Posts in Mindset Mastery
BONUS: Elevate Your Money Story and Overcome Your Blocks

BONUS: Elevate Your Money Story and Overcome Your Blocks with Vanessa Bowen of Mint Worthy

Going deep into roots of money beliefs and blocks. Uncovering them and planting seeds of new truth. Catch it all on this very special bonus episode of the Women's Empowerment Podcast...

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[00:42] Introducing the wonderful Vanessa of Mint Worthy 

  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) & Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) and founder of Mint Worthy, a personal finance coaching platform that helps women shift their relationship with money and take control of their finances

  • After a decade in corporate finance and public accounting working with international businesses in Canada and the US, Vanessa decided to pursue her passion for personal finance, shifting her focus on empowering women to live life on their own financial terms

  • Vanessa equips women with new ways of managing and controlling their finances and teaches strategies to truly reach their financial goals. She helps women uncover their money blocks and release the deep rooted subconscious beliefs that create our habits, decisions, and behaviours around money. Vanessa coaches women on how to break through these mindset barriers to discover life-long financial freedom

[2:45] Vanessa tells us a little more about her story… 

Vanessa's story with money started like a lot of other peoples. She grew up with very little information about money management and finances. 

She then became an accountant and didn't know what to do with her paycheque. She did what she knew, and spent the money! This brought her into debt, until she met her mentor who talked to her about budgeting and money management. 

Vanessa's financial passion grew as she started to grow her knowledge and her side passion project/hobby. She helped her circle of friends with their money journey. 

Eventually the passion project grew so big in her heart that she took the leap and left her corporate job to transition to her full time coaching business: Mint Worthy.


PART ONE: Girl, Get Over Your Money Blocks

[6:08] Women & Money.

Why is it that women don't talk about money? What are some benefits of having money conversations with our girlfriends? How can we encourage women to start having more conversations around money? 

Women hold a lot of shame and guilt because no one ever taught women about money, and to be honest we're conditioned to believe that money is a man's world. We believe that men are the ones who deal with money and who can take care of money.

As women we limit ourselves, like saying, I'm not good at math, so I'm not good with money but all you need to know about math when it comes to money is adding a subtracting, and that's what we have a calculator for! 

I think the reason why we don't talk about money is because of these limiting beliefs that we are conditioned with or that we put on ourselves. And there is so much release of guilt and shame when we have these conversations, and I think this is the perfect place to start. Having these conversations with your girlfriends. 

The minute you start talking about money, you realize you're not alone. You're girlfriend likely has the exact same issues. It's a beautiful opportunity for us to learn and grow. And it's platforms like this that provides that opportunity to break through those blocks.

[8:07] What are money blocks and where do these money blocks come from? 

All of our money blocks are basically those deep limiting beliefs that we hold and they impact our habits, our actions, and our decisions around money. 

These subconscious beliefs, whether they're true or not, once they're in our subconscious mind, we take them in as truth. Most of our deepest blocks are actually from our childhood.

When you were born, did you have any thoughts or judgements about money? No, it was a clean slate. As we grew older we became conditioned. So a lot of our deepest blocks are actually from our childhood. Mostly because we were in our subconscious state; from 0-7 or 8, your brain hasn't fully developed so our brain is in a subconscious state.

If you see your parents fight about money you will start to believe: money ruins relationships, money causes fights. Or when we were little girls we watched all of the princess movies, and saw Prince Charming come to the rescue, so as adults we believe that we need a partner to feel secure.

Then of course, we get older, and we take on societal blocks: you have to work hard to make money; everything is about money. So now we become conditioned by society, and on top of that we create our own blocks as women. We hold a lot of blocks around worth: I'm not good enough, I'm not enough, I need to compare myself to others. Something as small as that keeps us stuck, it holds us back, we don't go after our dreams, we don't advance in our business or our careers. And that blocks us from the money that we desire.

Unfortunately, we're all walking around with blocks that have impacted us from different areas and phases of our life. And that's why it's so important to Do The Work, because we don't always know what we're walking around with, unless we go deep.

[10:51] Let's look at a few examples of common limiting mindset beliefs around money, how can we release these abundance blocks?

You have to work hard to make money; hard work equals success
We need a partner to be secure 
Money can't possibly flow easily 

The beauty of the subconscious: One of the easiest ways to reprogram it is through faith and repetition. So the more you repeat the limiting beliefs, the more they become your truth. 

But of course you can reprogram that truth. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to investigate the block and determine whether it's true or not. What's happening for most of us is that we're just walking around with false truths and we've created them to be our truths. 

So one of the easy ways is to investigate the block, what was the first thing you heard or experience that created the block? Investigating that makes you realize, that I was born as a clean slate when it come to money, so this is conditioned within me, from what point in time or what area of my life?

Once you investigate it, you can then create your own new truth. This is where it sometimes can be difficult for people because if your money block is deeply rooted, you may only see it as a truth. But one of the easiest ways to shift that is you just find evidence. You can find evidence in your life, and if you can in your life, it makes it easier to reprogram in your subconscious. But if you can't find it in your life, think of someone you know who has this truth.

The more you can fill your subconscious mind with this evidence to proves that limiting belief is not true, the new truth becomes true. You're able to create this new truth and speak: money flows to me easily and frequently. I attract all the money that I dire. And then you start to reprogram  this new truth into your subconscious. It's work, but it works.

[14:06] On this show, I like to offer really tangible and practical techniques and takeaways. What are some money mindset methods we can start today? 

Affirmations are very powerful BUT you have to make sure you're using them the right way. An affirmation is not just like, let me throw out a pretty phrase every day, and say it ever day and close my eyes. That's not affirmations. You have to be intentional with your affirmations and you have to work your affirmations. 

The purpose of affirmations is to reprogram your subconscious through faith and repetition. You need to repeat it and have faith in what you're affirming for your life. 

First let's talk about the repetition: In order to talk to your subconscious repeatedly, you have to talk to it in a way that it understands. So when you're actually creating your affirmations, you have to create them in a way you subconscious understands, not in a way that your conscious mind understands. 

Important things you have to make sure your affirmations have: 

They have to be in the present tense (I am, I have)
Don't use any negatives (I don't want debt) 
You affirmation has to be positive (I live with expectation)

You have to believe what you're saying; you have to almost trick your subconscious you believe that you have it.

Other ways to activate money mindset today…

Your subconscious doesn't know what is real and what isn't. Spend some time every day to visualize your future

Test drive your dream car, and while you're doing that ground into the emotions and scenes of the experience. Bring this into your every day life by bringing it into when you drive your current car.

[19:46] When I mentioned to the listeners that you were coming on the show, I asked them about what questions they had for you, and the word “DEBT” came up a lot: 

What advice do you have for shifting the feelings and thoughts of frustration, guilt, and shame some people have about their debt? 

We all have or have had these feelings, you have to shift your perspective. If you're spending money and in consumer debt, then you need to address the money blocks of the emotional spending. Obviously the shopping is somehow fulfilling an emotional void for you. Work on that. 

But, for some of us who are in debt because of investing in yourself: school, or starting your own business for example. When you're in debt for this reason, you cannot express gratitude for where you are now and express shame and doubt for how you got there.

Some one of the easiest ways to shift the energy is to write a thank you letter to debt. Express gratitude for your debt for being there for you and for supporting you and living your dreams. 

What are some action steps we can take to get out of debt? 

One of the easiest ways is to call your credit card company and ask what they can do for you. You might be able to lower your interest rate or get cash/points back.

Another way is to actually sort your debt based on the highest interest rate to the lowest interest rate. What you want to do is tackle the debt with the highest interest rate first. You want to make sure you're paying as little interest rate as possible. With the other debts, pay a little more than the minimum, and once the highest debt is paid off, snowball that payment into your next highest debt. It's the easiest way to get out of your debt fastest. 

Pay the minimums NO MATTER WHAT, so that you don't negatively impact your credit score.


PART TWO: Internal Money Journey

Switching our money mindset and connecting to money in a new way starts with us, and our internal money journey.

[25:52] What is the difference between internal and external sources of money and abundance?

Internal is basically what we can control, and external is what we can't control. 

External: Job, business, cash coming in

Internal: Where your relationship with money comes into play; how you want to relate and energetically connect to money. Think about how you talk about money.

[27:50] On your blog and Instagram you talk a lot about manifesting and vibrational frequency. This is a very popular topic on the podcast as well! What is one impactful way we can become a vibrational match with abundance? 

