E85: The Empowered Women's Guide to Camping

E85: The Empowered Women's Guide to Camping

You may have noticed that today’s episode is called The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Camping. Yes, that is right CAMPING!..

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[1:13] Now at the time of this episode’s publication, I was supposed to be coming back from a weekend backcountry camping trip in one of my favourite places in Ontario: Tobermory. HOWEVER, due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, our camping trip has been cancelled. We are hoping to rebook sometime soon, so in the meantime, I will share some stories and some things I have learned through other camping adventures I’ve been on in the past, as well as some incredible practices and tips for making your next camping trip more comfortable and enjoyable.

In the last year I’ve learned that there are two types of camping: Car Camping and Backcountry Camping. Car camping is when you drive up to your campsite. Unpack your tent and your things and camp outside right next to your car.

Backcountry camping is when you park your car, and bring only what you can carry on a fairly long hike to your camping spot, at which point you unpack, set up your site and can only access your car if you were to hike all the way back to it.

To be completely honest, up until last year I did not realize that there were two types of camping. I thought there was only car camping and car camping sucks. Our family has been car camping a handful of times, however each time we’ve been it rains and I end up sleeping in the car. My family always jokes that I’m the high-maintenance one or “not the camping type” but over the years, I have also learned that because we aren’t big campers, we lack proper equipment for less than perfect weather conditions. Well. It’s no wonder I sleep in the car over a wet tent. Sorry not sorry.

I know I just said car camping sucks, because honestly I don’t love it – maybe you do love it – then I am truly happy for you, but if you haven’t tried backcountry camping, you might love it!

I also understand that there are probably many other types of camping, like camping in the winter, or perhaps “Glamping” although many people will tell you that isn’t really camping. Hahaha 

[3:39] I honestly never liked camping until I went backcountry camping last summer in Tobermory. Friends of mine: Katherine and Matt are really big on camping and hiking. They live in British Columbia and have done some incredible trips out there. Last summer they were in Ontario and Katherine called me one day and asked me if I wanted to join them for a weekend in Tobermory. My first reaction was to laugh b/c I genuinely thought she was joking. “Me? Camping in the backcountry with you guys?!” I was less nervous about the camping as I was about hiking 10 km a day with seasoned hikers and campers.

So I said yes. For two reasons: last summer I told myself I would 1. Spend more time in nature and 2. Get out of my comfort zone, and going backcountry camping with my friends crossed off both those boxes.

Before the trip, Katherine and I went shopping for a couple things I would need that I didn’t already have. Like a camel water pack, a tent, and some special camping food. Luckily Katherine and Matt had a stove and a few other things so I didn’t have to worry too much. The only thing I wish I invested in at the time were a pair of good hiking boots. I didn’t want to because I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. But the hike would have been a lot easier on my feet and body with proper footwear. 

I ended up getting a small youth tent since I’m travel size myself and also an inflatable pillow which I love. Before we knew it we were driving up to Katherine’s mom’s house in the torrential downpour and white knuckling the steering wheel almost the entire time. We made it to her moms house and the clouds parted, the sun began to shine and thank goddess we were looking at sunshine for the rest of the weekend – there would be no car for me to sleep in on this trip!

We stayed the night at Katherine’s mom’s house because it was a bit closer to Tobermory than where we live in southern Ontario. This gave us more time to hike and set up our site before dark. The next morning we woke up early, filled our packs with water, and made our way to the park. I kept up with their hiking and the day was so beautiful. I think I was so full of adrenaline and gratitude and awe of how beautiful this part of Tobermory was that I didn’t realize how my legs were feeling a bit wobbly or how my poor footwear wasn’t enough for my tired feet. 

I had little to no expectations and the views and the sunsets and the sunrises and the water and the rocks and the forests and everything we saw just blew me away. It was stunning and exhilarating and breathtaking. I could definitely live without the mosquitos but everything else was absolutely perfect.

[8:05] From that first true backcountry camping experience, here are some of my best pieces of advice for beginners to backcountry camping:

[8:13] #1. Pitch your tent at home

This is great advice for anyone – not just beginners! First of all, you’ll want to make sure you know HOW to pitch your tent by yourself because after a long hike you probably don't want to set up camp, but you need to.

It’s also a great practice pre-trip because it makes sure you have all the parts and pieces of your tent that you need before you go!

Getting good at setting up your tent, and quickly will make your camping experience that much more enjoyable.  

I took a video of myself setting up my tent and it was so empowering to do it all by myself! I was so happy and excited and when we got to site it was a lot easier to set up and stress-free because I felt more capable and prepared.

[9:14] #2. Practice packing and unpacking your pack

You want your pack to be organized, but you also need to remember that you’re carrying this pack for your trek so make sure you’re only bringing what you need. This will help you make the most of your space and bring the essentials.

Packing cubes, and dry bags are really handy for camping and organizing your pack. Keep heavier items near the shoulders and back, rain gear and first aid near the top where it’s easy to get. Use the dry bag to store things that need to stay dry like your spare clothes and your sleeping bag. Those you can store at the bottom of your bag as you won’t need them until you reach your campsite. Same with your mat and your pillow. Sunscreen, bug spray, and afterbite can be stored in easy to reach pouches and if you’re carrying a water bottle keep it easily accessible on the outside of your pack; if you use a camelbak like me, you can keep it in the inside pouch of your bag and use the straw to drink!

[10:41] #3. Pack as light as you can

When it comes to what you should bring – you’ve got to stick to the essentials, not sure what those are? You can follow these categories:

[10:52] Shelter: somewhere to sleep and escape the elements; aka your TENT If you’re one person get a two person tent, if you're two ppl get a three or four person tent. You want room for you, and your pack to stay dry.

[11:13] Food/Nutrition: you’ve got to feed your body. We brought dehydrated meals. These are lightweight and compact and only need boiling water to make them. You’ll also want handy snacks like granola, dried fruit, nuts, jerky, etc.

[11:31] Hydration: aka Water. Bladders, collapsible water bottles, and extra/reserve water for cooking and refilling. You’ll need something light and easy. Aim for 3-4 L a day minimum, and if you can’t carry that consider different types of water purifiers that will work in your camping areas, for example a Life Straw.

Remember that: water is hella heavy. Like REALLY FREAKIN HEAVY so you’ll want to create a “hydration plan” especially if you’re going for a longer trip, because you might not be able to carry all your water.

[12:33] Sun Protection: hat, long sleeves, pants, sunglasses, etc.

[12:38] First Aid: you can get small kits at your local outdoor store. I always bring my homemade bug spray, after-bite roller, bandaids, and dōTERRA's correct-x. 


After-bite Roller: 8-10 drops of dōTERRA's Lavender EO + 8-10 drops of dōTERRA's Tea Tree EO + 5 drops dōTERRA's Peppermint EO in a 10ml Roller Bottle. Top with FCO (fractionated coconut oil) and apply to bug bites. 

Bug Spray Recipe: Add 2 oz Witch Hazel to an amber glass or stainless steal spray bottle, the add 10 drops TerraShield blend, 8 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Eucalyptus, 5 drops Peppermint, 5 drops Cedarwood, and 3 drops of Tea Tree (all oils from dōTERRA). Shake mixture well and spray as needed.

[12:58] Navigation: You might need waterproof maps, guidebooks, compass, GPS, and extra batteries

[13:28] Light: You WILL need a light. I highly recommend a head lamp, one per person. Extra batteries and maybe one LED lantern per tent. Maybe.

[14:24] Clothes: key word: LAYER you will need a base layer close to your skin, a mid layer to keep you warm if it’s cold and an outer layer to protect you from wind and rain. Check the weather before you go, but prepare for cooler or wet temperatures, even if the forecast doesn't call for rain. You can always use your rain jacket as an extra layer at night, or if it’s lightweight it can protect you from the sun.

[15:04] Repair Kit: you can also buy these at an outdoor store, but usually duct tape and a knife can help you out in situations where you need to fix your gear. A rope works well for many things like hanging wet clothes or hoisting food into a tree to keep away from the bears!

[13:36] And lastly: FIRE! Some places won’t let you have a fire so check that before you go. If you can have a fire you’ll want a lighter, matches, firestarters. This will give you light and heat. If you can’t have a fire, bring a stove. You can get super small stoves that fold up and fit in your hand, but you’ll also need some fuel bottles too.

It sounds like a lot to pack, but if you’re travelling with another person you can share some of the items and you don’t need double of everything.

If you’re bringing your camera, or want to bring other “non-essentials” you can, but see if you can minimize the weight of the item or the size. Maybe bring your go-pro or your phone to take photos. We have special camping chairs that are lightweight and attach to our packs easily, but you may prefer to take a lightweight hammock.

[16:50] #4 I highly recommend bringing the right footwear

Research the trails and the terrain ahead of time. You’ll most likely need a good pair of hiking boots, but in some areas you may prefer a hiking sandal. I bring both because after hiking in your boots all day, you’ll want to let your feet breathe a little, but still have protection for your feet. I now have two pairs of hiking boots and a sandal I like for some trekking.




[17:34] #5 One of my biggest concerns the first time backcountry camping was the activity/difficulty level.

There are some trails, sites, and parks that are easier than others and doing research in advance on your area is a very smart thing to do; even if you’re not a beginner, you want to be prepared. If you’re pushing yourself a little more on your next camping hike, start physical training 2-4 weeks before your trip (at least!)

[18:11] Hiking in Guatemala: Episode #72: Life Lessons from 6 Days in the Guatemalan Jungle

I did two big camping trips/hikes during that adventure and they were TOUGH! The jungle trek was trekking over 100 km in 5 days, and the second was a volcano climb with major altitude! I started training for that hike months before by walking more each day as well as climbing the stairmaster 2-4 times a week. 

It was winter time in Canada, but if it was summer or warmer out, one of the more fun ways to train is wearing your fully packed backpack and hiking the local trails with similar terrain – if you can of course. Cardio, weight lifting, and training on the stairs will help you get in shape for your hike!

[20:06] #6. Know when you need to take a break

It’s totally okay to rest. Stop and enjoy the view, listen to your body, take some time to eat and enjoy your lunch. Make sure you’re having a good time, and drinking enough water!

[20:27] #7. Be Conscious of Wildlife and Nature

You are hiking and camping very close to the homes of some beautiful trees, plants, and animals. You are a visitor and you must leave the park the way you found it. That means no trash please!

If you spot some wild life, admire it, but leave it be. Doing research on the backcountry camping spots you’ll be in will help you better understand the wildlife and vegetation. It will also inform you of anything you might need to be cautious of, like bears or poisonous plants. Ask park rangers questions if you are not sure, and pack your food so bears cannot get to it. Most campsites will have food polls you can hang your food on – NO FOOD IN YOUR TENT!

Treat the earth, the animals, and the other people you cross paths with, with respect.

[21:31] #8 Have Fun!

You may absolutely LOVE the experience, or you may not. But go with an open mind and an open heart. It’s incredibly powerful to get out of your comfort zone, to try something new, to test your limits and strength. My last few treks have been life changing and empowering and I was truly disappointed when our camping trip this month got cancelled but I am hopeful for a new booking soon!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E84: Mini Training: Plan a Month of Social Media in 1 Day

E84: Mini Training: Plan a Month of Social Media in 1 Day

Today’s show is a mini training episode, so if you don’t have a pen and a notebook nearby, don’t you worry - I GOTCHU! Along with the show notes for this episode, I have also created a free guide - I guess I should tell you what it’s all about, shouldn’t I!?...

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Today’s mini training is about how to plan a month of social media in 1 day, and the guide includes the information I will share today with a few examples as well.

[1:35] Now let’s get started!

As a small business owner I’ve done a lot of the back-end work into planning, organizing, and creating content for my social platforms – specifically instagram. I’m going to be talking about instagram today, but know that the method I’ll be teaching you can be used for any platform including facebook, linked in, tik tok, and even your podcast, blog, or vlog! Later I will explain how that works, but for now, let’s focus on uncovering the method.

If you check out my instagram page at the time this episode is published you’ll notice some cohesive colour themes, and everything seems to blend together very smoothly. I’ll be 100 percent honest with you, this type of aesthetic takes a lot of work and time – HOWEVER you can still have a cohesive page AND valuable content without spending too much time on the planning and creating. In fact, today I’m going to teach you how to plan an entire month of social media in ONE day.

What does that mean exactly? It means that, if you follow the method that I will share with you today, by then end of the day you will have created an entire layout of your social media posts for the next 30 days! AMAZING right!? Yes.

[3:01] Before we get into the specific method, there are a few things you’ll need to get crystal clear on, and the first is: 

What kinds of content do you want to post?
What are you willing to share with your audience? 

To answer this question you’ll set a timer for 5 minutes and brain dump anything and everything that you’d love to share. You can look back on what you’ve shared before and include those things if you want to.

My friend Candice has agreed to let me use her as an example since I taught her this method recently. Together we brainstormed these content ideas:

  • Travel

  • History

  • Resources

  • Series

  • Food

  • Walking tours

  • Architecture

  • Meditation

  • Spirituality

  • Pulling cards

  • Morning rituals

  • Recipes

  • Health

  • #Vanlife

  • #BTS

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Sustainability

  • Mindfulness

  • Eco 

Your list might include your community, family, or your partner. Maybe even your pets. It could include your business, products, or services. You can even have “coffee” on the list if you love it so much! Everyone’s list is going to be very different. This is perfect!

[4:18] Once you have your list, look over it and see where you can pull out some different categories. Then narrow it down to 5 CATEGORIES ONLY!

Candice came up with these five:

  1. Travel

  2. Spirituality

  3. #VanLife

  4. Eco/Sustainability

  5. Health

Some of the items on her list were very similar like: sustainability, mindfulness and eco OR pulling cards, meditation, and spirituality. So these ones were easy to bring together.

The items such as: resources, series, and #BTS are great ideas for how to deliver the content but they aren’t categories. However, these will come up again later! So don’t scratch them out if you have something similar.

[5:09] Here’s where you might get stuck: You have more than five categories, or less than 5 categories. 

For this method we need 5: no more, no less. If you need more categories, consider adding something more personal to your page so your audience, and potential customers can get to know you more. For example, I am becoming a plant mom and if I needed a new category I could share my new plant babies in my feed.

Think of your hobbies, the other ppl in your home, or a fun quirk about you that you could share. It doesn’t have to do with your business at all. You could be a real estate agent who loves to bake. Or a fitness coach who likes to experiment with makeup. What is something unique about you, that you would share with your audience. Mental health? A routine/ritual you do every day? You’ll come up with something!

If you have MORE THAN 5 categories, look at your category list and see if anything lines up or can be combined. Perhaps your partner and your children can go into the category of “Family” instead of separating them? Do you offer products AND services? Can you combine those categories into “Business” it’s okay if the topic is broad. 

You can also go through your list and rate each category of highest importance. Then choose the top 5 from there.

Let’s say you’re like me and you love your plant babies, but there’s just no room for them in your top 5 categories. NO WORRIES! You can still talk about your leafy friends in your stories. Any other topic that doesn’t fit into the top 5 can show up in the stories and highlights of your instagram. YAY!

[7:11] Alright, let’s move on… we’ve got to get this done today remember?

Now that you have your 5 categories, you can start to create different content for each category, using some different “content themes” to help you!

Content themes can be used for almost every type of social page out there, and if you already have a social page, you’ve probably even posted something in these themes.

[7:38] Such as HOW TO/STEPS

Educating your audience creates really valuable content for them. Teach them something, recipes, mini lessons, before and after transformation, DIY project, etc.

[7:56] LISTS are also very popular!

Top 10 or 5 or however many. You can share resources, do’s and don’ts, favourite things or likes, feature or tag other accounts, share a list of recommended books, podcast episode, fun facts. Anything you can write a list about.

[8:18] QUESTIONS are a great way to create content. You can ask a question, or you can answer a frequently asked question. It works well to refer new ppl to a post you did previously to answer their questions too. Is there something you need help with OR something you can help your audience with?

[8:49] TIPS/TRICKS make for great instagram content. Think quick, easy, educational like hacks or something you learned recently that saves you time, money, etc.


This could be your story, a client’s story, testimonials, quotes, someone or something who inspires you, a memory, anything motivational

[9:15] #BTS (Behind the Scenes) Told you this one would come up again! Followers love learning about the process and following along with what you’re creating: home project? New online course? Making meals? Family and friends? Other areas of your business? Shopping? Planning? All things!

[9:43] Hopefully at this point the wheels are turning in your head. Let’s go back to my friend Candice and create some content ideas for her.

As a reminder her categories were:

  1. Travel

  2. Spirituality

  3. #VanLife

  4. Eco/Sustainability

  5. Health

Her first category “TRAVEL” is great, it’s broad and fun, there is so much we can talk about. Here are some ideas using the themes I just shared:

How to pack 2 weeks in a carry-on bag
How to choose your next travel destination

Top 10 resources for travelling
My favourite historical sites in Central America

What’s your favourite travel style? [Choose from options; share in comments]
FAQ: Where’s the best place to get coffee in Alaska?

The packing hack I can’t live without
The 5 tips for solo female travel 

The first time I travelled alone
Someone I met travelling who inspires me

#BTS Planning our next trip!
#BTS hiking the rocky mountains

That is 12 pieces of content JUST from 1 category! You will do that for each category. And you don’t have to stick with the themes, I find they help me come up with some different things. Let’s do one more category. This time I’ll do one example for each theme.

[11:49] This one is a bit different: “ECO/SUSTAINABILITY”

HOW TO be more environmentally friendly while travelling * THIS CAN GO UNDER TRAVEL OR SUSTAINABILITY, this will be up to you to decide. It’s totally fine if your categories overlap! That makes a lot of sense if they do. 

