happens. There is a transformation. and it goes from the dark to the light. and when you're in that light state, you step into your higher self, you step into your power. At least right now. I know there's more for me out there, this is where I am right now.
[26:36] VL: I have absolutely loved the healing sessions with you. The best reiki I've ever received! I can't even begin to describe my experiences, and I know everyone is different. Part of what I aim to offer the listeners is something tangible, something practical they can do on their own to get them started. I would love it if you could share either tips and tricks, or a guide that we. can use to start today and uncover the energy we need to let our freak out!
TR: Yes of course. Thank you. The first place you want to start is with what you already have. You don't need any special tools. You don't need anything other than what you already have. The first thing I would say for anyone listening who doesn't know where to begin. You have to understand this thinking: the only way out is in. A lot of the time we live our lives in our heads. We time travel, we shift our thoughts into things that don't exist, or haven't happened yet. Or we sit and stew and think about the past. Our mind our ego plays so many tricks with us. The problem for the challenge that we have is when we're in her head, we're not in our body. And our body tells so many stories, if we're willing to listen.
[29:00] TR: And the best way to do that is to find stillness and how to find stillness. You do that by taking deep breaths, breathing, and being in the present moment. So to be in the present moment, exercise your senses. What did you hear what do you see, what do you taste. What do you feel, what do you smell. Because that is of what is true in that moment of time. So if, for example, where I am right now I'm sitting in a white room, I've got white walls I see a painting behind me I'm learning the color blue. I am hearing my voice. I am looking at you, I can hear the fish tank. I can smell the essential oils, lemon grass. I can taste the coffee that I was just drinking still on the tip of my tongue. All of those things are happening right now in this moment, that is of truth, that is being in stillness.
Now, once you get to that moment of stillness, connect with your breath. And within you. I want you to imagine that from your tailbone, all the way to the top of your throat. There are three compartments in those three different doorways, okay. So starting out your tailbone to your belly button is like one compartment. Then from your belly button to your diaphragm, just below your rib cage is another compartment. And then from your diaphragm to the top of your throat to where your, your neck, your chin is right here is another compartment.
And if you imagine when you taking a deep breath in. You want to open the first compartment and expand your lower abdomen. So you inhale and expand your lower abdomen, continuing to inhale you expand the middle compartment. And then as you continue to inhale, you expand the upper compartment. There are three chambers that you open up and allow the breath to expand. And when you do that, you are tapping into your central nervous system. You are opening up you're giving more space to your organs, your innards, allowing more lung capacity to free. And so, not just the physiology aspect of your body, and opening it up and adding more blood flow into your body. You're resetting your body, but also when you're doing that, you're tuning into the areas within your body that might be carrying energy. And so you take inventory. And so I always say do a count to three so I'm like you're taking a deep breath in one you're unlocking one chamber. Two, you're unlocking the second chamber. Three, you're unlocking that third chamber. You want to do it with me?
[32:00] VL: Totally I've been doing it this whole time but God intuitively found a block, I'm like, Whoa, right away instantly.
TR: Okay, let's see if somebody's ready. Okay, so first exercise your senses. Tell me, what do you see.
VL: Okay, so I'm also in a room with white walls, and I have a, like a walnut dresser behind me, and I am smelling essential oils also I have some blends on my body right now. And I can feel, be a little bit clammy in my hands. So I can feel a little bit of sweat in my hands. I'm also tasting. The, I had like a lemon water before, such when we first got on. So I'm tasting kind of the end of that. And I'm hearing my voice I'm hearing a little bit of static noise as well. And I just heard a car, drive by outside. And this is what's true and this is what's happening right now.
[33:21] TR: Now, when you described all of that to me. Would you say that you weren't thinking about anything else other than what you were saying.
VL: Yeah, it was very present.