As women, the main thing that blocks them from attracting and manifesting is their level of deservingness and worthiness. When you go really deep into your blocks is that we don't feel deserving of our desire; for many different reasons. We're basically limiting our own level of worth. The easiest way to shift that vibration is you have to feel deserving. 

You have to feel like you deserve your desires, and when you feel deserving of them, that's when you're vibrating at the same level as them. You have to be in an energetic alignment, and that means you have to believe in your heart that you deserve it.

[30:58] How can we tune into our internal journey of accepting, attracting, and receiving? 

I always look at money that flows to me as a gift from the Universe. It doesn't matter if a friend is buying me coffee, or my employer is giving me a bonus. When you flip your perspective and realize that everything that comes to you is a gift from the Universe, meant for you, positioned just for you, you always have to say “YES!” Because in essence, by saying “no” you're really rejecting the Universe and block future abundance. 

Start small. Any time someone says they'll buy you a coffee, you say yes. When someone compliments you, say thank you!

[35:10] Where we can find Vanessa: 


Instagram: @mintworthyco

[35:34] How we can support Vanessa's business: 

I feel for me, the vision that I have and see is empowering women to stand up when it comes to their finances. Be engaged, ask the questions. DM or email me. Don't hide, don't feel ashamed. Don't feel like you're the only one. I think the more we see women rise, the more we see women be bold with their finances, the more we can see this financially empowered movement. 


PART THREE: Rapid Fire!

[36:30] #1 What are you currently reading? OR Favourite book? 

The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease

[37:27] #2 What do you love most about being a woman? 

I love how strong and powerful we are. Although we are emotional creatures, we are so strong and powerful. We can handle anything. And I think it's our strength even in the midst of struggle that makes us so beautiful. 

[37:46] #3 What does “empowerment” mean to you? 

For me it means, living beyond your limitations and your comfort zone. Fearlessly going after your dreams and not stopping with anything.

[38:05] #4 What are you currently working toward? 

On the mindset area, what I'm currently working toward, and it comes from the book I'm currently reading, is literally releasing the need for money. Really releasing that need, and that's something I've committed to as a personal journey. Releasing beyond the blocks and releasing the mental and emotional need for money.

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E74: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 2 of 3: Action

E74: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 2 of 3: Action

Continuing our Money Mindset Series, and talking all about how taking inspired action will bring you to your desired results! PLUS learn how to trust and connect to your IGS...

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[2:12] RECAP

Episode #73: Part One: Awareness 

[3:30] Part Two: Action

[3:52] The Universe Has Your Back

[5:15] IGS: Internal Guidance System 

a.k.a. Inner Compass 

Take 3 Cleansing Breaths: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. 

“Body show me yes, so I can feel it.”
Scan your body for sensations/feelings.
“I feel _____ in my _____.” 

“Body show me no, so I can feel it.”
Scan your body for sensations/feelings.
“I feel _____ in my _____.”

Money Mindset Mini Series

Part One: Awareness Episode #73

Part Three: Awaken Episode #75

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Successful Strategies for Money Management & Rocking Your Side Hustle

BONUS: Successful Strategies for Money Management & Rocking Your Side Hustle with Liz Enriquez

The no fluff interview that teaches you to manage your money and your money anxiety. Plus, the best tips for starting and marketing your side hustle!

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[1:20] Liz Enriquez shares her story

  • Born in Mexico, and her and her family moved to Canada when she was 5

  • There were challenges coming from Mexico, like the cold weather, living in a motel, and sharing a small apartment with her family, and not  having a lot of money 

  • Liz wanted her own room, and her own stuff, and it was the beginning of her drive to start hustling to learning about money and finances

PART ONE: Money Management

[3:00] A huge part of personal finance is money management, but it can be very intimidating and overwhelming to some people, especially in the beginning. What advice do you have for coping with anxiety around money?

Money can be a huge stressor in people's lives, Liz struggled because she needed money to go University, and this stress is what lead to her first series of anxiety attacks

Something that really helped Liz was writing things down. Write down what you're feeling. Then ask what the solutions for solving problem that was causing her anxiety. By writing things down she discovered that she was stressed about money, and started thinking of ways to get money, which lead her to writing letters for scholarships. Those scholarships helped her get to school.

Writing everything down, helps you get clear on the problem so that you can get clarity, and make a plan to move forward.

[5:13] When it comes to managing your personal finances, what is one thing you wish someone told you when you first started?

There were a few things:

Main thing was to have clarity. Liz didn't have an actual budget until she was 25 years old. She used a cashflow tracking sheet to get clarity on how much money is coming in, and how much is going out. This also helped her as a small business owner because it gave her a baseline number and showed her what she needed to sustain her business, and help her grow.

Cash Flow Tracking Sheet: It's about tracking, not restrictive budgeting. Using an online spreadsheet, upload all of your statements and categories your expenses to see how much money you're spending and on what. It will give you a general picture of where you're money is going. It's more fluid and flexible, and more forgiving. You don't have to feel bad about spending money on what you enjoy.

Also track the money that is coming in, and calculating your net worth. Do all of this monthly. It's a really good way to check in and touch base with goals.

[8:40] A lot of people cringe when they hear the word “budget.” Do you think people should have a budget? Is it important to have one? Why or why not?

Yes. Budgets are similar to diets. If it's not part of your lifestyle, and it's not what you're enjoying, then it's not going to be sustainable; it's just going to be a fad. Don't do a budget just because people are telling you to do a budget. It doesn't work if you don't stick with it.

Find a method for tracking your money that works for you. Try a whole bunch of different models and methods until you find the one that works best for you.

Liz's Facebook Group: Personal Finance for Canadian Millennials

Tracking your money will identify where your money leaks are.

[10:35] Where can people get access to other tools or resources you recommend for creating their budget, or tracking their finances?

Lots of free spreadsheets online

APPS: MintYou Need a Budget

Envelop/Jar System: get the number of envelops or jars needed for the number of categories of where you spend your money (i.e. eating out, clothes, subscriptions, etc.) Then put the amount of cash in each envelop or jar you want to allow yourself to spend on these categories.

[11:38] Let’s chat about saving money. How much should we be saving? How often? And what exactly are we saving for?

Saving is so important, because you want to protect yourself for the future and for whatever comes up. 

It really depends on your goals. Everyone should have at least 3 months in their savings fund. Three months worth of your expenses (rent, mortgage, expenses, etc.). You want to be able to sustain yourself with at least 3 months, you can have more if you want.

There are a few different ways to save. One of the methods that works well for Liz is “hiding” your money from yourself. Liz opened a completely separate bank account and put money in there automatically and never really checked on it. It was out of sight and out of mind. Within a few years Liz had enough to put a downpayment on a house.

Another saving method is to “pay yourself first.” Make your savings like a bill. Make your savings something you always have to pay that is non-negotiable. Whatever is left over after you pay all your bills; including your savings, is guilt-free spending money.

[14:25] On your social platforms and in your courses, you share a lot of information about investing. Were there times when your investments didn’t go as planned? How did you overcome these specific challenges?

Absolutely. Liz started investing in 2008/2009, right after the housing crisis. For the last 10 years, the economy has been in what's called a Bull Run,which means the economy is doing really well. Back in November 2018 Liz bought a stock that was doing really well really quickly, and invested more money there. Then she took her finger off the pulse and the investment tanked! The takeaway, if you're going to be an active investor, you have to BE an active investor, and pay attention to their investments.

Another time Liz's investments didn't go as planned, was during the COVID-19/Corona Virus Pandemic. What's keeping Liz grounded is knowing the history of the stock market. Bear markets, and crashes have happened before in our history. But every single time afterwards there's been a recovery. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride because we're in for the rollercoaster.

You choose how active you want to be as an investor. An active investor can check in every day, every week, and every month. Liz recommends monthly to be considered an active investor.

PART TWO: Side Hustlin'

[19:18] You’ve shared a lot about your side hustle. For the listeners who are interested in starting a side-hustle, what is a good method for finding a niche or skills?

A side hustle is so important because incomes are not guaranteed. 

First thing, write down what you're good at. It's easier to monetize what you're good at rather than learn something new.

Write down all of your skills, and on the next column write down how you can monetize it. Then ask yourself, “Who is going to buy this? Who will need this service?”

Take it one step at at time: What are you good at? Who is going to pay for it? How can you reach those people?

[21:30] There are a lot of reasons – excuses*cough* – that people have for not starting their side hustle. I’m going to read a few we’ve received and I’d love it if you could play devil's advocate for how someone could overcome the obstacle.