LIST of 10 “zero waste” instagram accounts

QUESTION: Stainless steel straw vs bamboo straw

TIPS/TRICKS to reuse your food scraps

STORY of a time where I realized sustainability was very important to me and changed my life + lifestyle

#BTS growing our own herbs and veggies 

There you go, 6 more! Remember, you have to do each category before moving on to the next step. If you’re following along the audio podcast you can pause and come back when you’re ready with your lists.

[13:13] Okay, now that you have a list of ideas for each category, the next part will move a lot more smoothly! In this step we’re mapping out our instagram grid using our five categories and all the content we thought of. This is the game changer and you’ll see how the 5 topics work together on your feed.

I’m going to verbally explain it, however I will say it is much easier to understand if you can see the visual I included in the freebie for this episode.

You can also draw it out on a piece of paper right now. Draw out a tic-tac-toe grid, or 9 squares. This will mimic the first 9 posts on your instagram grid. Now, write the number 1 in the top left corner of your grid. Number 2 in the square next to it, and Number 3 in the following column. On the second row write the number 4 under the number 1, 5 under the number 2, then write 1 under the number 3. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, continue, 2, 3, 4.

No to numbers will be beside each other on your grid. And you keep alternating them the same; consecutively.

Like I said, the visual is MUCH easier to understand, or if you draw it out with me.

Okay, I hope you have already guessed that the numbers correspond to your categories YAY!

Now you can decide which idea can go into which part of your grid. As a tip to keep your content interesting, mix up the content themes so that you don’t have too many “how to” posts or too many “questions” all the time.

If you came up with one idea for each category for each theme, you will have 30 pieces of content! YAY!

BUT, that doesn’t mean you have to post all the time if you don’t want to. Decide how often you want to post: daily? 5 days a week? 3 times a week? You choose!

[16:50] Once you’ve planned all your content for the month, you can plan a day to shoot and create the content you need to post. However, perhaps we will save that for another podcast episode. For now, focus on planning out your content in advance and batching that work so that when you are ready to shoot content or create graphics, you’ll at least know what you’re creating.

[17:53] Before you go, I did promise to talk about how this plays into other social media platforms!

Now many social media strategist will recommend that you choose 1-2 social platforms to stick with so don’t feel like you need to be on all of them!

But you’ll also want to understand each media platform before creating content for it. Instagram and Tik Tok are very visual mediums, where as facebook and linked-in have more of an audience to read a longer form post. Photos, graphics and videos can be included in your content, but you might be able to add more text to the post. You also want to consider who the audience is on the other platforms and how you can support them. The how to’s and lists might do really well on FB and linked-in where as your behind the scenes and quick hack posts do better on instagram.

Tik tok is almost completely visual and video. Text on screen works, but the videos that do the best are only 15 seconds long. #BTS could do really well along with tips and tricks.

Pinterest is another great platform that I would label a search engine over a social media platform. There are ways to optimize this search engine to drive more traffic to your blog, youtube channel and podcast.

Honestly, each platform could use it’s own podcast episode so I might have to get some experts on the show to talk about them hahaha HOWEVER, it should get your wheels turning more to think of different ways you can repurpose your content!


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Val LaVigne Life - One Month of Social Media
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Finding Comfort in the Unknown

BONUS: Finding Comfort in the Unknown with Allie Duff of Pure Balanxed

Allie is the creator and founder of Pure Balanxed, a Canadian clothing brand creating soft, luxurious everyday pieces. Each piece features a signature affirmation tag to support, love and guide you on this crazy journey called life…

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Allie thank you so much for being on the show, it is an absolute pleasure to host you today!

[00:52] Tell us about your journey, your story, and how you started the Pure Balanxed Brand.

Allie grew up as an athlete, and took the path to become a Division 1 Athlete and got a swimming scholarship to go to school in the states. Through that journey she was also dealing with a lot of mental health issues and illnesses, but she lived in silence, not know what her mental health issues were about or what was going on.

She was very shy and did not talk about how she was feeling or what was going on, until she got a bit older. Finally, she started to talk more about her mental health and learn more with the help of therapists.

After 12 years of competitive swimming, she finished her swimming journey. She was 21 years old at the time and also finishing school. During this transition, she felt like she was losing her self-identity, and felt lost with what to do next. At this point, her eating disorder began to take over her life and for the next couple years lived through a phase of a lot of unknown. Her safety and comfort became her eating disorder.

As her health declined, she needed to take action to better herself so she went into treatment for her eating disorder. While in treatment, Allie came to a realization that the way she was living her life was not healthy and not right for her, and that whatever steps she needed to take next needed to be something that would be purposeful and fulfilling and make her happy. This is where Pure Balanced started to develop.

Since she was in a hospital setting at the time, everything that had brought her comfort in the past was no longer available to her. She was also experiencing a lot of changes in her body, emotions, feelings, and nurture her mental health in a whole new way. This lead to her realize that there were some things missing in her life and in the lives of others. When she couldn't find those missing pieces, she started a new journey to start her own business to fill the market gap.


[5:25] Can you take us through the process of how you transformed your idea of Pure Balanxed into the clothing company it is today?

Allie had always wanted to start her own business, but didn't know exactly what it would be about. She loved the whole aspect of having her own business and thought that it was really glamorous and really cool – and now knows that it's very rewarding but also very tough.

She had also always been obsessed with clothes. Growing up she was very materialistic, and when she was younger loved wearing brand-names, and the lifestyle the brands were selling. When she was in the hospital setting, in her early 20's, she was searching fro clothes that would bring her comfort, not feel tight and clingy to her body, and would have something else hidden in it that would give her the extra piece of safety she was searching for when she didn't have anything else with her.

When it comes to clothing, it's something we have to wear all day – every day, so she was searching for a basic flowy tee, with soft fabrics. When she couldn't find the perfect tee, she discussed with her therapist her clothing brand and new business ideas.

There were a lot of limiting beliefs about if and why and how to make it all happen. Allie's therapist was the one who pushed her to start the process. She told her to buy a plain t-shirt, get her logo printed locally and that's how she started.

Allie took her idea and created a logo, printed it on a random t-shit she bought, and the other thing she wanted to have on the shirts was a little hidden message. On the inside of the shirt she added an affirmation that started with, “I am strong.”

She started with 1 t-shirt, and then 50 t-shirts. During this process she came up with the idea of affirmation tags, which has become signature to the Pure Balanxed brand. They appear as an “X” or an “X” on the front and when you flip it over it has a positive affirmation on the other side.

The tags represent having the extra piece of comfort with you, but also it's hidden to the outside world. It's an extra piece of comfort that you can grab onto anytime throughout the day. They're woven tags that are more comfortable than regular tags.

[9:18] You spell Balanxed with an “X” instead of a “C,” why is that?

The “X” represents finding comfort in the unknown. When Allie was coming up with the brand, she was in love with the word “balance” and she feels very strongly about finding balance in her life. She wanted the name of the brand to be unique to her and the brand itself, and used the alphabet and different languages for ideas and inspiration.

In mathematical terms, represents the unknown. We're always trying to find x

X is the 24th letter in the English alphabet, and Allie started the brand when she was 24 years old!

She was mostly drawn to it because of the “unknown” and when she was starting the business there were so many unknowns; we're always faced with unknowns.

[11:25] Who were the people who supported you through your journey the most?

Definitely Allie's parents were and are huge supporters. Her mom helps Allie come up with designs, and acts as a sounding board for her ideas.

In the beginning Allie felt that she had lived a life of pain and darkness, and she really took the step forward to do whatever it takes to make herself happy and do what it takes to get there. This became her drive and motivation to make her dream happen.

[12:50] At first, did you find that starting your own business to be a guiding light to bring you into the brighter future? How did starting Pure Balanxed tie into the mental health healing of your journey?

Allie thinks it definitely helped guide her, and was something that gave her the purpose she was seeking. This purposed helped her navigate her new life post-treatment and motivated her to stay healthy, and get through each day.

[13:55] Do you have any tips for someone who might be listening who is feeling lost, and how they could find their way?

“Finding your purpose is not something that is going to come very easy. I also think it can't be something that is super rushed… It takes a process to get [to the point of knowing your purpose] and for each day it's going to be different. Trying out new things is a good way to start. I think everyone deep down know what they truly want to do with their life, but there is going to be fear and limiting beliefs that are going to stop them. For me, it took me hitting rock bottom to really realize that I can't live my life like this anymore, but I don't believe that has to be for everyone.”

[15:55] I love how you mention feeling good. There’s a real experience when customers wear your clothes, especially with the texture as you just described. Part of how your brand, Pure Balanxed, “feels good” is by giving back. Can you tell us more about the organizations you donate to, and your connection to them?

Before starting the business, Allie always wanted to do something to support people with eating disorders, and have worked with three different organizations since starting the business.

NEDIC (National Eating Disorder Information Centre) based in Toronto. They do amazing work to help bring awareness to eating disorders and also have a direct client support program. Which is an online chat and a toll-free phone line. They are the only place in Canada that is doing this.

FRIEND'S FIRST based in Toronto. They work with kids help phone to bring awareness to anti-bullying and creating more kindness when teaching young children. Pure Balanxed has a kid's t-shit that supports this company.

Currently working on donating Masks to Midwives during COVID-19, for ONTARIO MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION.

[19:45] What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when building your brand and business? How did you overcome them?

Allie started Pure Balanxed when she had just come out of treatment for her eating disorder. She also didn't have a job or any money coming in, and she was still having to pay for where she was living, meditation, transportation and other fees at the time.  

She was able to get a small loan to order some t-shirts and get the business going. Later she was able to get another loan that helped her expand the business, which allowed her get some more funding to elevate the products and branding research, build a marketing team, etc.

Financials is one of Allie's biggest roadblocks, and finds creative ways to do free marketing. And because of the overwhelming competition in the fashion industry, she can sometimes get caught up in the self-sabotaging comparison game.


[24:01] I love how you talk about the “unknown.” You empower others to embrace it, and find comfort in it. What are some ways we can start doing this, in our own lives?

Initially we may avoid the unknown because it feels like a big scary thing. Allie suggests:

#1. Creating Community: Take a step back and know that this isn't a place where you need to feel alone in, but this is something we can all support each other in. 

#2. Create a “Worried” List: Write down everything in your brain that you're worried or stressed about and let it go. 

#3. Reframing: the fear and unknown and to see what we can do and what we can control in the situations we're in.

[28:06] You’re an incredible advocate for mental health, can you share your top Mental Health Tips with us? 

Finding comfort: What can we do to find comfort where we are? Taking a bath, lighting candles, taking yourself out of the moment of distress.

Writing things down can really help. Getting it out of our brains and onto paper so we're not ruminating on it.

Talking to someone, and opening up to someone else about what we're going through.

Practicing something hands on: colouring, knitting, something physical that can help distract your mind from negativity.

Positive affirmation + mantras: this is a huge part of the Pure Balnxed brand.

Finding the little things that are going to create joy in your day; even if it feels very hard to do that.

[32:25] For the listeners who may know someone that is struggling with an eating disorder, what advice can you give to them in how they can support their loved-one? 

Just be there for them. Asking them how you can support them. Saying something along the lines of, “Hey I've noticed that something is off. I want you to know that I am here for your, I love you.” You don't need to ask them questions, but let them know that you are there for them. Avoid forcing them to talk, or forcing anything on them.

If it is a tough situation where they're really struggling and you don't know what to do, you're going to have to see a professional. You could help your loved one with the process of finding the right professional for them.

You could send them sweet notes or messages whenever you're thinking about them.

[36:06] Looking back on your journey, if there was something you could tell yourself 10 years ago, what would you say to that younger version of Allie? 

“It's okay to be yourself, you don't need to be anyone else. I feel like growing up my whole life I just never felt like I was good enough, or that I could be myself, and had imposture syndrome and was always trying to be like other people… People will like you no matter what.”

[37:35] Where can we find you, follow you, and how can we support your business? 

INSTAGRAM | @alliejeanduff @purebalanxed 

WEBSITE | www.pureblanxed.com 

SUPPORT: share about Pure Balanxed, go to the website and purchase a piece, or donate to one or more of the charities they are working with. Join the newsletter to stay informed.


[39:41] #1. What are you currently reading? Or what is your favourite book? 

The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides

My Dark Vanessa, by William Morrow

Untamed, by Glennon Doyle

[40:18] #2. What do you love most about being a woman? 

“We all have this energy and maternal instinct to take care of others and a very unique strength that we all share and I think that's really special about being a female.”

[40:55] #3. What does empowerment mean to you? 

“When I first think of empowerment, I always think of community. I definitely think about whenever we empower or share the word empowerment, it should be 100% about building each other up and supporting each other, whatever it may be, and coming together as women.”

[41:30] #4. What are you currently working toward? 

BUSINESS: Getting the next line of production out for Pure Balanxed Fall & Winter 2020/2021

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E83: 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers

E83: 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers

When I started this podcasting project 83 episodes ago, I barely knew what I was doing. And long before that I had wanted to have my own podcast, but I hesitated to take action...

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[1:33] I can remember when I had the Women’s Empowerment Blog, how I wanted to turn it into a podcast, and I could imagine having a little studio, and interviewing some of the incredible women I was meeting at the time. I envisioned fresh flowers on my desk, a pink couch where me and my interviewees would sit, and editing episodes while I sipped on delicious coffee. I had a clear picture of what I wanted, but I didn’t have a podcast. 

I think the blog ran for at least a year before I made moves to transitioning it into this new platform. The point is: no matter what we want to manifest, nothing will change for us, unless we start taking action.

In Episode 56: The Beginner’s Guide to Manifesting, we learned all about manifestation.

[2:50] T Harv Eker has a great quote that says, “Action is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds.”

Our inner world is where our ideas are created. The outer world is our reality, where our ideas come to life! 

When we take action on our ideas we begin to bring them into our realities and make them real. This is the magic of manifestation.


[3:35] Remember that manifestation is everything we’re focusing on is being brought into our physical world; our inner world coming to life in our outer world. But getting from point A to point B takes more than just affirming and believing what you desire. Every action we take, big or small, sends out an energetic vibration or frequency that helps attract what we need to manifest our desires.

[3:54] Everything has a frequency; and like attracts like. When we align our thoughts, feelings, and actions together, we begin to attract whatever we’re focusing on into our lives.

I’ll use my podcast as an example. I knew I wanted to start a podcast, what it would be called, and the style of the show I wanted. Solo shows, mixed in with interviews. I also wanted my listeners to feel inspired, motivated, and driven to take action with each episode. Mini trainings and step-by-step solutions are important to my listeners, along with topics of health, wealth, and happiness. 

The ideas and the vision were great. I loved listening to podcasts myself and I thought, “if this person can create a podcast, then so can I!” 

But I still didn’t know how….

[4:45] Then I came across a fellow dōTERRA Wellness Advocate who had her own podcast. Her show was an Instagram and Facebook Live show that she turned into a podcast afterwards. I liked this idea for a few reasons:

1. It’s interactive. I was able to connect LIVE with my followers and listeners. This gave me instant feedback of who was following, and what topics they were most interested in

2. There’s less pressure to be perfect. A lot of the podcasts I follow are highly produced and there are few to no mistakes. Since I didn’t know how to start, edit, or do anything with a podcast, I liked the idea of the live show as a fun, imperfect and personal way to host a solo show.

3. It gave me some extra time. Since I needed to learn the how part still, but I wanted to take immediate action, I set a goal to do at least 5 live episodes, 1 each week on facebook and instagram, before uploading them to a podcast. 

While I was in the idea stages I did some research on how to start a podcast and it was highly recommended to have 5 or more episodes right when you launch. This gave me 5 weeks to figure out the tech. Yep. a 5-week deadline to figure out the “how”. But at the end of the 5 weeks I also had 5 episodes!

[6:42] Within those five weeks I spent time putting together show notes pages on my website, googling how to start a podcast, and I downloaded a free step-by-step guide from another podcast I follow to help me out a little. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, but I figured it out!

The good news was, I already had a lot of the equipment I needed and use, I already had a website and I turned the blog into a “show notes page” which is basically a different name for blog LOL

By the 5th week I announced on my live show that this would become a podcast! The show has evolved over time and I now feature bonus episodes with guests. That is a whole other system and story on it’s own!

I also upgraded my camera for the video version of the show when I was doing lives. I don’t do the live episodes anymore; the podcast format is a lot more popular, and it’s easier to batch content this way.

Anyway – this isn’t an episode about podcasting!!! This is an episode about manifesting! However, if you do want a peak behind the scenes on the Women’s Empowerment Podcast: Episode 50: Q&A: Podcasting – What I've Learned So Far

[8:36] Moral of the podcasting story: If I wanted my podcasting ideas to come to life, I had to take action to make it happen. If I haven’t already been clear about it: Action Activates!

More specifically, Action Activate 3 Magical Manifestation Magnifiers – how is that for alliteration my friends LOVE IT!

[9:12] The first magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: INSPIRATION

Believe it or not, the Universe is delivering instructions and information to us at all times. It’s our job to recognize these instructions and to take action on them.

In my podcasting example, the Universe introduced me to a new way of podcasting with the Live Shows. I was also given that free guide on how to start a podcast, and a few other informational podcast episodes that helped me check off some of my “how to” boxes.

These instructions and action steps from the Universe can come to us in a variety of different ways. Such as: inspirational downloads we might receive during meditation, or new ideas that come to us in the shower, or creative solutions for everyday problems, and new opportunities!

If you’re manifesting more money in your business, you might come up with an incredible new offer for high-ticket clients. Or perhaps you create a detailed ebook you can sell.

We’ve got to keep our eyes and ears open so that we see all the possibilities that have been given to us! Amazing right!? Yeah!!

[10:29] The second magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: MIRACLES

In the book, a course in miracles there is a very important quote/definition that reads, “A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.” Wouldn’t that make a great phone wallpaper!?

The Universe is sending you many miracles and lots of love! Signs, messages, people, and even song lyrics are on their way!