TR: Exactly, exactly what was happening. So I'm glad to hear that because that is exactly the challenge that we all face. We're so in our heads. Right, for time traveling or going back and forth between right things that don't exist things that have existed, whatever that is baggage. Those are our blocks that gets stuck in the pools of energy throughout your body, the mind really is the core center of everything that we experience right, our perceptions, is our reality. So if the world is feeling, or becoming too hard for you, overbearing and stressful. You're going to carry that with you. Right. And you're going to carry it, but it's going to channel into different parts of your body. So I'm glad that you were able to disconnect from the ego mind and connect with what is happening right here in the present moment. So that in itself is a practice. And it takes time, because our mind will want to wander and it will. and that's okay, but as long as we can start to recognize these things, these patterns that I'm thinking of. Oh, dinner tonight or I'm starving right now or whatever it might be.
As long as we recognize it, and then come back to the present.
Now to help relief, and move and shift that energy. That's where the breath work comes in. So, close your eyes. And I want you to take a deep breath in. And sometimes that helps to put your hands in the different areas as you're breathing on those three chambers. So you can put one hand on your lower abdomen. So you can put one hand on your lower abdomen. Okay and then you can put another one on your upper where your diaphragm is.
And then as your eyes are closed, you take a deep breath and expand into that Lord hand. Inhale, and then inhale keep inhaling into the yeah it's one big long inhale a count of three, so inhale. And then, anyhow keep going second chamber and then you move your other hand and share chest as you continue to inhale three. And how again and three chambers are exhale, sorry.
VL: It's a big breath.
TR: So I know it's a bit of a practice but basically. Yeah, it's a big breath. Mm hmm. So inhale, 123.
Exhale, 123.
Inhale, 123.
Exhale, 123, so it gets easier. It's a little challenging to scribe, and also feel for people because technically we take very short shallow breaths throughout our days. But when we start to intentionally agree. And if you can imagine that you're unlocking three chambers with breath as you inhale and then exhale, you're releasing, and you're allowing that flowing energy to move through your body.
Right, it's all about the energy. And, yeah, as soon as like you start to know where you are getting the present moment. Take those moments of breath. You immediately feel so much better right after. And it really takes like. Geez three six cents each nine seconds. Not 12 seconds, like 12 seconds, you can't do math, don't know
[37:26] VL: No judgment. it's so true because it gets you into the present moment and gets you to get into your body, and you really do feel this expansiveness and the first one's a little bit tricky but then as you get into the breath deeper and as you practice it, it becomes more expansive and more inviting and I noticed like, Oh my gosh, I'm clenching my jaw, again I'm like constantly doing this, and I noticed there's like, it feels like a gobstopper like a ball like almost like a pool ball in my throat, right now, which is very I mean I'm not that surprised because this is a major energy center that we've been working on.
But it's something that I didn't really think about earlier today, and it's now becoming a little bit more present in my mind.
But checking into the surroundings and your senses. That's a tool that I practice a lot more when I was struggling with anxiety because you're so trapped in your mind or you can be so trapped in your mind and it's one of the fastest ways to ground and I love what you said that you don't really need anything else you just need herself and you need to bring that awareness into where you are, where you're at. And then using that breath, as the tool that we all have organically innately like we all have the gift of breath or tool of breath, and breath is lifeforce energy so even though people might not think well I'm not clairvoyant and I don't move energy around or shift energy or I don't do Reiki, in a way, you do, because you have this breath, and when you bring that awareness to it and you use it in your own body, it can be really transformative and really powerful so thanks for sharing that.
The three chambers and a free paragraph like that. Also just using the hands on those three different areas. For me, I know that I'm like a tactile kinesthetic learner so to be able to breathe like when you said breathe into your hand, I realized I wasn't really breathing into the lower chamber, as much as I was into the second chamber so getting the rough deeper, just by breathing into my hand, worked so well. Wow, that was great, I love that.