Here's what's holding people back:

“Their current 9-5 job”

Figure out what you're doing on your weekends and what you're doing between 6pm and 10pm after work. It's called a SIDE hustle, because you're doing it on the side.

“Not enough time”

One of the exercises you can do is look at your calendar and schedule everything in. You'll see pockets of time you can fill in to work on your side hustle.

Check how much time you're spending watching TV, or on social media. If you have time to do those things, you have time to do a side hustle.

“Start-up costs”

It really depends on the industry and the business. Most web-based businesses don't have a lot of start-up costs, or they are very low.

Start with what you have, and get creative. Can you do an exchange? Can you rent?

“The idea is there, but how do you even start a business?”

There's a lot of good resources like small business enterprise centres run by the government, and they're free.

You can also start a trial run. Volunteer your services or have a big discount for Beta clients/testers, so that you can work out the kinks, get feedback, and have people helping promoting your business.

Start small, and scale up!

[25:15] Tell us your number one tip for marketing your side hustle/ services.

Tell everyone you know and drop it all the time. No one will know what you're doing if you don't tell them. 

Create a separate Instagram account so that you can be unapologetic about your services. Add value and people will want to come to you.

[25:16] It’s called a “side-HUSTLE” for a reason, and obviously your story and experience embodies that. What were some of the sacrifices you had to make while you were building your side hustle?

Social time. Liz was working 16-18 hour days, so there was some sacrificing of social time along with TV.

[28:00] How long did it take for you to create a work-life balance? How are you doing that today?

After Liz was able to establish her business, she was able to create a work-life balance. It took her about 2 years of really tunnel vision working. Then one more year to feel comfortable in the work-life balance.

Now: Weekends off! Don't take calls at a certain time, not as many meetings, more on quick phone calls.

[29:50] Where you can find Liz!


Instagram: @ambitiousadulting

Facebook Group: Personal Finance for Canadian Millennials

PART THREE: Rapid Fire!

[30:40] #1 What are you currently reading? OR Favourite book?

Do Cool Sh*t: Quit Your Day Job, Start Your Own Business, and Live Happily Ever Afterby Miki Agrawal

[31:18] #2 What do you love most about being a woman?

“I am a very empathetic person. I think that helps me a lot because I don't judge and I am very empathetic of their spending.”

[31:52] #3 What does “empowerment” mean to you?

“Being confident to do what you want”

[32:04] #4 What are you currently working toward?

“Financial freedom to me is pretty important. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want, and that is pretty important.”

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E73: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 1 of 3: Awareness

E73: Money Mindset Mini Series Part 1 of 3: Awareness

Welcome to the new Money Mindset Mini Series! Starting with our first part, AWARENESS...

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[[2:00] Remember to subscribe to the show so you catch all the amazing bonus episodes!

[2:32] Part One of Three: Awareness

[4:00] Money Stories 

Beliefs about money
Thoughts about money
The stories that we say about money 

Consider your story and the languaging you use to describe your current financial situation

[5:00] Feeling “stuck” in your negative money mindset? You might fall into one of more of these three categories: 

  1. FEAR: “I'm afraid of taking risks and losing money”

  2. BELIEFS ABOUT WHAT WE DESERVE ” “Who am I to charge for my services or increase my prices?”

  3. TIME “I don't have time to do more work so I can make more money”

[6:00] Law of Attraction: the ability to attract into our lives whatever we're focusing on 

Thoughts -> Words -> Actions -> Results

[7:10] Scarcity vs. Abundance 

Scarcity Mindset: beliefs around fear, lack, and unworthiness come from 

Abundance Mindset: possibility, limitlessness, and growth come from

[8:26] Money has “Ears”

[9:30] Rewrite Your Money Story 

Step One: What Do You Want? 

Start by deciding what it is that you want, because this focus will be the foundation of the energy you need to manifest more abundance. 

Get clear and specific, go into detail about the money, the new job, the dream clients, or whatever you want to bring into your life. 

Step Two: What is Your Current Money Story? 

Write down all your thoughts, words, and feelings about money. Do this on a piece of paper, making sure to write everything out by hand. Give yourself some time to do the work. You can spend a few days, or a whole week writing out everything you believe about money currently. 

Step Three: Rewrite, Rephrase, Repeat

[11:09] Go Deeper: RELEASING RITUAL 

Start by tearing up and burning your old money story.
Repeat the following three times while the paper burns: 

“I release old money stories rooted in scarcity. Releasing these beliefs has created space for me to give and receive abundantly.” 

Burn the ripped pieces of paper in a fire resistant bowl or cauldron if you have one.

Once your old money story has turned to ashes, dig a small hole in the grass, or garden. Bury the ashes in the earth and place a coin of any amount in the ashes before you cover it back up with dirt. While you are burins the ashes and coin, repeat the following three times: 

“To the earth I return the beliefs that no longer support my growth. May these ashes be held by Gaia and transform into new roots of abundance.” 

Now sleep with the new money story folded up under your pillow for 8 nights.

Each night, before resting your head on the pillow, re-read your new money story. If you feel called to make changes to your story, or add on, you may do so. 

On the morning after the eighth night, tear up and bury your new abundance story in the grass or garden with another coin of the same value as before.

When you bury your new money story, repeat the following three times:

“I plant my new money story in the earth's rich soil. A seed of limitless abundance is planted here and will flourish in me forever.” 

[13:21] During the week of repeating your new money story, and sleeping with it under your pillow, you may have dreams, thoughts, ideas, and/or visions for actions of abundance. do NOT ignore these!

Write them down and take inspired action!

Part Two of Three: Action Episode #74

Part Three of Three: Awareness Episode #75

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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BONUS: Diet Culture & Disordered Eating

BONUS: Diet Culture & Disordered Eating with Francesca Rose

Going deep through the layers of eating disorders, supporting loved ones, and finding the way back to self love. One of the most powerful conversations yet...

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[1:42] Meet Francesca:
Francesca Annenberg of Francesca Eats Roses is an author, blogger, vegan chef and yoga teacher – and aspiring ED counselor. She has been in recovery from an eating disorder for the last 12 years and she shares her journey and insights on her Instagram page, @francescaeatsroses. She is the author of the ebook, Eat With The Moon, a guide and recipe book on how to naturally balance female hormones, which has received over 69 000 downloads.

[2:42] Francesca and I met at a festival in Guatemala!

PART ONE: Francesca's Story

[3:32] 1. I’ve loved meeting you and getting to know you. Could you tell the listeners and I a bit more about your story? Specifically your inspiring strength from battling with eating disorders, hormone imbalances, and coming back to self love. 

Francesca grew up with an interest in food and wellness and movement. She was involved in ballet, sports, and horseback riding. From a very young age she felt that wellness and healthy eating was worked into her identity. Always one of the smaller students in the class, she identified as “small,” also a late bloomer. 

She is often very shy, and describes it as a defence mechanism of afraid to be wrong, and not perfect. There was a strong drive to succeed in school and in the ballet culture, without feeling rejected or embarrassing herself. 

Her eating disorder developed as “the most obvious coping mechanism for” herself. It was something she felt she learned and developed as a way to cope in the world. She felt it helped her maintain her “small person” identity and also to reject her tough feelings that she didn't want to engage in. It allowed her to be numb to the bad feelings, but also to the good feelings as well.

After finishing school things got pretty bad, and she entered an eating disorder clinic for eating disorder treatments. At the time she didn't want to be there and she didn't believe she needed help.Bus she says that the clinic was something that “really kicked me in the right direction.” Since then it's been a long and interesting journey.

Another big part is when she decided to go off the contraceptive pill. After thinking about going off the pill, she decided to stop (cold turkey), while travelling in Spain at a yoga retreat. She doesn't recommend this method of going off the pill, however it was a very big step in her recovery. Travelling also helps Francesca shake things up and to shed some shit.

[11:50] #2. How were you able to overcome some of those big challenges? What was the turning point into your recovery? 

The clinic, and the people who were there was an interesting thing for me to see 

The contraceptive pill was another. There was pressure from other people, and an internal and external journey of taking care of her health. 

A Podcast called Food Psych by Christy Harrison – it was the first time Francesca thought about intuitive eating and many other parts of the diet culture that has helped her more recently. 

For recovery to be completely sustainable and long-lasting, it has to come from within. But also considering the pain she put her parents and her friends through. 

The eating disorder can be a very selfish thing, and a very “me-focused” thing, and brooding her perspective allowed her to see the concern for her loved-ones

[15:18] #3. How do you think your journey has shaped who you are today?