Remember, it’s OUR job to PAY ATTENTION to the ideas and miracles that come to us.

Now listen, the Universe works in very mysterious and very silly ways sometimes, so be on the lookout for anything and everything. Paying attention to the things or the people that stand out, or the numbers that keep reappearing or the quote that you read that is deeply resonating.

The miracles have a high frequency energy of love. When I was making the podcast I took bold action toward a deeply meaningful project. I pour my heart into each episode, and because of this I also attract some of the most incredible people in this world as loyal listeners of the show.

I remember at the end of last year I was really nervous about interviewing guests on the show. I had never hosted an interview style before and I wanted to make a good impression on my guests. 

I went to a networking event and ran into an old friend from the yoga community Kiana, and we were updating each other on our lives and what we were working on. I told her about the new developments in my podcast and she was excited to be a guest on the show! 

BONUS Episode with Kian Ng

After one interview I felt a little more comfortable and asked some of my close friends to be on the show. With practice I am becoming a lot more comfortable and confident in asking my guest to be on the show, and also to interview them.

A lot has changed since starting my guest episodes, however I’m sure there will be more change in the future. The point is, the people who were brought into my life were a beautiful gift and miracle that helped me up-level with my podcast. 

What’s even more amazing now is that women are coming to me, and asking to be on the show! And a lot of my guests introduce me to or connect me with women they recommend and I barely need to reach out to anyone anymore, I am overwhelmingly grateful for all the amazing women that show up and want to connect!

[13:48] The third, and final, magical manifestation magnifier that action activates is: RESULTS!

Know that your empowered intentions are manifesting RIGHT. NOW. The timing isn’t exact, however the more trust and faith you have in the Universe, the more open you will be to receiving this magic!

We don’t always, and actually, it’s more like we OFTEN DON’T understand the how or the exact process. We can’t connect the dots as we look forward; HOWEVER we CAN connect the dots looking backward.

So when you’re manifesting something wonderful and incredible in your life; like a dream vacation to Hawaii, and you receive a gift card for a day at the local spa. DON’T PANIC. And more importantly, don’t get upset. This could be part of a bigger process of your dream vacation! Take this incredible spa day gift and imagine that you are a the spa in Hawaii. Drink coconut water that day, or wear a flower in your hair. Hula dance between treatments. Play Hawaiian music on your drive to and from the spa. Feel the energy of appreciation pour out of you for every moment and every gift.

Maybe you’ll meet someone at the spa who has an Air BnB in Hawaii, or who heard of an incredible flight offer for last-minute tickets to the island!? You never know.

[15:23] And when you DO receive INSPIRATION, MIRACLES, or RESULTS, thank the Universe for each of these gifts. 

Inspiration is a gift.
Miracles are a gift.
Results are a gift.

Gratitude ALWAYS speeds up the process of manifestation! A gratitude practice will change your life: Episode 69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

[15:55] Before you run off to take action, I have one more gift for you…

It’s called the Magical Manifestation Magnifiers Tracker. This free download will support you with seeing the magic of action. Record your action steps and see how they activate magnifiers in your life! With some time, you will begin to connect the dots looking backward and see how your manifestations come to life!


Download the FREE Manifestation Tracker

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E82: Creating an Epic Summer Bucket List

E82: Creating an Epic Summer Bucket List

As crazy as the year has been, I still can’t believe that it’s already the first week of June! Time is flying! The month of June marks the middle of the year, but it’s also the start of summer...

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[1:15] Every June I get super excited about a tradition I’ve had since I was a little kid! For as long as I can remember, I’ve been creating some pretty epic summer bucket lists, and today I’m going to teach you how to create your very own!

Now, if you’re listening to this episode and you’re not sure what a summer bucket list is, it’s essentially a list of all the things you want to do, experience, eat, or places you want to visit this summer. Your list can be as long or as short as you’d like it to be.

A great summer bucket list has a variety of activities, and goals, and most importantly it gets you EXCITED about having an EPIC SUMMER!

[1:59] There aren’t really any “rules” when it comes to creating this list, but I thought I’d share some of the do’s and don’ts I like to consider when writing mine…

DO Get Creative!

Of course you’ll want to experience some classic summer traditions every year, but have fun and get creative writing your list! 

Our family loves making s’mores every summer so one year I wrote: “S’mores Innovations” on my bucket list. That summer we made s’mores using different kinds of chocolate, or different cookies instead of gram crackers. We also tried s’mores with slices of fruit. It was really fun, and we still stuck to our favourite traditions.

When writing your list you can always go back and think of a new way to do something, or how you can mix up a fave tradition!

DON’T Just Copy Someone Else’s List!

There are lots of fun summer bucket lists online, and they’re great for getting some inspiration on what you’d love to do, but don’t just copy their list. Choose the ideas that you like and add your own ideas too!

Not everyone’s list is going to look the same. I live very close to the waterfall capital of the world, and this summer I want to go “Waterfall Exploring” to see some of the falls I haven’t been to yet. But you might not live near here. Maybe you live close to mountains, or volcanoes you can climb. Or maybe you live near beautiful forests or a secret beach. 

Make the list your own; a list that gets YOU excited!

[3:46] When you sit down to write your summer bucket list, a good place to start is by thinking about all the fun things you did last summer, or any previous summer. 

What did you do?

Who were you with?

What did you see?

How did you play?

What were your favourite memories?

After spending some time reminiscing on all your favourite parts of summer’s before, jot down anything you’d like to do again this summer, or maybe a memory inspired something you’d like to do this year.

Last summer I went back-country camping with some friends in Tobermory, Ontario. I’d like to go again this year, but stay a night longer and go with my partner.

My boyfriend also loves skydiving, but I’ve never been. Last year I saw him jump out of a plane and this year I’d like to try it too! EEK!

[4:47] If you’re like me, you’ll want to organize your list. This helps me plan for different goals, or different types of summer fun. My Summer Bucket List this year has 8 sections, they are:

Health & Wellness
For a Rainy Day
Self Care
With Friends
Classic Summer Fun
Food & Drink
And Something New!

[5:12] Some of the items on the list could fall under multiple categories but I like to organize my thoughts as best I can. Think of some of your own Bucket List Categories. Here are more ideas:

Education/Learning: I wanted to learn a new language one summer so I added some different ways to learn and practice. Maybe you’re taking a course this summer, or you’re learning a new skill. One of the listeners, Maria, wrote “Learn to Paint” on her bucket list this summer!

Thrill Seeking/Adventure: Do you love extreme sports or adrenaline boosting activities? You might need a category for all your adventurous items, such as: skydiving, white-water rafting, zip-lining, get a tattoo, parasailing, and more!

Travel: Surprisingly this wasn’t a category on my list. However, due to current circumstances, it makes sense. Maybe travel is a category on your list this summer! Some of the items on my list that might fall under this category are:
“Visit new micro breweries”
“Take a roadtrip to a small town in Ontario”
“Plan a vacation”

[6:22] A few of our listeners have some fun ideas that could also go under travel. Kim wants to spend long days at the beach! Lisa wants to do a family cottage mini vacation, and Haley and Candice want to go camping!

Another category could be Local: Like a picnic in a nearby park, hiking to a local waterfall, tasting new foods from local restaurants, or visiting local farms and gardens.

Your categories can also be based on some of your favourite hobbies and interests such as…

Music: Are there upcoming concerts you want to go to? Festivals you’d like to attend? Playlists you want to curate? Instruments you want to play?

Arts & Crafts: Use up the materials I currently have to make new crafts. Make macrame plant hangers, learn to sew, hand make all Christmas cards, build a birdhouse.

[7:15] When you’re writing out your summer bucket list, you can also think about any goals you have this season, or this year.

For myself, I want to drink more water, and walk more each day so I wrote: set a daily water intake goal, and walk 30 minutes each day.

Consider some of your health and wellness goals also, or your business goals, family goals, friendship and relationship goals. Add some fun ideas to your list that support your soul goals.

Are you training for a marathon?
Do you want to grow your email list?
Are you interested in taking a family vacation?
Do your friends and you love having pool parties?
Maybe you and your partner want to set up a weekly date night? Or a new adventure together!

[7:58] Speaking of friends, family, and relationships… ask your loved ones what is on THEIR summer bucket lists! What are some of the things you can do together, or how can you help each other cross off items on each of your lists?

Are you getting excited yet!? Because I sure am!

[8:15] Okay, let’s talk about some ways you can get creative with your summer bucket list! I mentioned before that you can put a new spin on a classic tradition like our family’s s’mores innovations!

Recipes are a really easy way to do this, for example: If you love a refreshing summer bevy, why not try a new Sangria recipe or margarita recipe?! How about new ways of making pizza, or trying out different smoothie combinations?

Another way to get creative with your list is by combining some of your items. Something on my list is “Rollerblade to Get Ice Cream!” We rollerblade and bike a lot, but we don’t usually get ice cream, so why not go for a blade and a scoop! LOL

I’ve also been doing some watercolour painting, so for one of my bucket list items I wrote: “Watercolour painting in nature” that way I have something to inspire a painting, and I’m spending  more time in nature!

One of o ur listeners, Lisa has “strawberry picking” on her summer bucket list, and I love this idea! I want to combine it with “make sangria and add: from local fruits we picked!”

If you’re into some healthy competition, you could turn your pool party into a Pool-palooza hahaha you can set up obstacles, a cannonball contest or games with prizes!

[9:34] One year I wrote 100 things on my Summer Bucket List and I was so hyped up but at the end of the summer felt a bit down because “I only” completed 58 of the items on the list. I’m rolling my eyes at myself right now. 

So the following Summer, 2016 I boycotted the list completely! AND INSTEAD I wrote a list of “amazing things I’ve done” the copy of the list I have has 30 items on it and looking back, that was a pretty incredible summer.

The lesson of this story is that the list is supposed to excite you to do some epic things, but leave room for spontaneity, and for organic fun! Isn’t that what summer is about anyways?


Download the FREE Summer Bucket List

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E81: 5 Tips for Positive Self-Talk

E81: 5 Tips for Positive Self-Talk

Today’s episode is one of many on this show - where we are talking about mindset, positivity, and confidence...

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[00:57] What is self-talk exactly?
Self-talk is the running dialogue in our heads. Have you ever noticed it? Sometimes it’s the little voice that gives us instructions when we’re getting ready for bed, or the chatter in our minds observing our environment, and sometimes it’s singing along to a tune in our head. It’s basically when we’re talking to ourselves in our mind. 

Everyone has this inner narrative, but we don’t often spend so much time actually thinking about what the heck it’s going on about. The important truth is that our self-talk has a much bigger influence on the way we see ourselves and the world we live in, than we realize.

[1:45] Negative & Positive Self-Talk
Here’s the thing, we all have negative and positive self talk, which one do you most often use? Knowing the answer to this question can help you start making proactive changes to living your best life.

Unfortunately most of us have negative self-talk patterns. These are the thoughts where we’re focusing on comparing ourselves to others, or when we feel the “not-enoughness.” Our brains remember negative experiences over positive ones, and we tend to replay these messages in our minds, which in turn fuels negative feelings. 

Here’s the good news: positive self-talk is the opposite of negative self-talk – I mean duh… but positive self-talk is also possible to make automatic. It’s possible, with practice.

But before we get into all that, I think it’s important to note that positive self-talk is a very kind and confident way of thinking. It’s not about narcissism, but rather thoughts around self-compassion and knowing who you are.

[2:55] Benefits to Positive Self-Talk

Reduces Stress: 

When your thinking is more optimistic, this results in more helpful coping strategies when faced with challenges or stressful situations. Negativity is not helping anyone through a challenge. Positivity keeps you open to seeing new possibilities or previously missed opportunities.

Boosts Confidence + Resilience: 

Positive self-talk builds confidence and makes you more likely to achieve goals. I hinted before that positive self-talk takes practice, well that effort is simultaneously improving your self-confidence, and when you wake up to the fact that a badass babe is staring back at you in the mirror every morning, that babe knows she’s kicking ass and taking names. 

Builds Better Relationships: 

Who wouldn’t want to be around someone who is more cooperative and optimistic? Good vibes also rub off on other people. Spread the love + positivity to your friends and family.

[4:00] Hopefully after those three epic benefits you’re thinking, “YES. This is what I need more of in my life and in my mind.” So here are a few examples of positive self-talk:

I have the power to change my mind.

Even though it wasn’t the outcome I hoped for, I learned a lot about myself.

I am capable and strong, I can get through this.

I can’t control what other people think, say or do. I can only control myself.

Attempting to do this work took courage and I am proud of myself for trying my best.

[4:38] Now, the obvious question: “How do we make it all work?”

Here are the 3 steps: 

STEP #1: Identify Your Negative Self-Talk Style
Negative self-talk typically falls into one of four categories:

1. Personalizing
ex. Blaming yourself when something goes wrong

2. Polarizing 
ex. Seeing two sides only: good or bad; black or white; this or that, and no in between

3. Magnifying 
ex.Focusing only on the negative or bad in every situation and dismissing the positive or good

4. Catastrophizing
ex. Expecting the worst, always

STEP 2: Once you’ve identified which category, or categories your thoughts fall into, you can start to swap them to more positive thoughts.

This is where the practice begins. You will start to pay more attention to your inner dialogue and notice when and where you fall into your negative self-talk. Make a note of these in a journal or notebook and begin to rewrite the thought. 

For example, if you tend to personalize your negative self-talk, you hear your inner voice say something like, “Darnit! The cookies are burnt! I suck at baking, this is all my fault!” Instead, you could swap it to: “Oh shoot! Looks like this batch got a little burnt, I now know for next time to set my timer earlier” or check the cookies sooner, or whatever. You’re mentioning what you learned from this experience, and how you will take action to do better next time, and you aren’t blaming yourself for an innocent mistake.

STEP #3: Make Your Positive Self-Talk a Habit.
There are many strategies to make this happen, here are some of my favourites:

  1. Put on your “Investigator Hat” and identify self-talk traps

    This will be something you want to do every day. Noticing when and where you are falling into the negativity. You are becoming more mindful of your thoughts, actions, and more aware of this inner dialogue. 

    As you are doing this, you might notice certain situations where you are more likely to cause more negativity. Like when an introvert is attending a networking or social event.

    Noticing the “traps” can help us to swap our negative self-talk to something more positive and encouraging.

  2. Use Positive Affirmations

    Positive affirmations can be an excellent tool and practice for improving our self-talk. You can practice positive affirmations to set the tone for the day, or to prepare yourself before a self-talk trap.

    To support you with this strategy, I have created a free download called “Build Your Own Affirmations Kit” It teaches you how to create custom affirmations and how to really activate the affirmation! Get yours using the big yellow button below!

  3. Keep a Self-Esteem Journal

    Journaling can be a very powerful and effective tool for making lasting mindset shifts. One of the reasons why it is so effective is because you are activating multiple parts of your brain when you put pen to paper. And depending on what you’re writing about it can help expand and amplify your topic: like positive self-talk for example.

    The two types of journal I recommend is a Gratitude Journal + an Emotions Journal.

    The gratitude journal is a list of what you are grateful specifically that day, as well as why you are grateful for it. Recalling your daily gratitudes helps you return to the feeling of gratitude and brings more of what you’re grateful for.

    An Emotions Journal has specific prompts that help you investigate your mindset and encourage you to think positively about different parts of your day.

    To help you start your emotions journal, here are some prompts:

    I felt proud of myself today when I…
    The highlight of my day was…
    One of my best attributes is…
    I am excited about…
    My biggest success this week was…

[8:59] Now that we have a better understanding of self-talk and the importance of a more positive mental chatter, here are my Top 5 Tips for Positive Self-Talk!


When you start to develop more self-awareness and bring more attention to your self-talk, you will also start to notice what areas of your life shed more darkness than light. And with the knowledge that we can only control ourselves, and not the actions of others, we can choose to set healthy boundaries.

This may look like limiting our intake of media and news. I very rarely listen, watch, or read any type of news. It’s been years since I’ve set this boundary for myself and I can most definitely say that my anxiety and negativity have decreased exponentially.

The other, more difficult way of setting boundaries would be to cut the negative people out of your life. This is obviously easier said than done, especially if we live with said person, but spending less time with negative “friends” or coworkers can also be very helpful.


Mindfulness is very important whether you tend to have a more positive or negative self-talk. Everyone on the planet could benefit from being more mindful – including the actual planet. There are also many ways to practice mindfulness, like through meditation, journaling – which we discussed earlier in this episode – and also being able to dream and set goals. 

Allowing ourselves to dream and visualize the success we want to achieve, can help us see a possible future target. Reaching this target requires a mindfulness practice so that we can stay on track with reaching our goals and achieving success.


Dreaming of and visualizing the future is wonderful, but when our mindfulness spirals into negativity, it’s important to come back into the present moment. 

And it may not be the future we are nervous about, but perhaps our negative self talk is dwelling on the past. What’s done, is done, and the most important pace we are in is right here and now. This is where we are and what we can control and change.

Comparing ourselves to others is another way we lose sight of ourselves and the present moment. Instead of feeling sad about what we don’t have or who we don’t look like or whatever – we can express happiness and gratitude for what that other person has and also come back to the present and see all the things and people and experiences that we have in our own lives.

One of my favourite ways to get back into the present moment is to be physically active. When I’m lifting weights, practicing yoga, or doing pilates, I have to be connected to my body and my breath. Two very key things that bring your right back into the moment. 

The next time you’re feeling anxious about the future, or upset about the past, or feeling any type of scarcity or lack mindset, come back to your breath. Notice your inhalation and your exhalation, even if you just repeat the phrase “I am inhaling [inhale]. I am exhaling [exhale]” until you feel better. 


At the core, positive self-talk is about self kindness and self compassion. Learning to love yourself is the root of your positive self-talk and true happiness. 