I want to chat a little bit more about navigating the guests. So, I mentioned that maybe a listener is tuning in and thinking, I don't really have the same gifts, but maybe someone else is listening and thinking, Well, I do have those gifts I'm not really sure how to navigate through that. I have a kind of similar story, I guess, or experience as you did as a child, not as intense, or kind of in that darker side length, but I didn't have a sibling who had that same thing as me so I really suppressed, those thoughts and the visions and the feelings and all the different things I just kept pushing it away so I was hoping you can help us navigate a little bit more through that trouble or maybe we can talk about rephrasing of what freak means to you, or how we could we can redefine this and step into that power ourselves.
[40:39] TR: We all have these gifts.
How we choose to use them is very unique to each person. My gift is to see though I can have a clear voice. But I'm also a clairsentience. I can feel. And so it really comes down to, when you're letting your freak out, it's like, which Claire. Are you exercising, which Claire resonates with you most. So there are four Claire's, there's clairvoyance see which are fantastic open about the gift to see so that sits and lays within your intuition, your third eye. Right. clairsentience, which I had spoken about that fits within your Sacral Chakra, which is your emotional chakra energy.
And you feel, these are people who work, and right, take on other people's energy, you feel it, you feel a plant's energy you feel a fugs energy you feel the world's energy. You feel it. Then you have Claire cognizance and Claire cognizance is this gift of knowing.
I don't know if you've ever met anybody that is so sure of themselves sometimes where they're just like I don't know I just know, I just know it's true. I just know what it. I don't know how to describe it I just know right it is over sense of knowing, then so that sits right in your crown chakra.
And that is that connection to source energy. Then there is the Claire audience and Claire audience is a gift here, and musicians, typically are clear audience, because they hear music before it even exists. And then they create the music. Everyone can choose to you use these gifts in different ways. And so for many years. I use my clairvoyance see as a gift to be an artist. And so I could see things that did not exist in his physical world. But then I would create it in my work, my art. And so that is for I hid for a very very long time. As an artist I became an artist, which is where in my intro, you know, as a six figure art director and award winning artist but that's, that's what I did. I hid behind my art.
So for anyone who is listening. Ask yourself. Are you someone that just know things and kids can't decide like our kitten or doesn't know where how you know things you just know that it's clear competency. Ask yourself. Are you someone who feels immediately. That is Claire sentience.
Ask yourself, do I hear to I hear words do I see words do I hear music like, what is it Do you like what you hear. Is that something that comes to you naturally or are you someone like me who is Claire voyance, who can see. Now, we all have the gift to see and feel and know, in the ear at all times. We can all exercise those, but we have a primary, and we have a secondary go to.
And so there's a fun little like quiz that we can do and we can kind of ask those questions to kind of get clear on meaning what your clear primary and secondary are if you're up to that.
[44:28] VL: Oh my gosh, yes, let's do it. Okay so much fun.
TR: Okay, so I want you to think about a vacation. If you've ever had a vacation, think about a vacation or time that you've got away from your home. And what is the first thing that you go to, when you think about that occasion.
VL: I am I standing on a black sand beach.
TR: So you saw you literally visually saw that. Right. Yes, what came next.
VL: And my toes are in the sand and I'm moving the sand around with my feet and I can feel that it's warm on the top and underneath, it's a little bit cool.
TR: So then you felt right. Okay, next question. I want you to think of a time in high school. that was like the best day of your life.
VL: I think I would say probably the best day was during one of our rugby games, and we won. Our rugby game and it was my first year playing rugby for our high school team and my sister was there and my friends were there, and we were just like freaking out and so excited and jumping around and laughing and it was. It was awesome. It was a good day.
TR: So, what I got out of that is, you saw you felt, and then you heard. So, we can go on and ask many more questions of time traveling back to moments. But it sounds as if you are someone who sees first feels so primary, secondary, and then as a tertiary.