“If it wasn't for the struggles and this pain, I wouldn't have gotten into deeper self-awareness and self-discovery…

At a point the eating disorder served to protect me, but now it's time to let this go…

It's given me more depth; without the darkness, there's no light…

So in a way it's given me more clarity and direction, and connected me with so many people. It's shaped me in many ways, but it's also not me.

[18:28] #4. What are some practical and/or holistic practices or tools one can use for support in their healing journey when struggling with disordered eating?  

Therapy; group therapy
Dieticians (or someone who can provide customized meal plans); someone to guide you through intuitive eating
Play; art; dance; allow the inter child to come out; creativity; get into flow states of having fun
Yoga; exercise (being careful of which type of yoga and exercises you do)
Being in nature; going to the beach
Taking the pressure off the need to do anything specific; don't stress about checking off a goal
Journalling; meditation
Women's groups; women's circles
Working with people who have physical and mental disabilities
Setting boundaries from certain people in real life
Go on “challenge outings” 
Social outings; trying new things; go with a friend or mentor
Be in nature
Gratitude at every meal; thinking about how the earth grew the food, how it was prepared; acknowledge how the food will make you feel; pausing before each meal
Changing your routine
Looking at your exercise routine, are you doing it if you're enjoying it?

[27:28] #5. In the case where it isn't you who has the eating disorder, but a close friend or loved-one, how can we support their journey? 

Everyone is different, but some things to consider:

Focus on the weight
Make their healing your responsibility

Focus on internal qualities; what do you love about them from the inside out?
Invite them to connect with nature, and find ways to bring the joy back into their lives
Set boundaries; you can't make this person get better

PART TWO: Recognizing Diet Culture

[31:18] #6. There is a lot of external “stuff” influencing women, and Diet Culture is one of them. What is diet culture exactly?

“Like with any culture, there's a set of beliefs that govern the culture and beliefs that govern the culture and orientation, and diet culture is no different. It is a set of beliefs that we may or may not be aware of. It governs to how we relate to our bodies and to each other… 

Diet culture is everywhere. In some ways it's subtle and in some ways it's very loud and pronounced.” 

Thin Privilege and the underlying messages that diet culture suggests

[38:29] #7. It's clear to see why diet culture can be dangerous and lead to disordered eating, so how can we resist diet culture? 

Educate yourself, and change the conversation, create boundaries, etc.

PART THREE: Solutions & Next Steps

[40:20] #8. I personally have not had an eating disorder, but I have experienced an eating disorder. Something that I have been practicing for the last couple of years is Intuitive Eating. Could you speak on this? What is it, and how does it work? 

“Intuitive eating is listening to internal cues rather than external rules.”
– Evelyn Tribole, original Intuitive Eating Pro and creator of the H.A.E.S. (Health At Every Size) Model 

It's a practice, and with practice it gets easier; you'll become stronger and more empowered every time.

[41:53] #9. Francesca, I've got to be honest with you, I LOVE food! And I was drooling over your Instagram and website! Tell us all about your vegan meals/recipes, your ebooks, and where we can get them! 

Instagram: @francescaeatsroses


Ebook: Eat with the Moon

PART FOUR: Rapid Fire Round

[46:08] 1. What are you currently reading? Or favourite book? 

Women Who Run with the Wolves [Buy it Here!

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown [Buy it Here!

A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson [Buy it Here!]

[47:18] 2. What do you love most about being a woman?

I love that I'm a woman and can connect with women. Being able to dance intuitively in this round-circular way. I love the polarity of my inner child and my inner mother. The playfulness and the nurturing and being able to feel and share them both at the same time. All the different female archetypes that we can play with. I love the softness, and compassion that emanates form women very naturally. Being able to create. 

[48:29] 3. What does “Empowerment” mean to you? 

To be empowered is to have the privilege to be my most authentic self. Doing what I love without fear, judgement, doubt, or shame. When I'm aligned and clear and not only inspired but also inspiring others.

[49:25] 4. What are you currently working toward? 

Currently working on myself. Working on myself and a more aligned version of myself. Lots of exciting physical projects that are happening? May happen? Will happen? But really the focus is working on myself. Shedding the layers that are holding me back. Working on being able to give and receive love more openly. I'm also working on my communication skills. Being able to voice when I'm not feelings safe, voice when something doesn't feel right to me, voice when I'm upset. Working on being more open and vulnerable around others. Working on accepting my body. It doesn't necessarily have to be body love all the time but just kind of acceptance. Working on softening and surrendering. working on accepting my desires and pursuing them without shame. Showing up authentically as much as possible. So it's a lot of work.”


Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E70: Q&A: Solo Female Travel

E70: Q&A: Solo Female Travel

I've done a lot of travelling, and most of it has been on my own. Here's what I've learned as a solo female traveller, plus some advice, sprinkled in from a few of the other solo female travellers I've met along the way...

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Episode #07: Mastering Transitions

[1:27] #1 Solo Travel Safety 101 

  1. Buy travel insurance

  2. Do some research

  3. Blend in [as best you can]

  4. Trust your gut

  5. Don't keep all your cash in one place

  6. Talk to the locals

  7. Social media is your friend

  8. Protect your valuables

  9. Some things are better left unsaid

  10. Enjoy your trip!

BONUS TIP: Book a tour or a retreat for your first solo adventure. Here is all the info for the Transformational Wellness Retreat I'm hosting in Panama this August.

Episode #52: Choosing the Right Wellness Retreat for You

[7:54] #2 How do I Plan/Prepare for the Trip? 

Pick the destination with intention

  • Recommended destinations for Solo Female Travel

Research in advance 

Let family & friends know you'll be okay 

Face your fears 

Tips for the planes, trains and automobiles 

Go out and meet yourself!

[13:15] #3 What Should I Pack for a Solo Trip? 

[14:42] #4 Where do I stay when I Travel Solo? 

[16:43] #5 How do you Meet People When You're Travelling by Yourself?

It’s important to be aware of yourself and your surroundings and feel safe, but don’t let it close you or avoiding getting to know new places/ people because that’s the best part (in my opinion) of solo traveling!
Don’t let the alone time scare you. Sooner or later you’ll find yourself alone. Maybe just for a day or two. remind yourself it’s temporary and learn how you can enjoy it

Hadass, Israel

Hmm key advice for solo female traveller is to make conversations with other travellers and locals (cashiers, servers, baristas, etc.) to get travel tips on the city you’re in!

Vivan, Hong Kong

[18:13] #6 Who Takes Your Pictures when You Travel Solo?

[18:56] #7 Where are the Best Destinations for Solo Female Travellers? 

Here's where I've been and recommend: 

  • Canada

  • USA

  • UK

  • Europe

  • Mexico

  • Belize

  • Guatemala

  • Nicaragua

  • Costa Rica

Other travellers have recommended: 

[19:31] #8 What if Something Goes Wrong?

[20:55] #9 Why Should I Travel Solo?

PLAN: try and plan ahead of time where you are going/ how long you will be there/types of activities/how much everything will cost (plans can change, but it will eliminate so much stress if you have a rough idea beforehand). Join Facebook groups for backpackers/travellers for your area (the best piece of advice I think). This is a great way to find out good things to do/not do and meet fellow travellers. If you are somewhat high maintenance (this gal lol) plan to stay put somewhere for a week during your travels so you can slow down and take it easy (I didn’t do this and I burnt out). Find a good essential list of things to bring (water bottle, minimum amount of clothes, etc.). Only have 1 backpack - try and avoid having something else to carry. I did and I regretted it.

Megan, Canada

Praemonitus, praemunitus`` - forewarned is forearmed. In other words, crack a fucking book. A little bit of knowledge goes a long way. The whole world (not just India, Thailand, Colombia, Mexico - insert alternative destination here) can be a dangerous place for a woman and knowing which places, areas, nightclubs to avoid will help keep you safe. The world can also be a dangerous place for humans. Learn what to eat and what not to eat, where to drink the water and when to get your jabs before you go. A lot of people leave the house with nothing but a passport and a plane ticket believing they can rely on their instincts. You can and you should trust your instincts BUT you are likely going somewhere completely new - new culture, new traditions, new people, new food, new cocktails (Mekong whiskey and Redbull buckets at a Full Moon Party anyone??). I personally believe that finding yourself is a myth - my travels have allowed me to meet myself unhindered by societal pressures or conformity or buildings that get in the way of sunsets. However if you are in unchartered territory, so are your instincts - which means that neither of you will likely have a clue what the fuck is going in half the time. This is part of the fun of travelling. Embrace it. Live it. Love it. But maybe bookmark a blog post or two or splash out on a Rough Guide or whatever before you get on that plane. Do you need a visa? Do you need to cover your head? Should you eat that? Not only could it literally keep you alive in a pinch - it will also allow you to give yourself permission to be daring along the way. Jump off that cliff, attend that festival, go to that party, meditate with that guru. And then tell the world about it. You could be the thing that gives the next woman permission to get out there and live her best life - which is really the greatest gift of all.