Forget failure, learn to reframe the idea that failure is a bad thing! It’s actually a learning opportunity, a chance to develop a new skill, and a step forward out of your comfort zone! 

Believe in the successes you’ve achieved in life so far – I am sure there are many! Use the memory and evidence of past success to move you forward toward your future goals and dreams.


Life is too short to get caught up in negativity. Learn to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake, find the humour in an otherwise dull situation. Speak positivity when you’re speaking with others, help others when you can. 

Write out and post your positive affirmations. And continue to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

Believe in yourself – you’ve got this!

Okay, now, you’re om-work! Use the big yellow button below to download your free copy of my Build Your Affirmations Kit and get started today!


Download the FREE Affirmations Kit

Val LaVigne Life - Build Your Own Affirmations Kit
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Empowered Beauty

BONUS: Empowered Beauty with Natalie James of Vent Blow Dry Bar

The inspiring, the resilient, and the talented Natalie James joins us to talk about being confident in your own skin as well as leaving the 9-5 to becoming an entrepreneur...

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UPDATED JANUARY 2021: Vent Blow Dry Bar closed during the 2020 Pandemic and Lockdown. We hope to have Natalie back on the show in the near future to learn more about her new endeavours and how she is transitioning. So much love for this woman and her story, she is an absolute joy and inspiration.

Welcome Natalie! 

PART ONE: Being Comfortable in your Own Skin 

[3:40] You have one of the most unique and empowering stories I've ever heard. Could you share your journey to self love with us? 

Natalie was born a rare condition called Right-Side Isolated Hemihyperplasia. Which is a rare condition that one side of the body grows faster than the other. It can show up in a variety of ways, for Natalie it was everything from the neck down. She was never really aware of her condition because she didn't know any different, until she was about 10 years old, when young girls start to become more aware of their bodies, other kids your age start noticing that you're different. So there was a whole series of things that happened around that time.

Natalie became a lot more self-conscious. she had a significant limp, she stood off centre because it caused a-symmetry. This lead to some bullying, and a lot of insecurity around all of it. Around the age of 10, she went back to see doctors, to see what she could do, with hopes of being able to be “fixed” and look like everyone else. To her disappointment, the doctors didn't know a lot about the rare condition and said that there was an option for surgery down the road when she finished growing. And then the doctor said to her, “Try and look at the bright side, and be grateful. You're a pretty girl and it didn't effect your face.”

These words, although not meant to be hurtful, at the time, Natalie took those words to mean, hide your body and only show your face. And this is what she started to do, for the next 20 years. She felt shame, she felt that being different wasn't accepted or okay. But yet she felt like a confident person. She was hiding herself to feel “like everyone else” and to not let people know what she was hiding.

It was a mental, physical, and emotional struggle for a lot of years. It also taught Natalie that words can be very impactful.

[7:33] What were some of the things you did to help you cope with and over come the tough parts of these impactful life events? 

There were some things that looking back, Natalie did like finding resources and tools to cope. She found so much comfort in the stories of other people who faced adversity. She was enamoured by their strength and their courage and aspired to be like that. 

Over time, her own resilience started to build up. She was angry and confused, but thinks that in those moments you become stronger and more resilient. She didn't think that she realized how it was all happening for her. But she did begin to find comfort in it, even though she was still hiding her body. 

She was still growing a lot as a person, and she found a lot of comfort and piece through expressing herself through hair and makeup.It was something Natalie did that could transform me and make me feel beautiful and confident, which has transferred to where she is now. Looking back it was important for her at the time. 

[9:35] How was what you went through growing up shaped who you are today? 

All of it does. Being born with a rare condition, losing my father at a really young age in a tragic way, having to go through a really painful surgery that had me bedridden for the better part of a year, it gave me this grit and this resilience to be able to do hard things. And to be able to see the end of the tunnel in a lot of situations. When you're in it if feels like the end of the world sometimes, but when you go through things enough, you really just come out with a different perspective. It really taught me valuable skills and built my character and strengthen my mindset. I'm stronger now, and no stranger to crisis. I don't believe that everything happens for a reason, but I do believe there are lessons to be learned in every situation that we go through.

[11:10] Your mental and emotional strength is inspiring. When it comes to being comfortable in your own skin, what advice would you give women today? 

I would say that, rather than giving your challenges and your struggles power, you need to take that power. You need to own it and embrace it, and you need to let it be what fuels you to find your purpose. Because, no body is perfect and I think that's really hard for a lot of us because what we see, we tend to fixate on like the things we don't have, or the things that we want. But I honestly feel like we are all unique and beautiful and that is our power. It really is.

[12:41] How do we find that part of us that says, “I am beautiful” and “I don't have to be perfect?” 

It took me many years to come to terms with my condition. I was angry, and I felt really alone and overtime my perspective just changed. And I think it changed in the perspective that I really believe that this was a gift rather than a curse. And I think it's really about changing how you look at things. And I think I was given this gift to empower other women. And by doing that, by empowering other women, I'm empowering myself. And every time I share my story, I become more and more confident myself, and feel like, this is my purpose. And there's nothing more powerful than feeling like you are actually living the life you are meant to live. 

Listen, I held myself back for 20 years. It took me a long time. And there are still bad days. I'm not saying that everything is perfect, and that I still don't struggle, and it's okay to have those days, but those days will end, and tomorrow is a new day. And I think that having that perspective, and taking that fire or whatever it is in you and flipping that switch and using it as your power is so amazing when you can actually feel it. And know that when you embrace who you are, and you share authentically and vulnerably, and people will become more connected to you.

Brene Brown talks about the power of vulnerability and how it is the key to connection. So for a lot of people who feel disconnected because of their struggle, they really need to learn that by being vulnerable they will find those connections that they're craving. 

[15:15] You are the founder of Vent Blow Dry Bar. Tell us more about your business, what services you offer, as well as the purpose and mission behind these services? 

I walked away from my career in 2015, and I set out to join the world of entrepreneurship. After 2 years of research and construction we opened in July of 2017. 

At Vent Blow Dry Bar we offer blowouts, styling, and make up, in a unique luxury environment. Basically it's providing an exceptional service with a unique experience. It was really important to me to not be an other hair salon, I wanted to provide something different. So it's not meant to replace your hair stylist, it's meant to fill the gaps in between.

Our clients sit at a style bar, there's music playing, there are TVs with rom-coms, we have a liquor license so we can serve some bubbly, and it's a really unique experience so that women can feel relaxed and get some much needed time back to themselves. Although it would seem like a simple service that we provide, it really isn't. There's so much purpose and a mission behind this. Personally, the value of this expression for me made me feel so confident, and beautiful, and I really wanted to create an environment for other women to feel the same way.


[17:13] But you weren't always the CEO of your own company. Before that you had what society would call a “successful” career in politics and not-for-profit. Tell us about this leap into entrepreneurship.

In 2015 I decided to leave my career and I was also approaching 40 so I think that played a bit of a role in that. It's funny how those numbers do something to you. I was really beginning to feel unfulfilled; to put it simply. I loved the work I was doing, and the career was amazing, and I always feel very lucky to have had that experience. But it was predictable.

I am a planner and like to look at the 5 year, and 10 year goals that I have, and when I began to look 5 years ahead, it looked exactly the same. and I think that just kind of got my wheels turning. I had always been inspired by entrepreneurs and their willingness to take risks.

My father was an entrepreneur. He was an architect and a designer, and I used to spend a lot of time with him going to work. I loved tracing over drawings, and hearing stories of people with these amazing businesses, and had the opportunity to see them unfold and come to fruition. I thought it was the most amazing thing. So I actually thought I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become an architect, and build other peoples dreams for them. But really, over the years and my own experiences, what I realized was that I wanted to be the architect of my own journey. My father was in a tragic accident when I was 13, went missing, and was never found. So life took such a turn. Another turn. And it was all around the same time, between the ages of 10 and 13, was just not a good time.

But life became really challenging and I think I really had to dig deep again and find ways of making the best of the situation that I had. It always made me really determined to work hard for the things that I wanted because nothing was given to me. Nothing. And so I look back on my life and it was a great life. Married almost 20 years, three wonderful kids, great career, but I was not being challenged in the work that I was doing anymore. And it was scary, it was something I had to think long and hard about, because I knew what if felt like to have nothing, and to risk everything we had built for our family, was a scary thing. But I also know that I didn't want to look back on my life with any regrets, of not trying.

So that's what fuelled me to walk away and start Vent, and in turn, be able to share my journey in such a personal way that I never envisioned, so although opening Vent has been such a rewarding experience, it's all the off chutes of that, that have been spectacular.

[21:05] Was your family really supportive of the transition? What were some of the biggest obstacles during the transition, and how did you overcome them? 

As soon as I could show my husband what I was trying to do; we went to New York City and I showed him where I thought it was being done really well, I explained how I wanted to do it differently, and the purpose behind it, he knew. He knew the transformation in myself when I had my hair done. He said, “you have a skip in your step.” And he understood that piece of it and he was very supportive from day one and he didn't need a lot of convincing. He is also much like me and we're planners, so we really did plan and wrote a business plan that is probably longer than any business plan you'll ever see in your lifetime. 

There was definitely pushback from a lot of people, and I think that's just because it was so different. It was basically leaving something that I was really good at, to starting something that I really knew nothing about. But they also knew the person that I was, and that I was going to put everything into it, and work really hard and learn, and I think overtime people did become more supportive, and there were naysayers, but I think that's what pushes you harder; to just prove them wrong. 

It was a huge learning curve. I didn't know anything about being an entrepreneur. I didn't know anything about opening a business. I knew how to lead a team, I knew the leadership style that was important to me, I knew that I wanted to create a business that didn't just serve me, but it served my clients and my team. I think when you have core values like that, and you let those guide you, then the rest falls into place.

[23:35] Is there something you wish you knew then, that you know now? what advice would you give to someone leaving their 9-5 to start their own brick-and-mortar business? 

There's a few things, I think I made a few rookie mistakes for sure, and one of them was not understanding the value of community. This was huge, and I know this now, but in the beginning, I left a career that was very – was supported by a team and then I went to start something new, by myself. And it's very isolating. You get in your own head and you can question a lot of things along the way, and it's very difficult. And it wasn't until I found the value of networking and finding the value of a community of like-minded women that could provide a lot of support along the way, that things red ally changed. I would really advise anyone who wants to start a business is to find a community. Find a tribe of women that are going to cheer you on and support you through the ups and downs because there are a lot of them. That has been really key.

[26:16] As a mom and entrepreneur aka “Mompreneur”…
How have you created healthy boundaries?
What does work-life balance look like to you? 

This is always such an interesting question, and I don't know that I agree with the term because it would imply that there is an equal balance on both sides, and I don't think there ever is. There's always going to be more demands on one side or the other. It's going to challenge you ever day. I think for me the difference might be that politics wasn't 9-5 either. 

So from the start of my career and the start of being a mom, my husband and I have been a great team, and we figured out how to balance life and work and dreams and careers and all the things that we want to achieve, together. Honestly, he and I have a great system to make sure that our kids are always supported. And that we also feel supported in what we're doing. I think that has been really critical because you can't do this without a supportive partner, and I think that the other piece of this is that my kids are a little bit older, so I've been able to include them in as much of the process as possible. I think it's a unique experience for them, to see their mom completely pivot at the age of 40, and to see that nothing has to be forever if you're not happy.

If you want to change you can change, you can do anything you want to do. So I have really tried my best to include them in all of that. I think that's been helpful because they understand when I need to pour into my work a little bit more, they understand. I always try and be there for the most important things.

I try to really work in pockets of time the best that I can, and I'v become really good at doing that and just getting things done, and I think it really works. There are definitely things that are hard because I have to miss some stuff, but my kids understand and I make sure that I'm there for the things that are really, really important to them.

[29:25] You and I are similar in the way we both value our morning routines. Walk us through your morning: start to finish! 

This is something I also had to learn throughout my journey; the value of making time for myself, because as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as a mom, there are lots of demands on my time, and I was usually the last person to get any of it, and that didn't end up well for me so I really went back to the basics. During all those times of struggle, what were the things that served me and pouring into me was really that. 

I get up really early. That's when there's nobody else awake, nobody needs me, and I can just dive into the things that really serve me. So I get up at around 5/5:30am and I spend a lot of time journalling and practicing gratitude, and meditating as much as possible. Sometimes I do that more than once a day. Just to get re-aligned with where I want to be, what I want to accomplish, what my mindset needs to be that day. It's really, really important for me. 

I exercise every day. This is something I have to do, sometimes I do it twice a day if it's possible. But it's moving my body. It's something that keeps me where I need to be. 

Then I spend a lot of time on personal development. I love to read, podcasts are my jam. I am always listening to a podcast. Honestly, podcasts have been really key in supporting me through this journey. Because it's the stories that are shared, the real stories of people, that have gotten me through some tough times.  You see the memes of being an entrepreneur, it's up and down, up and down and that's really accurate so to be able to share my story, hopefully it helps others, but also these stories of others has really helped me as well.

[32:30] Where can we find you/follow you? How can we support your business? 

INSTAGRAM | @im.nataliejames 

WEBSITE | www.imnataliejames.com


[33:30] What are you currently reading? OR your favourite book? 

Current read: Get Out of Your Own Way by Dave Hollis 

Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis 

Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis 

The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

[33:56] What do you love most about being a woman? 

I honestly think women were built for doing hard things. I couldn't be prouder to be a woman right now. I think we're leading the way in entrepreneurship, I think we make exceptional leaders, I think we can just do all of the things and finally we're starting to see the success of being a woman and what that looks like right now.

[34:28] What does “empowerment” mean to you? 

To embrace your story, to live your truth, and do not give power to the things and the situations that don't serve you. Take that power and let it guide you to your purpose.

[35:05] What are you currently working toward? 

I am really loving this journey of sharing my story, and I really hope to inspire other women and girls through sharing this. More speaking opportunities lined up, some writing opportunities. I really feel like this is my purpose right now, and I'm really diving into that and seeing where it goes. 

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E80: Q&A: My Monthly Wellness Box

E80: Q&A: My Monthly Wellness Box

This is episode 80, which means it’s also a Q&A day! Today’s topic is all about a very special package I get delivered to my doorstep every single month. Each month the contents of the box are a little bit different, however they are always doing one key thing: Supporting my health & wellness. This is what I like to call my Monthly Wellness Box...

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[00: 49] Each month I customize my order and it gets delivered soon after. You might have already seen this box before because I often do a little unboxing when it arrives! You can watch my unboxing on my instagram stories. If you want to follow along I’m at @vallavignelife.

[1:26] QUESTION #1: What is its?

When you start as a wholesale customer with dōTERRA, the leading essential oil and natural health company in the world, you then have access to purchase dōTERRA products at 25% off whenever you want to shop for an entire year!

You also have the option of participating in dōTERRA’s optional monthly wellness program, which is called the Loyalty Rewards program. This is the best way to purchase your dōTERRA products, and one of those reasons is because your custom order reoccurs each month so that you never run out of your favourite products and tools. Whether you’re stocking up on your favourite products for glowing skin, or trying out a new sleepy time oil blend, your monthly box is made just-for-you!

This is the ultimate program and opportunity for anyone who is committed to living a healthy life, and committed to taking care of yourself in the best way.

[2:29] QUESTIONS #2: What's Inside?

This all depends on what you order that month. dōTERRA has an outstanding selection of products like Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils, supportive whole-food-nutrient supplements, their luxurious spa collection, and so much more. 

Each and every month I customize my box and it arrives on my doorstep. It saves me so much time and money and I know I’m getting the best quality when I purchase dōTERRA.

Here is what’s inside my monthly wellness box for May 2020!

[7:35] QUESTION #3: What are the benefits of the Monthly Wellness Box?

Along with never running out of your favourite products, some other awesome benefits to the monthly wellness box are:

It Simplifies Life!

  • You get your very own online store

  • No need to search everywhere for natural products – it’s all at this one stop shop

  • Super efficient way to shop for everything from essential oils, to natural skincare, natural deodorant, and your daily supplements

  • Totally time saving: Easy to order online + Gets delivered right to your doorstep

You are in Complete Control!

  • You get to customize your box

  • You get to decide how much you want to buy or spend

  • You choose which areas of health you want to focus on

Amazing Rewards:

  • Free oils, free health care products

  • 100% of your shipping costs also contribute to your collection of rewards on each order

  • Your rewards percentage starts with 10% of your order comes back in points, and within one year it increases up to 30% of your order back in points. And it stays at 30 no matter if you buy 1 bottle of lemon oil one month, or if you are buying your supplements and skincare and anything else you in a large order

[9:24] QUESTIONS #4: How do I start ordering through the rewards program?

The loyalty rewards program aka LRP is for any current wholesale customers with oōTERRA. You do not have to be on my team to take advantage of the program, but if you are interested in joining us, here is the link on how you can get started with us.

Once you are a dōTERRA wholesale member, you can login to your personal dōTERRA store and click “Create New LRP” and choose your monthly ship date. I always recommend somewhere around the 10th of the month so you can take advantage of free products. However, it can be whatever date you want. Then add your favourite wellness tools. If you want, you can click “ship now” and then go back and edit your cart so that it is different for the next month.

It’s important to make a note of your ship date so that you can remember to login and edit your monthly order each month.

For more information, I’ve also linked a 2 minute video that explains the program a little more.

[11:03] #QUESTION #5: Do I have to order a certain amount each month?

Short answer, you do NOT need a certain amount each month.

To stay in the rewards program you only have to order 1 product per month. But if you’d like to earn the free product points, you want to place at least a 50pv order each month.

The next level of monthly perks is given when you place at least a 125pv order by the 15th of the month. By doing this, you’ll receive a free product in your Wellness Box!

This month's free product was a new oil blend called Citrus Twist!

PV stands for Product Value. These are the product points that each dōTERRA oil and product has.

[12:37] QUESTION #6: How do I customize my box?

