BONUS: Tapping into the Unconscious Mind to Manifest Dreams and Avoid Burnout with Shirley Zhou
Today I am super excited to introduce Shirley Zhou the Co-founder of The Burnout Clinic, Shirley Zhou empowers women entrepreneurs under high pressure to achieve work-life harmony and live their joy!
At The Burnout Clinic, she uses therapeutic interventions to address mid to late-stage burnout...
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The Burnout Clinic
[1:20] Shirley! Thank you so much for joining me today for another incredible bonus episode, I am so happy to have you here! For those listening who don’t know you yet, tell us about yourself, and your journey to finding and creating meaningful work.
Journey started off when Shirley was in school for Child and Youth Care, when she was learning about burnout and self care because it is very predominant in the field. However little did she expect that she would be experiencing burnout. A lot of times it's when we're so passionate about what we do. For Shirley she has always followed her dreams and built careers on her passions and what she loves. While following her dreams she was recognizing patterns of burnout.
The Burnout Clinic understands that burnout is a systemic problem that is more prevalent, especially as technology advances, the world is moving quicker and demanding more. At the Burnout Clinic they work at helping individuals recognize it and change the way that we work so that it's more empowering.
[3:00] Tell us more about the unique methodology and approach you use on your clients, and why it’s so impactful?
The Burnout Clinic has two approaches. The first is a 2-day therapeutic intervention in Belize, and the second is 1:1 coaching to learn tools to help you move forward.
The 2-Day Breakthrough is a deep dive into your unconscious and understanding the root cause of your burnout. The first day is an intensive session with several questions to uncover current problems in all areas of life. From these stories and experiences, we look for patterns and see which limiting beliefs are so deeply rooted and connected into each of these areas of life. Once we release this, there is usually an overwhelming release of emotions.
On the second day is where mental and 5 base emotional release are done (anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt).
Coaching can be an add on or a separate method. Some will need coaching or help with accountability, and the life moving forward could need support to move forward.
[7:36] Who would benefit most from the services you offer?
2-day Breakthrough: Anyone at rock bottom.
Examples: Someone experiencing a recent divorce; anyone who's imposture syndrome has stopped them from taking action; someone who's anxiety is impeding their life; when a person is really fed up and has noticed patterns repeating and health/relationships/or career has come to a halt.
For coaching, it's more for anyone who is mildly impacted by their unconscious mind, or their limiting beliefs, or their emotions.
[9:15] Let's say we're not sure which category we fall in, but we know we need help. Where do we start? How do we work with you?
You can book a free consultation on the website:
Most limiting beliefs are because of internal conflicts and most of these can be released within a 30 minute coaching session.
[10:44] This is more of a personal question, but since I learned this information I’ve been dying to ask you! What was it like to trek to the base camp of Mount Everest!?
Shirley describes herself as a very curious person by nature, and soon discovered that this experience was a learning lesson as well. She hikes and portages regularly in Ontario, Canada and was excited to climb with her friend.
Within a few days she was experience negative side effects of the altitude sickness medication, along with other elements of the hike. One of the reasons Shirley likes to challenge herself and why she went for the journey because she knows that when you're alone and putting one foot in front of the other, you don't have anyone else aside from you and your thoughts. She would ask, “how do I break my mental self down… and then to pick myself up?” She would grow so much more form these experiences, looking for the next mountain to climb.
[13:07] Talk about mental strength and a healthy mindset! What were the thoughts going through your mind, and how did you overcome the mental and physical challenge?
Before you even start trekking you have to take the shortest and most dangerous runways in the world and the plane needs to land there and you start there. So it's an exciting adventure! In the beginning you'll notice your body starting to get sore, and it's easy to encourage yourself to move forward and keep one foot in front of the other.
The next day you do it all again and this is where you have to work on your perseverance and the mental challenge and requirement comes into play. As you start getting higher in altitude it starts getting harder to breathe and this is where you have to be more gentle with yourself. Taking breaks before you need the break, and being okay with that, even if everyone else is sprinting ahead. Listen to your own judgements to yourself and stop comparing yourself to others because this self talk doesn't serve you.
Around day four or five Shirley broke down. It was cold at night and she was just with herself thinking “shit, what did you sign yourself up for!?” You might have a little panic and break down and cry like Shirley did, but she found her mental cheerleader and after her release she picked herself back up and brought awareness to what cheers her on and keeps her motivated to go the distance.
[17:35] How is it that some people can challenge themselves with these incredible climbs and go through this mental and physical challenge, yet when they're faced with starting their own business, or another example that is a lot less life-threatening, how do they overcome those stuck spots?
A lot of it is fear. When we're not taking action, it's based from fear. Our thoughts that we're aware of are in our conscious mind, but the root perpetuating it comes form our unconscious mind, that might be coming from a childhood or past experience. We all want to avoid anything that is painful. It doesn't have to be physically painful, but thinking of all of the parts involved in building a business, or making any change to happen, there is a lot involved.