Michelle, Englan

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

E69: What 365 Days of Gratitude Taught Me

It wasn't my first attempt at a gratitude journal, but it was the first time I stuck with it! Here's what you need to know to start, and stick-with your own gratitude practice...

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[1:18] My Gratitude Practice: a short story

[3:00] Benefits of a Gratitude Journal 

Improves positive mindset
Builds focus on what really matters
Develops self-awareness
Lowers stress
Increases a sense of calmness
Gives support on tough days
Personal/sacred alone time + judgement-free
Evidence of personal growth
Deepens connection with others
Improves overall health and wellness

[6:15] Choosing the right method/approach for YOU

[6:44] For the Tech-Savvy 

I simply use the notes section on my phone! 

9 Gratitude Apps

[7:54] A Physical Journal/Book 

I have these three:

The Five Minute Journal

52 Lists of Happiness

Press Pause 

These also come recommended:

Start Where You Are

Gratitude: A Journal

There's also your OG option: 

A Blank Journal

The FREE Gratitude Practice Print Out is available with the yellow button on the side!

Maintaining a Gratitude Practice

Valerie's 4 Keys to Keeping Up with a Gratitude Journal

[9:25] #1. Keep it Simple

[10:16] #2. Get Specific 

Examples from my gratitude journal:

– Sunday Brunch with the family; connecting about our weeks over really yummy bacon and pancakes

– Grateful for my Boo; he's always encouraging me to go after my big dreams and motivates me when I'm feeling down 

– Game Night with friends; laughing so much my cheeks hurt, learning new games, quality time with my people

[10:54] #3. Tap into Feelings 


[11:31] #4. Don't Stress 

Schedule it into your calendar/planner  

[12:30] Ideas & Prompts for Kickstarting a Gratitude Practice

Who in my life am I especially grateful for and why?
What quality do I appreciate about my partner?
What positive quality do I admire about myself? 

What inspired me today?
What is one thing I appreciate about my health?
What is something I am better at today than I was yesterday?

What obstacle have I overcome that I am grateful for about myself?
What do I appreciate about my childhood?
What is something I'm glad I learned this week? 

A material object I love, and what I love about it:
A piece of clothing I appreciate:
Something I appreciate about my body:

[13:30] Remember to Celebrate!

Claim your FREE Gratitude Practice Print Out with the Yellow Button


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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E68: Taking the Big Leap out of Your Comfort Zone

E68: Taking the Big Leap out of Your Comfort Zone

It might be scary, but it is SO WORTH IT!

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[00:25] Happy Leap Year 2020!

[1:41] One of my favourite Personal Development BOOKS: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

[2:42] Here's what I mean when I say…

“The Big Leap” = Doing the work, and getting out of your comfort zone
“The Work” = Taking Inspired Action
“The Magic” = Transformation

[3:40] A story about my BIG LEAP!

[5:46] Get comfortable with being uncomfortable 

[6:20] Episode #11: The Dangers of Your Comfort Zone 

Listen to learn about the Four Main Dangers of staying in your comfort zone

[7:02] “But Val!! Taking the leap is scary! What if I fall?”

Response #1: So what if you fall? 

Response #2: What if you fly?!

[9:22] Feel the fear and do it anyway! There will be risks involved with any decision in life

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

[10:54] #1. What is the Dream/Desire? 

Discover your desired feeling 

[13:02] #2. What is holding us back from achieving the dream/desire? 

“Upper Limit Problem”
Limiting Belief/Fear 

Ask Questions:
What stories did we tell ourselves?
Who inside us was holding us back?
How did we act/react to moving closer to the goals?
Why? – Keep asking ‘why', 5 times if you need to! Peel back the layers

[14:37] #3. When have we felt the desired feeling before?

[17:14] #4. What can we do in the next 24 hours to experience this desired feeling? 

The Magic happens when we are in ACTION!
All the introspection + personal development would have been for nothing if we don't take action

[17:35] TAKE ACTION: Download the FREEBIES with the buttons below!!

[18:27] DECK: Wisdom of the Oracle

[19:40] CARD: Come to the Edge
Courage; Taking a leap of faith; Overcoming fear & accepting risks

[19:50] The Oracle's Message:
Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress. It’s okay to be afraid. Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated – to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith. Spirit is present, so let go of fear. You are called to express your true self. Listen to your heart and soul, not your head. Come to the edge and discover that you can fly. You must step into the unfamiliar so that you may find your miracles.

[20:30] Relationship Message:
It’s scary to be truly intimate with someone, to allow him or her to see all of you, especially parts that you have kept hidden and protected. Now is the time to take that risk and let yourself be seen – truly seen. It’s important that you speak up, voice what you need, state who you are, say what you hope for. This is not the time to play it safe, but to take a leap of faith. You will be glad you did. If you are seeking a relationship, the same applies. Take one step toward the gods and they will deliver what you truly desire.

[21:11] Prosperity Message:
If ever there was a time for you to take a leap of faith into the unknown, it is now. This is the perfect moment to take a big risk. The unknown is the only choice now, and if you come to the edge, you will discover treasure beyond your wildest dreams. Allow your courage to lead you in spite of your fears. You don’t need to know the exact form of what you’re going for. The essence is much more powerful, and Spirit has a way of delivering an even better version of prosperity than you could imagine. Take that step. The results will be amazing.

[21:55] Protection Message:
Fear is leading the way into places you don’t need to go. Most of what you fear at the moment is an illusion stemming from an old belief that isn’t even true. Now is the time for courage. You will not be lost at sea; you will not watch everyone else get what you want while you are left alone and unloved – oh, the drama of it all! False Evidence Appearing Real is hovering over you. The more you dwell on fear, the more real it will become. Ask yourself, WHO in me is afraid? Love that part of you. Ask, is this true and real right now? The answer, most likely, is no. Give yourself a hug. It’s okay to be scared. Courage must be summoned. In spite of your fear, even when you’re not feeling confident, Spirit will always catch you.


Download the FREE Fear Setting Worksheet + Compassionate Awareness Workbook

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E67: Communicating with Power

E67: Communicating with Power

We need to stop "kneecapping" our sentences! Using speech modifiers to intentionally soften what we say...

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[00:28] Stop Playing “Small”

Stop hiding behind fear, self-doubt, and insecurities

[00:50] Undermining Speech Habits 

a.k.a. “Kneecapping Your Sentences”
Modifiers that intentionally soften what we say

[1:38] “But what if people call me a bitch or tell me I'm bossy?”

The Most Common Undermining Speech Modifiers

[2:51] #1: HEDGES 

“just,” “actually,” “kind of,” and “almost”

[4:34] #2: APOLOGIZING 

“sorry, but…,” “a little bit,” “a few minutes”


“I'm not an expert, but…”
“I know you've been thinking about this for longer than I have…”
“I could be wrong, but…”
“I'm just thinking off the top of my head…”
“Does that make sense?”


Uptalking in a sing-songy tone
No pause between speech, only continuous talking
Substituting a question for a statement

[10:07] BOOK: Playing Big by Tara Morh

“But there was one other factor causing us to undermine ourselves with our words: the “double-bling” – the well-documented phenomenon that women are perceived as competent or likeable, but not both.”

“…Women need to do more than our male counterparts to come across as both warm and competent. We likely need to be more deliberate about continuously conveying warmth even as we are demonstrating our competence.”

[10:44] A Shift in Feminine Energy

Changing the Undermining Speech Habits

[11:37] #1: START WITH ONE 

Choose one habit to work with at a time


Ask a friend to help you, or join you in your journey
Share laughs, stories, situations, and progress with each other

[12:16] #3: RECORD YOURSELF 

Playback your voice/speech to see where you need to improve

[12:53] #4: DO YOU BOO

Love yourself, you are wonderful, beautiful, valuable, and need to be seen and heard by the world!

[13:35] The Throat Chakra 

Free Throat Chakra Meditation!
Episode #58: Speak Your Truth with the Throat Chakra

[14:23] Shine Bright Email Checklist

Click the yellow button below to download your copy!
Use the checklist BEFORE you hit send so you can eliminate, adjust, and edit any undermining modifiers in your emails!