This is super simple and really fun – and one of my favourite things to do each month. This question will be answered when I show you how to redeem your points. But basically you create a New LRP order and build your shopping cart. When you’re satisfied with the items in your cart you can click “process now” or you can save it and process it at a later day.

After your process has been shipped, you will go back into your account and click “manage loyalty orders” then add the new items you’d like to purchase for the next order and delete last month’s products.

Keep in mind, if you forget to manage your LRP order, you will get last month's order shipped this month. This is your responsibility to customize each month.

[14:04] QUESTION #7: I'm not sure what to order, any recommendations?

Yes! I have created a very special guide of over 10 curated Wellness Boxes that support you in taking care of different areas of your health this year. You can download your free copy using the big yellow button!

[14:28] QUESTION #8: When and how do I receive my free product points?

On the 15th of each month, you’ll see that your “points bank” is updated based on the order you placed the previous month. When placing your next order, you can redeem these points! 

What’s so incredible about this company and this rewards program is that there is no other like it. This is the highest rewards paying program in the natural health space! dōTERRA are the leaders in the industry. In 2018 they paid out $321 million in free products to the customers that order through the loyalty rewards program. 

The video that answers question 6, also answers this question, see above!

[15:35] QUESTION #9 I'm not a dōTERRA wholesale customer yet, how can I get started today?

If you aren’t a customer with me yet you can go to www.valerielavignelife.com/oils and I can help you get started. 

If you are a dōTERRA customer but not yet taking advantage of the loyalty program, watch the videos linked in this post to see the simplicity of the tech in action AND download the free Wellness Box Guide with some different ideas of boxes to build for optimizing your health and elevating your wellness.

[16:18] This is honestly one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my health and wellness and it pays me back. Not just with optimal health, but also with epic rewards. It’s how 70% of our community purchases their dōTERRA oils and products and it speaks volumes about how much our community cares and is committed to their health and wellness goals.


Download the FREE Wellness Box Guide

Val LaVigne Life - Wellness Box Guide
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E79: Confidence & the Core Chakra

E79: Confidence & the Core Chakra

I gave this episode the title: “Confidence & the Core Chakra” because this energy centre just so happens to be the centre of transformation and confidence in our bodies...

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[01:16] Chakras are energy centres in the body, and there are seven main energy centres that run from the base of your spine, upward to the crown of your head. 

Chakra One: Is the root chakra located at the base of the spine/tailbone

Episode 64: Reclaim Your Roots with the First Chakra

Chakra Two: Is the sacral chakra, located at the reproductive organs, below the belly button

Episode 89: Sexuality & The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Three: Is the core or solar plexus chakra, located in the abdomen above the belly button 

Episode 79: Confidence & The Core Chakra

Chakra Four: is the heart chakra, at the centre of the chest

Episode 96: Harmony & the Heart Chakra

Chakra Five: is the throat chakra, located at the throat

Episode 58: Speak Your Truth with the Fifth Chakra

Chakra Six: Is called the third eye chakra located at the forehead, between the eyebrows

Episode 71: Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

And lastly, Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head.

Episode 105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra

[2:27] Today, I’ll be focusing on the 3rd Chakra, the core, or solar plexus. The meaning of this energy centre; or the function is transformation. In Sanskrit the name for the Core Chakra is “Manipura” meaning “lustrous gem.”

Along with the locations and sanskrit names, each chakra has an element, colour, purpose, issues, identity, demon, characteristics, and so much more. 

The themes around the third chakra will be centred around energy, activity, self-esteem, power, self-definition, and confidence. This chakra is represented by the colour yellow.

Power and confidence will be key words in our discussion today. This is an area for self-definition, realization of separateness, and independence. It’s clear from this information alone that it is a very important energy centre, as transformation is the essential function of the third chakra. 

Confidence and power are then integral pieces to the solar plexus chakra as it is associated with the element fire. Fire creates physical transformation through its power; and we have an inner fire that represents our self-confidence. Pretty cool right?

[3:50] Okay, let’s talk about that word “power.” As we know, words can have different meanings depending on how we interpret them. But I think power is one of those words that can be taken VERY differently.

If you had asked me, maybe when I was a little girl, what I thought “power” meant, at the time I would have probably had an answer along the lines of an evil stepmom or witch who wants to take something from an innocent and powerless princess. Even without the influence of disney princess movies, we still see people or groups who “want” power, “gain” power, “have power over” etc. There are many overbearing and negative attachments or connotations to the word. 

Personally, this is something that I’ve learned for myself, and had to unlearn. It wasn’t just the word power, but also words similar to it. For example:

Aggressive, Bossy, Difficult, Too Much, Awkward

[4:58] Let me backtrack a bit. I host guests on the bonus episodes of this show, and one of my rapid fire questions that I ask each guest at the end of the show is: “what does empowerment mean to you?” The answers I get are different and amazing and the word empower has the word “power” in it. It’s about giving power and confidence and strength and this was one of my goals or intentions for the women’s empowerment show.

[5:27] I know many of the listeners are also women in business or leadership roles, and you may have heard, or been called some of the words I’ve mentioned above. But today we’re going to flip the script a bit. Because truthfully, nothing has meaning until we give it meaning. Including other people’s words or labels. 

SO for the women out there who are being called “Aggressive” I want you to tap into your inner power and strength and swap aggressive with “Assertive.” Show your confidence, stand in your power.

This is a big one for me: I’ve been called “Bossy” a lot, but we’re now switching that to “Leading.” Keep leading ladies, you are a guide, a leader, an influencer, and you are important.

“Difficult” is another one that comes up, but is that true, or are we being “Honest + Truth Telling?” Sometimes the truth is difficult. Being honest can be tough at times, especially when no one else is stepping up to the plate, but someone’s got to do it babe, and *high* forkin *five* if that’s you.

What about when someone calls you “too much” or “so extra”? I say, “KEEP TAKING UP SPACE!” Let your light shine! Your inner fire is bright and if that is your authentic self showing up, then stand tall and wear your crown girl!

Last one, “awkward” cringy. I know. But maybe these are the women who are asking tough questions, and yeah, that can get real awko taco – but you know what – just like telling the truth and speaking honestly, asking tough questions is necessary. 

But power doesn’t have to be based on struggle and opposition between two things. Power can mean what we want it to mean, and today I want us to rewrite our scripts in the ways we need to so that we can feel empowered in our inner power. Not over any other person, but rather power over our inner demons and negative mindset or self talk.

[7:51] MY FAVOURITE CHAKRA BOOK: Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith:

“To restructure the way we think of power and to channel and contain that power within our own being is the challenge of the third chakra. It transforms us, igniting our life with purpose. To have true power emanating from within renew the joy of being alive.”

[8:18] Okay… so what do we need to reclaim our power? Well, like I mentioned before, it’s a new script! It’s a new definition of power that elevates us out of struggle and into transformation. It pulls us out of our past and into the future. It’s a shift in a person to be inspiring, strengthening, and empowering to ourselves and to others.

[8:49] We can start by investigating the signs, signals, and information that our body sends us on a constant basis. 

Signs of a healthy solar plexus chakra include:

  • Someone who is responsible and reliable

  • Balanced, and effective will

  • A warmth in personality

  • Confidence and a sense of personal power

  • Spontaneity, playfulness and a sense of humour

  • And also someone who is able to meet challenges

[9:16] As with all the chakras, the goal is to balance the energy centre so that our rainbow of chakras can flow and our body can be in alignment. However, there are times when our chakras become underactive, and overactive. This is also known as deficiency and excess, respectively.

Here are the signs of Core Chakra Deficiency:

  • Low energy

  • Poor self-discipline, low self-esteem

  • Poor digestions

  • Collapsed middle of the body; bad posture

  • Victim mentality, quick to blame others

  • Emotionally or physically cold

[9:53] Signs of an excessive Core chakra:

  • Overly aggressive, dominiating, controlling

  • The need to be right or have the last word

  • Manipulative, power hungry

  • Violent outbursts

  • Stubbornness

  • Arrogant 

[10:07] Before we get into how to properly balance this energy centre let’s unfold the petals of the third chakra some more. 

As we reach the third chakra we are climbing toward the upper level of the chakras. This is a lower level chakra where we start to become more aware of ourselves as individuals in the world. A necessary third chakra achievement is independence and autonomy. This is a very great piece from Eastern Body, Western Mind:

“Autonomy is essential for personal responsibility. If we cannot see ourselves as separate beings, we cannot take responsibility for our actions.”

[10:49] I believe being able to take responsibility for our own actions is what makes someone a mature adult. I also believe it’s part of our journey and our souls journey to understand and see our INDIVIDUATION. We begin to wake up into a larger awareness of the world, and our role in it. 

We discover ourselves as whole, independent beings, with our own personal strength and power. We start to develop our strength, power and independence when we overcome challenges, and begin to define ourselves.

[11:21] While creating our own identity, we also form our EGO. This is the conscious element of the Self according to Carl Jung. It’s sort of the mediator between the inner and outer experience. I won’t get into it too much today, but basically – for my business babes out there – it’s essentially the CEO of the Self. It creates defenses to protect our vulnerability, it forms the statement of who we are, and it organizes the consciousness of our self-definition.

The key is to have a well-functioning ego that isn’t overpowering, but keeps us safe, engaged, and consistent in our Self. It keeps our inner energy balanced.

[12:05] SELF-ESTEEM is another important piece of our third chakra. Energetic strength requires self-esteem, and with even a basic level of trust in ourselves, we can better face the unknown. This is the part of ourselves that stays consistent when faced with a challenge. It’s the part of ourselves that doesn’t fall apart when things go wrong, and the part that knows it’s okay to make mistakes. 

Previous Episodes on Confidence + Self Esteem: 

Episode 48: What to Do When Fear Shows Up
Episode 63: How to Fail + Make Happiness Your Compass

It’s important for all areas of our health for our self-worth and self-esteem to be high. When we feel worthy, we are more likely to take care of ourselves and this in turn raises our vibration to attract higher quality vibrations of people, opportunity, and experiences into our lives. When people are taking better care of themselves, the feel good, and who doesn’t want to feel good?

[13:19] I started listening to the audio version of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey, and the first habit mentioned in the best-selling book, is being “PROACTIVE.” 

Being proactive is the opposite of reactive (which is third chakra excess) or inactive (third chakra deficiency). Proactivity is all about choosing your actions, rather than controlling them or letting them be controlled by you. It starts deep in a mindset and shapes our daily behaviours. Proactive people take responsibility for creating their future. Proactive people believe they influence their environment. They don’t wait to see what happens, and they are not victims of circumstance. Practivity takes initiative and will.

[14:10] Of course it all adds up to our personal POWER. Here is another clip from Anodea Judith’s book:

“From the latin root podere, meaning “to be able,” power is the ability to make change and exists for one reason only – transformation. When the old has outgrown its purpose, it is time to transform it into something new. Power is not a thing, but a way. It is a process of becoming real.

We have power when we dare to live authentically, when we reach inside ourselves and tell the naked truth. The more we dare to take risks, to questions, to be true to yourself, the easier it becomes. Power comes when we are willing to make mistakes and to be responsible for them, to learn from them, and to correct them.”

[15:04] The third chakra is the engine to our power. Consider the following questions when reflecting on your personal power:

  • Do I take responsibility in my actions?

  • How strong is my self-esteem?

  • Am I practicing proactivity?

  • What is my current posture position telling me?

  • Am I living authentically?

  • Where in my life am I playing small?

  • Who do I know that embodies personal power and a balanced third chakra?

  • Where in my life can I take more risks?

I wrote these questions with the intention for us to dig a little deeper. I want us to really unfold our core chakra petals so that we can begin to heal this energy centre. When it comes to healing our chakras, what we’re most often doing is balancing them. Start by figuring out if your Solar Plexus chakra is deficient or excess, and then go from there.

[16:06] Healing deficiency will take some time as the energy must be built up slowly. Think of it like kindling a fire, we will gain strength little by little with a strong foundation that will create lasting change and strength.

Working on how we fuel the fire is similar to how we are fueling our bodies. Choosing to take better care of ourselves means consuming healthy foods that give us energy and vitality, along with moving our body to build physical strength and mental clarity. We are looking for both nourishment and support. 

Listen to last week’s episode all about staying consistent with your wellness, to help you create a healthy lifestyle routine to build up a deficient core chakra.

Episode 78: How to Stay Consistent with Your Wellness

[16:51]  When it comes to healing excess, there will be more energy, and this energy needs to be moved aka rerouted to other chakras. This healing will require more stillness, and quite. I have a free mediation available to help balance the core chakra. This is for both balancing deficiency and excess.

It might sound counter-productive, or counter intuitive, but scheduling downtime for the “art doing nothing” or practicing relaxing, restorative, or gentle yoga, can also be an important strategy for an overactive third chakra. As they are typically type-a people, this can be tough, however taking time away from goals or work is very important for the health of the solar plexus chakra.

[17:52] Have fun! Be playful! Be spontaneous! Laugh, and dance and let go of the need to be safe. This is not our intention in the world. Building your courage and confidence will take practice. You will make steps, leaps, and bounds toward your goals, moving further and further out of your comfort zone as you G R O W & GLOW!

Keep growing, learning, and expanding! Keep playing and loving yourself deeply. YOU. YOU my darling are an incredible, limitless being. Everything you need is already yours, and the rest you will learn and gain along the way. 

Find that inner light and let it shine. Let the fire blaze and burn and brighten! Be the light and inspiration for others to shine their light too. Your power lies within you. It has always been there and will always be there. Always, always remember that no one can take your power… unless you let them.

Remember that it is SO OKAY to make mistakes. Learn to laugh at yourself sometimes.


Download the FREE Core Chakra Meditation

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Building Your Dream Business, Events, and Life with Lauren Smith of Modern Collective

BONUS: Building Your Dream Business, Events, and Life with Lauren Smith of Modern Collective

Today I have a very special guest, Samantha I cannot wait to introduce you to one of my favourite business babes and friends. Lauren is not only an amazing event planner, but has created a business and a life of her dreams, listen to this episode to learn how you can elevate your life and your events...

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[00:05] Meet Lauren Smith: 

A passionate event planner, connection creating expert and lover of all things events + travel.

Lauren helps busy entrepreneurs create in person connection with their online community so they can strengthen their relationships, provide incredible value and turn their community into raving fans. 

With over 10 years of event planning experience working with Canada’s largest financial institutions, Lauren brings countless unique and innovative ideas, and an impressive tool-box of skills to the table for her clients, spanning from an unmatched ability to pivot on the spot, to killer negotiation skills and the creative ability to think outside the box.

Dubbed “the future of the events industry” by Meetings + Incentive Travel Magazine and featured in CMP Magazine’s Women of Influence Issue, Lauren’s signature approach to the planning process and stress-free execution puts her clients at ease with every step of the process. Lauren’s community loves her because of her ability to think outside the box, create true and authentic connection and truly go above and beyond to create a WOW factor experience that helps turn their attendees into raving fans. 

[3:05] Her story: 

It was not a straight line or a smooth road. I went to school for event planning and I graduated when I was turning 21, and that fall my dad had a stroke. He lost his ability to speak, he basically was disabled, and we spent the next six months in the hospital with him trying to nurse him back to health and teach him how to speak again and do all those things. So my “career” post-school started off quite turbulent just trying to get our footing. 

And then I got a job with a mortgage company doing all of their events. For me that was such a cool opportunity because I got to basically travel the world doing my dream job and I got a little bit of normalcy after living the caregiver life for a little while. We still are caregivers. I needed that time to just go and “do me.” So I was an event planner with them for six years and then I went and worked at a corporate bank, and while that was fun, it was definitely not me or creative or who I am in any realm of the world. So I decided to leave and go and do my own thing. 

Throughout that course of a couple of years I was working for the mortgage company, I was living in Vancouver and that's where I met Danielle. She is the founder of the Business Babes Collective which started in Vancouver. When I moved out there I was like, “how do you make friends as an adult?” It's so awkward, I'm not going to just be friends with my work people. I wanted to meet women who were empowering and doing really cool things around business and their lives, and I went on Meet Up. I found the Vancity Business Babes and it was one of their first events in their first year of being a community, and met Danielle and asked her to go for coffee, and the rest is history.

When I moved back to Toronto, I was like “Dude this has to come to Toronto!” There was no girly business, educational, supportive community for women so we started one.

PART ONE: Entrepreneurship: Building Your Dream Business & Life

[7:55] Take us through a typical day or week in the life for you! 

It depends. My business comes in waves. So there's either Event Prep Mode, Client On Boarding Mode, or Event Execution Mode. The week will really depend on what's going on in my life. For example, if I have a big program; let's talk about how my life looked in December because that was one of my busiest months. I would wake up in the morning. I take supplements and have a smoothie and I do start my morning when I eventually get out of bed. For the first little bit of the day I clean out my emails, and then I time block as well as day block. 

Mondays: Dedicated to one of my two businesses 

Tuesday & Thursdays: Strictly client work 

Wednesdays: To the other business 

Fridays: Typically when I take meetings, podcasts, out of the office, all my errands – so I try to only leave my house once a week because before I was doing meetings in Ajax on Mondays and downtown on Tuesdays, and it was too much for me. 

But then when we get into our flow is like the really, really cool part. So we have a really fun and cool client management system. When I get off the phone with my client I'll brain dump what we talked about, I'll put all my ideas onto paper and then my team and I will start bringing that together and we'll do that when we're on boarding a client. 

But in December it was a little bit of a gong show because we had so much going on, so one day, it will be that: full creative flow. Pinterest is my favourite thing as an event planner. 

Then the next day I would be prepping for the retreat I did in January in Bali, so literally completely the opposite of the day before. I really try and give myself rest days so I will not look at my phone, I will not look at my computer, I will just completely check out.

[10:53] How do you create space for yourself and for grounding? Do you have any self care routines, what do those look like? 