VL: Yeah, I would agree with that because I'm someone who has the most vivid dreams I think I've ever met in any other person. My dreams are incredibly event. And sometimes when my meditation practice is quite strong I can have what some people would label a daydream like a vision in my waking life. I feel like those come in, more often, not more often than when we see things but very strongly like they're easier for me to recognize when I have them, and then the hearing the auditory is interesting because sometimes I also do hear things but it's a lot less. I recognize that a lot less than I do. The seeing and feeling. I like those little photo quizzes
TR: yeah right so here's what's interesting. You need now that you're aware of that right and for your listeners, you know, I hope that you were playing along as well. Because when you start to become clear on where you get your guidance from spirit, our Creator. You can start to tap into that and be mindful of that. And when you are mindful of that you know that you're always trusting what is right and what is real and your truth. That is your true. And when you're not. When you're not for you. When you're not listening you're not sorry, trusting what you see.
And when you're not trusting what you feel. Spirit will screen the heck out of you and will use your treasury of hearing. And, and get your attention, because you're not listening. And then you come back to the beginning. Okay, I need to trust what I see, I need to trust what I feel. Otherwise spirits getting down at me, and I need to know.
[48:44] VL: Oh my god, like you're calling me out right now because before this. Before this, this call. I had been kind of avoiding something, and I was thinking like, I'm going crazy I'm literally going crazy because I can't get this. I can't shake this feeling. And so funny that you're saying this because, right, as I was admitting to myself that I feel crazy. My ears started ringing.
TR: So take that as a sign that the Spirit is saying you need to check yourself girl. Come back home to self, and to come back home to self is to trust what you see and what you feel, because those are your ways in of letting your freak out right you got to get in to let yourself out. And that is really to me. What's, you know like your freakout means it's like trusting your innate gifts.
But the only way to do that is to go in and to pay attention. Be mindful, so that when life happens as it does, and situations come up for you. You have to check with what you're seeing. First, checking how you're feeling. And then just even listen, what am I hearing, go through the list, and let that be your guide to navigating yourself through life.
VL: You are like you're just hitting the nail on the head. Everything. And like I said, I think we have a lot of similarities or no we have a lot of similarities throughout our life and being able to step into this courage and and speak our truths and be in the air for other women and other people as well. However, I know that I get these questions a lot and so I wanted to bring it up with you, was that.
What if, so the what is like, well, what if I lose relationships. What if people don't like my freak, what if, what, what if other people say bad things about me and just all these different kind of fears or thoughts come up while we're going through this journey because this inward journey, really, is a can be very big and transformative in people's lives and not everyone's on that same journey.
What do we do with all the what ifs, what do we do with, with all those extra limiting beliefs and fears.
TR: Well I think you just said it right there. The keyword that we believe in that. There is a higher power, believe in that the universe has a plan for you. Believe in yourself. When you step into your power. It is amazing. It is really truly powerful and not powerful in the sense of like I'm strong like muscle power or egotistic person no it's not even not, it is when you stand in your truth.
You have to believe and have faith that where you are, is exactly where you need to be, and trust that the universe will provide what is needed for you in this moment. And that's all we can ask for right we cannot predict the future, we cannot change the past. So if we learn to be in the moment. If we learn to accept Okay. Yes, I've lost some friends along the way and it hurts, it comes back to acceptance. When we can accept when we're willing to hold the mirror up to our face, take accountability for anything that we may or may not have done, but also learn to look within self forgiveness, be vulnerable to accept that the term humility. And then just have the courage to keep going.
We are all frequency we are a vibration of energy. And depending on where you are on your journey in life. We will project. Certain vibrations out there. Perhaps you've heard of the term on the same wavelength, or we're not on the same wavelength, think about it as that. So, your energy is vibrating on a certain wavelength. My energy is vibrating on a certain wavelength, and that changes day to day right It all depends on what we're doing what we're picking up and whatever.
And when you're vibrating at a higher frequency, which is why I like to call my session like high vibration healing session. Because when you are in that higher frequency. You are literally letting go of a lot of shit. And that shit can come in terms of people, physical material things, but mostly energetic things. And that's what puts you at a different wavelength. And when you're at that wavelength, people who are at a lower wavelength cannot connect with you, they cannot resonate with you, they cannot relate with you, and vice versa.