Download the FREE Pre-Send Email Checklist

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention

E66: Elevate Your Life by Living with Intention

Like a surfer riding the ocean waves. The surfer doesn’t control the wave, but they master the art of riding the wave. We too must master the art of our emotions and our intentions in life...

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[00:49] Living with Intention

[2:00] Navigating through life's currents, waves, and storms 

The power to choose

Free will

The greater reward = inner freedom + self-mastery 

Adjusting our expectations

Assessing the situations 

[4:18] Being Present

Cultivating a mindfulness practice
Mindfulness is the path to being present

Benefits of a consistent/regular mindfulness practice: 

  • Improving our ability to make better decisions; responding rationally and confidently

  • Helps us live a more conscious and intentional life

  • Supports us in establishing healthy relationships and maintaining them, since we’re able to give people our full/undivided attention

[6:22] Activities that Support Mindfulness 


Personal Development Books
BOOK: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 



Slowing Down; Breathing 

Living with Less; Simplifying
Episode #61: I Didn't Buy Clothes for a Year

[9:25] Self Study 

It's a from of self care
Embrace your uniqueness
Learn what's most important to you

[10:55] Your Purpose as a Journey

Your goals are the destinations along the way
Stay out of the comparison game

Episode #42: Redefine Success in Life & Business
Episode #46: Unapologetically Write Your Own List

[11:48] Giving Your Life Meaning & Purpose

Download the journalling questions using the yellow button! 


Download the FREE Self-Discovery Journalling Questions

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E63: How to Fail + Make Happiness Your Compass

E63: How to Fail + Make Happiness Your Compass

Welcome to your Mindset Mastery mini training! Allow me to teach you how to fail and make happiness your compass! WOO WHOO!!

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[00:56] Mini Introduction to your host(ess): Valerie!

Follow me on instagram @vallavignelife

[1:28] Failure 

Key Questions:
What's your failure story?
How can we rewrite the script on what failure means to us?

Google's definition of failure:
The omission of expected or required action 

…Who set the expectations?

[1:49] Reframe Failure

There are three ways we can start to reframe failure that propel us forward in our life and in our business: 

1. Learning Opportunity
2. Skill Development
3. Falling Forward

[2:40] Learning Opportunity

You're growing when you're taking action out of your comfort zone

You're learning from the process and in the process

[3:25] Skill Development 

An expert at anything was once a beginner

Building blocks that will help you stand higher and be bigger than any problem

[4:23] Failing Forward 

 You fall when you try, you fail when you quit

You are ensuring failure by NOT following your dreams in the first place

[5:21] Key Questions: 

Learning Opportunity:
What have you learned form past “failure” processes and experiences?

Skill Development:
What skills have you been able to develop or improve because you took action outside of your comfort zone?

Falling Forward:
Turn your road blocks into building blocks! Stand higher to be bigger than fears/problems; and to see new opportunities!

[6:55] “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

[8:42] Your Compass 

a.k.a. Your Internal Guidance System (IGS)
The key to tapping into your IGS is grounding and trusting

[9:33] Understanding Your Internal Guidance System 


  • Sinking feeling in your gut

  • Heaviness in your chest

  • Tightening in your throat

  • Tension throughout your body


  • Lightness in your shoulders

  • Open heart and throat

  • Spaciousness throughout the body

  • Big smiles and feeling of calm

[10:37] Anxiousness & Excitement

Low vibes vs high vibes
The good news and the bad news

It takes 90 seconds for a feeling to move through your body, if the feelings don't move, you're likely stuck in a cycle and you need to question and reframe this [fear] story. Use the “Compassionate Awareness” workbook for support with this (available below!)

[13:20] “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs


[13:57] ACTIVITY!

Materials: sheet of paper, writing utensil 

Step 1: fold your paper into three equal parts

Step 2: in the first column, draw a picture of who you are today

Step 3: in the third column, draw a picture of the person you wish to be (6, 12, or 18 months from now)

Step 4: in the second column, draw a picture of what needs to happen for you to become this person

Step 5: look at the paper as a whole… what do you notice? What are the clues? 

Step 6: is there something that hasn't been said? (or drawn, or written down?)

[17:45] Next Steps + Take Action

The clues are your next steps
Get uncomfortable: The magic happens outside of your comfort zone
Which action (/clue) can you take in the next 24 hours?

[18:36] “Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” – Harry S Truman

FREE “Compassionate Awareness” Workbook, click the yellow button.


Download the FREE Compassionate Awareness Workbook

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Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E61: I Didn't Buy Clothes for an Entire Year!

E61: I Didn't Buy Clothes for an Entire Year!

“As consumers we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.” - Emma Watson

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[00:30] A little information about me and my health & wellness background 

Want to work with me 1:1? Contact Me Here

[1:13] Introducing my 1 year challenge!

I didn't buy clothes for an entire year
“Fast Fashion”
My eye-opening experience while travelling to poorer countries 

[4:39] The decision to make a change 

BOOK: The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store By Cait Flanders 

#1 Set the Rules
#2 Eliminate Temptations
#3 Look for Solutions/Alternatives
#4 Celebrate Milestones
#5 Remember Why I started

[7:40] The Environmental Impact of Fashion 

Wikipedia Article: Fashion is one of the major polluting industries in the world.

Main contributing factors: 

  • Overproduction of fashion items

  • Use of synthetic fibres

  • Agricultural pollution of fashion crops

[8:35] New York Times Article: “more than 60% of fabric fibres are now synthetics, derived from fossil fuels, so if an when our clothing ends up in a landfill (about 85% of textile waste in the US goes to landfills or is incinerated), it will note decay” 

BOOK: Fashionopolis The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes by Dana Thomas

2013 Rana Plaza Factory Collapse in Bangladesh [VIDEO above] 

Fashion Revolution's Transparency Index

[10:50] Sustainable Fashion

Addressing the whole system of fashion:

  • Types of textiles

  • Production practices

  • Social, ecological, and financial systems

[12:03] “Slow Fashion” 

[13:15] Conscious Consumerism 

Clothing Swapping
Clothing Donations
Familiarize yourself with Sustainable Fashion Organizations and Companies – a small organization that helps people make better-informed decisions based on solid research

List of Sustainable Fashion Organizations & Companies

[15:23] My biggest takeaways from the experiment

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E60: Q&A: Goal Setting

E60: Q&A: Goal Setting

Reaching your goals or creating your goals, this episode is all about achieving success! There's even a special freebie to help you write your SMARTER Goals today!

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Goal Setting From the Podcast + Blog Archive: 

Episode #37: 3 Ways to Make Sure Your Reach Your Goals

[2:50] 1. What is the difference between setting goals and setting intentions?

Intention = Why Power
Goal = “What” the specific result you're aiming for

[3:22] 2. Why is goal setting important and how can we find the purpose and “why” behind our goals?

Goal setting supports you in getting clear on your future
Challenges you to grow
Ask “why?” you want the goal until you find the core reason for wanting your goal

[4:24] 3. Do you believe that goal setting is for everyone?

Goal setting is similar for everyone, BUT you need to customize your Action Plan because goal achieving works differently for everyone

“The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything”

Time blocking + Scheduling 

[7:01] 4. What is your process for creating a successful goal?

S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goal Setting by Michael Hyatt
Download your SMARTER Goals Worksheet BELOW! (big yellow button)

Realistic… Change to Risky!
Time-Keyed Exciting

[11:10] 5. How do we create an action plan to achieve our goals?

It depends on your goal + how you complete tasks.

Essentially you want to create a roadmap of daily habits to help you get to your goal. The best way to do this is by reverse-engineering your goal; break it down into smaller “micro goals” and benchmark goals along the way.

[12:52] 6. How can we speed up the time it takes to achieve the goal?

a) Take MASSIVE Inspired Action!
b) Appreciate what you have right now, because it is enough!

[13:57] 7. How do you stay motivated to keep striving for your goals?

Come back to your why; your intention

Create incentives to stay inspired and motivated; celebrate the journey to reaching your goal! 

[14:48] 8. How often should we create new goals?

My recommendation is 2-4 big goals per year, spaced out

Also consider creating different goals for different life categories, i.e. personal, finance, work/career, relationships, health, etc.

[15:20] 9. Best advice for creating a successful goal? 

1) Create your S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goal

2) Customize Your [Daily] Action Plan 

3) Get Accountability + Support

4) Keep it Simple!

[17:18] 10. Do you have any book recommendations or resources for goal setting? 

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

FREE GIFT: S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals Worksheet, with the yellow button!