I don't have a morning routine, but I have a really, really locked and loaded eventing routine. Since I was a kid I've taken a bath every night. It is my time to put on a candle, chill. Sometimes I'll bring my phone just to aimlessly scroll pinterest, not do email but I'm kind of obsessed with my phone. Or I will read a book, or meditate in the bath. So that is my sacred time and I notice if I don't do that, I'm kind of grumpy; it's not fun. 

Saturdays are the days where I will literally not look at work. I'll give myself Sunday's to regroup and write my to-do list, and meal prep and all that fun stuff.

[13:40] What advice would you give to someone who wants to create their dream business? Where do they start? 

I think the biggest thing is, and I think people forget this, is that you're always going to be talking about it. So if it's something you love of you're going to get sick of, or you're not passionate about, don't do it. Because you're going to be able to see right through that. For me, I'm always going to see, or always talking about being an event planner. If you hear my name, you know that it's associated with events. And that's not because I'm strategically thinking, “okay so I need to make this many sales…” it's just who I am as a person and it's something I'm so passionate about. So that would be step number one: only really jump into something if you're going to be okay talking about it every day.  

The second thing I would say, do your research and come up with a little bit of a plan. Know what your next 3, 6, 12 months is going to look like, and then just JUMP! You can plan and you can say you'll do it when you're ready but you'll never be ready, you just sometimes have to do it, because you'll learn about yourself when you're in hot water and you'll figure it out.

[15:50] Listener Question from Casey: What have been some of your biggest setbacks when working toward building your dream job, and how have you overcome them? 

The biggest one I would say is when I was working corporate. I actually bought my domain and started to build my website 5 years ago, knowing that this was my end goal. And it was when I was working corporate that I was climbing the ladder and doing all those things, and I just remember being told all the time, I was told once that they wouldn't have given me a promotion if they knew if I got a boyfriend. It was the women in business type of struggle; but my type of struggle with it was I started to believe what everyone was telling me. I was told, “you were just a server before I hired you. They basically making me feel that I was indebted to everything they ever gave me. Which is a complete load of crap, but when you're told that all the time, you start to believe it. And I would surround myself with people who I thought were supportive of me, but would only ever let me be at their level. They would never help me achieve more, they would never make sure I was successful enough to be comfortable but never more. So the biggest set back was believing. How I pushed through it was I just listened to who I AM, and what my soul needed. And I did what was against the popular belief. Following myself and being true to who I am is what I think got me through a lot of all that crap I had to go through.

[18:00] Listener Question from Rachel: If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? 

It's so hard. There's not many things I would change because everything has brought me to where I am right now, but I think the biggest thing is I would have listened to what my dad was saying before he got sick. Because, it's kind of ironic but, my uncle who I was just with in California used to be business partners with my dad, and a lot of the stuff my uncle was walking me through and coaching me through in California is stuff that my dad taught him. So if had I listened 10 years ago, would my life be different? I don't know. You obviously can't tell that. But I would have loved to had a couple hours of business conversation with my dad.

PART TWO: Events & Event Planning

[20:05] What are some of the benefits of hosting events for women in business? What are some creative examples of types of events we can host for our business? 

Connection. We live in an ever-changing world and there's so much online. And there are two different types of events: there's the online experience that you can give your community, which is huge because you can reach more people, and there's less cost involved. So I think we should be doing both: online and in-person events. So workshop or webinar or couple day online series of something, plus the in-person events.

The in-person events are going to be massively impactful because when we are together. I think women, specifically, we crave that certain type of connect in the business world. Going to an event that is hosted by another woman is when you're soaking in different energies and I think that's super, super important.

And then in terms of creative examples:

Retreats are going to be huge in the next couple of years because it's a small group of people who are really there to drive change. And you can get more out of the experience when it's a smaller group of people.

Conferences are still a thing, but they have to be really creative and really unique. They can't be your typical conference like when you went to figure out which University you wanted to go to. People want it to be an experience. There needs to be photo opportunities and really fun food, and make pop-up experiences. It has to be really different. So as much as events are still going to be a thing, we're in a bit of a shift that we can't just do a typical pop-up that we used to be able to do.

[23:22] I read somewhere that “Women come together in celebration,” and I know that so many of us love hosting parties and events. Where do we start? Walk us through some steps for mapping gout our dream event! 

Absolutely. I think the first one is to get it on paper. and I'm guilty of this too. I will have a Saturday when I'm hiking with the dog and I'm building this dream event in my head. And then I get in the car and I forget everything. So map it out and ask yourself these intense questions like: 

What do I want to get out of it?
Who is my attendee that I want to attract?
What are the experiences that I want them to have?
How do I want to be remembered from this event? 

Ask yourself questions that aren't related to “what type of food am I going to serve.” Because people care more about how they feel, than what you say to them. They really want to feel like they're part of your community. 

Form there, you can segregate them like, here's the feeling I want them to have, then write out how am I going to achieve that? Here's the visuals that I want them to have, how am I going to achieve that? And map it all out and start researching people that can help bring that vision to life. 

And the number one thing I always say is budget from the beginning, because if you don't budget, you won't be profitable. 

Expect the worst but pray/plan for the best. I always map out my ideal situation. 

Sponsorship isn't guaranteed so leave it out of the mandatory budget. Account for the things that you don't think you need to account for. 

Make your slush fund bigger than it is. It's better to over budget than to under budget.

[26:42] There is so much that can change in the world of events and event planning. What are some of the challenges that you've faced? How did you handle them? What advice would you give to people planning an event on how they can flow through or overcome the disruptions? 

I've had people have heart attacks on programs, I've had speakers not show, I've had boxed not delivered. Breakdown is going to happen in events. It's just how are you going to handle it. The key to being a good event planner is knowing that something is going to happen – you obviously can't prepare for what that thing is – but prepping yourself to handle it in the right way. 

For example: when my attendee had a heart attack, I still had a 250 person event to plan. So I needed to take a minute and think of what that next step could be. I was going to support that attendee and visit them in the hospital, but I had to put in place other things, to deal with the group that was in Mexico and things that we had planned. 

Handling [the challenges] with respect and calm, and to an extent being humble about it. Take on ownership where you might not necessarily need to, but if it's going to put the fire out, do it. Come together as a team, and don't put blame on anyone else. Take ownership. 

[30:28] Obviously we can do anything, but we can't do everything on our own. Why do we need to hire an event planner like you for our next event? 

Being an event planner means you have education behind it, or you've being doing it for a certain number of years and you've overcome these obstacles and you've planned different types of events. I haven't just planned evening networking events. I've planned thousand person conferences and retreats. 

You can try and plan your own event if you want, but don't call me in the eleventh hour when shit hits the fan, because it will be too late. There are going to be problems that happen with your event, so how will you overcome them? 

Or if you're planning an event in your business, you're taking away that part of your event that makes you money. So why would you want to shift your focus to learn something completely new, when you could just hire someone.

The other part where hiring an event planner comes in handy is with contract negotiations and contract negotiations.

[33:24] Where can we find you, follow you, and how can we support your business? 

INSTAGRAM | @torontobusinessbabes and @moderncollective_ 

WEBSITE | www.moderncollective.ca 

Engage with Lauren, ask her questions, if the Toronto Business Babes has an event, come to the event or online workshop!


[34:11] #1. What are you currently reading OR what is your favourite book?

BOOK: The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith

[24:50] #2. What do you love most about being a woman? 

Our time has finally come. There is so much support for us, and so many people are behind us that it's really empowering and exciting to know that for the first time in what feels like forever, we can really do whatever we want.

[35:14] #3. What does “empowerment” mean to you? 

Having the confidence and the support to follow your dreams, and to be unapologetically yourself, and show up super authentically.

[35:27] #4. What are you currently working toward? 

A lot. But my biggest thing is I am registering my company as a travel agency and going to build out that side of my business as well.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E78: How to Stay Consistent with Your Wellness

E78: How to Stay Consistent with Your Wellness

One of the keys to making your wellness work for you is CONSISTENCY. Here's how to stay consistent with your wellness...

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[00:45] Follow me on INSTAGRAM @vallavignelife

[00:55] One of the main reasons we lack consistency and fall off track is because our actions aren't rooted at a deeper level. We set wellness goals and intentions, without getting clear about our “Wellness Why” 

Our “Wellness Why” is the reasoning behind our actions. It is the emotional fuel, and meaningful driver behind our daily actions. It's what moves us forward with our healthy habits and our goals. 

You want your “wellness why” to come from your heart. It’s important that it’s deep, emotional, and meaningful to you. 

Everyone’s “wellness why” will be different. We all have different motivators and intentions and goals, so it’s important that when you’re creating your WHY, you are turning inward and searching inside of yourself, and not externally to why other people are taking their actions.

[2:40] Four Steps to Help You Create Your Wellness Why 

Grab a pen and paper, or your favourite notebook and get comfy. If you love listening to music, put on your favourite playlist. If you work with essential oils or crystals, go ahead and bring those too. Create a comfortable atmosphere for you to turn inward, without interruption or distractions. 

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Take five minutes or so to visualize the best version of yourself. If you would like more support with this, I will link to a previous episode I published called “Becoming the Best Version of You” (Episode #39

Consider the following questions: 

Who is the best version of me?
How does this version of me start their day?
What do they do every day?
What DON’T they do every day?
How does this version of me feel? 

Write down the answers to these questions, and any other details about this best version of you. Get clear and specific; include all the details – everything! 

Now look over your description and answers of your future self and see if you can dig a little deeper. Why do you want to be the best version of yourself? What is the deep, emotional, and meaningful reasoning behind why you want to live a healthy lifestyle? 

We want to keep our “wellness why” top of mind. Write it down and stick it to the bathroom mirror, bedside table, or on the kitchen fridge. Another idea is to create a phone wallpaper of your wellness why. Share it with your partner, your friends, and your social audience so that they can hold you accountable.

This way, when we go about our days making decisions, we’re reminded of our Wellness Why and the reasoning behind the choices that we make every day. It connects us to that why power and helps us become and embody the best version of ourselves.

Because our wellness is not about eating one healthy meal, or that week we went to 3 spin classes, or last month when we drank more water than coffee. It’s about the countless choices that we’re faced with each moment, and every day.

[5:42] We’re aiming to make the best choices, or better choices for our health and wellness, but there will be days when we make okay choices, or lesser ones. 

Here are my top tips when it comes to starting your wellness lifestyle:

There are many areas of health and wellness that we can pinpoint and improve. The best way to create any habit is to start with one, and then once that action or behaviour becomes automated, we can focus on the next habit or action. This is called habit stacking. 

I will mention an area of wellness, as well as an example for a healthy habit for this area. While I’m listing them, think of which area of your wellness you’d like to improve and how you’d like to do that.

Physical: walk 10,000 steps every day
Emotional: write in my mindfulness journal morning and night
Spiritual: meditate daily
Intellectual: read one book per month
Social: join an online community of like-minded women
Nutrition: Stop eating after 8pm
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
Occupational: Spend two hours every weekday building my online course.

Did I miss an area? Let me know in the comments section below!

I always say, fitness can be fun, and healthy can be simple! Stop complicating your health and wellness goals. Just because your best friend loves her Saturday morning Zumba class, doesn't mean you have to also. Personally, I’m not a Zumba kind of girl, but I can lift weights four times a week, and that excites me! 

We’re creating a lifestyle, and the best version of you is most likely excited about their wellness habits and goals; they have fun with their fitness! Choose the actions and activities that light up your life!

It doesn’t matter if your goal is to read for 30 minutes a day, or to meditate every morning, or to build an evening routine. Put it in your calendar; the calendar you actually use! What gets scheduled, is what gets done. Make time for your wellness by blocking out the time in your calendar to do it. Set reminders on your phone to keep you on track. 

The best time to do your wellness habit is whenever you do it. If you like morning workouts like me, schedule it then. If you know that the best time for uninterrupted brainstorming for your business is when your kids go to bed, schedule it then. If you’re truly committed to becoming the best version of yourself, you will make time for the actions and habits that support your journey. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

[9:33] TIP #4: BE FLEXIBLE
Life happens, and our worlds are always changing. This is okay. We’re learning to build a dream lifestyle, and that also means being flexible and going with the flow. Remember that wellness is a journey, not a destination. 

I plan as much in advance as I can, but every Sunday evening I look at my week at a glance and schedule it accordingly. Most weeks don’t look the same, but I always make time for my wellness habits and goals. This is even more important for the weeks that are a little busier.

[10:12] TIP #5: REVIEW & RESET
The unexpected can come up and throw you off a little, but it doesn’t mean your whole wellness lifestyle collapses. Allow yourself the time to review and reflect on what when well, and what didn’t. Then make any adjustments moving forward to get you back on track. 

It’s also helpful to give yourself permission to hit the “Reset Button.” Each day is a new day, and an opportunity to start fresh. You don’t have to feel guilty because you missed a workout, ate cake for breakfast, or stayed up a little too late watching Netflix. Take a breath, let go of the expectations, and remember your “wellness why.” 

A question that I find helpful when mapping out my goals, habits, and actions is: What roadblocks do you foresee? And the next obvious question would be, What ideas do you have about overcoming those roadblocks? 

This will all depend on what habits and goals we are creating. It’s also important that when we are answering these two important questions, we are being very honest with our responses. Honest, and I will also add creative with the solutions. If you’re having trouble overcoming specific or certain roadblocks, consider someone you can reach out to about achieving your goals or who might have fresh eyes on the situation. 

[11:44] Committing to consistency means creating achievable habits and goals. For most of us, this will mean starting small, and choosing actions that result in immediate positive feedback. For example: Getting more sleep, and increasing your daily water intake. These are measurable daily habits. 

It’s also very helpful to visually track your progress. You can create a checklist, use apps and fitness watches, and you can also download my free Habit Tracker Guide. The guide helps you set new healthy habits, eliminate old habits, and help you stay consistent with your wellness goals.

[12:25] Appreciate where you are in your personal wellness journey, and start there. Start with the smaller goals, and as you continue to track your goals, and take action, begin to add onto those habits and stretch yourself a little more. I like to check in weekly, but you can also reflect daily, bi weekly, or monthly. 

Your stretch goals will be a little bigger than your smaller goals. For example, if your smaller goal was to read one book a month, and you’ve read two this month, you could stretch your goal to reading 3 or 4 books per month.

[13:00] Remember, that the key to creating our wellness lifestyle is consistency. Our brain craves it! It’s what will help us reach our goals, and automate our habits to keep us on track. And the key to staying consistent is knowing our wellness why! Our why is what motivates us to keep going; to continue to make the best choices each day.

When you’ve found your motivation, and created a routine, you’ll notice the growth and positive change. Eventually you might find yourself becoming a little stale or stagnant again in that routine. This is a great time to mix things up! Stretch your goals, stack a new habit, or try a new activity.

You can always come back to the process of creating your wellness why. Perhaps the best version of you has evolved into something different; start with dreaming of who you want to become and make adjustments to your actions.

[14:05:] Remember that, what gets measured, gets moved. Continue to measure your progress throughout your journey. Make a note of your small wins, your big wins, and what you’re learning about yourself along the way. Create check-in points to review, reset, or stretch your daily habits. When you achieve a goal or keep up with consistency, reward yourself! A friend of mine bought a new sports bra after two weeks of a consistent daily movement practice. I love this idea! It was meaningful to her, AND excites her about keeping up with her workouts because of the new gear she has.


Download the FREE Habit Tracker Guide

Val LaVigne Life - Habit Tracker Guide
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E77: What it REALLY Takes to Be an Entrepreneur

E77: What it REALLY Takes to Be an Entrepreneur

This episode is ideal for anyone who is considering becoming an entrepreneur, OR anyone who has recently become an entrepreneur. It’s also perfect for anyone who is already an entrepreneur, or if you are someone who knows an entrepreneur..

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Episode Sponsor: AWAKENING ABUNDANCE money mindset course & group coaching program.

[2:06] My Story: How I became an entrepreneur



Some of the ways I stay self-motivated:#1. Celebrate Your Wins#2. Create a “Feel Good” Folder#3. Call Your Tribe


Episode #63: How to Fail & Make Happiness Your Compass

Reframe Failure:#1. Learning Opportunity#2. Skill Development#3. Falling Forward















[15:37] COURAGE


[17:01] HAVE GRIT



BOOK: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman



[20:27] How to support the entrepreneurs in your life 

Share their content on social media – repost the posts that speak to you, comment and like their content.

Pay (full price) for their services, products, or events – buy a ticket, be an audience member at their talk, show up for them.

Tell them they're doing a good job – everyone needs a little encouragement once in a while, send them a message.

Recommend them to your friends and family.

Write a positive review.

Connect with me! 

@vallavigne life on Instagram

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E76: Green Cleaning with Essential Oils

E76: Green Cleaning with Essential Oils

From Green Cleaning to "Greenwashing" here's what you need to know, PLUS access to my NEW Green Cleaning eBook, which includes 10 simple and natural recipes for your home...

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[1:20] What is Green Cleaning? 

Using methods, solutions, and ingredients that are safe to use in the environment. Keeping your home environment clean, as well as our planet healthy, and the people and animals living in our homes safe, is possible, and a priority in our home. Environmental safety also includes minimizing waste.

[2:04] My story: Growing up with Sensitive Skin 

I noticed an allergy to all artificial orange, almost everything orange, except the actual fruit. If I ate anything artificially flavoured orange, or if I used orange dyed or scented cleaners and skincare products, my skin would break out into hives.

[5:14] Choosing the Right Essential Oils 

The most important characteristic of an essential oil is its purity.

To ensure that each bottle of essential oil is pure and free from synthetic fillers or contaminates, dōTERRA created the CPTG: Certified Pure Therapeutic (or Tested) Grade protocol. It includes a meticulous examination of every batch of oil, along with third party testing to guarantee transparency. 