There are four requisites of change:
#1. The Release Work: releasing the fears, limiting beliefs, negative emotions
#2. Set Your Goal: that is supported by your unconscious mind so that you remove the self-sabotage.
#3. Take Action: when we don't take action, it's because it goes back to the fear; what root is holding us back?
#5. The Focus: understand where you're putting you focus so that you can reach your goal
[20:28] Candice asks: What are some ways to tap into the unconscious mind?
One of the tools Shirley likes to use is HAKALAU, which is a Hawaiian word and means “a state of being” similar to being in “the zone.” This is what it means to be connected to your subconscious.
To get into hakalau physically, it is connecting your focus and then expanding your focus and tunnel vision into your peripheries. From there we are more connected to our parasympathetic system, we're out of the fight or flight and we're a lot more calm and centred, and this is where our unconscious mind can naturally just flow out.
TRY IT! Wiggle your fingers in front of you at around 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock, while keeping your focus on the space in front of you, choose a focal point. Gradually pull the fingers back and notice how focused and relaxed you feel. You can change your focus and also do this without your hands.
The Unconscious Mind
[23:05] For those who want to experience a deeper connection to their unconscious, what would your recommend for them?
You can use hakalau, at the same time, the unconscious mind is like a muscle and it needs to be strengthened. Asking the unconscious mind if it's okay for me to do this release and trusting, and listening so that we can recognize what is coming up for us.
[24:14] You're saying the word “Action” a lot, and this is something I teach in my coaching; it's that action is where the magic happens. Let's talk about manifesting and the unconscious mind! When it comes to manifesting our dreams and goals, where do we start? Walk us through the steps.
When we talk about energy, there are four bodies and three selves:
Higher Self, Unconscious Self, Conscious Self
Spiritual Body, Mental Body, Emotional Body, Physical Body
When we talk about manifesting, a lot of times we're bringing something down our four bodies from spiritual to physical. We have to move through each body before it manifests physically for us. The mental and emotional blocks and fears are what stop us from taking action. These need to be cleared and unblocked before we can manifest.
[27:57] Rubani Asks: about the mental and emotional process and how to change your mind to think something else when it’s been accustomed to a whole different way of your life?
Shirley uses Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro = Mind
Linguistic = Language
Programming = similar to an App on your phone
These are neuro-pathways of our mind, like a manual for our mind. Using NLP we can change the neuro-pathways and support the unconscious mind to going in the direction that we want. It's scientific and efficient when it comes to making changes in our life.
[31:50] Is there something you do, to get out of your own blocks, like a morning routine?
Shirley meditates every morning, as a way to set the tone for the day. Before each going call she grounds and make sure she feels centred. Shirley also journals. Using a mind dump page to help her bring awareness. THEN she blocks off time to actually do the work, not just the awareness of the block, but actually removing it or planting a new belief.
In the evening she sits with herself and checks them off.
[33:54] How long does it take for someone to get over a specific block, for example, procrastination?
20 minutes! The coaching call is an hour and there is some pre-work before using the tool. The changes are difficult in the conscious mind, not in the unconscious mind.
[39:69] Candice asks: Are there ways we can recognize and prevent burnout?
Burnout is when you expend more energy than you can replenish, as a habit.
At a low point it's a feeling of deep and dark sadness or low energy. But you can also recognize it in different areas of your life like your health, career, relationships. You're cynical, anxious, reactive, doubtful, etc. You're not showing up as your best self and it's effecting relationships. So there are a lot of signs.
At the Burnout Clinic they focus on the mid to late stage where self care just isn't enough.
[44:35] Where can we find you, where can we follow you?
INSTAGRAM | @theburnoutclinic
[45:18] Is there anything else you'd like to add about the unconscious mind or The Burnout Clinic?
The unconscious mind is always there to support you. It's a very powerful tool to harness with the right techniques, and it's not complicated or scary. Being able to harness that is where your empowerment comes from, because you get to take responsibility and ownership to then make the changes that you want.
The Burnout Clinic, if you're interested in our services, get the BOOK: Mental & Emotional Release by Matt James and Tris Thorp this will give you more insight into the process.
Rapid Fire Round
[46:55] 1. What are you currently reading, or what’s your favourite book?
AUDIO BOOK: Beyond Mars and Venus by John Gray
[47:08] 2. What are you currently working toward?
Personal health and fitness, and abundance
[47:20] 3. What do you love most about being a woman?
The balance between the masculine and feminine energy and finding that fit, and it's always shifting ant it's a beautiful dance.
[47:35] 4. What does empowerment mean to you?
Empowerment is recognizing that you have the ability and power to make the changes and to live the life that you want and to be able to take action towards it.
Podcast Host
Valerie LaVigne
Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!