Download the FREE S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals Worksheet

Val LaVigne Life - SMARTER GOALS
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E59: Special Episode: Best of 2019!

E59: Special Episode: Best of 2019!

Happy Holidays! Welcome to a Special Episode of the Women's Empowerment Show: Best of 2019! We're counting down the top 5 episodes, answering time capsule questions, and celebrating a wonderful year together!...

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[1:05] A Toast with Festive Beverages! 

Festive Kombucha: Cranberry Spice

  • 64 oz finished, unflavoured kombucha

  • 1 1/2 c fresh cranberries

  • 6 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks, cracked

  • 1″ fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped

Place all ingredients in a large glass jar, cover with a lid and leave for 24-48 hours, “burping” the jar every 12 hours or so (open the lid and let the air out). 

Strain the kombucha, removing all the fruit, spices, and yeast build up. 

Serve at room temperature, or keep in the fridge and serve cold.

Peppermint Mocha

Combine all ingredients together in your favourite mug, stir and enjoy!

Christmas Chai Latte 

  • 6 cups your favourite mylk

  • 2-5 tbsp raw honey

  • 2 drops dōTERRA cinnamon bark essential oil

  • 1 drop dōTERRA clove essential oil

  • 1 drop dōTERRA ginger essential oil

Heat up mylk in a small pot. Whisk in the honey until blended. Carefully add in dōTERRA's CPTG essential oils. Serve immediately and enjoy!

[3:25] EPISODE COUNTDOWN #5: Episode 49 Raising Your Vibration with Essential Oils

BOOK: Emotions & Essentials Oils
Incorporating dōTERRA Essential Oils into daily lifestyle habits + rituals
Using the oils intuitively
FREE: High Vibe Essential Oil Guide here!

[8:14] EPISODE COUNTDOWN #4: Episode 44 This Judgement Detox will Blow Your Mind

Leave a review on Apple Podcasts HERE
DM me on Instagram @vallavignelife 

[12:43] EPISODE COUNTDOWN #3: Episode 46 Unapologetically Write Your Own List

My words for 2020: JOY + FREEDOM + STRONG + UNSTOPPABLE 

Nominate an Empowered Woman for the show! Scroll below to the contact form!

[17:40] EPISODE COUNTDOWN #2: Episode 48 What to do When Fear Shows Up

Get your free Compassionate Awareness Workbook here!


  1. What's the first thing you thought of this morning?

  2. What's the first thing on your to do list?

  3. What's something that you feel like should be on your to do list, but isn't?

  4. What song are you loving right now?

  5. What's your favourite essential oil?

  6. When you started the Women's Empowerment Show, did you think you'd be where you are today, one year later?

  7. What's the best advice you received this year?
    E57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review

  8. What's the biggest lesson you learned? 

  9. Where do you get your show and business ideas from?

  10. When is the best time for your creative process?

  11. Who do you get your inspiration from/who do you find inspiring? 

  12. Tell us about your current routines… 

  13. What 3 things should everyone have in their carry-on luggage? 

  14. What was the last thing that made you cry? 

  15. What do you want to be remembered for? 

  16. What's the best gift you've given, that doesn't cost money?

  17. What is a tradition you love, or started when you were a kid?

  18. What do you do to combat holiday stress + chaos?

  19. Favourite quote + why?

  20. Biggest highlight of 2019?

  21. What do you want to tell your future self, one year from now?

[39:45] EPISODE COUNTDOWN #1: Episode 39 Becoming the Best Version of You

This is one of my most favourite topics, and a lesson I'm always being reminded of!

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review

E57: Business Ritual: End of Year Review

Make next year even BETTER by completing one of the most important Business Rituals of the Year: your End of Year Review...

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[3:25] Part One: Create Sacred Space

[3:38] 1. Physical, Mental & Emotional Space

Clear the Space Diffuser Blend: 

3 drops Eucalyptus (oil of Wellness)
3 drops Grapefruit (oil of Honouring the Body)
2 drops Lemongrass (oil of Cleansing)
2 drops Lavender (oil of Communication & Calm)
2 drops Lemon (oil of Focus)
2 drops Rosemary (oil of Knowledge & Transition)

[7:13] 2. Set Your Intentions

[9:00] 3. Make it More Personal 

[9:48] Part Two: The Review

Elevate Your Energy with Essential Oils: place the following oils in a 5ml roller bottle and top with FCO (fractionated coconut oil). Use roller over low back and bottoms of feet: 

1 drop Basil (oil of Renewal)
2 drops Cardamom (oil of Objectivity)
5 drops Green Mandarin (oil of Pure Potential)

[10:40] 1. What was the Complete Collection of Work this Year?

[13:15] 2. How Did Each Part of my Collection of Work Perform this Year? 

Key questions to keep the data actionable: 

  • What were the most important things I made this year?

  • What products am I most proud of? How did these perform?

  • What were the most popular [episodes] I produced this year?

  • What do I enjoy making the most? How did these things perform?

  • Did any projects lead to new relationships, partnerships or opportunities?

  • What did I spend the most time making? Does that data reflect that this work was valuable and worthwhile?

[15:42] 3. More Data + Metrics: Revenue, Profit, Email Subscribers, etc. 

  • Total number of clients or customers

  • Annual revenue

  • Annual profit

  • Revenue growth rate, month-to-month

  • Total email subscribers

  • Email subscribers growth rate, month-to-month

Ask questions to help you process the data:

  • How many downloads did the podcast get this year? What was the monthly average? Were any months higher or lower than others? Why? Did monthly downloads grow throughout the year?

  • How much money did we make per month? Did the monthly revenue grow throughout the year? What is the average monthly revenue?

  • How many email subscribers did we get this year? Where did they come form? Were there specific pages on the site that performed best?

[18:50] 4. The Continuing Work

[19:55] 5. The Two Most Important Questions for Your End of Year Review 

  1. What went well?

  2. What didn't go well?

Other important questions to consider: 

  • Compare what we did this year vs what we intended to do. Did we overshoot our goals? How can we make better goals for next year?

  • Am I enjoying the work that I do?

  • Am I having fun running my business?

  • Am I finding personal fulfilment in serving my customers + clients?

  • Am I earning the money I need to sustain my lifestyle?

  • Am I working with an empowered team who make me and my business better?


[24:35] Part Three: The Plan

[25:05] 1. Setting Intentions 

Vision, Mission, Core Values

[26:25] 2. Your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA) 

Give meaningful + valuable content by answering the following questions about your ICA: 

  • Will this help them?

  • Is this this something they would understand as it is at this moment? What do they need to know before reading/seeing this?

  • Will they find this valuable?

[27:23] 3. Fast Forward Five Years 

Multiply the work we did this year by five, would we be satisfied with the outcome?

[32:48] 4. Your Next Year 

  1. What are the strategic priorities?

  2. How will we measure success for each of these priorities?

  3. What combination of projects and ongoing work will help us reach our goals?

Make Two Lists:

  1. Continuing Work List: what do we need to stop, keep, or start doing?

  2. Project List: Which projects make the most sense, are we capable of completing, and what needs to be completed before we take on a new project?

[39:35] 5. Choose a Starting Point 

Q1: January/February/March 

Write out the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for quarter one

[40:55] 6. Schedule Follow Up Reviews

Mini-reviews to keep you on track with your targets 

[42:15] Part Four: Closing the Ritual

[4:20] 1. Closing meditation/mindfulness practice

[44:00] 2. Come back to your Review after 24-48 hours away from it.

You've got this.


Download the FREE End of Year Review Cheat Sheet

Val LaVigne Life - Business Ritual Cheat Sheet
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E56: The Beginner's Guide to Manifesting

E56: The Beginner's Guide to Manifesting

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” - Albert Einstein

Five steps to getting exactly what you want!

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[00:31] What is Manifesting

[1:03] My Story: Manifesting My New SUV

[4:44] Clues & Signs from the Universe

[14:26] Step One: Observe Your Thoughts & Feelings 

  • Do I really want this deep down in my heart?

  • How will I benefit from having this?

  • When I think about having this, does it feel right?

  • How will having this be positive for me and others?

E46: Unapologetically Write Your Own List

[18:35] Step Two: Visualize What You Want… As if you Already Have It! 

  • What does it look like? Sound like? Taste like? Feel like? Smell like? 

  • What are your emotions and thoughts when you first receive it?