This is one of the reasons why I’ve partnered with dōTERRA as one of their Wellness Advocates, and also why it is the only essential oil company I trust and use in my home.

In the podcast episodes, on my website, social media platforms, and in my Green Cleaning e-book you will notice all types of recipes and information about dōTERRA’s essential oils and oil blends. 

CLICK HERE to access how you can purchase dōTERRA’s certified pure tested grade oils and products for your home. 

[6:33] Common Household Products for Green Cleaning 

Baking Soda (shop here) 

White Vinegar (shop here


Apple Cider Vinegar (shop here)

Dr. Bronner's Soap (shop here)

[7:42] Ingredients to be cautious of when buying products: 

Artificial Fragrances 

Artificial Colours, Dyes



[7:57] BEWARE OF: Greenwashing 

Many companies see the demand for healthier and safer cleaning options as an opportunity to market their products as “Green.” They change the colour of their packaging, and put some images of flower sea leaves on it, it makes it look like you're buying a “green cleaner” when really, you're not. 

Greenwashing gives false or misleading information about how the product is environmentally friendly. It's considered false advertising, even if the information is partite true. The claims and benefits of the product are usually very exaggerated. 

[8:41] My [Green/Natural] Solution: Essential Oils 

Important Resources 



Aromatic Science

[13:12] Tag me in your Green Cleaning Instagram Posts + Stories! @vallavignelife

Safe Containers to Use with Essential Oils

Glass Spray Bottles
LIKE THESE ONES are mostly recommended when it comes to DIYs and essential oil recipes. Glass is best because it is impenetrable to essential oils, making it the perfect container for keeping your DIY products fresh. It's also super easy to clean! Soap and water should do the trick.

Stainless Steel Steel
is another highly recommended material/container for essential oil recipes. It is also impenetrable to oils and a great, high quality option if you're worried about dropping or breaking glass. I love THESE BOTTLES for making essential oil gifts, or when we go camping to hold our natural bug spray.

There is a type of plastic that is specifically used with essential oils. It's called Plastic number 2 or HDPE. It's a very high quality plastic that has stronger bond and longer chain lengths that are not broken by essential oils. These types of plastic are mainly found in things like diffusers and caps.

Plastic number 1 or PET can also be used with essential oils, but any other plastics cannot. 

If you're unsure about your container, you can test it. Add a drop of your dōTERRA CPTG essential oil to the outside of the container and ensure that there is no change to it over the course of a few minutes after the oil has been applied.


Download the FREE Green Cleaning eBook

Val LaVigne Life - Green Cleaning eBook
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E75: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 3 of 3: Awaken

E75: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 3 of 3: Awaken

Wrapping up the final part of our Money Mindset Mini Series, AWAKEN, learn all about the power of your money habits, and how you can create healthy, happy money habits today...

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[2:25] RECAP:

Part One: Awareness & Part Two: Action

[3:22] Part Three: Awaken

[3:55] Habits 101 

Habits are small, seemingly insignificant behaviours compounded over time.
They're sneaky because more often than not you don't even realize something is a habit until you bring awareness to it!

[4:30] Example: 3 women, 3 Different Evening Routines

[6:45] Consider YOUR Current Routines 

Morning, evening, daytime, whatever routines come to mind for you
Flash forward 10 years. If you kept doing EXACTLY what you're doing right now for the next 10 years, where do you see yourself at that point?

Where do you WANT to be financially in 3, 5, and 10 years?
What do you have to start doing today to get there?

[8:25] That time I found a quarter on the ground

Pay attention to the little + powerful signs from the Universe 

Stay open + trust

[10:00] Wealth Habits

[10:11] #1. MINDSET 

Every 3-6 months write out your money story. Forgive any part of your money story that isn't serving you, and let it go! Rewrite your new money story, with your positive wealth thoughts and focus on them. 

TIP: If you've just started a new money mindset, do this practice monthly, or as often as you feel you need to. Practice this wealth habit more frequently – especially in the beginning – it can be very helpful and transformative in improving your money story. 

TIP: Have a special money mindset or abundance journal. You can write out your money mindset practice in it, and also journal all the ways that money or abundance has come to you: like when I found a quarter and when I received the emails from my pervious client + employer. 

[11:05] #2. SAVING

You can automate your savings through your bank. A savings account is always a winning money management strategy, and financial experts and advisors will always tell you to be saving. 

TIP: Know what you're saving for. Having an intention for your money is very important. You want to know what you're saving for, and make sure it's something meaningful to you. 

TIP: If saving is tough for you, keep coming back to WHY you're saving/what you're saving for. Visit your savings account and watch your money grow! It will help you get more excited about what you're saving for. It's like having a date with your money.

[11:45] #3. GRATITUDE 

Write out 3-5 things you're grateful for each day. Keep this running gratitude list in your abundance journal where you can read it often. Circulating, investing, and generating your money should be celebrated! Thank money for allowing you to afford all the things you have in your life. Look around you, abundance is everywhere! 

TIP: You don't have to just write about money in your gratitude journal. Write about everything and anything you're grateful for, and be specific. Why are you grateful for this person/place/thing/experience? 

TIP: Gratitude is a money magnifier! Being grateful attracts more of what you're grateful for; this helps magnify everything you love in your life! Because remember, what you focus on e x p a n d s !

[12:43] Your “om-work” for today: 

First: Sign up at valerielavignelife.com/webinar for my FREE Master Class: Girls Just Wanna Have Fund$ so you can go deeper into awakening abundance in your life and learn the 3 Keys to Manifesting More Money!

Then: Re-listen to the Money Mindset Mini Series and complete all the practices and methods I've shared in each episode.

Money Mindset Mini Series 

Episode #73 Part One: Awareness 

Episode #74 Part Two: Action

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Elevate Your Money Story and Overcome Your Blocks

BONUS: Elevate Your Money Story and Overcome Your Blocks with Vanessa Bowen of Mint Worthy

Going deep into roots of money beliefs and blocks. Uncovering them and planting seeds of new truth. Catch it all on this very special bonus episode of the Women's Empowerment Podcast...

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[00:42] Introducing the wonderful Vanessa of Mint Worthy 

  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) & Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) and founder of Mint Worthy, a personal finance coaching platform that helps women shift their relationship with money and take control of their finances

  • After a decade in corporate finance and public accounting working with international businesses in Canada and the US, Vanessa decided to pursue her passion for personal finance, shifting her focus on empowering women to live life on their own financial terms

  • Vanessa equips women with new ways of managing and controlling their finances and teaches strategies to truly reach their financial goals. She helps women uncover their money blocks and release the deep rooted subconscious beliefs that create our habits, decisions, and behaviours around money. Vanessa coaches women on how to break through these mindset barriers to discover life-long financial freedom

[2:45] Vanessa tells us a little more about her story… 

Vanessa's story with money started like a lot of other peoples. She grew up with very little information about money management and finances. 

She then became an accountant and didn't know what to do with her paycheque. She did what she knew, and spent the money! This brought her into debt, until she met her mentor who talked to her about budgeting and money management. 

Vanessa's financial passion grew as she started to grow her knowledge and her side passion project/hobby. She helped her circle of friends with their money journey. 

Eventually the passion project grew so big in her heart that she took the leap and left her corporate job to transition to her full time coaching business: Mint Worthy.


PART ONE: Girl, Get Over Your Money Blocks

[6:08] Women & Money.

Why is it that women don't talk about money? What are some benefits of having money conversations with our girlfriends? How can we encourage women to start having more conversations around money? 

Women hold a lot of shame and guilt because no one ever taught women about money, and to be honest we're conditioned to believe that money is a man's world. We believe that men are the ones who deal with money and who can take care of money.

As women we limit ourselves, like saying, I'm not good at math, so I'm not good with money but all you need to know about math when it comes to money is adding a subtracting, and that's what we have a calculator for! 

I think the reason why we don't talk about money is because of these limiting beliefs that we are conditioned with or that we put on ourselves. And there is so much release of guilt and shame when we have these conversations, and I think this is the perfect place to start. Having these conversations with your girlfriends. 

The minute you start talking about money, you realize you're not alone. You're girlfriend likely has the exact same issues. It's a beautiful opportunity for us to learn and grow. And it's platforms like this that provides that opportunity to break through those blocks.

[8:07] What are money blocks and where do these money blocks come from? 

All of our money blocks are basically those deep limiting beliefs that we hold and they impact our habits, our actions, and our decisions around money. 

These subconscious beliefs, whether they're true or not, once they're in our subconscious mind, we take them in as truth. Most of our deepest blocks are actually from our childhood.

When you were born, did you have any thoughts or judgements about money? No, it was a clean slate. As we grew older we became conditioned. So a lot of our deepest blocks are actually from our childhood. Mostly because we were in our subconscious state; from 0-7 or 8, your brain hasn't fully developed so our brain is in a subconscious state.

If you see your parents fight about money you will start to believe: money ruins relationships, money causes fights. Or when we were little girls we watched all of the princess movies, and saw Prince Charming come to the rescue, so as adults we believe that we need a partner to feel secure.

Then of course, we get older, and we take on societal blocks: you have to work hard to make money; everything is about money. So now we become conditioned by society, and on top of that we create our own blocks as women. We hold a lot of blocks around worth: I'm not good enough, I'm not enough, I need to compare myself to others. Something as small as that keeps us stuck, it holds us back, we don't go after our dreams, we don't advance in our business or our careers. And that blocks us from the money that we desire.

Unfortunately, we're all walking around with blocks that have impacted us from different areas and phases of our life. And that's why it's so important to Do The Work, because we don't always know what we're walking around with, unless we go deep.

[10:51] Let's look at a few examples of common limiting mindset beliefs around money, how can we release these abundance blocks?

You have to work hard to make money; hard work equals success
We need a partner to be secure 
Money can't possibly flow easily 

The beauty of the subconscious: One of the easiest ways to reprogram it is through faith and repetition. So the more you repeat the limiting beliefs, the more they become your truth. 

But of course you can reprogram that truth. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to investigate the block and determine whether it's true or not. What's happening for most of us is that we're just walking around with false truths and we've created them to be our truths. 

So one of the easy ways is to investigate the block, what was the first thing you heard or experience that created the block? Investigating that makes you realize, that I was born as a clean slate when it come to money, so this is conditioned within me, from what point in time or what area of my life?

Once you investigate it, you can then create your own new truth. This is where it sometimes can be difficult for people because if your money block is deeply rooted, you may only see it as a truth. But one of the easiest ways to shift that is you just find evidence. You can find evidence in your life, and if you can in your life, it makes it easier to reprogram in your subconscious. But if you can't find it in your life, think of someone you know who has this truth.

The more you can fill your subconscious mind with this evidence to proves that limiting belief is not true, the new truth becomes true. You're able to create this new truth and speak: money flows to me easily and frequently. I attract all the money that I dire. And then you start to reprogram  this new truth into your subconscious. It's work, but it works.

[14:06] On this show, I like to offer really tangible and practical techniques and takeaways. What are some money mindset methods we can start today? 

Affirmations are very powerful BUT you have to make sure you're using them the right way. An affirmation is not just like, let me throw out a pretty phrase every day, and say it ever day and close my eyes. That's not affirmations. You have to be intentional with your affirmations and you have to work your affirmations. 

The purpose of affirmations is to reprogram your subconscious through faith and repetition. You need to repeat it and have faith in what you're affirming for your life. 

First let's talk about the repetition: In order to talk to your subconscious repeatedly, you have to talk to it in a way that it understands. So when you're actually creating your affirmations, you have to create them in a way you subconscious understands, not in a way that your conscious mind understands. 

Important things you have to make sure your affirmations have: 

They have to be in the present tense (I am, I have)
Don't use any negatives (I don't want debt) 
You affirmation has to be positive (I live with expectation)

You have to believe what you're saying; you have to almost trick your subconscious you believe that you have it.

Other ways to activate money mindset today…

Your subconscious doesn't know what is real and what isn't. Spend some time every day to visualize your future

Test drive your dream car, and while you're doing that ground into the emotions and scenes of the experience. Bring this into your every day life by bringing it into when you drive your current car.

[19:46] When I mentioned to the listeners that you were coming on the show, I asked them about what questions they had for you, and the word “DEBT” came up a lot: 

What advice do you have for shifting the feelings and thoughts of frustration, guilt, and shame some people have about their debt? 

We all have or have had these feelings, you have to shift your perspective. If you're spending money and in consumer debt, then you need to address the money blocks of the emotional spending. Obviously the shopping is somehow fulfilling an emotional void for you. Work on that. 

But, for some of us who are in debt because of investing in yourself: school, or starting your own business for example. When you're in debt for this reason, you cannot express gratitude for where you are now and express shame and doubt for how you got there.

Some one of the easiest ways to shift the energy is to write a thank you letter to debt. Express gratitude for your debt for being there for you and for supporting you and living your dreams. 

What are some action steps we can take to get out of debt? 

One of the easiest ways is to call your credit card company and ask what they can do for you. You might be able to lower your interest rate or get cash/points back.

Another way is to actually sort your debt based on the highest interest rate to the lowest interest rate. What you want to do is tackle the debt with the highest interest rate first. You want to make sure you're paying as little interest rate as possible. With the other debts, pay a little more than the minimum, and once the highest debt is paid off, snowball that payment into your next highest debt. It's the easiest way to get out of your debt fastest. 

Pay the minimums NO MATTER WHAT, so that you don't negatively impact your credit score.


PART TWO: Internal Money Journey

Switching our money mindset and connecting to money in a new way starts with us, and our internal money journey.

[25:52] What is the difference between internal and external sources of money and abundance?

Internal is basically what we can control, and external is what we can't control. 

External: Job, business, cash coming in

Internal: Where your relationship with money comes into play; how you want to relate and energetically connect to money. Think about how you talk about money.

[27:50] On your blog and Instagram you talk a lot about manifesting and vibrational frequency. This is a very popular topic on the podcast as well! What is one impactful way we can become a vibrational match with abundance? 

As women, the main thing that blocks them from attracting and manifesting is their level of deservingness and worthiness. When you go really deep into your blocks is that we don't feel deserving of our desire; for many different reasons. We're basically limiting our own level of worth. The easiest way to shift that vibration is you have to feel deserving. 

You have to feel like you deserve your desires, and when you feel deserving of them, that's when you're vibrating at the same level as them. You have to be in an energetic alignment, and that means you have to believe in your heart that you deserve it.

[30:58] How can we tune into our internal journey of accepting, attracting, and receiving? 

I always look at money that flows to me as a gift from the Universe. It doesn't matter if a friend is buying me coffee, or my employer is giving me a bonus. When you flip your perspective and realize that everything that comes to you is a gift from the Universe, meant for you, positioned just for you, you always have to say “YES!” Because in essence, by saying “no” you're really rejecting the Universe and block future abundance. 

Start small. Any time someone says they'll buy you a coffee, you say yes. When someone compliments you, say thank you!

[35:10] Where we can find Vanessa: 

Website: www.mintworthy.co

Instagram: @mintworthyco

[35:34] How we can support Vanessa's business: 

I feel for me, the vision that I have and see is empowering women to stand up when it comes to their finances. Be engaged, ask the questions. DM or email me. Don't hide, don't feel ashamed. Don't feel like you're the only one. I think the more we see women rise, the more we see women be bold with their finances, the more we can see this financially empowered movement. 


PART THREE: Rapid Fire!

[36:30] #1 What are you currently reading? OR Favourite book? 

The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease

[37:27] #2 What do you love most about being a woman? 

I love how strong and powerful we are. Although we are emotional creatures, we are so strong and powerful. We can handle anything. And I think it's our strength even in the midst of struggle that makes us so beautiful. 

[37:46] #3 What does “empowerment” mean to you? 

For me it means, living beyond your limitations and your comfort zone. Fearlessly going after your dreams and not stopping with anything.

[38:05] #4 What are you currently working toward? 

On the mindset area, what I'm currently working toward, and it comes from the book I'm currently reading, is literally releasing the need for money. Really releasing that need, and that's something I've committed to as a personal journey. Releasing beyond the blocks and releasing the mental and emotional need for money.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E74: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 2 of 3: Action

E74: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 2 of 3: Action

Continuing our Money Mindset Series, and talking all about how taking inspired action will bring you to your desired results! PLUS learn how to trust and connect to your IGS...

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[2:12] RECAP

Episode #73: Part One: Awareness 

[3:30] Part Two: Action

[3:52] The Universe Has Your Back

[5:15] IGS: Internal Guidance System 

a.k.a. Inner Compass 

Take 3 Cleansing Breaths: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. 

“Body show me yes, so I can feel it.”
Scan your body for sensations/feelings.
“I feel _____ in my _____.” 

“Body show me no, so I can feel it.”
Scan your body for sensations/feelings.
“I feel _____ in my _____.”

Money Mindset Mini Series

Part One: Awareness Episode #73

Part Three: Awaken Episode #75

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Successful Strategies for Money Management & Rocking Your Side Hustle

BONUS: Successful Strategies for Money Management & Rocking Your Side Hustle with Liz Enriquez

The no fluff interview that teaches you to manage your money and your money anxiety. Plus, the best tips for starting and marketing your side hustle!

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[1:20] Liz Enriquez shares her story

  • Born in Mexico, and her and her family moved to Canada when she was 5

  • There were challenges coming from Mexico, like the cold weather, living in a motel, and sharing a small apartment with her family, and not  having a lot of money 

  • Liz wanted her own room, and her own stuff, and it was the beginning of her drive to start hustling to learning about money and finances

PART ONE: Money Management

[3:00] A huge part of personal finance is money management, but it can be very intimidating and overwhelming to some people, especially in the beginning. What advice do you have for coping with anxiety around money?