And what ends up happening is you attract people who are at that same wavelength that you are at, which is why our connection is divine timing because our energy was at the same or is at the same wavelength, give or take. Therefore our light matches the same. And we speak the same vibrational language. And we connect and relate. So in relationships with people.
When people drop off, and you're live trust and believe and know that, where you are is exactly where you need to be to come back to it full circle. Because our vibration is at a higher level, and trust and know that greater things are coming your way. Because when you're at that higher frequency possibilities are endless. And you attract the bright people that you need in that moment in your life. But you have to believe in order to receive
[55:25] VL: Very eloquently put, and so true. And I know from my own experience, believing and trusting in, courage, it's there all muscles, the way that I look at it and we have to keep training those muscles, we have to keep believing we have to keep trusting, we have to keep finding the courage. Because the more we do, the easier it becomes in the future, the easier saying yes to those big hairy scary goals and trusting the universe, and knowing that you are supported. You are supported and the more you believe that the easier the energy flows and I find to when I'm in those stuck spots when I'm when I feel like I'm hitting my rock bottom. I remind myself. Okay, like exactly what we did today, what's in front of me, what am I seeing, hearing feeling, what can I taste what can I touch. Can I take those deep breaths, can I recenter and ground myself, and remember that at the foundation. I am supported.
Remember that I have the courage and the strength that I need to be here right now because everything that has happened, often to this point in time, has led me here to this problem to this opportunity to this to this moment in time to this conversation. Everything has led us here together. And I don't believe in coincidence. I really don't. I believe in divine timing. And the more I let go of the fear or the need to change your control or predict the more clear. The journey becomes. Which is funny because it's almost like I'm trying so hard to see what's gonna happen next. And the more you let go of that, the more clear and more focus I have the cloud is gone, and the clarity is there.
And it reminds me actually of this really incredible quote, Steve Jobs, so he says you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect the dots looking backward. And it was something that really hit me when I was on that trip I was describing when you asked me a vacation that I had.
And that was one of the first two weeks of my trip I remember being on that beach and seeing and feeling and hearing all of those things. And at the beginning of my journey. I thought, what the heck am I doing, I bought a one way ticket to Guatemala, I am insane. But I heard a voice that said, buy the ticket. Go to Guatemala, like I literally in meditation heard this voice and now that you're saying, you know, you saw it you felt that you're hearing yet the universe is frickin pushing me. So anyway I did it. And I kept, I remember standing on the beach and it was a beautiful like a beautiful moment but I remember thinking, I don't know why the hell I'm here. But I don't need to know. I'm just going to be, I'm just going to be here seven months later, I look back, I looked at my trip on a map, I read through my journals I looked at my photos, and I thought, holy crap, I couldn't have planned a better seven months vacation or travel or whatever you want to call it, adventure. I couldn't have ever predicted the people I was going to meet the experiences I was going to have the things I was going to learn along the way. And I'm so glad that I let go. In the beginning, even though I was a little bit tough there were some times where I was like, okay, food poisoning was not part of part of what I wanted. But, again, it led me to meet certain people and to visit certain places and to know things about myself, for my own strength and that was a journey that I learned so much about my own strength and my own courage and my, my own belief in myself and trust that you just have to believe, like you said, you have to believe and keep believing. Absolutely love it. All right, ladies, tell us about how we can work with you because you're amazing and I know that you have virtual offerings as well so share some more about the raise your vibes with Tasha and how we can, how we can connect
[59:42] TR: I have several different services that I'm offering for people right now. We are in a time with COVID in I am aware that I'm still offering one to one Reiki sessions. And so this is an in person. If you are not comfortable with one to one in person sessions, I am offering distant Reiki healing Healing Sessions.
So I have a beautiful, beautiful space that I'm using right now and I'm following all of the protocols to ensure of your health and safety first and foremost, and what a Reiki session is is literally a top to bottom.