[21:24] Step Three: Clear Out the Blocks 

3 Common Blocks of Manifestation 

1. Limiting Mindset Beliefs 

Tips for Improving Manifesting Mindset: 

  • Practice mediation daily 

  • Keep a daily gratitude journal

2. Negative People

Tips for Improving Your Social Circle: 

  • Find groups with like-minded people to meet new friends

  • Listen to/watch empowering/positive podcasts, music, books, etc.

3. Inopportune Timing

[28:40] Step Four: Take INSPIRED Action

[31:22] Step Five a.k.a. Manifestation Booster: Appreciation 

[33:03] Desiree Mangandog's Manifestor's Blend
Place drops in a 5ml roller bottle. Top with FCO. Apply to the inside of the elbow creases, inside of forearms and back of neck. Apply twice daily for a month.

5 drops Cypress
3 drops Douglas Fir
3 drops Siberian Fir
2 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Myrrh
3 drops Geranium
3 drops Coriander
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Patchouli
1 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood
1 drop Ginger
2 drops Cedarwood


Download the FREE Habits to Amplify Your Manifestation

Val LaVigne Life - Manifesting Habits
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Mindset MasteryVal LaVigne
E55: How to Overcome Winter Blues + Embrace the Winter Season

E55: How to Overcome Winter Blues + Embrace the Winter Season

Winter may not be your favourite season, but let's make the most of it! Try these tips + click the big yellow button to download My Winter Bucket List!

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[2:50] What is SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? 

Solutions for Overcoming the Winter Blues

[4:10] dōTERRA Essential Oils 

“the oil of Self-Acceptance”
Diffuser Blend:
“Not so Sad” 2 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Grapefruit 

“the oil of Cheerfulness”
Diffuser Blend:
“Liquid Sunshine” 3 drops Cher, 3 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Peppermint

“the oil of Motivation”
Diffuser Blend:
“Shine Bright” 1 drop Motivate, 2 drops Siberian Fir, 2 drops Citrus Bliss

“the oil of Joy”
Diffuser Blend:
“Be Happy” 4 drops Elevation, 4 drops Citrus Bliss

“the oil of Inspiration and Finding Your Passion”
Diffuser Blend:
“Dream Big” 3 drops Passion, 3 drops Motivate

[9:10] Exercise 

[10:40] Get Outside 

“No such thing as bad weather, just bad gear!”

Easy Air aka Breathe by dōTERRA

[12:08] Daily Gratitude Practice 

Gratitude Journal
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Buddy
Social Accountability

[15:35] Wear Bright Colours 

[16:14] Surround Yourself with Positive People

Embracing the Winter Season

[17:16] Find a Winter Activity you love! 

  • Ski/snowboard

  • Ice skating

  • Snowshoeing

  • Tobogganing

  • Ice Hockey

  • Snowmobiling

  • Ice Fishing

  • Dog Sledding

[17:55] Go on a Winter Vacation

[18:35] Start a New Project

[19:25] Get Cozy

[19:42] Cook & Eat Winter Mood Foods 

  • Squash

  • Eggplant

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Turmeric

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Beets

  • Turnips

[20:16] Make a Book and Movie List

[20:35] Start a New Winter Tradition

[21:10] Friends or Family Game Night! 

Board games, puzzles, card games, etc.

[21:15] Love Your Skin 

My Favourite dōTERRA products:

  • Veráge Collection – my daily face ritual

  • Hydrating Body Mist – for every day body bliss

  • Detoxifying Mud Mask – usually do this once a week

  • Yarrow | Pom Body Renewal Serum – love this on my hands

  • Exfoliating Body Scrub – my favourite in the tub

[22:35] Relax in a Bubble Bath 

Muscle Recovery
5 drops Deep Blue
5 drops Aroma Touch

Stress Relief 
4 drops Balance
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Lemon

Sleep Well
2 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Serenity
2 drops Frankincense

Detox & Cleanse
3 drops Rosemary
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Juniper Berry

[23:45] Volunteer

[23:55] Play/Listen to Music


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Val LaVigne Life - Winter Bucket List 19/20
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E53: How to Build Your Confidence Toolkit

E53: How to Build Your Confidence Toolkit

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” - Mark Anthony

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[5:50] #1 Visualize Yourself as Who You Want to Be 

Episode #39: Becoming the Best Version of You

[6:52] #2 Dress the Part

[8:16] #3 Affirm Your Truth

[10:53] #4 Practice Self-Care 

Episode #16 10 Simple Self-Care Practices

[11:41] #5 Do Something that Scares You [Every Day!] 

Episode #11 The Dangers of Your Comfort Zone

[12:54] #6 Get to Know Yourself 

“Know yourself and you will win all battles.” – Sun Tzu

[14:49] #7 Meet Your Inner Critic 

Episode #48 What to do When Fear Shows Up

[15:58] #8 Create Healthy Boundaries 

Episode #34 Seven Things You Must Do When Creating Healthy Boundaries 

Episode #26 Protection Strategies for Empaths

[17:56] #9 Challenge Yourself for [at least] 30-Days 

Episode #29 Does Your Body Need a Cleanse?

[19:49] #10 Honour Your Core Values 

Episode #47 How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience

List of Core Values

[20:38] #11 Serve Others; Help Someone Else

[21:26] #12 Get Prepared 

Episode #14 Sunday Night Routine

[23:48] #13 Set Yourself Up to Win 

Episode #06 Morning Ritual

[24:34] #14 Shift to an Equality Mentality

[25:51] #15 Think & Act Positive

Episode #47 How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience

[26:34] #16 Connect with Your Tribe 

Episode #43 How to Attract Your Girl Gang

[27:42] #17 Work Your Gravitas

[29:20] #18 Speak Slowly & Clearly

[30:25] #19 Smile

[31:28] #20 Focus on Solutions 

Natural Solutions Series:

Episode #21 Nutrition & Exercise 

Episode #22 Rest & Stress Management 

Episode #23 Reduce Synthetic Exposure 

Episode #24 Informed Self Care

[32:35] #21 Complete a Task You've Been Procrastinating On 

Episode #45 Five Fall Health Tips

[33:06] #22 Learn Something New

[34:25] #23 Clear Your Space 

BOOK: The Life-Chaning Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

[35:15] #24 Use Your Essential Oils 

dōTERRA Single Oils:

  • Bergamot (Oil of Self-Acceptance)

  • Cassia (Oil of Self-Assurance)

  • Ginger (Oil of Empowerment)

  • Grapefruit (Oil of Honouring the Body)

  • Kumquat (Oil of Authentic Presence)

  • Spearmint (Oil of Confident Speech)

  • Star Anise (Oil of Soulful Femininity)

dōTERRA Oil Blends:

  • Beautiful (Oil of Self-Respect)

  • Smart & Sassy (Oil of Inner Beauty)

  • Whisper (Oil of Femininity)

  • Motivate (Oil of Encouragement)

Episode #47 Raising Your Vibration with Essential Oils 

Episode #35 The Easiest Ways to Use Your Essential Oils

[35:57] #25 Write Down Your Wins & Gratitudes 

Episode #28 Know Your Worth

Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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Mindset MasteryVal LaVigne
E48: What to do When Fear Shows Up

E48: What to do When Fear Shows Up

Fear doesn't let go, it needs to be met with understanding. Here's how we do that...

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[1:16] LISTEN/WATCH AGAIN: E47 How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience 

[2:24] Acknowledge the Fear

[3:05] Meet the Fear, Feel the Fear 

[7:53] Thank the Fear, Let the Fear Go 

Remove Mindset Blocks & Limiting Beliefs with the FREE “Compassionate Awareness” Workbook, click the yellow button below!

[9:30] Transform the Fear into Excitement 


Download the FREE Compassionate Awareness

Val LaVigne Life - Compassionate Awareness Workbook
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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E47: How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience

E47: How to Shift from Resistance to Resilience

Four key lessons I learned when things didn't go the way I planned...

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[00:27] The Energy of New Beginnings

[4:51] Seeing the Bigger Picture when Faced with Resistance

[5:18] Knowing Your Core Values & Prioritizing Them 

List of Core Values

[9:34] Give Yourself Permission

[13:52] Listen to the Whispers + Trust the Nudges

[16:42] Steve Jobs: “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somewhat connect in your future. You have to test in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the condense to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path; and that will make all the difference.”

[18:45] Learning Beyond Your Comfort Zone

[23:00] Define Your Resilience 

E46: Unapologetically Write Your Own List

[24:17] Free Gift: Empowering Questions to ask yourself!


Download the FREE Empowering Questions

Val LaVigne Life - Empowering Questions
Val Lavigne Life Women's Empowerment Podcast

Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!

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