Money can be a huge stressor in people's lives, Liz struggled because she needed money to go University, and this stress is what lead to her first series of anxiety attacks

Something that really helped Liz was writing things down. Write down what you're feeling. Then ask what the solutions for solving problem that was causing her anxiety. By writing things down she discovered that she was stressed about money, and started thinking of ways to get money, which lead her to writing letters for scholarships. Those scholarships helped her get to school.

Writing everything down, helps you get clear on the problem so that you can get clarity, and make a plan to move forward.

[5:13] When it comes to managing your personal finances, what is one thing you wish someone told you when you first started?

There were a few things:

Main thing was to have clarity. Liz didn't have an actual budget until she was 25 years old. She used a cashflow tracking sheet to get clarity on how much money is coming in, and how much is going out. This also helped her as a small business owner because it gave her a baseline number and showed her what she needed to sustain her business, and help her grow.

Cash Flow Tracking Sheet: It's about tracking, not restrictive budgeting. Using an online spreadsheet, upload all of your statements and categories your expenses to see how much money you're spending and on what. It will give you a general picture of where you're money is going. It's more fluid and flexible, and more forgiving. You don't have to feel bad about spending money on what you enjoy.

Also track the money that is coming in, and calculating your net worth. Do all of this monthly. It's a really good way to check in and touch base with goals.

[8:40] A lot of people cringe when they hear the word “budget.” Do you think people should have a budget? Is it important to have one? Why or why not?

Yes. Budgets are similar to diets. If it's not part of your lifestyle, and it's not what you're enjoying, then it's not going to be sustainable; it's just going to be a fad. Don't do a budget just because people are telling you to do a budget. It doesn't work if you don't stick with it.

Find a method for tracking your money that works for you. Try a whole bunch of different models and methods until you find the one that works best for you.

Liz's Facebook Group: Personal Finance for Canadian Millennials

Tracking your money will identify where your money leaks are.

[10:35] Where can people get access to other tools or resources you recommend for creating their budget, or tracking their finances?

Lots of free spreadsheets online

APPS: MintYou Need a Budget

Envelop/Jar System: get the number of envelops or jars needed for the number of categories of where you spend your money (i.e. eating out, clothes, subscriptions, etc.) Then put the amount of cash in each envelop or jar you want to allow yourself to spend on these categories.

[11:38] Let’s chat about saving money. How much should we be saving? How often? And what exactly are we saving for?

Saving is so important, because you want to protect yourself for the future and for whatever comes up. 

It really depends on your goals. Everyone should have at least 3 months in their savings fund. Three months worth of your expenses (rent, mortgage, expenses, etc.). You want to be able to sustain yourself with at least 3 months, you can have more if you want.

There are a few different ways to save. One of the methods that works well for Liz is “hiding” your money from yourself. Liz opened a completely separate bank account and put money in there automatically and never really checked on it. It was out of sight and out of mind. Within a few years Liz had enough to put a downpayment on a house.

Another saving method is to “pay yourself first.” Make your savings like a bill. Make your savings something you always have to pay that is non-negotiable. Whatever is left over after you pay all your bills; including your savings, is guilt-free spending money.

[14:25] On your social platforms and in your courses, you share a lot of information about investing. Were there times when your investments didn’t go as planned? How did you overcome these specific challenges?

Absolutely. Liz started investing in 2008/2009, right after the housing crisis. For the last 10 years, the economy has been in what's called a Bull Run,which means the economy is doing really well. Back in November 2018 Liz bought a stock that was doing really well really quickly, and invested more money there. Then she took her finger off the pulse and the investment tanked! The takeaway, if you're going to be an active investor, you have to BE an active investor, and pay attention to their investments.

Another time Liz's investments didn't go as planned, was during the COVID-19/Corona Virus Pandemic. What's keeping Liz grounded is knowing the history of the stock market. Bear markets, and crashes have happened before in our history. But every single time afterwards there's been a recovery. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride because we're in for the rollercoaster.

You choose how active you want to be as an investor. An active investor can check in every day, every week, and every month. Liz recommends monthly to be considered an active investor.

PART TWO: Side Hustlin'

[19:18] You’ve shared a lot about your side hustle. For the listeners who are interested in starting a side-hustle, what is a good method for finding a niche or skills?

A side hustle is so important because incomes are not guaranteed. 

First thing, write down what you're good at. It's easier to monetize what you're good at rather than learn something new.

Write down all of your skills, and on the next column write down how you can monetize it. Then ask yourself, “Who is going to buy this? Who will need this service?”

Take it one step at at time: What are you good at? Who is going to pay for it? How can you reach those people?

[21:30] There are a lot of reasons – excuses*cough* – that people have for not starting their side hustle. I’m going to read a few we’ve received and I’d love it if you could play devil's advocate for how someone could overcome the obstacle.

Here's what's holding people back:

“Their current 9-5 job”

Figure out what you're doing on your weekends and what you're doing between 6pm and 10pm after work. It's called a SIDE hustle, because you're doing it on the side.

“Not enough time”

One of the exercises you can do is look at your calendar and schedule everything in. You'll see pockets of time you can fill in to work on your side hustle.

Check how much time you're spending watching TV, or on social media. If you have time to do those things, you have time to do a side hustle.

“Start-up costs”

It really depends on the industry and the business. Most web-based businesses don't have a lot of start-up costs, or they are very low.

Start with what you have, and get creative. Can you do an exchange? Can you rent?

“The idea is there, but how do you even start a business?”

There's a lot of good resources like small business enterprise centres run by the government, and they're free.

You can also start a trial run. Volunteer your services or have a big discount for Beta clients/testers, so that you can work out the kinks, get feedback, and have people helping promoting your business.

Start small, and scale up!

[25:15] Tell us your number one tip for marketing your side hustle/ services.

Tell everyone you know and drop it all the time. No one will know what you're doing if you don't tell them. 

Create a separate Instagram account so that you can be unapologetic about your services. Add value and people will want to come to you.

[25:16] It’s called a “side-HUSTLE” for a reason, and obviously your story and experience embodies that. What were some of the sacrifices you had to make while you were building your side hustle?

Social time. Liz was working 16-18 hour days, so there was some sacrificing of social time along with TV.

[28:00] How long did it take for you to create a work-life balance? How are you doing that today?

After Liz was able to establish her business, she was able to create a work-life balance. It took her about 2 years of really tunnel vision working. Then one more year to feel comfortable in the work-life balance.

Now: Weekends off! Don't take calls at a certain time, not as many meetings, more on quick phone calls.

[29:50] Where you can find Liz!

Website: www.ambitiousadulting.com 

Instagram: @ambitiousadulting

Facebook Group: Personal Finance for Canadian Millennials

PART THREE: Rapid Fire!

[30:40] #1 What are you currently reading? OR Favourite book?

Do Cool Sh*t: Quit Your Day Job, Start Your Own Business, and Live Happily Ever Afterby Miki Agrawal

[31:18] #2 What do you love most about being a woman?

“I am a very empathetic person. I think that helps me a lot because I don't judge and I am very empathetic of their spending.”

[31:52] #3 What does “empowerment” mean to you?

“Being confident to do what you want”

[32:04] #4 What are you currently working toward?

“Financial freedom to me is pretty important. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want, and that is pretty important.”

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E73: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 1 of 3: Awareness

E73: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 1 of 3: Awareness

Welcome to the new Money Mindset Mini Series! Starting with our first part, AWARENESS...

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[[2:00] Remember to subscribe to the show so you catch all the amazing bonus episodes!

[2:32] Part One of Three: Awareness

[4:00] Money Stories 

Beliefs about money
Thoughts about money
The stories that we say about money 

Consider your story and the languaging you use to describe your current financial situation

[5:00] Feeling “stuck” in your negative money mindset? You might fall into one of more of these three categories: 

  1. FEAR: “I'm afraid of taking risks and losing money”

  2. BELIEFS ABOUT WHAT WE DESERVE ” “Who am I to charge for my services or increase my prices?”

  3. TIME “I don't have time to do more work so I can make more money”

[6:00] Law of Attraction: the ability to attract into our lives whatever we're focusing on 

Thoughts -> Words -> Actions -> Results

[7:10] Scarcity vs. Abundance 

Scarcity Mindset: beliefs around fear, lack, and unworthiness come from 

Abundance Mindset: possibility, limitlessness, and growth come from

[8:26] Money has “Ears”

[9:30] Rewrite Your Money Story 

Step One: What Do You Want? 

Start by deciding what it is that you want, because this focus will be the foundation of the energy you need to manifest more abundance. 

Get clear and specific, go into detail about the money, the new job, the dream clients, or whatever you want to bring into your life. 

Step Two: What is Your Current Money Story? 

Write down all your thoughts, words, and feelings about money. Do this on a piece of paper, making sure to write everything out by hand. Give yourself some time to do the work. You can spend a few days, or a whole week writing out everything you believe about money currently. 

Step Three: Rewrite, Rephrase, Repeat

[11:09] Go Deeper: RELEASING RITUAL 

Start by tearing up and burning your old money story.
Repeat the following three times while the paper burns: 

“I release old money stories rooted in scarcity. Releasing these beliefs has created space for me to give and receive abundantly.” 

Burn the ripped pieces of paper in a fire resistant bowl or cauldron if you have one.

Once your old money story has turned to ashes, dig a small hole in the grass, or garden. Bury the ashes in the earth and place a coin of any amount in the ashes before you cover it back up with dirt. While you are burins the ashes and coin, repeat the following three times: 

“To the earth I return the beliefs that no longer support my growth. May these ashes be held by Gaia and transform into new roots of abundance.” 

Now sleep with the new money story folded up under your pillow for 8 nights.

Each night, before resting your head on the pillow, re-read your new money story. If you feel called to make changes to your story, or add on, you may do so. 

On the morning after the eighth night, tear up and bury your new abundance story in the grass or garden with another coin of the same value as before.

When you bury your new money story, repeat the following three times:

“I plant my new money story in the earth's rich soil. A seed of limitless abundance is planted here and will flourish in me forever.” 

[13:21] During the week of repeating your new money story, and sleeping with it under your pillow, you may have dreams, thoughts, ideas, and/or visions for actions of abundance. do NOT ignore these!

Write them down and take inspired action!

Part Two of Three: Action Episode #74

Part Three of Three: Awareness Episode #75

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E72: Life Lessons from 6 Days in a Guatemalan Jungle

E72: Life Lessons from 6 Days in a Guatemalan Jungle

"At one point I was so scared that I wouldn't make it out of the jungle..."

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[00:38] January 21st, 2020: The day I started the 6-day jungle trek to El Mirador

El Mirador = “The Lookout” or “The Viewpoint” and is the tallest structure of the ancient Kan Kingdom. The largest structure its;f is named La Danta, and can be found deep within the lunch Guatemalan Jungle, just south of the boarder of Mexico. La Danta is 77m tall making it the largest building constructed in the entire Mayan Area. From the top of this structure, you can see above the immense jungle canopy, but you have to walk 55km into the jungle to get there and see the excavated ruins, temples, platforms and artifacts.

[1:56] Flashback to my first time in Guatemala (sometime in October 2016)

[4:43] Flash forward to 2018, then 2019, and 2020

[5:35] Tips + Logistics if you're interested in going on the trek:

#1 Pack your bag the night before 
#2 Take a photocopy of your passport/photo ID or keep a copy on your phone
#3 The first day is long. It's also pretty buggy so wear loose long sleeves + long pants, and take your insect repellent

Natural & Non-Toxic Bug Spray Recipe 
20 drops dōTERRA's TerraShield Blend
10 drops Lemongrass
10 drops Lavender
10 drops Peppermint
5 drops Arborvitae
1 tbsp Witch Hazel OR Fractionated Coconut Oil

Add all ingredients to a 4 oz aluminum spray bottle, and top with Distilled Water. Shake and spray on skin, clothes

[7:29] LIFE LESSON #1: The Body Craves a Deeper Connection to Nature

Breathe deeply, the air is so clean and fresh
Slow down, get present, and admire nature's beauty
Fullness, wholeness, happiness

[10:12] LIFE LESSON #2: Be Kind to Mother Earth 

We need the planet more than the planet needs us.

The ancient Maya civilization: history, achievements, culture, and the collapse… some theories for the reason of their downfall: 

  • Foreign invasion

  • Epidemic disease

  • Environmental degradation

  • Overpopulation

  • Extended drought

  • Shifting trade routes 

TV Show: Life After People, History.com 

It was tough not to notice the similarities between the flourishing Maya and the rapid growth of our modern world

[14:54] Life Lesson #3: People Who Come into Your Life are Mirrors & Teachers 

Our “JUMANJI” Group!
Joeri + Ronald, friends from Holland 
Connor + Ffion, couple from the UK
Hugo, our guide form Guatemala

When you recognize a quality in another person, it's because you see that quality in yourself. This goes for positive and negative judgements of others. Meeting new people is a great way to hold up a mirror to look at what you're putting out there. It's also an excellent opportunity to learn and grow. Talk less, so you can listen more.

[20:00] Life Lesson #4: Honour Your Body 

You know your body better than anyone else.
If it hurts, don't do it.
You are the most important person in your life, you need to take care of your body, you need to take care of your temple

[24:42] Life Lesson #5: There's No Wifi in [the Jungle] but You'll Have a Better Connection

Swap “the jungle” or anything nature: “the mountains,” “the ocean,” “the forest”
The better connection with nature, our bodies, and with our intuition 

Episode #71: Using Your Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra 

A lot of stuff came up for me during the 6-days
They were emotions and stories and limiting beliefs I had suppressed – but they were also teachers and lessons in and of themselves
This allowed me to heal and

[27:41] Life Lesson #6: Play Every Day! 

Benefits of Play as an Adult: 

  • Releases endorphins

  • Lowers stress

  • Stimulates the brain

  • Improves brain function

  • Boosts creativity and imagination

  • Increases emotional well-being

  • Enhances connections with others

  • Improves social skills

  • Boosts productivity 

  • Prevents work burnout 


My Favourite Games Right Now: 

Code Names
Speak Out

Some photos from the El Mirador Trek...

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E71: Using Your Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

E71: Using Your Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

We all have intuition, yet we don't all use it. Here's how we can tap into our inner wisdom, and how balancing the 6th chakra can help...

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[00:24] Intro to intuition

[1:15] Chakra #6: The Third Eye Chakra 

Chakra One: Is the root chakra located at the base of the spine/tailbone

Episode 64: Reclaim Your Roots with the First Chakra

Chakra Two: Is the sacral chakra, located at the reproductive organs, below the belly button

Episode 89: Sexuality & The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Three: Is the core or solar plexus chakra, located in the abdomen above the belly button 

Episode 79: Confidence & The Core Chakra

Chakra Four: is the heart chakra, at the centre of the chest

Episode 96: Harmony & the Heart Chakra

Chakra Five: is the throat chakra, located at the throat

Episode 58: Speak Your Truth with the Fifth Chakra

Chakra Six: Is called the third eye chakra located at the forehead, between the eyebrows

Episode 71: Intuition & The Third Eye Chakra

And lastly, Chakra Seven: the crown chakra, located at the top of the head.

Episode 105: Divine Connection with the Crown Chakra

[2:55] More about the Third Eye Chakra

Meaning: intuition + intellect
Sanskrit Name: “Ajna” meaning “to perceive” and “to command” Location: pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain
Symbol: third eye/invisible eye that sees insights of the future
Theme: sight; seeing; identity; illusion; clairvoyance; visions; dreams; symbols; images' and archetypes
Colour: indigo (sometimes violet)
Element: light

[4:05] A spiritual chakra that goes beyond what our eyes see 

[5:35] Inspired Action = taking action based off of intuitive ideas/inspired feelings 

BOOK: Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith

[8:04] Recognizing Patterns

Past: Where we have been
Present: Where we are now
Future: Where we want to be

[11:29] Mindset Magic: the gateway to our hopes, dreams, and goals! 

Develop your third eye to strengthen your vision for the future!
Ask yourself: Am I commanding intentionally, or am I on auto pilot?
Next questions: Is this what I want?

Episode #66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention

[13:57] Signs of Third Eye Chakra Deficiency 

  • Undeveloped intuition

  • Insensitivity

  • Poor vision, memory, and dream recall

  • Difficulty visualizing

  • Lack of imagining

  • Denial (inability to see what's going on)

  • Fixed mentality; “my way or the highway”

[15:00] Signs of Excess Third Eye Chakra Energy 

  • Hallucinations

  • Delusions

  • Obsessions

  • Nightmares

  • Difficulty

  • Concentrating

[15:41] Signs of a Balanced Third Eye Chakra 

  • A person who is intuitive, perceptive, and imaginative

  • Good memory, and dream recall

  • Able to think symbolically

  • Able to visual different outcomes and find a meaningful way forward traction's

  • Someone who can think and see ideas clearly without personal distractions

[16:30] Developing/Strengthening the Third Eye Chakra 

What it means
Why it's important
How we do it

[18:40] #1: DREAMWORK 

Step One: Bedtime Affirmation

I am capable of remembering my dreams. Please reveal any symbols or messages through my dreams in a way that I can understand. 

OIL UPGRADE: Peaceful Sleep Diffuser Blend
1 drop Juniper Berry
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Cedarwood

Step Two: Morning Dream Journal

Keep your journal by your bed, and write down any parts of your dream that you remember, in as much detail as possible.

Step Three: Dream Interpretation 

“Create Your Own Legend” meaning: each one of us associates a symbol with a different meaning. Notice the feelings, patterns, and meanings that come up for you. Write your own stories, and meanings based on your patterns/relationships with those symbols/dreams


[22:43] #3: VISUAL ART 





Click the yellow button below to download your FREE Third Eye Chakra Meditation!


Other Chakra Episodes:

#64: Reclaim Your Roots with the 1st Chakra
#58: Speaking Your Truth with the 5th Chakra

Get Your FREE Third Eye Chakra with the big yellow button!


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Val LaVigne Life - Third Eye Chakra Meditation
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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