Energy clearing really helping you to understand your energy so that you can step into your higher self. It is an inward journey and experience. And I guide you along the way because I'm someone who believes that what I'm feeling what I'm seeing you need to resonate and connect with so that you can embody it. And when you embody it that's when you can really make those changes for yourself. But ultimately, it is a self discovery for you. And you can still do that with me during distance Reiki Healing Sessions so it would be a virtual call. And the only thing that I ask is that I get to see you lie down so that I can look at your body and see how you're breathing and so I can check in with your energy that way, and still very similar experience as a hands on, but without the hands on, and I will walk you through every step of the way. What you get out of that is really a life changing experience. It feels like a flood of energy that's just being pushed out of your body and it is ultimate peace ultimate rest and relaxation at the end of the day, I always ask any of my clients, never come with any expectations and come with an open mind.
That is all I can ask.
From there, I'm also offering energy readings. So for those that are just kind of getting into all of this really cool fascinating world of energy work, and are curious to know where their energy blocks are in their body. An energy reading session with me is a great way to do that. I, as I've mentioned I'm the one holding up the mirror for you. I am not here to project what my own personal thoughts are. I channel the energy and the connection with source energy. I call in your guides I call in my guides and I work through them to help you raise your vibration to the highest self.
And, you know, within an energy reading, I do provide exercises along the way. And again, I never asked that you bring any tools with you other than yourself. I want you to show up fully as who you are. And we'll use breathwork we'll use body movements, we'll make funny sounds whatever needs to happen to get out whatever it is that is happening in your body, that we need to release, mind body and soul. So you can do an unbroken energy reading with me. And then also I do offer one to one, or group meditation sessions as well. For those that are just looking to understand, meditation, how to get into it, teaching the principles of meditation, and how to allow meditation to benefit you and, again, to step into your higher self, those are really the three ways right now I also have a beautiful website for you that has so many freebies for you to tap into some free meditations. And if you are curious about what your energy is saying and if you had an opportunity to check in what your energy is telling you, I have a free online quiz that you can, that you can access, and it will give you a really fun response as to what your energy is saying to you, and provide you with some great tips there as well.
[1:04:00] VL: And we have one more final round of the segment which is our rapid fire, around, are you ready?
WEBSITE | everythingisenergy.ca
INSTAGRAM | @iam_tasharomanelli
Question number one: What are you currently reading or what's your favourite book?
TR: Spiritually Sassy. It's actually a really good book. Oh my goodness, the author is a new author, so it's spiritually sassy Yes, eight radical steps to activate your innate superpowers and it's by son de Simone, I'm probably not saying that properly. But he is his beautiful flamboyant man who uses his body through dance, and expresses his spirituality. He's very got a very similar story of not feeling like he belongs, or when he was in doing his spiritual journey to didn't feel like he belonged. It didn't feel like he fit in fear he wasn't the type to wear all the white sit there and like, you know, be still for so long and what he realized is that his superpowers his spirituality doesn't have to come in the form of what his predecessors, you know, are or do. So it's a really interesting book. Love it.
Question number two: What do you love most about being a woman?
TR: Well, I gave birth to two beautiful boys. But I just love that. I came out in this world as the stronger one out of the two sexes.
Question number three, What does empowerment mean to you?
TR: empowerment means to me, oneness connectedness. When we all work together as one. We empower one another to be better to do better to act better and to make real positive change in the world.
Question number four: What are you currently working toward?
TR: I am working toward building a community. I am looking for ways to create soulful Sundays, where I can connect with other soulful like minded individuals who all Express very similar ways of living that I do, and sit in circle.
VL: Okay love that. I can't wait to hear about this. Thank you so much for being a part of the show, it is an absolute pleasure and honor to sit with you and to hear your story, and to learn all about kind of letting our freakout and choosing courage over fear I think it's the most perfect reminder for everyone who does listen to the show the women's empowerment show on how we can step into that power and empower ourselves to be more authentic and to be more freak, and weird and incredible and perfectly imperfect and all the things so i i appreciate what you do I, I know the world also appreciates, everything you do and how you serve. So, thank you so much.